
(The judges and guests get seated.)

A : Good evening, my honoured teachers and my fellow students. We are very honored to host this year’s English Speech Contest and English Talent Show for English Majors and Non-English Majors. I’m Shi Xiaoyan.

C:I’m Lu Gan. .

B : The contestants are all English lovers from different departments. We are expecting their good performances today. .

A : Well, firstly, please allow me to introduce our guests and judges at present ,they are Mr. Lu Qin, Ms. Wang Lifen, Ms. Ye Li, Ms. Chen Luning, Mr. Li Wenzhou, and Mr. Mao Liangyu. Welcome!

B : We also have a number of working staff here. Thanks for their hard work.

A : Now I’m so excited to declare that 2012 IVT English Speech Contest & English Talent Show, now starts!

B : Let me give a brief introduction of the competition rules. Each contestant has to complete 2 tasks. First, making a 3-minute speech on“what can adults learn from children?”. Second, according to the contestant’s speech , judges will ask an question and the contestant should answer it in English within one minute.


B:Each contestant wil be scored on the basis of their tone, fluency, performance and their responses to the questions.


B: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome contestant NO.1_____ onto the stage to give us a presentation. Please welcome! ……

A: The first six contestants have finished their speech. Now, Let’s enjoy an English song from Yao Hui feng (姚慧峰)who majored in software.

B:Wow, what a beautiful song Then ,let’s Welcome No.7 ____.to give us a speech.

A: Thanks contestant No.12 for his excellent speech. Next is our relax time, Hey, Lu Gan . do you know what come on?

B: Of course, it’s a sweet poetry performed by students from Business Management Department and Precision Engineering Department. Now, let’s welcome Mei Xingtao 梅星涛 and her partners. Applause please!

A:What an realm of aesthetic experience it is!OK, Let’s come back to our contest. Now, Let’s welcome students from English Majors to

deliver speech. Welcome No.13 ___________to give us a presentation.

B: All the contestants have finished their presentations. Thanks for the excellent performances of the contestants. Well, during this period while we are waiting for the final awards ceremony. We like to invite everyone to enjoy an English drama from English majors. Let’s welcome !

B. The drama is wonderful. Now, we want to invite Mr. Lu Qin, Dean of IVT International, to comment on the stage with a round of applause. Please welcome!

A : Thanks for Mr. Lu’s comments.

B : Now ladies and gentlemen, here comes the most exciting moment. The final result of the competition is in my hand.

A : Ok now, Let’s welcome ________ and __________ to come onto the stage to award the third prize winners.

B : Congratulations! Please stay on the stage to take photos with our distinguished judges.

A : Please welcome ______________ and_____________ to come onto the stage and award the second prize winners.

B : Okay. I know everyone is waiting for the most exciting moment.

A : The first prize winner goes to contestant No. **

B : and No. .

A: Congratulations

B : Please welcome Mr. Lu Qin to come onto the stage and award the first prize winners.

A:Now, ladies and gentlemen, the 2012 IVT English Speech Contest & English Talent Show is coming to end. Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone for your coming. Goodbye~

B : Bye Bye!


I’m very sorry to tell you that contestant No.** is late/absent/still getting preparation… So let’s welcome contestant No.** first. The statisticians are still busy summing up the scores……



富 佳 好 声 音 大 赛总决赛主 持 稿

主持人:尊敬的各位评委老师 亲爱的员工朋友们 大家晚上好! 我是主持人宋红霞 来自模具车间

富佳公司为了丰富员工文化娱乐生活,活跃企业文化,增强向心力,展示员工团结创新、朝气蓬勃的精神风貌,为员工朋友们搭建一个展示自我的平台,经公司总经办、团支部决定举办“首届富佳员工好声音歌唱大赛”。用音乐展现你的梦想 用旋律谱出富佳辉煌,让我们共同努力,创造和谐美好的富佳公司。



他们是:东方卫视一曲成名栏目 全国50强歌手 周董董

余姚阳明街道团委书记 郑麒麟

宁波富佳乐团二胡演奏家 单永林

慈 溪 市音乐家协会会员 浙江著名乡村歌手 张飞蝶

中国音乐著作权协会会员 余姚市十佳歌手 李明明

余 姚 网 论 坛音乐版主 阿 桑

下面,我来给大家介绍一下本场比赛的比赛规则和评分标准: 满分为100分

根据选手 服装、精神面貌、特色、音准、技巧等综合方面进行打分(保留一位小数点),去掉一个最低分 ,去掉一个最高分,取最后的平均分为总成绩(总成绩后小数点保留2位)


20xx年首届富佳员工好声音歌唱大赛- 总决赛正式开始。
