



一、 提到考官,使之与话题联系在一起

在谈到“Describe a hobby you have”这一话题时,一位考生是这样开场的:

Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards—a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectible postcards, why they are so valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.


It’s Saturday morning, and you are helping clean out your grandmother’s house. After working a while, you stumble upon a trunk, open it, and discover hundreds of old postcards. Thinking about getting to your driving lesson on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can. Congratulations! You have just thrown away a year’s tuition.

对比之后,我们很快就发现,第二位考生的开场白效果比第一位考生的开场白好,因为它很好地将考官融入进来,抓住了考官的兴趣点,使之后主干部分的陈述更为顺利。 二、 强调话题的重要性

在谈到“Describe a traffic jam you had experienced before”这一话题时,一位考生的开场白值得大家借鉴:

Traffic jams are more than a nuisance. They are a worldwide economic problem. In Guangzhou alone, they cost 12 million yuan each year. In major U.S. cities, they are responsible for more than 21 billion liters of wasted fuel and 68 billion dollars in lost productivity. Traffic jams will soon cost the British economy more

than 20 billion pounds sterling a year.


三、 让考官惊讶

有时,令人惊讶的事实能够马上提高我们的兴趣。如以下一位考生的开场白,他在描述“an outdoor activity”前,先介绍了疾病的可怕:

As I speak today, there is a silent killer hiding near here. Who is this silent killer? Not a robber. Not a thief. Not a criminal. It is high blood pressure.


四、 引起考官的好奇心

在描述“hobby”这个话题时,比起说“Today, I’m going to talk about Xiangqi.”,不如试试以下一位考生的开场白,他很好地运用技巧,引起了考官的好奇心:

Every day, fierce battles take place in public parks throughout China. Generals move their soldiers against the enemy. Horses, chariots, cannons, even elephants are used in the pursuit of victory. No quarter is given when the losing general is captured. And yet, no lives are lost. No nations are conquered. The battles are fought on chessboards, and they reflect the Chinese people’s love of Xiangqi.

五、 向考官提问

作为考生,我们要认真听清考官的所有问题,但在Part2的开场白中,我们也可以向考官提出一些问题,引起他们的兴趣,但是我们切忌不能要求考官回答我们提出的问题,这些问题必须是不必回答的问题。如“Do you know what is your most valuable possession?”,“Do you know how many township enterprises are started each year in China?”等。请看一位考生在描述“a useful skill”这个话题时的开场白:

Have you ever spent a sleepless night writing a report for your boss? Can you remember rushing to finish a project because you waited too long to start? Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to get done? If so, you

may be the victim of poor time management. Fortunately, there are proven strategies you can follow to use your time effectively and to keep control of your life.

六、 用引言开头

用来开头的引言,可以是名人说过的话,也可以是自己熟悉的人说过的话。一位考生在描述“your future plan”时,用马克·吐温的一句话来开场:

Mark Twain once said: “Predictions are very difficult to make—especially when they involve the future.”

而另一位考生在描述“an animal”这个话题时,同样运用了引言。与之前那位考生不同的是,他引用的是他叔叔说过的话:

“It is a moment I will always cherish, I was at the mouth of the Minjiang River, when I saw a Chinese crested tern—one of the rarest birds on Earth. I was so excited I could barely keep my binoculars from shaking.” These words come from my uncle, a member of the Fujian Bird Watching Society.

七、 用故事开头


Lin Hao was only 9 years old when the Sichuan earthquake struck Yingxiu Township. He was in school with 30 other students, but only 10 escaped from the building. Risking his own life, Lin Hao went back to the rubble and pulled two of his classmates to safety.








曾经有一些同学告诉我说,当他听到屋子里发出声音的时候(好像在叫他名字),他直接走进去了-- 结果3秒钟后被请出来了(这个事情就发生在上个月兰州考场),所以一定要注意,哪怕你是第一个考,都是考官叫你,你跟着进去的,千万不要莽撞的说。






像在雅思学校老师讲的一样,可能会问到的问题-- 你的名字(含义),你的家乡(服饰,城市,气候,人--大概说下就好了),你的职业(相关专业,资历,是否有兴趣),你的爱好(爱不爱看书,逛街,看DVD,打球),住房(大概描述),出国后的打算,想从事的职业(有可能问你是否和你的专业相关)




5. 讨论



a. 回答问题或者自我介绍的时候要看着考官(我有个同学没有准备,结果一直看着窗外,他说话很慢,一边说一边想;当他回答完问题后,突然发现考官在盯着他,他吓了一跳T T,结果考官看到他的表情也吓了一跳。。。我一直觉得这个事情很搞笑)

b. 回答问题时候注意语速,还是那个观点,不管是否是背诵,都要会演戏(最好加入一些动作什么的,思考,或者偶尔试用个口头禅let me see...演戏嘛,真实一些)-- 即使你不是演戏,也可能会被认为是演戏。。。




i.e.―My father is rich man.‖"How rich?"―He has much moeny‖"How much?‖ Very very much‖--结果不言而喻(这个事情也是真实的)


这里提供两个小技巧,这个是我个人经验的,现在贡献出来,如果遇到不会的题目,你可以说I am not familiar this topic, but I will try my best to give you answer.堪称经典的

还有,问到比较棘手的问题可以说:Good question! Let me see...Personally, I would prefer...





关于终极必杀,就是所谓的万能答题法,这个虽然我没有见有人写出来过,但是我想很多人都在用。打个比方--(注意不是原文啊)我专业是financial service,里边包含了经济学和商科的大量知识,那么对于一些问题我可以用我学过的理论模型来解释,如,谈论到评论一个问题争取与否,争议与邪恶,我运用了自己创造的YES OR NO 模型来评判,---主要是简化思考过程,用最基本的只管的评论方法来论证是非对错的。比如谈论 家里花园式种菜还是种花,盗版DVD是否有利这样的东西,用经典经济学模型--供需关系来解释,谈论到为什么人们总是不尽人意,缺乏理解,或者是存在战争,信仰差异什么的,最好是用上午Business communication 里边的沟通模型来解释存在着交流障碍。

最后复杂的题目,其实都可以用以个你认为的很简单的原因来说明,甚至不沾边或者留有让他去想的余地都可以。关键是你这的对话要像写report一样,时刻link the case。这点最重要了。



? 考完以后,迅速离场,不要被观众围攻(很多人是去套题的,哪怕你是最后考,我觉得也最好不作


? 如果词汇量有限,雅思口语如何考





3000词汇当然除了基本的在国内小学,初中学习的词汇外,还主要包含两个方面:1. 口语常用表达:比如说for what is worth; totally;pretty much等;2. 专业的话题词汇。 首先,第一类的词汇可以简单的称之为万能词汇,具有以下特点:1。在外国人的对话里会经常的用到。这些词汇可能考生早已熟知,但是并没有有意识的去应用;所以,如果想要雅思考7,考生们需要通过与外教的交流或者是看一些国外的剧来积累至少50-70个这样的口语高频词组。而且这些词组非常地道,能够让考官眼前一亮。



1. 发音:中国学生的发音基本上整体来说还是不错的,只不过想要取得更高的分数,考生们需要注意这样两个问题: 1. 元音。学生的元音发音基本上都存在较大的问题。在英语交流里,元音起着决定性的作用。因为稍微不对,就会造成误解,让考官想到另一个词或者是感到迷茫。这里,考生可以结合网上的发音教材,课件,进行练习,基本上3周时间即可。2。口音:对于口音太重的考生,可以采取对比电视剧中的对白,听一句,学一句,模仿其中的发音和口音,一个多月的时间就会有质的提高,同时可以将之前错误的发音加以纠正。

2. 语法:语法错误的纠正其实很简单,就是依靠不断的说的练习。在这个过程中,最好找一个指导,就可以将自己的表达中的错误纠正过来。因为这里所探讨的考生词汇量有限,所以相对来说,可能犯的错误就这么几个,所以基本上这个问题2-3周就能根治。

3. 流利度:针对流利度的问题,这里建议考生可以通过阅读文章来进行。考生可以选择大量的跟雅思内容类似,难度较低的文章进行演练。每天读上30分钟,把嘴皮子磨滑溜了。


? 基础薄弱考生如何扭转乾坤


雅思均分六分往往是很多国外院校本科的最低要求分数,如果是读一些比较好的大学(比如说Oxbridge, Ivy League等),恐怕所要求的分数会更高(6.5甚至7.0),如果考生想要申请一些对英文水平要求较高的专业的话,比如说法律,经济等,恐怕分数也会高很多。所以我们并不稀奇的会看到大部分考生会选择去国外读语言课程,这样一来他们只需要5.5分,甚至说5分就可以了。其实,在国外的语言课程一般来说几个月就需要几万块钱,恐怕这也会是很多考生所需要考虑的因素之一,所以得到六分对考生们来说是个一劳永逸的选择。然而,六分对于一般中等水平的考生来说本身都是一个挑战,需要2到3个月的有效的强化培训,而对于相当大一部分基础较为薄弱的考生来说这似乎更加是一道很难逾越的屏障。更困难的是,雅思口语往往是中国考生雅思四科分数较低的一门(仅比写作略高)。所以对于基础较为薄弱的考生恐怕更是难上加难。





1. X-factor

这里所谈到的X-factor指的是除了英文能力之外,考生还能通过哪些方面可以来提高自己的考试分数。这主要是因为雅思口语毕竟是一门主观性极强的考试。在短短的10分钟的时间里,考官就要根据考生所说的几句话给出一个分数,恐怕很难保证准确性。在这十分钟里面,考生们就需要去掩饰自己,换句话说put on a mask(带上面具)。通常一个方法就是要表现出对自己的英文极度的自信。同样一句话以两种不同的方式展示出来,分数会差距很大。所以考生们千万不要抱着一种心态说我说的肯定是错的,而是要从容,即便说错了也没有任何的关系。只要能够自信地说出每一句英文,给考官的感觉会非常的好。另一个方法就是考生尽量在回答问题的过程中向考官证明自己的能力高于别人的能力,从而赢得考官的尊重。比如说当考官问到自己在哪所大学读书的时候,考生可以很自豪的说自己在某全国排名前十的大学就读,可以谈到自己的一些令人羡慕的experience, 从而争取更好的分数。我曾经听过有些考生会beg考官给更高的分数,但其实这并不见得会奏效,反而还有可能会起到反效果,所以这里会建议考生不采取这种方法。至于网上所盛传的说女生要装可爱啊等等其他的方式那就无从考证了,这里也不予给出个人评价。

2. 发音


3. 话题内容的准备考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)


推荐的一个比较好的方法是事先编好大约8到10个比较长的故事,保证这几个故事基本上能够将一些经常考的话题都涉及到。这样一来,考生们就能在最短的时间内得到最大的leverage。 当然,与此同时,考生还应该注意两方面:1. 语法与简单词汇的应用。其实英语口语更加注重语法和简单词汇的应用,要求考生们能够很快的将自己的想法用英文表达出来。为了实现这个目的,考生们应该平时多说多练,学会用简单的单词表达复杂的意思。 2. 关键词。不同的口语话题所涉及的专业词汇是不一样的。如果关键词不会表达,这恐怕会对考生的表达造成很大的困难。

所以,对于那些基础薄弱的考生,只要遵照上面的三重原则,有效的利用和安排自己的时间, 在学习中更加具有针对性,相信雅思口语6分并不是mission impossible, but something challenging but definitely manageable.

? 第一部分问题集合

Your town/Hometown

Can you describe your town or village to me?

Tell me something about your hometown.

Where are you from?

Where is your hometown?

Where do you come from?

What is the name of the street you live on?

What kind of street do you live on?

What do you like about your town?

What is the weather like in your town?

What building is considered famous in your town?

Is there any emblematic building in your town?

What jobs do people in your town do?

What things are there to do in your town in your free time?

How has your town changed over the last twenty years?

What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

Do you think it is better to live in the centre of town or outside in the country? Why?

Family life

Do you have brothers or sisters?

If yes, do you get on well with them?

Can you tell me something about your family?

Who is the leader in your family?

Who has influenced you most in your family?

Do you live in a large family or a small family?

Do you prefer to live in a small family or in a large family?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family compared to a large family? How much time do you manage to spend with your family?

What sorts of things do you like to do together with your family?

Do you get on well with your family?

Who are you closest to in your family?

Neighborhood/Your accommodation

Do you live in a flat or a house?

Tell me about your current accommodation.

Can you describe the house where you live to me?

Which do you prefer, flat or house?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat and house?

What is there to do in the area where you live?

What do you like about the area where you live?

How do you think your neighborhood could be improved?


What do you do when you have a holiday?

Who do you usually spend holiday with?

Where do you like to spend your holidays? Why?

Can you describe a typical day in your holidays?

Why are holidays important to you?

If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

What do people usually do during holidays in your town?

? 10雅思八大热门话题

As the year 2009 ends, all IELTS candidates are awaiting to foresee what trends in IELTS speaking in 2010 will be. Almost all the students in training center are asking the same questions. ―What kind of questions will be asked?‖, ―Will the question and topic be more challenging than before?‖ To answer all these questions here are some of the most important topics that candidate should prepare for IELTS speaking 2010.


Education was one of the most ―hot‖ topics in 2009. Examiners would like to know the different situations of the education in one’s country and how it differs from the others. Good education is one of the most important right a citizen should have .Therefore; examiners would like to hear different views and opinions towards this topic. Without adequate knowledge about this topic, candidates will have a difficult time answering these questions.

1. Why parents would prefer to home school their children?

Parents prefer to home school their children because it has been observed that children who are home schooled tend to be able to make it to international universities. Most people would be concerned about the child having an abnormal social life as he will not have any classmates when he is home schooled. Surprisingly, home schooled children seemed to be well rounded as compared to children who go to the traditional schooling. Parents can pay particular attention on the weakness of the child and focus on how to improve this when home schooling.

2. What are the advantages of Chinese education that you think should be passed on to the next generation?

Chinese characters seem to be complicated, yet very interesting because each stroke and character has a meaning of its own. When a character is combined with another character, the meaning becomes different already. Chinese history is very rich in culture and values which are essential in one’s character and lifestyle. Sadly, not all the Chinese are lucky enough to be able to learn all these things.

3. Do you think that having a 9 year-compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future?

I am not convinced about the idea that a 9-year compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future. It would really depend on the child’s emotional maturity, character, capacity, intellect and resilience to be able to have a bright future. Most of the tycoons that we know did not come from well to do backgrounds, thus some of them were not able to finish even the elementary level. A bright future is not only gauged on material gains, but on how much this individual has contributed for the benefit of those around him.


Media – Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Television and Advertisement are all parts of Media. In the IELTS speaking test, there are a variety of questions comparing these different media types because it is considered to be the most powerful source of information that can straightly affect and influence people. Media is widely spread all over different places and countries. Most of the time it can change people’s way of life and way of thinking ,so examiners would like to know how you think and feel about it. Here are some examples of questions related to media in the IELTS speaking test.

1. Do you think that we should have censorship in TV programs?

Yes, I think that we should definitely have censorship in TV programs. I speak not only for the children but for the adults as well. What we see on TV do affect our subconscious level more than we are actually aware of. X rated films and violent programs are major factors why crime and violence are very rampant in the world we are living in.

2. Why some people are willing to spend a lot of money in purchasing magazines?

Magazines can be source of leisure yet can be informative as well that is why some people do not hesitate to splurge their money on these things. Through magazines, we can read about the life of some of our favorite celebrities. We get to also learn about practical tips about budgeting, fashion, improving our homes, etc. It is a source of entertainment where learning is fun and not forced.

3. What kind of influence can advertisement give to people?

Advertisement either compels people to buy or refrain them from buying certain things or from doing certain actions without their conscious awareness. It is a very powerful tool to influence the mindset of people both young and old. All types of advertisement seem to have this kind of impact whether they are found on the billboards on the trains, buses and roads, whether they are found in the magazines or newspapers, and whether they are seen on TV. Advertisement has great power to boost or break a particular brand.

HOT TOPIC THREE Science and Technology

Science and technology – This is one of those things that is changing rapidly in the society. Computers, MP 4, appliances are all part of the development of Science and technology. Any kind of change about these things usually has a very strong impact on us, some positive and some negative. Questions about pros and cons about this topic are often asked by the examiners during the exam. And anything about science and technology can become a question in IELTS speaking test. Here are some example questions candidates should know.

HOT TOPIC FOUR Flat and House

Flat and House – The most ―in‖ topic in the last quarter of the year 2009. It is actually also one of the hottest topics last year, the year 2008. The difference between house and flat are the most in demand question about this topic. To be able to answer the questions well, candidates should at least know the difference between the two and have opinions about each one of them. What kind of decorations, and things that can be found inside a house or apartment should also be known by the candidates who are preparing to take the test?


Law – This topic caused panic and anxiousness to the students in the first quarter and through the second quarter of this year. Because most of the students do not have anything to say about it. Plus, the fact that this topic needs a certain depth in both their language ability and knowledge to be able to conquer and answer the questions about law. In my opinion, students should know and be definite about the punishment of the law that they want to say. If not, or students are not sure of their knowledge, it is wise to give opinionated answers rather than giving information and details about it .Take note : There are no right or wrong in one’s opinion!

HOT TOPIC SIX Transportation

Transportation — Transportation topic in IELTS speaking test includes questions about bus, subway, train etc. Bicycle is often asked during the exam because it represents a strong culture of the Chinese people in terms of transportation. Examiners like to ask questions regarding special culture and means of lifestyle of a place. It is indeed a part of every one’s life.


Pollution – A huge problem in the society that should be solved immediately and that is why this topic is also tackled in IELTS speaking test. We are facing a variety of pollution problem such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution etc. Examiners would like to know how the candidates feel about this serious problem and methods to solve them .


Population – Population is indeed the biggest and worst problem of China. The effect of this

problem is widely talked about in news, debates and even in IELTS oral exams. How to reduce the population is also one of the most important thing that people should care about. Adequate knowledge about questions regarding the negative effects of population and positive ways of solving this problem are necessary if you want to take the IELTS exam.

? 10年2月6号雅思真题

Topic: TV

Question: Did you ever watch TV programs from other countries?

Model Response: Yes, I did. Many Chinese people are now able to have access to foreign TV channels and programs. Last summer I watched a series of TV programs called The Animal Kingdom on Discovery Channel from the USA. It was really exciting to know so many secrets in the natural world.

Topic: Magazine

Question: Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?

Model Response: Yes, I do. Learning a foreign language requires both patience and a lot of resources. And magazines and newspapers in that foreign language are an extremely valuable resource for learners. Personally speaking, I have learned a lot of great idioms, interesting phrases and insightful perspectives from Time Magazine.

Topic: Weather

Question: Do you often pay attention to weather forests?

Model Response: Well, yes and no, I suppose. If you are talking about weather forests on TV after the regular news report, I don’t give a damn about it. But I often check the local weather conditions in the next few days on the Internet, especially during the winter, to see if there is a sudden change in temperature.

Describe a book that you liked in your childhood.

You should say:

* what was this book

* how you got the book

* what the book told you

and explain why you liked the book as a child.

Model Response: I think I was a great reader during my childhood, and there were so many books in which I was deeply engrossed. But my favorite one was a novel called Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelists of the 19th century. I got it as a birthday gift from my uncle George. He didn’t say anything about the book when he handed it to me, but after the first reading I thought I got his meaning. Uncle George wanted me to become a person with unshakable inner strength just like Pip, the protagonist of the novel, who was able to fight against his ill fate with fortitude and perseverance and finally achieve a lot of success in a society that was prejudiced against people like him. As a child, I liked this classic novel for a number of reasons. First, I was quite impressed by the vivid descriptions of many interesting characters and their interactions. I mean that Charles Dickens was really a master of the English language; you can form a mental picture of what is going on in the novel. Second, the plot is full of twists and turns, always making me eager to find out what will happen next. And finally, I think Pip has become a hero for many young children like me. Whenever I felt down, I would open this book and find an inspiring chapter to read. In that way, I was recharged and empowered so that I could get myself back on feet.

Topic: Responsibility

Question: What is the difference between help from family members and help from friends?

Model Response: While these two kinds of help are quite similar in terms of coming from someone close to you, there are certain crucial differences between them. First, you can ask for help from your family members at any time, even after midnight, but you would not normally do that with your friends. Second, help from your friends is always of a short-term nature. I mean, you cannot

expect even your closest buddy to give you help forever; you’ve got to stand up yourself.

Topic: Food

Question: Do you think that some traditional food is going to be deserted by modern people?

Model Response: Yes, I think so. The preparation of some traditional food requires not only a very long time but also a lot of patience, both of which many modern people simply cannot afford. Most of the time, they prefer fast foods that can be finished in less than 5 minutes. This would change their eating habits, and they would lose their taste for a wide range of much finer foods of the world. Topic: Family

Question: Why do some families choose something to pass down?

Model Response: It’s a complicated question. I guess families choose to pass down something valuable or meaningful for various reasons. For example, some hand-made jewellery is usually passed down from grandmother to mother and then to the daughter as dowry when she is getting married in a traditional society. On the male’s side, the grandfather’s medal for bravery in the Second World War or a big trophy from a national sports competition is very likely to be handed down for many generations as an encouragement and inspiration for the offspring.
