

登 高 望 远

俗话说:“站得高,望得远。”是的, 进修,是“登高望远”的有效手段,能使心中的理想付诸实现。钱学森以他为中国航天事业所做出的伟大贡献感动了中国。在中国完成学业后,他怀着强大国家的理想,马不停蹄、毅然决然地赴美留学。他刻苦求学,博览群书,兼收并蓄,融会贯通,形成了自己扎实而系统的知识体系,攀上了世界科学的新高度,视野广博,目光远大,计划前瞻而新颖,工作踏实而高效,使中国的“两弹一星”及时而准确发射,让中国的航天事业始终处于世界领先水平。











德语2班 王小茜 201441502036

Should education be available to everyone?

In the analects Confucius said:"Everyone has the right to receive education,regardless of his status."This saying has influenced the world strongly.

The word "status"includes lots of things,such as background,age,intelligence and so on. But for Confucius,sex is the exception.He said:"only the women and base persons are difficult to deal with."And in fact,in the age of Confucius even in hundreds of years after that,the women were in most of the time in low status.But except that,Confucius practiced his idea.

Between his students,there were many differences.Yanhui was poor,while zigong was rich;Zilu was brave,while Ranyou was hesitate;And even Yanhui was the father of Yanlu.So we can see,although his students were of different backgrounds,most of them succeeded in their lives because of education.But can we conclude that education should be available to everyone as a result?

Education is not the only way to achieve your dream,but the best way.Confucius offered his students the best way to their dreams,but the main reason why they succeeded was that they had firm dreams.

However,there are some some people having no dreams or able to to succeed without education.In this way,education may be a waste of time for those people.

Besides,our education resources are quite limited,so we couldn't guarantee that everyone receive good and same education.In my opinion,this saying is meaningful,but not practical.we should use the limited education resources to benefit those who really in need of it ,instead of wasting it in the name of equality.
