

Which should receive priority in China? Environmental protection or economic growth. 正方陈词:Good morning everyone! We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, we think it’s environment growth that should be chosen. I have three reasons to prove this point. First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries. So the urgent affair of China is developing our economy. Second, economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection. We can develop our economy without environment pollution. Third, when our economy strength becomes strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection, till then it will be a win-win. In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China.


正方二辩:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty good, there are thousands people lack of money for the food the need to live. Then, opponent debaters, do you think we still need to develop our economies?

正方三辩:There do exist some eastern cities whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that China has 130 million people. The eastern cities can’t stand for the whole China. We know that environment protection need high-technology, High-tech personnel, and science research. They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy. I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength.

正方:Opponent debaters have referred the returning farmland to forest policy. We admit our country has paid a lot of money for the environment even sacrificing the profit .But we should still take economic construction as the central task.


正方总结:Our opponent said , ” we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth” .I think what they said can’t come true at present . It’s unavoidable to harm the environment while developing economy.



Interpersonal relationships were the important part of the world since the human society form. Especially in the Twenty-first century, economic globalization influenced everyone. So the cooperation of the team is becoming more and more important. Under the circumstances, interpersonal relationships show the importance

of it. So we believe that interpersonal relationships are more important than one’s practical ability. In a company, the leader should know how to handle interpersonal relationships, and has harmonious relations with colleagues, if he has not good interpersonal relationships, I don’t think he will be successful in his career. So our sides insist on the opinion that the interpersonal relationships are more important for success.

Ability certainly is one’s riches, but if you don’t have a good interpersonal relationship your ability has nothing to do with your career.

Yeah. Einstein was very successful. But it’s just a wander. Thought out the history of civilization, there was only one Einstein in the world. Do you think you will be the second Einstein?

正第一问:Interpersonal relationships mean social interaction among the crowd, and cooperation is very important in today's society, so if you don’t have a good interpersonal relationship, do you think you will stay a long time in the company?

正第二问:As time goes by, cooperation is becoming more and more important. How can you ensure you can achieve everything without others ‘help?

正方小结:In brief ,one's ability is imporant ,but without good relationship you can't make your ability useful to your life .





我们不否认机遇的重要性,然而“机不可失,失不再来”“机遇只垂青于那些有准备的人”这些话又告诉了我们机遇是重要但不并是成才的关键,关键是要靠自己的努力才能牢牢把握住机遇,如果连把握机遇的能力都没有的话 再好的的机遇又有何用,然而历史又告诉我们,守株待兔的人注定只能饿死街头。 所以等待机遇也只是天方夜谭,没有把握机遇的能力只有等待外部机遇的来临这就等于失败,因此青年成才,自身能力才是关键。

2) 一再回避/忽视哲学中“内因决定外因”的逻辑事实来解释辩题


3) 非全面的理解“良好的环境”对青少年的影响,而对于当今社会“机遇从何而来”

从事实角度来看,“良好的环境”或“ 外部机遇”只不过是成才的条件,但是条件再重要也不能取代自身能力这个根本的关键因素!一个有能力的人不需要等到好的外部机遇,而是自己会创造。正所谓“有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上”

与其等待机遇,不如创造机遇,想要创造机遇就必须先通过自身努力增强自己的实力,因为实力才能创造机遇,也只有实力才能让机遇更有价值。 所以我再一次的方认为,在青年成才过程中,自身努力比外部机遇更重要,自身努力起着关键性作用。

4) 太局限于微观层面的分析


一代伟人毛泽东同志还说:三天不学习赶不上刘少奇。说的就是要不断提高自身能力。胡锦涛同志也指出:我们要建设学习型社会,要养成终身学习的习惯,为社会做贡献。那么我们又拿什么去为社会做贡献,难道不是他的自身能力和真凭实学吗?对方辩友敢说他对社会的贡献是拿着机遇去的吗?因此我们就可以肯定的地说:自身能力决定着青少年的成才,青少年的成才的关键是自身能力 这是无可辩驳的事实。

