商务英语实践 发盘询盘对话

A: Thank you for coming all the way to visit us.

B: We appreciate this opportunity to be able to meet personally with you.

A: How was your flight over?

B: The flight was all right, thank you. A: We are having serious issues with this program. We are counting on your company to help.

B: That's what we are here for.

A: Thank you very much. B: Now that we have dispensed with the formalities, shall we get into business?

A: We invited you here today to discuss some business opportunities.

B: Great! We would like to cooperate in future business.

A: In developing foreign trade, we stand for the principle of "equality and mutual benefit". B: Glad to hear that. I hope this visit of mine will be the beginning of a long and friendly connection between us.

A: May I make a presentation on our company's activities? B: Good. We're interested in the size, product range, business model, and financial status of your company.

A: Yes. We are a state-operated corporation, handling the export of animal by-products. May I use your video as I previously requested?

A: May I know the main items you export?

B: We deal in home textiles, such as bedsheets, bedspreads, bath towels, and so on.

A: Do you handle tablecloths?

B: Yes. That's under our line of business. These catalogs will give you a good idea of the products we handle.

A: Welcome to our company. What kind of product are you interested in?

B: We understand your company handles Chinese sandalwood furniture. A: You have certainly come to the right place. We are an old established firm.

B: Great. Would you mind showing us your catalogs?

A: Here's our inquiry list. You'll find the required items, specifications and quantities all there.

B: Thanks. I'll look into it and let you have our firm offers tomorrow.

We have the offer ready for you.

I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. 我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。 Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract. 请把上次合同中订的那种质量的竹笋向我们报个价。

We are in a position to offer tea from stock. 我们现在可以报茶叶现货。 We'll let you have the official offer next now. 现在就给您正式报盘。We quote this article at $250 per M/T C&F. 我们报成本加运费价每吨250美圆

A: Then could you please make your prices CIFC5%?

B: Certainly. We can work them out for you.

A: Do you quote FOB or CIF?

B: Either can be done. You can compare them and see for yourself which price is better for you.

A: Thank you. Because I’m on commission, I'd like you to quote FOB and CIF plus commission.

B: We usually give a commission of 3% for every deal. So I'll quote you on FOBC3% and CIFC3%.

A: How is their opinion on our samples?

B: The buyer thinks your samples are almost acceptable. However, some places still need to be improved.

A: What is that?

B: They let me bring back some photocopies to show you the difference. Here you are. They have marked them on the copies with notes.

A: I'd like to have your lowest quotation CIF London.

B: Please tell us the quantity you want so we can work out the offer.

A: All right, but could you give us an indication of your price?

B: Sure. This is our FOB quotation sheet.

A:Your price sounds too high and it's really beyond our reach. 这实在比我打算要付的价格高出很多。 This price is almost twice what I would pay for such an item elsewhere.

Please offer me a quotation based upon the international market. 请按国际市场价格给我报价。

Other suppliers are offering a much better price.

B: That's our rock bottom price. We can't take less.

A: Your product may have certain advantages over others, but the price gap shouldn't be as big as 10%.

B: We wouldn't have quoted you such a low price, if it weren't for a large quantity.

A: But $ 37 is really not acceptable. You surely appreciate the efforts we've made in pushing the sale of your product.

B: Well, as a sign of our support to your efforts, we'll make a special reduction of $ 0.5 per dozen.

Now, what is the price? That interests us most. Could you offer us F.O.B. prices. 你能给我们报离岸价格吗?

Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape-recorder,我们的报价是每台收录机300元人民币,天津离岸价。

A: How long will the offer be open?

B: Our offers are usually good for three days.

A: Well, I hope you'll make it longer.

B: That depends very much on market conditions. However, we'll do

what we can for you.

What's the deadline for this quotation? 这次报价的截止日期是什么时候?


第二篇:商务英语实训报告 关于英语音标



学 院:法政与经贸学院_ 专业班级:__国贸11-3班___ _____ 学生姓名:_钟金玲__________ 学 号:_ 20xx443761__ _______ 实习(实训)地点:_B202 C307 A303_ _D307 B411___

报告题目:_ 关于语音实训的报告___________________


指导教师评语: ____________ ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

成绩(五级记分制):______ _______




我们的实训一共是2周,接下来是我们实训的内容安排。第一周,杨老师教授我们关于音标,朗读句子的技巧,演讲的技巧等内容。第二周,洪老师测试我们关于音标,朗读句子,演讲等内容,洪老师听每个人读这些内容,然后纠错,我受益匪浅。 第一周
















发音时舌尖微微伸出,置于上下门齿之间,舌身成扁平,气流由舌齿间泄出,形成摩擦音,声带不振动。Thank you 就是如此发音。





句子重音的功能:1.体现句子的节奏感和韵律感。2.突出重点,使听者更容易理解。哪些词在句子中需要重读?一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词,比如,名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、代词等。不重读的多为虚词,比如,冠词、连词、介词、感叹词等。有时候虚词也要重读, 强调或突出某个虚词或be动词时,应将其重读。介词在句首时往往要重读。总之,读句子的时候,老师一再告诉我们要根据上下文,很据我们的需要,我们想要听着听到什么。








读句子时候,错误更是明显。我清楚地记得,我读的那个句子是:He teaches Chinese history not American history .He teaches 我读了两遍,确实不知道是发s的音还是z的音,后来洪老师纠错的时候,我听到是发z的音。这些规则,平时的英语学习中,都接触过,但没有记住,头脑中一直是模糊的概念,所以每次发音时也就得过且过,直到形成错误的习惯。所以说,面对英语的学习,只要遇到拿不准的,不确定的,一定要去查资料。


其次,一个人演讲的气势,很重要。正如洪老师最后总结的那样,有的同学走的是强势路线,有的同学走的是小清新路线,不管你走何种路线,最重要的是要清楚自己适合哪种路线。我想说,我走的是,强势路线,演讲的效果是气势不足,声音倒是很洪亮。所以,在以后的学习中,要特别注意气势的培养。演讲技巧同样很重要,我记忆最深的是,我们一个男同学,他说:Give me you hands, and I will give you happiness. 风趣幽默,我们一下子就被他吸引住了。


