
北京服装学院 服装英语广告翻译研究论文 题 目服装广告翻译方法研究 学 号 201013060109 姓 名 苏旭 系 别 外语系 专业班级 10601 指导教师 肖海燕 20xx年 2月 23日 目 录 摘

要 .........................................................................................

.......... 1 一功能翻译理论与广告的翻

译 .......................................................... 2 二服装广告语的翻译方

法 .................................................................. 2 一直译

法 .........................................................................................

2 二意译

法 .........................................................................................

3 三变通

法 .........................................................................................

3 四弥补

法 ......................................................................................... 3 三服装广告语的修辞特点 .................................................................. 3 一Figures of Speech 比喻 ............................................................. 3 二Personification 拟人 .................................................................. 4 三Repetition 反复 ...........................................................................

5 四 Parody 仿

拟 .................................................................................. 5 五

Rhymes 押韵 .............................................................................. 5

六Hyperbole 夸张 ......................................................................... 6


语 .........................................................................................

............ 7 参考文献引

用 ................................................................................. 8 1 摘 要 广告作为传播的一种工具它有很强的目的性。而在用词句式修辞等形式方面具有其特有的一些标志与特点。而在翻译的时候我们要在广告有句式与语义方面尤其注意翻译方法广告语或者在句子形式上很有特点或者在句义表达方面很有特点。我搜集了50个知名服饰品牌的广告语。这篇论文将以这50个知名服饰品牌的广告语为例简略地阐述一下服饰广告语的部分翻译方法。 关键词广告语传播特点服饰品牌翻译方法 2 美国广告协会American Association of Advertising Agency对广告的定义是广告是可贵的大众传播其最终目的是传递情报改变人们对于广告商品的态度诱发其行动而使广告主得到利益。 一功能翻译理论与广告的翻译 英语广告语言具有特定的内涵和外延其遣词造句别具一格匠心独运具有很强的应用性。因而广告英语翻译不应是普通意义上的忠实与对等应以实现译文的“功能”和“目的”为中心。这里我们要引出一种对广告与翻译很有指导作用的翻译理论——功能翻译理论。功能派翻译理论。其创始人是赖斯K.Reiss。功能翻译理论强调修辞形式等同和功能等值的一致性修辞是手段是形式功能是修辞产生的结果或达到的目的是内容的总和。就广告而言现代快节奏的生活使广告的瞬间功能显得尤为重要。若想在短短的几秒内抓住消费者的视线就必须用最少的言语传递出最多的信息既通俗易懂新颖独特又能惜墨如金言简意赅。可以说一个能迅速吸引潜在消费者注意力的广告标语是广告成功的基石而一则成功的广告又是品牌产品赢得国际市场的关键之一。由于英汉两种语言和文化的巨大差异很多词汇所包含的褒贬、内涵外延、情感联想与原文会有很大的不同。在此情形之下就应以功能翻译理论为基础灵活采用多种翻译方法以最精炼的语言表达出广告中最重要的信息体现整篇广告的创意并且要极具鼓动性、诱导性激发购买欲。在修辞方面运用修辞手法是写出新颖奇妙广告标语的一种有效方式。为了给受众留下深刻的印象取得事半功倍的效果。 二服装广告语的翻译方法 一直译法对可译的辞格尽可能直译即保留原文句子结构和修辞努力再现其形式、内容和风格。 在功能等值的原则下语码的语义意义能产生等值的语境效果时应“直说还它直说比喻还它比喻在

消除语言上的差异的同时保留了言语上的差异。即用符合译语规范和习惯和对等语再现原文的全部意义。 在我搜集的50个服饰广告语中有31个广告语用的是直译翻译方法。 3 二意译法对难译的辞格尽可能加工使人们更容易理解并记住。如果采用直译法读者无法接受这时只好牺牲原文的某些文化特色结合上下文进行意译以保持原作内容的完整性。 在我搜集的50个服饰广告语中有11个广告语用的是意译翻译方法。 三变通法由于语言和文化的差异同样的比喻形象在不同国家人民的心中可能会有不同的联想。翻译时应采用译文语言中与原文意境相似实现与原文的功能对等。 在我搜集的50个服饰广告语中有2个广告语用的是变通翻译方法。 四弥补法对不能译的辞格尽可能补救。属此范围的一般是在文字、字音、词汇、词的结构、词的缩减、词义更换、字的排列等方面做文章的辞格如头韵、联边、回文、镶字、仿词等。对原文中无法传达到译文中去的这类修辞特点可采用不同策略对那些内容重要非译不可的可通过换格、加重语气、加上脚注等办法补救对那些与原作思想力度和情节发展无重大关系的修辞格干脆不译只做简短说明让不懂原文的人领悟到原文修辞的妙处。 在我搜集的50个服饰广告语中有8个广告语用的是弥补翻译方法。 在功能翻译理论中翻译方法还有很多种。本文只是根据搜索的50个服饰广告语进行了小范围的归总。而且因为变通法弥补法与意译法的本质是共同的它们只是又进行了细化的区分所以也可以把变通法弥补法归为意译法。 三服装广告语的修辞特点 修辞于服饰广告语就像衣服于人耀眼夺目令人印象深刻首先是通过一身华丽的外表来获得人们第一感官的青睐。而当我们对服饰广告语进行翻译的时候不同形式的广告语有不同的翻译方法。我们来列举几个例子看一看。 一Figures of Speech 比喻 比喻是广告英语中常见的主要修辞格之一包括明喻simile和隐喻metaphor。比喻可以化抽象为形象化陌生为熟悉化平淡为生动。 翻译方法直译法 4 Featherwaterlight as a feather. Featherwater眼镜. 这句英语广告语的明喻simile在汉语中存在内容和形式上的对等体。可直接翻译为Featherwater眼镜轻如鸿毛。 翻译方法弥补法 What’s on your arm should be as beautiful as who’s on it. 明喻西铁城手表. 好马配好鞍靓表衬俊男。对偶广告原文使用了比喻修辞手法非常形象、生动。译者以功能翻译理论为指导思想采用灵活的翻译手法将比喻转换成对偶并且套用了汉语的俗语使产品优美的形象一下凸现于消费者的脑海中燃起他们追求美的欲望。如果将此广告语直译为“戴在您手腕上的东西应该和您手臂挽着的人儿一样美丽”译文与原文的形式和内容相符遵从了传统的形式对等翻译原则但语言不够简洁、紧凑缺乏感召力其广告效果肯定逊色很多。 二Personification 拟人 翻译方法直译法 Unlike me my Rolex never needs a rest. Rolex手表广告。这句英语广告语中 Rolex手表拟人化了人需要休息手表却不需要休息。大多数拟人句子可以直译成汉语“拟人”修辞格。可直译为和我不同我的劳力士从不需要休息。 翻译方法变通法 VANS off the wall. 这句服饰广告语将vans这个品牌拟人化腾空而起这句广告语可用变通法翻译 VANS off the wall. vans狂放不羁vans.翻译这句广告语直译或者意译都不太可行。如果保留原意一定和“vans脱离墙面”有关。但它译为vans放荡不羁。这里我们要提出第三个翻译方法就是变通法。这条广告语翻译的难点在于品牌的文化与背景。Vans起初是个美国的鞋业品牌它在发展的过程当中主要是给当时美国街头滑板的人制作更舒服更结实的滑板鞋。而这里的”off the wall”就是指当滑板者踩着滑板腾空而起时的状 5 态。后来vans便将这句话与作为标志运用到品牌当中。而在翻译的时候是将这句广告语所体现的品牌宗旨整体翻译出来与原文意境对等。 三Repetition 反复 反复是通过在文章中重复使用某一语句或词语加强语势增强语言节奏感达到抒发感情营造气氛的目的。重复这种修辞手法在广告英语中使用的频率较其他文体高。 翻译方法直译法 I am what I am. 锐步。原句中“ I am“ 属同义反复应直接译成反复修辞格。可译为我就是我。 四 Parody 仿拟 这种修辞格故意用来模仿某一著名的诗歌、文章、段落或某一名言、警句、谚语、格言等改动其中部分词语以表大一种新的思想内容从而获得打动人心的效果。 翻译方法直译法 Go with the flow. 服装这句服饰广告语套用了美国作家玛格丽泰.密西尔的传世之作Gone With the Wind.飘 。可直译为紧随潮流。 五Rhymes 押韵 广告英语中广告制作人常常会使用押韵分为头韵Alliteration和End-rhyme使广告词富有节奏感读起来铿锵有力琅琅上口易于记忆刺激其购买欲望。 翻译方法直译法 Discover you potentialDesign your future锐步Reebok 这句广告语压着”design”的头韵Alliteration以相同的语言格式加强了广告语的节奏感这句广告语运用直接翻法译为发现你的潜力设计你的未来。 翻译方法弥补法 Enjoy sports enjoy life Diadora迪亚多纳. 首先这句广告语压着”enjoy”的头韵Alliteration同样

是以相同的语言格式加强广告语的节奏感。同时翻译的时候运用弥补法将整句广告语在汉字的字音和缩减上进一 6 步加工使整句广告语更加容易被记住。同时也更加突出了其表达意思。它翻译为押韵的格式就是乐动乐活 六Hyperbole 夸张 夸张就是运用丰富的想象力将原有的事物故意进行夸大和缩小来突出事物的本质特征从而起到突出主题渲染气氛的效果。 翻译方法直译法夸张一般都采用直译 World without strangers. 佐丹奴 这句广告语本身运用了夸张的修辞手法用直译法直接翻译成没有陌生人的世界 7 结束语 英文广告语的翻译方法还有很多翻译起来也很灵活。在这里我只是根据自己所搜集的一些服饰英语资料进行了部分简略地分析。在翻译的时候可以以功能翻译理论为指导突出广告的目的性和修辞的翻译。还是要以每一句广告语不同的情况具体分析具体翻译。运用不同的翻译方法活学活用地将每一句广告语以最合适最准确的意思表达出来。 8 参考文献引用 1《科技英语修辞》1998 2 冯世刚《翻译通讯》19822 3 吴洁 从功能翻译理论的视角欣赏广告翻译 通化师范学院学报 20109 4 杨英明 论功能翻译理论 中国翻译




Cultural Differences in English-Chinese Advertisement TranslationAbstractAs the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. This paper tries to approach the translation of the trademarks of import and export commodities from the angle of the cultural differences,thus promote the development of Chinese economy. This paper discusses some issues about English-Chinese advertisement translation, and sums up some skills. Instead of being limited in faithfulness, English-Chinese advertisement translation should focus on the purpose of selling products. In the process of translating advertisements, cultural differences and product characteristics should be taken into consideration. Cultural differences can show that it is very important to know the western consumer’s aesthetic conception and their response to the translated trademarks.Key Wordscultural differences; advertisement translation; cross-cultural communication; trademarks translation摘 要本文从东西方文化差异的角度,探讨我国英汉广告的翻译。本文旨在提高涉外广告的翻译质量和译文的宣传效果,从而更加有效地推动中国经济的发展。文章讨论了英汉广告翻译中应注意的几个问题,总结了广告翻译的规律和技巧。提出了英汉广告翻译不应拘泥于忠实,而应服务于产品销售。在英汉广告翻译的过程中,必须重视东西方的文化差异,必须考虑国外消费者的文化习惯和审美心理,考虑他们对所译商品广告的反应,注意文化之间的转换并与产品特点紧密结合。关键词文化差异;广告翻译;跨文化交际;商标翻译IntroductionIn modern times, with the commercialization of society, the role of advertisement becomes more and more important in every-day life. We live in a world of advertisement. With the deepening of economic internationalization, advertisement as sales stimulus plays a crucial role in delivering information. Therefore it appears to be more important to understand, appreciate and translate advertisement language properly.English-Chinese advertisement is a transnational and cross-cultural way to promote the sales of various commodities. In the practice of English-Chinese advertisement, translators play a decisive role in the using of appropriate advertisement language. Meanwhile, the style of English-Chinese advertisement is different from other texts and emphasis on cross-cultural feature, so the translation of them requires the application of suitable translation strategies.The intensification of English-Chinese exchanges and severe competition creates a growing need for advertisement and thus for advertisement translation. Advertisement translation is getting more and more important, and its role in English-Chinese marketing is indispensable. It is the ultimate purpose of all commercial advertisements to pe

rsuade the target audience or potential consumers into buying a product.The English advertisement is a lively and distinctive field. What are the features of English ads at a linguistic dimension and how to translate them well into Chinese? All this is given a careful discussion and a detailed study in this paper.I. A Brief Introduction to English-Chinese AdvertisementWe live in a world of advertisement. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of product or service information from various media including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. Advertisement becomes indispensable in the modern world.With the entry of China into WTO, lots of foreign products pour into Chinese market and compete with the home-made products. In addition, we need improve our external trade, and expand the foreign market too. Under such English-Chinese and economic circumstances, it is necessary for us to notice and investigate English advertisement.A. The Definition of AdvertisementWhat is advertisement therefore? There are so many kinds of sayings. One of the famous sayings like that “advertisement is a business of words”. According to the Definition Committee of American Marketing Association (FangWei, 1997, 20), advertisement is defined as follows: Advertisement is the not personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuade in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.Advertisement provides a valuable service to society and its members, because it defines the meaning and the role of products, services, and institutions for consumers. Advertisement also tell the consumer what a specific product, brand or service should do when it is used and thus help him or her to understand and evaluate experience with the products and services that he or she uses. On the other hand, by making people aware of products, service and ideas, advertisement promote sales and profits. Finally, advertisement is one of the major forces that are helping improve the standard of living around the world.B. The Origins of the Advertisement“Advertisement may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.” Stephen Butler Leacock, English-bore economist and humorist. And in the book of History of advertisement by Henry Sampson, he described the origins of ads: “...there is little doubt that the desire among tradesmen and merchants to make good their wares has had an existence almost as long as the customs of buying and selling, and it is but natural to suppose that advertisements in some shape or form have existed not only from time immemorial, but almost for all times.” Because the spoken language development is earlier than reads and writes, the earliest advertisement medium naturally was the pet phrase. Advertisement has been called “the voice of business”, for it annou

nces new products and describes new uses and improved features of familiar ones. It seeks to make people know the things they need and to make them want to buy these things, and it tells what products or services are on the market, and how they can be obtained.C. Basic Functions of AdvertisementGenerally, advertisement has the basic functions as followed:Information Function: the information should be real, concrete, simple and easy to understand, lets the consumer understand as soon as they look.Demand Creation Function: After the consumer understood the related commodity or the service information, it should instill into the brand-new desire to the consumer, make him to feel curious, to own the interest, to think one truly own the purchase needing. Get Action Function: The consumer is convinced accepted the thing which in the advertisement propagandizes, receives is must be urging him to adapt the motion ---- purchase.Goodwill Establishment Function: Above five kinds of functions cause the consumer finally to adapt the actual motion to purchase.II.The Characteristics of English-Chinese Advertisement TranslationA. The Characteristics of the English-Chinese Advertisement Languages English-Chinese advertisement translation is a commercial activity with preset purpose. In order to make the information accessible to audience effectively, the choice of words in advertisement is very cautious and skillful. The aim of the advertiser is quite specific. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of the English-Chinese advertisement languages.1. Rhetorical Characteristics: Frequent Use of Pun and AlliterationPun is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings which is called the same sound but different meanings which is called Homonymy. Pun, the game of words, will leave a deep impression on readers by its readability, and humor. However, to make a successful and impressive pun is not easy. Except for its own meaning, the word used as a pun is usually closely related to the characteristics of a certain product or the band name of the product. Here we present several classic pun used advertisement. For example:“Give your hair a touch of springAsk for more. (More is a famous band of cigarette) Give your business the sharp edge. (Sharp Corporation)…”Alliteration is the use of words that begin with the same sound in order to make a special communicative effective. Usually they are pleasing to ears because of the clever choice of the word by the advertiser. In addition, the repetition of the beginning sound emphasizes the meaning the advertisement wants to express. Let’s take a look at the examples.“…, everything you need for that big bargain basement special.…, and vitamin E to leave skin soft and smooth”Using of rhetoric can solve some problems and make the commodities known by the target consumers.2. Frequent Use of Emotive WordsA close scrutiny of recent advertiseme

nts suggests that the soft-sell technique is now popular. By soft-sell technique we mean the one that favors a more emotive and less directive approach to promote a product, mainly focusing on the building of brand image. As a result, emotive words, most of which are pleasant adjectives, are greatly encouraged to use.Data shows that the most frequently used adjectives are as follows:“New, good/better/best, fresh, free, delicious, sure, full, clean, wonderful, special, crisp, real, fine, great, safe, and rich.”These adjectives help to build a pleasant picture in readers’ minds and manage to create a belief in the potential consumer: If I buy this product or if I chose this service, I will lead a better life. In addition, comparatives and superlatives occur to highlight the advantage of a certain product or service. For example:Nothing comes closer to home. (Vegetable and Chicken Pasta Bake)Think Lysol is the best disinfecting spray. (Disinfecting Spray)The Compaq Armada family is lighter, with new rounded edges for easier packing. (Compaq)3. Frequent Use of Some verbsG..N.Leech, English linguist, lists 20 frequently used verbs in his English In Advertisement: Linguistic study of Advertisement In Great Britain. They are: make, get, give, have, see, buy, come, go, know, keep, look, need, love, feel, like, choose, take, start, taste. These verbs are frequent used in advertisements. You will often read such sentences in advertisement:“We’ll make this quick. (Hertz Car Return) All you need is a taste for adventure. (Millstone Coffee)You’ll love it even more with the 2.1megapixel C-2000 ZOOM. (Olympus Camera)”All these frequently used verbs are monosyllabic and most of them have Anglo-Saxon that is the common core of English vocabulary. It wishes to capture the attention of the members of a mass audience and by means of impressive words to persuade them to buy a product. As a result, a translator should learn about these differences, and try his best to eliminate the barriers. Then the target consumers can understand the ads’ meaning.B. The Principles of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation“Scopos Theory” holds that advertisement translation, essentially an intentional cross-cultural communication, should take the functions the target text is to achieve in the target culture as the primary reference, which is called Scopos rule by Vermeer. According to this theory, the paper proposes that the fulfillment of the intended functions of the target text should be the guiding principle in the translation of advertisements. The translation should base on an analysis of the stylistic features, reader’s response and target culture.Guided by “Scopos Theory” and based on the different characteristics of English and Chinese ads, the principle of advertisement translation is explored.When translating Chinese ads, translators should adhere to the following basic principles: natural and exact,

succinct and vivid, easy to read and remember.“Natural” refers to repeat the original slogan through using smooth expressions which the target consumers can accept. At least, readers will not have too much strange feeling.“Exact” refers to that the translated texts should pass on the original slogan precisely, or it will mislead the target consumers. So accuracy is life of advertisement translation.“Succinct” refers to transmit most information with least and tersest words. Translators can leave out some parts, which are non-informative ones and go against the expressing ways of the target language.“Vivid” refers to that translators should use all kinds of rhetoric and various sentence-types, in order to make the target slogan s imaginable, vivid.“Easy to read” refers to that the target slogans should be simple, brief, and easy to read.“Easy to remember” refers to that the target slogans can arouse abundant association in readers’ mind. At the same time, the target consumers will not forget after seeing it. Advertisement slogan, which is a form of cross-cultural communication, has distinct language features and styles. The quality of ads matters subsistence of enterprises. To embody the function of ads’ propagating, translators must form cross-cultural sense, and master translating skills of advertisement slogans. Finally, they should make the target slogans achieve the rule of “AIDMA”, which are: Attention, Interest, Desire, Memory, Action, and finish five assignments of ads effectively: Information, Persuasion, Maintenance of Demand, Creating Mass Market, and Quality. The translation should be faithfulness, attractiveness and acceptability.III.The Cultural DifferencesThe different states cultural differences in English-Chinese advertisement are not allowed to neglect major problem. The cultural difference creates the different thinking mode, the psychological characteristic; the value idea and so on can affect the understanding of the advertisement as well as the advertisement effect. So, the advertisement should change the focal point, angle and style of the advertisement according to the characteristics of different countries when being held to draft people, carry on the new intention to conceive in the way that the audiences can understand, can be accepted, can become interested it. While carrying on the English-Chinese advertisement translating, translators must pay special attention to the cultural differences. We must find one to suit and click in foreign culture and national culture. Cultural differences have an essential bearing upon translation. Even approximate equivalent and loan words have different implications and usages in English and Chinese. Most problems, however, concern the core of culture: ways of life, values (including ethical criteria, ideology, religion, and relevant terms of address and relations of kinship) and ways of thinking and writing, which v

ary greatly from Chinese to English. Typical examples in import-and-export-oriented advertisement translation are cited to show that how to avoid mistranslation, and in order to help us translate it better. The varieties of cultural make languages differences between nationalities quite complicated. It is necessary to make intercultural communication today when English-Chinese contacts are more and more frequent. We need not only to master the basic skill of languages, but also to understand cultural differences, of which impact on translation may be showed from the discussion of the differences of value criterions, religious beliefs, historical and traditional culture, customs and geographical locations.A. Differences in National Characteristics and Aesthetic AttitudeIt is the cross-cultural communication that the person from different cultures carries on the course of communication. Different nationalities have different historical background, national characteristic and customs. So, many translators are engaged in the personnel whose English-Chinese advertisement translates must understand and grasp the national cultural difference of this country and foreign country, try to make these differences disappear in the course of spreading and translating, find the accurate word in translating and entering languages at the same time, make the culture of foreign country reproduce in translating and entering languages. The language is a part of the culture, and the carriers of the culture which it plays an important role in culture. Translate the mutual conversion is not only two languages in language border, but also the transmission of two kinds of culture. Culture is a factor that can't be ignored in translating, just as Eugene, the famous translator of U.S.A. Endure and reach saying: “Want really outstanding doing translation well, grasp two kinds of even more important than to grasp two languages culture, because it is meaningful in particular culture that the word is only used.”B. Differences in Numbers As everyone knows, in the west, “13” is considered to be the unlucky figure, its reason relates to the fact that Jesus is betrayed by the 13th disciple Judas of his in the Holy Bible story. So, in the western countries, people usually avoid using this figure of “13”. In the traditional culture of China, the figure “ 13 ” does not have such cultural meaning, but the influence with western culture, this kind has contained but been accepted by compatriots recently. In the traditional culture of China, because “nine” with the “long” unisonance, “nine” is often used for expressing the meaning “for a long time”. So, there are “999” medicines in our country, nine in English does not have this kind of meaning. But don't export the goods which make the trade mark by “ 666 ” to Britain, because “666 ”symbolizes devils in “ the Holy Bible ”. “seven ”has positive meanings in American-Europe

an countries, so, the trade mark is translated into Chinese as Seven Up for the beverage of “ 7 - up ”, but not “ seven is had ”. “ seven ” in the minds of people of English country is equivalent to Chinese “eight ”. “Seven” is the figure of a good luck to national person of English, regard “ seven ” as the victory while throwing, the trade mark has Mild Seven, 7 - Eleven (chain store). In our country, “seven” is an ordinary figure. “Three rifles” brand underwear which Shanghai produced, it is leading brand products, translate into English Three Guns. And export the Three Guns brand underwear to Japan, Colombia and North African area, will be well received by consumer, because “three” show “positive” meaning in these countries.C. Differences in Regional Environments There are some different customs between China and west. For example, a translators translated a product “藕粉” into “Lotus Root Starch” and propagate them to foreigners, but few foreigners are willing to buy them. Although Chinese know they are once submitted to the emperor in the ancient time, foreigners don’t know it. Above all, eating much starch can get fat easily, and many foreigners are worried to get fat. Later, after the word “starch” is changed into the words “powder” or “pudding”, the number of buyer increases obviously.Another example, about the translation of “轻松减肥片”. At first, its translation was “Obesity-reducing Tablets”, Americans think it’s only suitable for the obese persons, so lots of fat persons who are not corpulent patients, aren’t willing to buy it, afraid of losing face. Actually, this medicine can not only treat corpulent sick, but also can reduce weight. In order to cater to interest of the western customers, the translator changed it into “Slimming Pills”, and sales volume was increasing rapidly.D. Differences in Colors, Signs and SymbolsThough the understanding of color of person of different culture has similarity, their feelings to the color are probably different, even completely contradict, its reason lies in geographical position, historical culture background that the country is in are different from folkways and customs. For example, have melancholy meaning in English country bluely, there is “blue Monday” (blue Monday) in U.S.A., Monday when mean and feel blue. Blue sky means in English that “there is not value”, so, translate the “blue sky” brand desk lamp into blue sky lamp, the desk lamp that it means “not to use”, how can such a desk lamp be sold out? In addition, Egyptians and Belgian depend on blue it is unlucky colors. It will seldom cause “melancholy or unlucky “association in the minds of Chinese that blue. Even so, the car of world-famous brand “Blue Bird” is not a car of “sad bird”, otherwise how could use Blue Bird as the trade mark of the car? Blue bird getting blue to chirp bird, cultural meaning its

“happy”, so English national people drive blue bird car of card, the cultural orientation in the heart is “happy”. But, Chinese who drive the blue bird brand car do not probably know in “good fortune”, and only feel that drives the embodiment that the famous-brand car of the world is a kind of identity and symbol of wealth. It is cruel and ferocious, unlucky that English country looks at “red”, mean bleeding red. Indicating that in China joyous red, Chinese are usually wearing red clothes to getting married. While engaging in trade, the businessman hopes for “the good beginning”. Americans do not generally like purple; Frenchmen do not like blackish green but show favoritism to blue. Thought that relate to disease green in Malaysia. Brazilians resent pale brown. Westerners depend on white it is a pure, beautiful symbol, but in china, it is not a lucky color. In western culture, people may link up with “lack experience” green, green in China to represent in spring, symbolize new vitality and hope.E. Differences in Psychological StructuresMost important function of ads is not promotion, but linking up advertisement businessmen with customers. So translators must know psychology structure of advertisement receivers, especially when translating public welfare ads. In China, some public welfare ads belong to imperative expression, and the tone is serious. This is according with Chinese psychology of “self-restraining”, “self-questioning” and “self-examination”. However, translators can’t translate them into English directly. Because westerners advocate taking adventure and overstepping, so translators must translate them with consoling tone. Otherwise, there will be a contrary result. For example: “friends don’t let friends drive drunk”. This ad persuades friends who are driving with kind and amiable tone. The effect of this way is better than with imperative tone.Chinese products are inclined to emphasize to win some prizes and honor, and to use advanced technology when produced, so the words “advanced”, “scientific” are often found. The effect is ideal. However, people aboard value function of products, not prizes and honor. They advocate return to nature, and they aren’t interested in the products of advanced technology. So translators can’t translate them directly, e.g. “拳头产品” (fist articles); “省优部优”(awarded the superior quality product by the provincial government and the ministry concerned). Foreigners will feel puzzled after they see the above translated texts. As a result, translators must take into consideration the cognition and psychology of other people, so that the target consumers can better understand the content of the ad.F. Differences in Sense of Cultural Values Many differences between Chinese and western culture are related to one basic difference, that’s the difference between individualist and collectivist cultures. In Chinese cu

lture, the spirit of self-sacrificing and collectivism is advocated. For example, Nestlé’s ad: 雀巢咖啡伴侣:默默奉献,为香浓加分!This ad emphasizes contribution spirit. However, in America, its corresponding ad is: “coffee’s perfect mate!” The meanings of the word “mate” are “male friend, fellow, worker or companion” in English. What is actually meant is that the relation between coffee and coffee mate is equal, and if they two cooperate, sweet-smelling and delicious coffee can be created. In this ad, if it is translated into English directly, I’m afraid it will not leave favorable impression. Because Americans hold that everyone is equal, and they advocate freedom and individualism. The terms “默默奉献” will make them have a relevance, that is: Lose one and follow blindly other people. This behavior isn’t advocated in American culture, and it runs counter to the spirits of humanitarianism and liberalism. From this example we can find that different culture decides different sense of value. So the contents and expressing ways of ads are also changed with different sense of value.IV.The Translating Skills of English-Chinese Advertisement TranslationAdvertisement language is concise, vivid, vigorous, and pregnant with meaning. Advertisement translation must express meaning exactly, not apply explanation in the dictionary mechanically. Therefore, translating ads can bring forth new ideas flexibly; above all, it must accord with the conditions of other countries, to make customers pleased to accept the information of the product. The target language must be equal to source language in semantics, social culture, style and pragmatics. The translation needs not only transmit the information of the original text faithfully and precisely, but also conform to the features of advertisement language. That will achieve the effect of source ads, and can gain ideal economic benefit.A. Literal TranslationTranslators can apply some words or expressions which are corresponding to the target language. That’s to say, on the basis of not going against expressing way of the target language and psychology of the target consumers, the target language should reserve the form of the source language, including metaphor, image and features of the nation, e.g. 典雅大方 (elegant and graceful), 汰渍到,污垢逃 (Tide’s in, dirt’s out), 安全可* (safe and stable). These translations not only have the language feature of Chinese ads----four characters, symmetry, but also not go against the custom of English ads.B. Liberal TranslationIn order to transmit the message of source ads more exactly, translators may make proper variation, adjust the structure, and translate it in the ways of explanations, complement, and corresponding replacement. For example, there is a kind of mobile phone whose trademark is “波导”. When introduced to other countries, it’s translated into “Bird”, which ma

kes people remember flexible and brisk birds; naturally, they will think this mobile phone must be convenient and speedy to use. Another example, “收费厕所” is translated into “toilet of collecting money”, foreign tourists feel obscure after seeing it, because “Collect Money” has the meaning of contribution in English. It should be translated into “Pay Toilet”, in order to attain equivalent pragmatics.Due to the cultural differences between China and other countries, literal translation isn’t suitable in many cases, even unable to translate literally. If those ads are translated literally reluctantly, neither express message of source ads exactly, nor reach the expected translation goal. Even it’s possible to end up with a blunder. Under these circumstances, liberal translation is able to have the effect of expressing message precisely.C. Translation of Parody Parody is to translate Chinese ads by applying inherent English models, on the basis of not destroying the source ads’ effect. If a translator can imitate ingeniously corresponding English syntax and structures, as well as expressing ways when translating ads, it can make the target language accord with the psychology of consumers, respect cultural tradition and language expressing ways of the receivers, and keep the image of products. Moreover, translators can imitate successful English ads and English verses, as well as English proverbs.百闻不如一尝. Tasting is believing.This translation imitates an English idiom: “Seeing is believing”. People in English-speaking countries must be familiar with this idiom, so applying this idiom can make them learn about this product well. Only changing a word, the effect is still similar to source ad.宁可食无肉,不可居无竹叶清。Better a dinner where there Zhu Yeqing sprit is, than a stalled ox and Zhu Yeqing without.This translation imitates an English proverb: “better a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred there with”. It replaces love with wine (Zhu Yeqing) ingeniously, which makes this translated text be rich in influence, meanwhile plays up the glamour and function of the wine (Zhu Yeqing).A cigarette’s advertisement slogan: To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. This slogan which imitates Shakespeare’s well-known phrase: “To be or not to be, that is a question”.These ads apply inherent English idioms, proverbs, verses, which the westerners are very familiar with. This kind of translation will make the target consumers feel kind, and advertisement slogans concise, comprehensive, and known to all. Above all, it conforms to psychology of the target consumers. This kind of translation not only transmits connotation of source ads, but also strengthens the ads’ influence. Meanwhile, it will be beneficial for cross-cultural communication. At present, English-Chinese ads emerge new trend: Global ads into Global ads. Translat

ors must pay attention to combining the native culture in their translation. The reason is, only if culture belongs to the nation, it belongs to the world.In regard to above three kinds of translations, I think that liberal translation and translation are often used in cross-cultural advertisement translation. The two ways can pass on cultural information. ConclusionDue to the rapid development of globalization, more and more domestic products need to enter the English-Chinese market. However, few foreigners master Chinese, they even hardly learn about profound Chinese culture. Above all, there are many differences which cause barriers in cross-cultural communication. This decides that if Chinese commodities want to enter the external market, excellent advertisement translation is important and necessary. So learning about cultures, especially the differences among different cultures, is prerequisite to successful English-Chinese marketing. To conclude, in the cross-cultural communication, Chinese advertisement translation must take into account the cognition, customs, cultural background of the target consumers. Translators should research consumer’s culture deeply. The target language and methods of ads must approach the cultural psychology and aesthetic standards of the target consumers. Of course, Chinese traditional culture must be kept and reflected in the translation.In a word, a good ad can draw people’s attention rapidly, while an excellent advertisement translation can make the domestic products capture English-Chinese market and win the target consumers’ interest more easily. Above all, it can promote the domestic products’ sales in foreign countries and gain the English-Chinese market’s share better. These are ultimate objectives of advertisement translation. We believe that, based on good quality and excellent advertisement translation, our domestic products will further strengthen the image of products and win more share in the English-Chinese market. Meanwhile, Chinese traditional culture and spirit are also publicized in the world. There will be more and more people who are going to learn about Chinese culture and like China.AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to thank my tutor—Chen Jianghong, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. She gave me kind encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing. Her encouragement and help is worthy of high acknowledgement. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.A special acknowledgement should be shown to Mr. Zhou, from whose lectures I benefited greatly. I am particularly indebted to Mr. Tan, who gave me kind encouragement and constructive suggestions all through my writing.I want to acknowledge the invaluable help of Mr. Tang, who has been my constant consultant in my writing this essay. If there are any err

ors, they are not his, but all mine.Finally, I wish to extend my thanks to the library assistants who supplied me with reference materials of great value. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.Bibliography[1] Boone and Kurtz. Contemporary Business. Chicago: The Dryden Press, 1990.[2] Edwin Gentzler. Contemporary translation theories. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.[3] Ernst-August Gutt. Translation and relevance: cognition and context. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.[4] Jin Xin. On Handling Linguistic and Cultural Peculiarities In Translating Advertisements .Guangdong:Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2001.[5] Nida,E. “Language Culture and Translation”, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993.[6] Tylor E B. The origins of culture. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1958.[7] 郭英珍.谈文化差异与汉英翻译[J].河南:河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2003.[8] 侯维瑞.英语语体学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1988.[9] 蒋磊.谈商业广告的翻译[J].北京:中国翻译,1994.[10] 刘法公.论广告词的汉英翻译原则[J].北京:外语与外语教学,1999.[11] 刘宓庆.文体与翻译[J].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998.[12] 潘绍中,赫迎红.谈谈汉英对译中的文化因素[J].北京:中国翻译,2004.[13] 秦秀白.文体学概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,1996.[14] 王子娟.广告语言与大众心理[J].上海:外国语,1995.[15] 章礼霞.从广告语的角度看中西方文化的差异与交融[J].北京:外语与外语教学,2000.[16] 郑仰南.从跨文化角度看翻译与文化差异[J].黑龙江:黑龙江教育学院学报,1999.
