

工商管理学院 市场营销一班

董昊林 20080620102


梅塞德斯公司旗下的全资子公司 Smart 出现在欧洲,成为当地最大胆的汽车公司。该公司是梅塞德斯公司和世界手表业巨头斯沃琪 (swatch) 公司创意合作的产物,字母 S 代表斯沃琪公司, M 代表梅塞德斯公司,而 art 是艺术的意思,在英语中 Smart 有灵敏、聪慧的意义。 Smart 公司大量开发生产轻便的四轮轿车,并开拓了全新的设计理念,生产了多种塑料材质的绚丽车身,让顾客可以像更换手机外壳那样随意变换车身颜色。这家公司还开创了网上销售汽车的先河,摆脱了以购车处为经销主体的传统经营方式,把车搬出玻璃展窗直接推向整个欧洲。


smart对环境的危害是很小的的,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒强调该车几乎所有的部件都由人造的东西组成。钢底盘为粉末涂层而非常规的油漆, 因此没有溶剂,没有有油漆污染,也没有废水流出。同时他是有标准件的产品,超过85%的东西可以循环再造。因此,smart是环保,经济,而且容易停车。第一次坐进smart的驾驶室,你仍然会对它的驾驶乐趣感到惊讶不已。很显然,在郊外它看上去更像一个吵闹的盒子,用它来做长途旅行是很容易令人疲惫的。它没有提供现代小汽车的令人轻松的驾驶乐趣以及只有很小的行李空间证明这确实是一台城市的汽车:用来代步或者购物的。不过,在电子控制作用下,该车的最高时速可达137公里(加强的钢铁硬度使它成为了小车级别中最安全的汽车之一),如果有需要,smart完全有能力长途旅行。





1. 地理因素:


2. 人口因素:





3. 心理因素:



当然,不可忽视的是smart拥有着高贵的奔驰血统,在追求外观的同时好不松懈对于安全制作,Smart 公司的设计者们专门研发了“精灵”的安全设备,使其成为该车最重要的特点:一个可见的大容量钢质安全蜂窝可以吸收由于碰撞带来的震动。如果美国底特律的设计师们让手下的庞然大物撞向轻量级的“精灵”,结果会如何?这是一个好主意,但此前 “精灵”已经与 E 系列的奔驰轿车进行过一场较量,那是一次不分级别的轿车碰撞测试:结果是那辆大型私家轿车被撞得变形,而“精灵”则弹跳到一边,没受多少伤害。在一个欧洲汽车评估测试中,“精灵”以 60 公里的时速撞向一堵墙,却丝毫没有改变驾驶室整体的形状。他们最终给“精灵”的抗撞击级别评为三星级——输于沃尔沃却强于福特——一辆比它重半吨多的汽车。



1. 廉价:

下面四张平面广告给予我们的信息是smart具有较低的价格,图一和图二最为直接的用€11.500的标价标明smart最新款汽车的价格,而图三图四一开始给人感觉是个纹身图案,或者喷绘,但是看到“don’t be sacred of running cost” (不要害怕越来越大的开销)可见smart的廉价诉求,而再细看图案忽然恍然大悟,原来是欧元与美元的变形形式,这两张涉及独具匠心,体现了广告设计者独特的设计思路。







图三 图四

2. 小巧性










3. 安全性

“Tougher than it looks”很好的概括了smart的安全性,在柔软的外表下是一个钢硬的股价,无论是图九中的棉花糖还是图十中的气球都是柔软脆弱的形象,但是广告中对其重新诠释,在外表下的钢结构骨架颠覆了大家对于其的看法,再次诠释了smart“Tougher than it looks”的安全理念





4. 环保性










1. Feel the new space. (Samsung) 感受新境界

2. Things go better with Coca Cola. 常饮可口可乐,万事可心可意。Or可乐更添妙趣。Or可乐——开万事兴。

3. Making life a little sweeter. ( Mars Milk Way) 玛斯巧克力,生活更甜蜜。

4. Think once. Think twice. Think bike. 左想想,右想想,还是自行车最理想。Or 三思而后行,自行车我看行。

5. ——直翻,不译,意译 这些单音节动词。

6. Fresh up with Seven-up. 打开七喜, 清爽自己。Or 君饮七喜,醒脑提神。

7. What a good time for a good taste of Kent! 健脾香烟,其味无穷,其乐也无穷。

8. Good to the last drop! 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

9. See new, hear new, feel new.耳目一新, 全新体验。Or 新视听,新感觉。Or 全方位, 新感受——尽在诺基亚。

10. ——模拟,生造词,意译,创译。

11. Easier crusting by a 除尘布) 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。

12. The Drink in the world! Come to our Fruit Juice. Give a 天美时。

13. Mosquito-repellent incense. Repelling mosquitoes in silence. 洁士灭蚊,默默无蚊。

14. ——练习

15. Buy a cardigan for your mother in the cold winter.(春晖羊毛衫) 寒冬春晖情,毛衣孝母亲。

16. Polaroid(拍立得) instant movies. Easy to make. Easy to show. Hard to believe. 拍立得,了不得,立拍即得,难以置信。Or 易于拍摄,便于分享,共享此刻,共享生活。

17. This word processor plays a tune of deep feeling whenever you are typing. (文字处理器) 输入千言万语,输出一片深情。

18. I’d rather live one moment with you than an eternity without you.(OREO) 奥利奥饼干,回味无穷,片刻拥有,回味永久。Or 不能没有你——奥利奥。

19. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it blossom at our branches. 钱不能长在树上,在我们“行”就能。Or世上本无摇钱树,我们来帮您致富。

20. You eat what you touch. (Lifebuoy Hand wash) 干干净净洗完手,健健康康我自有/留。Or 吃前洗洗手,细菌不入口。Or 所碰即所吃。

21. ——句型特点,多用简单句,省略句

22. Giving the unemployment a clean start.(招工广告) 给失业者一个全新的开始。(直译)

23. Take Toshiba, take the world. (东芝电子公司) 拥有东芝,拥有世界。

24. To be the best rather than the largest.(中国光大银行)不求最大,但求最好。(直译)

25. The world smiles with Reader’s Digest. 读者文摘给世界带来欢笑。

26. Coke adds life.可口可乐为您的生活增添乐趣。

27. Anytime.(快递) 随时随地,准备无误。

28. Every time a good time.秒秒钟欢聚欢笑。

29. ——多用祈使句,直译为祈使句,意译为四字一句,八句一对

30. Buy one pair. Get one free.(眼镜广告)

31. Let’s make things better.(飞利浦电子公司) 让我们做得更好。

32. Take time to indulge.(雀巢冰激凌) 尽情享受吧。

33. Use your heart. Free your mind.(Shiseido) 心之所至,豁然自在。

34. Look in today, get moving tomorrow.(出售房屋广告) 一眼相中,马上行动。

35. Just do it.

36. Start ahead. 美丽从心开始。

37. ——大量使用疑问句,保留句型,自问自答,或翻译为普通陈述句或疑问句

38. Do you have it today? (保健品) 今天你吃了没有?or XX, 为你的健康护驾导航。

39. The Seiko Ladies Quartz. Pretty, isn’t she? 精工牌女士石英表,潇洒漂亮,不是吗?

40. Why pay gasoline when wind is free?(风能动力)风能免费何必花钱买汽油?

41. ——偶用复合句与否定句,保留句型,反话正说,双重否定

42. Clean your breath while it cleans your teeth.(高露洁牙膏) 洁齿生香高露洁。

43. Impossible is noting.(Adidas) 没有不可能。Or 一切皆有可能。

44. The best, for less.(Mannings Store万宁) 上上之品,上上之算。

45. You’ll never have to hope for a better nail enamel ever again. 你不用期待更好的,我们是最好的。

46. Look again, colors that so long blend, so smooth, stay so true.

47. You won’t find a quicker, easier neater way to enhance your beauty.

48. ——多用并列结构少用主从结构 排比,四字词,八字句

49. Polaroid instant movies. Easy to make. Easy to show. Hard to believe.易拍易现,难得一见。

50. Deliciously simple. Simply delicious.(便捷快餐) 便捷美味,美味至极。

51. A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play. 一天一颗玛斯巧克力,保你工作休息娱乐随心意。

52. ——练习

53. It’s your life. It’s your store.( Acme 超市) 你的超市,你的家/贤内助。Or 属于你的生活,属于你的便利。

54. More than a time piece. An acquisition. (Piagit 手表广告) 掌时间,握机遇。

55. You will buy this special gift to your darling, don't you?(饰品) 不要再犹豫,让我表爱意。

56. When you are sipping Lipton, you are sipping something special.啜饮立顿茶,品尝独特味。Or浅尝一小口,持醇之感留在口。

57. Get much more for much less.(Bueno Aires Zoo) 小花费,大视界。

58. To laugh. To love. To understand each other.(《娱乐世界》广告)爱心,开心,相互交心。Or 传递欢笑传递爱,娱乐世界真精彩。

59. Stop in a store near you. Take a look. Go ahead compare. See for yourself. So step in and take a look. Visit an authorized IBM Personal Computer dealer. 停一停,看一下,比较下,寻找下。Or进去瞧瞧,大胆比较,用心寻找。Or 瞧一瞧,看一看,比一比,选一选,IBM最划算。

60. ——对偶,对仗 antithesis 语义传达忠实,字数相等,对偶,词性结构相似

61. 乐有趣,乐无穷。

62. 财务稳健,信守一生。

63. 汲取天地灵感,剪裁都市形象。(伤害时装集团广告)

64. 操天下头等事业,做人间顶上功夫。(某理发店广告)

65. 储蓄有利,利国利己利社会,存款方便,便你便我便人民。

66. 千百万户,户户皆是储户,七十二行,行行不离银行。

67. ——对偶中的直译

68. Once tasted, always loved. 一旦品尝,爱之众生。

69. Big thrills, small bills. 大刺激,小花费。

70. The choice is yours, the honor is ours.任君选择,深感荣幸。

71. No problem too large. No business too small. 没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。

72. ——对偶的意译

73. Your future, our promise. (国卫保险) 坚守诺言,携手向前。

74. Closer to your heart, closer to your needs.(东亚强基金) 明白你心,服务更称心。

75. Striving today for your tomorrows. (中银集团)为你未来,做好现在。

76. Prepare to want on. 众望所归,翘首以待。

77. The object of golf is not just to win. It is to play like a gentleman, and win.(Rolex) 以球技赢得的,是名衔,以修养赢尽的,是声望。

78. Solid partners. Flexible solutions. (华比富通银行) 实力为朋,灵活为方。

79. Nurture the young. Create the future. (香港憧群益会) 培育新一代,携手创未来。

80. We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty.(UPS快递) 殷勤有加,风雨不改。

81. There are some things money can’t buy for everything else there’s MasterCard. (万事达卡) 万事皆可达,唯有情无价。

82. Reaching your goals through investment. Planning today for future financial security. 投资有道,理想达到。Or 今日未雨绸缪,明日尽享悠游。

83. ——对比/对照 contract

84. A mighty Mini. (录音机)高能微型录音机。

85. All the taste—none of the waste.(咖啡) 口味纯正,绝无浪费。

86. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.(轩尼斯酒) 对我而言,过去平淡无奇,而未来,却是灿烂缤纷。

87. A business in millions, a profit in pennies. 百万生意,毫厘利润。

88. All new Mitsubishi has more power and economy, less weight and noise. (三菱汽车)三菱汽车功率打,价格低,车身轻,嗓音小。Or三菱新型,强大功率,实用经济,车身轻巧,嗓音寥寥。

89. Cancer is often curable. The fear of cancer is often fatal.癌症不可怕,勇敢面对它。Or癌症可治愈,坚强面对别恐惧。

90. ——排比parallelism 保留原句,直译——整合句型,意译——提取语义,创译

91. 诱人的貌,迷人的音,喜人的价,醉人的心。(红灯牌收音机)

92. One of the greatest pleasure in life is simply to be treated as an individual, to speak and be heard, to ask and be helped.(某宾馆广告)给您尊重,听您心声,有问必答,温馨如家。

93. Be easy, breezy, beauty. (COVERGIRL) 简单迷人,清新可人。Or 美丽动人,完美女人。(某化妆品牌)

94. Stars in sky. Fish in sea. Books in Amazon.(亚马逊网上书店) 书如繁星数不清,畅游其中乐不停。

95. If it is green, we reject it. If it is too ripe, we reject it. If it is bruised, we reject it. If it is dirty, we reject it. If it is diseased, we reject it. if

just right, we squash it.(the tomato ketchup for McDonalds)

96. ——韵律 rhyming

97. Health, humor and happiness Gifts we’d love to give.(《星期六晚报》)我们愿意赠予这样的礼物——健康,幽默和幸福。

98. One man’s disaster is another man’s delight. 一人开心,一人亏损。

99. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 甲之佳肴,乙之毒药。 100. Sweet, smart and sassy.(柑橘广告) 蜜美甜。Or 味道甜美,形象可爱,香气浓烈。

101. ——尾韵

102. Hasty. Tasty.(快餐店广告) 快捷美味。

103. Cooking without looking.(Minute Rice熟食米饭) 煮饭不需看。 104. A happy ending starts with a good beginning. (书店) 美好的结局始于良好的开端。

105. Performance, prestige, passion form innovation. (瑞士Breitling 表) 表现不俗,品味尊贵,激情四溢,那就是创新的百年灵表。 106. ——头尾韵

107. Straight talk. Smart deals.(东亚兴业有限公司) 直言实干,称心方案。

108. My Goodness! My Guinness! 太棒了,健力士啤酒。

109. Think ink! Make it clear. Make it Conon. (佳能墨盒广告)想想墨盒,唯有佳能,清晰标准。

110. ——练习

111. Good teeth. Good health.(高露洁牙膏) 牙齿好,身体就好。 112. Emotion of motion.( 三洋摄像机) 动感飘逸,热情四溢。 113. Cut. Color. Clarity and Carat Weight.(钻石广告)造型别致,色彩斑斓,晶莹剔透,质量保障。

114. You’d got a lot to live. Pepsi got a lot to give.(百事可乐) 品生活百味,享百事美味。

115. Marching shoulder to shoulder. Braving the challenges together.(香港特别行政区税务局) 并肩向前,迎接挑战。

116. ——仿拟 parody 取其意,舍其形

117. 万事具备,只欠东风。(东风汽车)

118. 清明时节雨纷纷,万物生霉欲断魂,借问妙方何处有,专家齐指防霉灵。(防霉灵)

119. 天下路万千,路路有航天。(航天汽车)East, west, Hangtian is the best.

120. Think before you act. Read before you think.(加拿大航空) 三思而后行,加航伴你行。

121. Not all cars are created equal.(三菱汽车) 三菱汽车,品质超卓。Or 昔有千里马,今有三菱车。

122. ——结构上的修辞:对偶,排比

123. ——语音上的修辞:押韵

124. ——语义上的修辞:对比,仿拟,比喻,拟人,双关,夸张。 125. ——语义——结构——语音——语义的修辞

126. ——比喻之一,明喻simile 保留喻意

127. Today, Sakura Bank is like a thriving sakura. 如今,樱花银行就如一棵茂盛的樱花树。

128. Cool as a mountain stream…cool fresh Consulate. (Consulate 牌香烟) 凉似高山溪流,爽似Consulate 香烟。

129. Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (衣服广告) 轻如风,柔如云。 130. ——比喻之二——暗喻 metaphor 保留比喻形式——舍其形,取其意——修辞转换——增加比喻

131. EBEL, the architects of time. (瑞士EBEL手表) EBEL 手表,时间的缔造者。

132. Pick an Ace form Toshiba. 东芝品牌,卓越超群。

133. Something with you in Dior.(Poison Dior百爱神香水) 迪奥存在您的内心深处。Or 无法抵挡的诱惑——迪奥。

134. America—A nation on the wheel. Gasoline Blood of America.(美国汽油联合国) 美国——轮子上的国家,汽油——美国的血液。 135. ——拟人 personification 对具体的拟人点直接保留或作解释 136. Whenever, it hurts, we’ll heal it.(皮包修理服务) 不管它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合。

137. Arthritis discriminates against women. (美国关节炎基金会公益广告) 关节炎歧视妇女。

138. Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. 和我不一样的是,我的劳力士从来不需要休息。Or 我的劳力士,和我不相似,从来不休


139. ——语音相关 homophonic pun 拆其意

140. Trust us, over 5000 ears of experience. (Hearing aid) ears—years. 相信我们吧,历经5000多只耳朵的体验,有着5000多年的经验。Or 历史悠久,质量上乘。

141. More sun and air for your son and heir(后代). (海滨浴场) sun—son air—heir 阳光充沛,空气清新,一切为了您的子孙。 Or 清新空气,明媚阳光,子承父业,欢乐吉祥。

142. Seven days without 7-up make one week. (七喜) week—weak 七天不喝七喜,就会浑身无力。

143. Have a nice trip, buy—buy.(Heathron机场免税店) buy-buy----bye-bye 快乐购买,快乐旅程。Or 开心购买,旅途愉快。

144. ——语义双关 (Homographic pun)

145. Give your hair a touch of spring. (发乳广告) spring: 弹力,弹性,旺盛,青春年少时期。 轻轻一喷,焕发青春。

146. A sound way to learn English.(An English teaching tape) sound: 声音,合理的,可靠的。 有声教英语,高效无人比。

147. Coke refreshes, you like no other can. (Coca Cola) can: v.能够,n.罐。 没有别的饮料能像可口可乐那样会让你精神焕发。Or 可乐添活力,他人不可及。

148. Try our sweet corn, you’ll smile form ear to ear. Ear:耳朵;穗。 尝


149. ——练习

150. Calm the mind. Excite the senses. Find renewal.(Westin Hotels and Resorts) 排比 心灵栖息之地,感官慰藉之处;不再心烦气躁;美景四处环绕;活力无限闪耀;维斯登,都说好。

151. Ride like a feather in your pocket. (BWM) 明喻 驾驶宝马,成就非凡。Or 轻盈如鸿,勇往前冲。

152. What moves you? (Airline) 语义双关 感动来自移动。Or 身动,心动。Or 平稳飞行,美景纷呈。

153. A room for five toes. (shoes) 比喻,暗喻 五趾之家。Or给您的双脚一个舒适的家。Or好鞋保健康,阔步走四方。

154. To work is human, to slack Divine. (travelling agency) 对偶 碌碌人间,悠哉神仙。Or 劳逸结合,悠哉自得。

155. What time weakens, nature can strengthen. (Incredible India 系列洗护品) 对比 时光流逝,岁月无痕。Or 时光蹉跎,美丽依旧。 156. The bank that ate the world.(HSBC恒生银行) 拟人 海纳百川,有容乃大。

157. ——语篇翻译

158. ①The perfect companion for 2005.② Since you depend on a dairy every day of the year, pick the one that’s perfect for you.③Bright, attractive, colorful, always good for a smile. 排比 20xx年的最佳伴侣 既然您一年中每一天都离不


159. ① The watch of the future form Rado ② Rado Dia Star ‘Ceramica’(陶瓷系列),a new chapter in watch history. ③ Case and bracelet perfectly blended into a timepiece of enduring value. ④ Made from a unique material: high—tech ceramics. ⑤ A scratch—proof object of the future that looks just as beautiful after years as on the first day. ⑥ Uncompromising sleek. Beautiful, boldly created as an embodiment of the essential. ⑦ For people who value what really count: perfection of form with lasting worth. 2.广告导语,

3.工艺水平和价值,4.材料,5,品质性能,6.外观价值,7.消费对象。 雷达星钻表“陶瓷系列”解开表史的新篇章 表盘表镯浑然一体,巧夺天工,且均用独特高科技陶瓷制成。耐磨耐刮,历久常新。星钻表设计高超,造型优美,光洁如镜,楚楚动人。它是必备的计时工具,是恒久保值的精品, 是独具慧眼人士之必然选择。

160. ·You manage a business, stocks, bonds, people and now your can manage your hair. ·For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want—sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet—without a drop of alcohol or oil. It gets your hair into shape in the morning and keep it under control all day. Whatever your management style, Maltplexx is for you. Get the

full facts. ·ARAM MAL TPLEXX natural hair gel for men. 您的事业井井有条,您的生活也可“丝丝”如意 这就是我们为您准备的发乳。它非比寻常,不含任何酒精或油脂,却能使您的头发光滑或蓬松,平直或卷曲,随您所愿,湿润自然。这种发乳效果持久,能保持发型一整天。相信我们。Maltplexx总能给您所想要的。了解产品全部信息,请到Aramis专柜。 ARAM MAL TPLEXX男士专用发乳

161. ·IDEAL GIFT · LYLAN refreshes the atmosphere with a delicate natural fragrance. · LYLAN offers a wonderfully natural way of keeping your room smelling sweet. This refresher emits a natural scent which fills any bedroom, bathroom and car as well banishing stable odors. ·The sooner you fix a LYLAN in your room, the sooner you’ll experience the special freshness only nature can bring. · LYLAN is supplied in all major department stores throughout the country with a great variety of shapes, colors and types of fragrance for choice. 您的居家必备之选 清新空气 自然芳香——尽在“丽兰” “丽兰”空气清新剂能够净化室内空气,去除异味,散发香味,自然无害,清新怡人,是您的卧室,浴室及车内必备之选。选择“丽兰”早一天,享受芬芳多一点。 “丽兰”空气清新器有多种香型,款式与颜色供您选择,全国各大商场均有销售。

162. ·I am the skincare. Gentle toner · NIVEA VESAGE Gentle

Toner from the European NIVEA SKINCARE RESEARCH CENTER tones and refreshes your skin without stripping away precious moisture., rest rains the pore quickly. The alcohol free for mulation contains Sea Minerals and pro Vitamin B5 which soothes your delicate skin and helps prevent dryness without any sign of irritation. Any type of skincare choose it and allergy is tested. · I am your skin’s strength. Rely on me. 我是您的皮肤的呵护者,给您肌肤无尽呵护。 欧洲妮维雅护肤中心研制的妮维雅娇爽肤水能清楚污垢,补充水分,收缩毛孔,不含酒精配方,温和不刺激,通过过敏测试。

163. ——英汉翻译之 汉译英

164. 柴油机体积小,重量轻,运转平稳。 Diesel engine has small size, light weight and stable running.

165. 我厂技术力量雄厚,设备精良,技术工艺精湛。 We have tremendous technical capability, excellent equipment and advanced technology.

166. 产品检验合格,保证质量,交货及时敏捷。欢迎询购。 We guarantee strict inspection, high quality and prompt delivery of the products. Inquiries and orders are welcome.

167. 九华毛峰茶,条索细嫩,色泽翠绿,香气馥郁,滋味鲜醇。 Jiuhua Maofeng Tea is characterized by its slender and tender appearance, emerald(翠绿的) green in color, a fragrant aroma(芳香) and a mellow taste.

168. 开汤审评,清香四溢,滋味鲜醇,回味甘甜,余香犹存,经常泡软,明目清心,止渴益神,减肥健美,堪称茶中佳品。 After you infuse it, the tea is full of delicate fragrance. And if you taste it carefully, the flavor is mellow(甘醇) with a sweet and lasting your thirst, clear your eyesight, benefit your mind but also make your slim, strong and handsome. So it is regarded as the best quality tea among all kind of tea.

169. ——练习

170. 我厂工艺品,历史悠久,品种繁多,素以选料精良,制作精细,技艺精湛,风格独特,吸引外国买主。 With a long history and numerous varieties, our arts and crafts have been enjoying growing favor among buyers abroad through their superior materials, excellent quality, delicate skill and unique style.

171. 位于杭州湾北岸海盐县境内的南北湖风景区,总面积30平方公里,由湖塘,鹰巢顶,谭仙岭,滨海四个景区组成。融山海湖自然观于一体,兼有丰富的人文景观,是浙江省省级风景名胜区。 Located in Haiyan country noth of the Hangzhou Bay, the Nanbei lake is one of the scenic resorts in Zhejiang province, characterized by divergent scenic, cultural and historical highlights. With an area of 30 square kms, the resort comprises four sections: The Lake Area, Yingchaoding, Tianxian Hill and the Seashore.

172. 宽广的湖泊,辽阔的草坪花草树木,一应俱全的伤害最大的公

园——世纪公园,如今又将成为忙碌的上班族的一个新去处。该公园是为那些住在高楼林立的大都市的居民设计,建造的。这是一个接近大自然的所在,在这里你可以呼吸到新鲜的空气,享受绿草,花香,鸟语。With a large lake, extensive grass—lands, flowers, trees and shrub beds, the Century Park—the largest public park in Shanghai—is now ready to provide a new escape form bustling(匆匆忙忙的) urban life. The park is designed to offer local residents, who live in a vast concrete forest like Shanghai, a site close to nature, wher they can breathe fresh air, enjoy green land and hear birds twitter.

173. 烤鸭色泽枣红,鲜艳油亮,皮脆柔嫩,味美适口,风味独特,久吃不腻,营养丰富。 The Beijing Roasted Duck boasts appealing color, crisp skin and tender meat. It is delicious and nutritious. And you will ask for more.

174. 广州标致是一个具有高质量标准的中法合资企业。广州标致生产的505SW8具有发过风格的流线型外形。乘坐舒适,质量可靠,发动机强劲有力,配有五档变速箱,技术先进,操作方便。 The 505sw8 is manufactured by Guangzhou Peugeot Automobile, a Sino—French Joint Venture with the highest quality requirement. Comfort and quality are the marks of the 505SW8. Its powerful engine fitted with a five speed gearbox, the elegance of its French styling combined with advanced technology offer a great driving experience. 175. 佳能打字机是非常友好的朋友 您亲自试过佳能打自己后,

立即就会明白我们的意思。没有厚厚的指导手册去研究, 没有复杂的密码要记忆。用不了几分钟,您就会像老朋友般的熟练,不停地打下去。 我们所有的电子打字机都是以此为目的专门设计制造,因为我们相信它们越容易使用,您的生产力就会越强。 如果您想要换一台电子打字机而又担心俺就和开关的问题,不妨试一下佳能电子打字机。您一定会感到很奇怪,这么长的时间不去用它,您是怎么办好您的事情的。 Canon Electronic typewriters are friendly When you try the canon electronic typewriter yourself, you will immediately understand what we mean. There are no thick instruction manuals to study, no complicated codes to remember. And in minutes, you’ll be typing away like old friends. All our ETWS are purposely designed this way because we believe the easier they are to use, the more productive you can be. If you have been thinking about changing to an ETW but are afraid of buttons and switches, give Canon a try. You’ll only wonder how you mange a without one for so long.

176. 家有三洋,冬暖夏凉。(三洋空调) With Sanyo at home, warmth in winter and coldness in summer will be with you. 压尾韵 对偶 177. 口服心服(矿泉水广告) By drinking it, you will marvel(惊奇)at it.

178. 聪明不必绝顶。(生发灵广告) Wisdom does not come with baldness. / Cleverness. No Baldness.

179. 你会像阳光一样明媚(阳光衬衫) 双关 You will be as charming as the Sunshine.

180. 谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好。(轮胎广告) 仿拟, 押韵 He who last last laughs best.

181. 食在广州。 If you like great cuisine, come to Guangzhou. / Guangzhou, the ideal place for gourmets. / Guangzhou, a paradise for eating. / East or West, Guangzhou cuisine is the best.