

Ausonius (奥索尼厄斯)

Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself.


Madame Dorothée Deluzy (桃乐丝·德路兹夫人)

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.


Mahatma Gandhi (圣雄甘地)

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


George Bernard Shaw (萧伯纳)

The secret of forgiving everything is to understand nothing.


Josh Billings (乔希·比林斯)

There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.


Oscar Wilde (奥斯卡·怀尔德)

Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much.


Alexander Pope (亚历山大·蒲柏)

To err is human; to forgive, divine.


Ed Howe (艾德·豪)

A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.


Mahatma Gandhi (英雄甘地)

If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.


Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.


from Live and Learn and Pass it On -age 51 选自《生活着,学习着,传承着——51 岁

I've learned that when you have an argument with your spouse, the first one who says, 'I'm sorry I hurt your feelings; please forgive me,' is the winner.


Alden Nowlan (奥尔登·诺兰)

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.


Mahatma Gandhi (圣雄甘地)

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


Unknown (佚名)

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was YOU.


Jean Paul Richter (吉恩·保罗·里克特)

Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.


Koran 《古兰经》

He who forgiveth, and is reconciled unto his enemy, shall receive his reward from God; for he loveth not the unjust doers.


Henry Ward Beecher (亨利·沃德·比奇)

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note--torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.


Catherine Ponder (凯瑟琳·庞德)

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.


Israel Zangwill (伊斯雷尔 赞格威尔)

The Past: Our cradle, not our prison; there is danger as well as appeal in its glamour. The past is for inspiration, not imitation, for continuation, not repetition.


Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution 奇尔德博士及霍华德·马丁 《心智算数解决方案》

As difficult as it seems, you can be sure of this: At the core of the heart, you have the power to

move beyond the old issues that are still hindering your freedom. The hardest things—the ones that push you up against your limits—are the very things you need to address to make a quantum leap into a fresh inner and outer life.

虽然费解,但千真万确:在你的心灵深处,隐藏着一种力量,它可以使你远离妨碍自由的陈年旧事。那些最难办的事——那些有助于突破你的局限性的事——正是你需要重点解决的事。解决了以后 ,能给你的精神生活和外在生活来一个大飞跃。

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution 奇尔德博士及霍华德·马丁 《心智算数解决方案》

In the long run, it's not a question of whether they deserve to be forgiven. You're not forgiving them for their sake. You're doing it for yourself. For your own health and well-being, forgiveness is simply the most energy-efficient option. It frees you from the incredibly toxic, debilitating drain of holding a grudge. Don't let these people live rent free in your head. If they hurt you before, why let them keep doing it year after year in your mind? It's not worth it but it takes heart effort to stop it. You can muster that heart power to forgive them as a way of looking out for yourself. It's one thing you can be totally selfish about.

长远的眼光来看,问题不在于他们是否值得宽恕。你宽恕他们并非为他们着想,而是为了自己。为了你自己的健康和和福利而去宽恕,这是最省事的选择。它使你远离愤懑所带来的极大毒害和精力 消耗。别让这些人免租金居住你的大脑。如果他们曾经伤害你,为什么还年复一年地让他们在你的心灵中继续为害?这不值得。也要用心努力才能制止这一切。你可以集中心力去宽恕,以便找回自 己。这完全是一件利己的事。

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

奇尔德博士及霍华德·马丁 《心智算数解决方案》

Take it slowly. The deepest resentments are wrapped up in a lot of hurt and pain. We think we're protecting ourselves by not forgiving. Acknowledge that and go easy on yourself. Forgiveness means that you've decided not to let it keep festering inside even if it only comes up once in awhile. Forgiveness is a powerful yet challenging tool that will support and honor you, even in the most extreme circumstances.

别急着这样想:极度的憎恨里面包含着太多伤痛。我们以为不宽恕等于自我保护。要承认以下说法并善待自己:宽恕意味着你决心不让怨恨在内心化脓,即便它每隔一会儿才爆发一次。宽恕是一种 强有力但又难掌控的工具,它能给你支持、给你荣誉,甚至在极度严酷的环境下也是如此。

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

奇尔德博士及霍华德·马丁 《心智算数解决方案》

The incoherence that results from holding on to resentments and unforgiving attitudes keeps you from being aligned with your true self. It can block you from your next level of quality life experience. Metaphorically, it's the curtain standing between the room you're living in now and a new room, much larger and full of beautiful objects. The act of forgiveness removes the curtain. Clearing up your old accounts can free up so much energy that you jump right into a whole new house. Forgiving releases you from the punishment of a self-made prison where you are both the inmate and the jailer.

长期的愤恨、不宽恕的态度带来的内心不和谐不统一,使你不能和你的“真我”结为一体,妨碍你享受更高层次的生活体验。打个比方来说,它像是一幅帘子,悬挂在你现在所住的房间和一个新房 间之间。而这个新房间相对大得多、有更多漂亮的物品。宽恕可以揭去这幅帘子。清除过去的芥蒂可以解放你的能量,使你直接跳入一个全新的房子。宽恕解除你的自我惩罚,把你从自建的监狱中 释放。在那个监狱里,你既是囚犯,又是看守。

Sara Paddison, Hidden Power of the Heart 萨拉·帕蒂森 《心的潜能》

Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time—just like it does for you and me.


David McArthur & Bruce McArthur, The Intelligent Heart

戴维·麦克阿瑟 和 布鲁斯·马克阿瑟,《聪明的心》

Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work with the situation more effectively.

很多人害怕宽恕,因为他们觉得,得记住罪过,否则无法从中吸取教训。其实反过来才对。通过宽恕,罪过松开了对我们情感的束缚。这样,我们才能从中吸取教训。通过心的力量和智慧来实行宽 恕,可以带来更大的智慧,使我们更有效地应对各种情况。
