英语佳句名句赏析 一

英语佳句名句赏析 一

01)As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent(后悔). ——Socrates


02)A woman is like your shadow—follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows. ――Chamfort


03)True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen. –Rochefoucauld


04)If men knew all that women think, they’d be twenty times more daring. –A. Karr


05)If a man wants his wife to pay attention to what he says, he addresses his remarks to another woman.


06)Universities are full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates. –A . L. Lowell 大学里满是知识;新生入校时带来一点点,而毕业生走时啥也没带走,知识就这么积聚下来了。

07)We always like those who admire us but we do not always like those whom we admire. – La Rochefoucauld


08)A woman must choose: with a man liked by women, she is not sure; with a man disliked by women, she is not happy. – A. France


09)It’s a funny thing when a man hasn’t got anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. – Robert Frost


10)Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folk have lent me. –Anatole France 不要把书借给别人,因为没有谁会还书;我书室里的那些藏书都是别人借给我的。

11)A woman has two views of a secret. Either it’s not worth keeping, or it’s too good to keep.


12)Marriage: a ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentlemen. –Herbert Spencer
