

Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > complete 2012 diplomatic relation connected encyclopedia of catchphrase of day of countrywide transportation safety 2012 encyclopedia of safe day catchphrase on November 30, 2012 14:14:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> December 2, 2012 is day of safety of transportation of first whole nation of countrywide, about traffic safety the catchphrase of day will appear in all sorts of agency. In recent years, issues of all sorts of great liaison man appear often, appeared to weigh loss of big personal casualty. The occurrence of traffic safety accident, the relative that gives casualty not only brings endless bitterness, those who create countless families is broken, still meet country and oneself cause severe pecuniary loss. Why such frequency sends traffic accident, besides unpredictable nature and social element, the most important is safe to traffic consciousness is thin. Accordingly, establish complete diplomatic relation to open safe day this year, also be to let each district hold various propaganda, make all sorts of traffic safety day publicize catchphrase, in order to cause the attention of more person. Traffic safety publicizes catchphrase a collection of selected specimens: Although be level road,abiding by highway code is your quiet to the society devotion -- overspeed person Buddhist monastic discipline; Even if have shortcut -- the person that wear in disorder stops overtake overspeed is delighted temporarily, lead to comity of lifetime of traffic accident compunction 3 minutes to be in in safety, grab an one second to regret traffic of late slam the door is abusive across driveway sees new wind of Wei Ran civilization the lamp looks at driveway road ten million safety first heart the broad way ability is wide defend compasses talent beauty driveway is humane each go its civilization gives an on the safe side, arrest punish a heart to put again fluky, in needing code of come to harm writes down a heart, the person with lawful look before you leap is changed with the lesson bleed, illegal person changes homiletic speeding with bleeding is line of death of race to control 3 bowls love 3 pairs of chopsticks wife charming long for idea of reunion violate the rules and regulations strong safety factor is big 10 cause trouble 9 fast autocycle a group of things with common features when self-love is drunk (blame) destroy in wine (regret) in the cup, if you think those who individualize to collect, the propagandist catchphrase of extraordinary, let the people have deeper traffic safety consciousness, can go up time money net, here has division of 1 million outstanding stylist, originality to serve for you, sure and OK the propagandist poster that gets be perfectly satisfied.




1. 人車相禮讓、生命有保障

2. 快速誠可貴,生命價更高

3. 善待生命、遵章守法

4. 路路暢通、從我做起

5. 路不急著走,才能走得久。行人請勿任意穿越快車道。

6. 安安全全坐大位,平平安安成大器。兒童坐上安全椅,平安快樂回到家。

7. 我要快樂,不要悲傷,爸爸開車不要喝酒。

8. 交通停看行,行車安全重禮讓。

9. 遵守路權,你我安全。

10. 十次車禍九次快,請勿超速行駛。

11. 禮讓他人,尊重自己,行的安全需要你我的努力。

12. 安全帽「帶」而不「戴」,機車安全亮紅燈。

13. 汽車駕駛人行駛於道路時,請勿撥接行動電話。

14. 開車撥接大哥大,如同手持手榴彈,隨時危機在手,不撥接也罷!

15. 寶貝幼童乘車請用安全椅。

16. 「讓」一下海闊天空,「退」一下保百年身。

17. 酒過三巡,開車不行;酒醉上道,危險就到。

18. 行車多禮讓,行人優先行。

19. 開車撥接大哥大,行車、行人危險大。

20. 機車退出騎樓,方便您我行走。

21. 酒後不開車,運匠接送才輕鬆。

22. 請提醒年長者於清晨、夜間出門時穿著鮮明衣服。

23. 請協助年長者穿越道路,共同關心年長者行的安全。

24. 關愛老人,注意行人安全。

25. 貪一時之快,危險跟著來。

26. 行走行人穿越道時,請勿闖紅燈。

27. 請勿違規穿越道路,請走行人穿越道。

28. 「機車彎」安全靠邊停,方便你我行。

29. 人行道是人走的,把人行道當馬路,『紅單』可會接到手軟。

30. 飆車少年往前衝,死神緊追不放鬆。

31. 開車不繫安全帶,牛頭馬面在等待。

32. 逞一時之氣,得百年之痛;忍一時之快,無終生之愁。

33. 交通標誌百百款,重點是你看不看。

34. 交通安全要遵守,飆車喝酒不可有。

35. 戴上安全帽,安全身旁繞;繫上安全帶,安全隨時在。

36. 酒後駕車罰款重;肇事喪命心更痛。

37. 喝酒傷身,開車傷人,別讓酒與你一起上「黃泉路」。

38. 遵守交通規則,享受美好人生。

39. 一時快,一世毀。

40. 禮讓行駛,交通順暢。

41. 天橋是人類最好的伙伴,紅綠燈是最好的依靠。

42. 交通規則要遵守,莫將生命丟街頭。

43. 車輛行人守秩序,平安保身皆歡喜。

44. 開車多留意,路邊不兒戲;保障生命和利益。

45. 走陸橋,生命有保障,闖馬路,危險在身旁。

46. 行人請走地下道,防範車禍免哀悼。

47. 寧可走遠路,也不闖馬路。

48. 車子別開快,不然進地府。

49. 馬路如人生,無情又冷血,看誰瞎了眼,斷送了一生。

50. 逞一時的快,痛一身的傷,悔不當初。

51. 不要急,慢慢來;馬路如虎口,小心慢慢行。

52. 遇紅停,遇黃慢,遇綠行。

53. 寧可多走五六步,也不要少走三四步。

54. 馬路如水火,危險特別多。

55. 只要你我多用心,交通惡運就不會降臨。

56. 騎機車戴安全帽,騎車時沒煩惱,交通安全最重要。

57. 超速競駛,等於玩命;損己害人,得不償失。

58. 愛你的家人及朋友,請杜絕飆車。

59. 青春不留白,流汗不流血,飆舞、飆球、不飆車。

60. 珍惜父母親的施給,尊重生命不飆車。

61. 小心騎車,活命百歲!

62. 安全是回家唯一的路。

63. 尊重路權、行路安全。

64. 少年ㄟ相招來ㄍㄚ車,追風飆車真神勇!一旦闖禍,罰錢不夠,還要牽拖父母一起上課;ㄢ內敢好? (各式標語)


贏了別人,輸了自己。 集體飆車,處罰新台幣30000元至90000元。 『杯劇』別讓酒後駕車成為『悲劇』。





服裝儀容須留意,可保安全別大意。 機車停放新規定,人車方便有秩序。 車道狀況需注意,常保安全最得意。

靠邊行降低碰撞別忘記,靠邊行駛擺第一。 定線行駛雖容易,確保安全好利器。 十次車禍九次快,超速行駛大禍害。 機車左轉非小事,切記採用兩段式。 發生狀況說清楚,掌握時間講明白。 痕跡刮痕是明証,科學蒐證須信任。 爭執吵架無定論,是非對錯不討論。 速度快,只會燒得更快。

