
真题作文实例 作文28分

本人RLSW分别29 26 26 28 109。为了说明托福作文的简易写法,特写此文







我心中的第一想法:去他妈的,跟我有嘛关系?(真的是第一想法,有些粗俗,一闪而过)第二找原因,一般凑出来三条:a.国际时事要大量背景知识,咱没这些知识 b.看这些事实需大量时间,咱没时间

c. 咱听到国际时事基本都不是嘛好事,让咱不爽



Whether we should pay attention to global events, different people will have different ideas due to their background. As for me I strongly disagree with the idea and the reasons are as follows.

Firstly, to analyse global events needs lot’s of background knowledge that is too much for us. In short it is not possible for us to understand the events.

Secondly, it is so great a task to read news papers and webpages to get the global events that cost too much time. In conclusion to pay attention to global events is too time consuming a task for us.

Last but not least, most global events that come to us are unhappy things. So we should not make us unpleasent by learning the global events.

In conclusion, we should not pay attention to global events. It needs too much knowledge that we don’t have, and it is time costing. Also global events always make us unhappy.




Secondly,原因二开头中心句。原因二结尾总结句。 Last but not least,原因三开头中心句。原因三结尾总结句。




Whether we should pay attention to global events, different people will have different ideas due to their background. As for me I strongly disagree with the idea and the reasons are as follows.

Firstly, to analyse global events needs lot’s of background knowledge that is too much for us. Take the middle east war as an example. Those countries fight each other because comples reasons, and

event these reasons are related to too much background knowledge we don’t know. So it is

impossible for us to understand the war, and to know these events is not meaningful. 这再来了例子,仿照上面,谢谢某国选举,咱看了也一头雾水。 In short it is not possible for us to understand the events.

Secondly, it is so great a task to read news papers and webpages to get the global events that cost too much time.

Most of us are busy every day, and time is precious. However there are countless news every day, so how is it possible for us to choose and read the global events? A good example is the news webpages. You will feel crazy when you see the pages full of news. To read the news will waste our time because we have something more important to do. In conclusion to pay attention to global events is too time consuming a task for us.

Last but not least, most global events that come to us are unhappy things. It seems that people are more interested in news of dark side, so nowadays medias are filled with bad news. For instance whenever I turn on the TV, most news are unhappy ones, such as terrorism, earthquake, murder, disaster and so on. They all make me feel sad, and influenced my studying efficiency or even make me amnesia. So we should not make us unpleasant by learning the global events.

In conclusion, we should not pay attention to global events. It needs too much knowledge that we don’t have, and it is time costing. Also global events always make us unhappy.



关于TOEFL iBT写作的一些学习心得1

Hey Guys:

原来这篇文章是放在TOEFL iBT备考区的,但是我想现在放在这个区域更为恰当,如果版主可以把原来这篇文章的原版从TOEFL iBT备考区转移到这个区更好。


常用iBT文章结构-适用于comparison & contrast essay和argument essay.

不论是comparison & contrast essay还是argument essay,它们的文章结构基本相同。分为3大部分和5段结构(Point-by-Point Format), 也许有人喜欢4段(即Block Format),但就初来乍到者,我还是建议他们使用Point-by-Point Format, 并且依据我老师的经验(Jeff)来看,北美人更加喜欢这种结构(其实因为这些老外每天都要批阅几十篇文章,他们已经不阅读文章的内容,仅仅是审查文章的结构和词汇,他们没有时间去对比Block Format结构中的问题或者论点),这令我很吃惊,这与国内老师的意见相驳或者相反。

这篇经验我想用一个例子(Coffee and tea)来向大家解释,有可能我的例子不是很好,或者论点有些可笑,不过我想大家还是要记住,老外已经在iBT中说明,他们不关心你的论点(Issue/Top Sentences) 和论据(Details/Evidence)是否合情合理,只关心你的论据

(Details/Evidence)是否可以证明你的论点,仅此而已。大家在稍后的文章中可以看到,我的3个论点中的2个比较controversial, 但是,在我的Detail中支持的好就可以了。


Befriend - Jeff称之为他最喜欢的文章结构,即让步。抗日战争时期,我记得朱德将军曾经问过他的手下,“你说我们是我们把拳头伸出去再打人疼还是把拳头收回来再打人疼?”我想老外不仅明白这个原理,甚至喜欢这个原理。他们认为这样才会使文章更加有力度。我想强调一点,有很多朋友也愿意使用这种结构,即文章或段落以Although/While开头,但是,他们可能不知道老外如何看待这个词汇,所以往往我们稀里糊涂地在这里丢分,。以Although开头的句子中只能讨论一个东西的两个方面,例如:Although Coke is more popular globally, it does not satisfy my thirst the way Pepsi does. 但是如果你的句子写成这样,你就会丢分了,例如:Although Coke is more popular globally, Pepsi is my favorite cola. 有些朋友会说,我曾经看到很多外国的文章都是这样写的, 但是,我可以负责任的说那个不是TOEFL类型的文章,或者TOEFL不喜欢这样的句子。不过,如果你还想表达这个意思,你最好使用But(同类型词汇还有however, yet, whereas等) 来做Coherence或称之为Transition Signal,例如:Coke is more popular globally, but Pepsi is my favorite cola. 但老外称这种句子为Suicide Sentence, 即不给自己回头路,我建议这种句子不要用在comparison & contrast essay中,倒是可以用在argument essay中。

Forecasting – Jeff称之为论点的缩略语,通常包含在Thesis句子中,并且用一种句子结构来完成,可是一个简单句,名词子句,或者动词子句(动名词-ing或者分词-ed)

首先,谈一谈5段式结构和Body Paragraph的结构:

Introduction Paragraph:Say what you are going to say.

Hook:这个我想不用我多说了,就是文章的“引子”,你的文章是否有高分,这个很重要。这样的句子不要出现,例如:In my essay, I will demonstrate…。下面的句子Jeff称之为Ok Sentence,即可以出现的句子,例如:Tea is the best drink in the world. 或者可以使用五星级的句子,例如:Although Coke is becoming more popular, it can not replace China’s love of tea. Background / Definition: 重新描述问题,但是不要使用老外给你的题目原话,这里我可以说,如果你使用了原话,不会对你的文章产生任何不好的影响,只是你不会在这里拿到应该得到的分数而已。你可以写成为 Tea is the most popular hot drink in the world.

Thesis: 中心句,如果文章不是argument essay,请不要直接在句子中表达自己的意见或者用一种General的形式来表达大家的意见, 例如:Tea is the world’s favorite drink because it provides health benefits, it is less expensive, and it is available in many varieties.

Forecasting: 见关键词解释。Because后面的3个简单句就是Forecasting。

Body Paragraph I:

Top Sentence: First,Tea is healthier to drink. (OK-Sentence)Jeff推荐的句子Drank by million of people, tea is… (分词开头-ed),再如:Improving your health, tea is drank…(动名词开头-ing),又如:For thousands of years, tea is…(General 开头)

Detail: 这个不用多说了,就是要把你的例子举出来了。For example, people who drink tea, live longer, healthier lives than these who drink coffee.

Befriend:这个是重点了,要把拳头收回来。例如:Although coffee is good for your health, it cause heart attacks in large amounts.

Support:这个时候需要你利用你事实作为拳头伸出去,例如:In fact, heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death, so tea is a better drink according to doctor’s suggestion.