
The People's Daily reported that a Chinese pop singer Gao Xiaosong, best known for his campus ballads, faces prison after he was caught drunken driving, which put drunken driving again in the spotlight.

According to the research of the World Health Organization about drunken driving, there are about 50% to 60% traffic accidents relating to it. Drunken driving has been classified as the main reason for traffic accidents leading to death. In China, an increasing number of gruesome traffic accidents mainly caused by drunken driving have reached into tens of thousands. The detriment of drunken driving is so startling that drunken driving has been considered as the premier killer in traffic accidents.

Encouragingly, at the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China in August of 20xx, the draft of legislation enlarges that people who drunken

drive will be decreed a punishment cleared the council.

Based on the recent investigation, 40% of those drunken drivers tend to overestimate their own driving skills. This kind of drunken drivers is sure that they have a large capacity for liquor and they are great at driving. Besides, they are always parading their driving skills by drunken driving, making them on the edge of the precipice. What’ more, 27% of drunken drivers are weak in safety consciousness.

In addition, a large portion of drunken drivers tend to have fluky psychology that they have not been caught or have an accident and they often see others drunken drive, so it isn’t that serious and dangerous. In the end, it turned out to be grossly mistaken.

Drunken drivers are so impaired that they are 11 times more likely to have a single-vehicle crash than drivers with no alcohol in their system. When someone drinking is

approaching the borderline of legal intoxication, studies show that he or she has poor muscle coordination -- affecting their balance, speech, vision, reaction time and hearing -- find it more difficult to detect danger, and exhibit impaired judgment, self-control, reasoning ability and memory. Drunken driving not only makes a large amount of happy families broken, but also makes you repent at leisure.

Once again, I have come to think of GaoXiaosong, he wrote a word in respond of media that I’m sorry and promise I will never drunken drive!

We should NEVER Drink and Drive!







可是过不了几天,就看到新闻上报道,深圳坪山新区多部门在联合进行酒后驾驶调查时,坪山派出所设卡查车遭遇40余人暴力抗法,17名民警和6名巡防队员不同程度受伤。看来在进行这项活动时,还是存在很多可能的反对和冲突的。对于一些违反法律法规、不配合检查反而本 资 料 来 源 于 贵 州 学 习 网 http://Www.gzU521.com 进行破坏的行为,更需要加大整治和惩罚力度。否则这样的行为是否会为其他人所效仿,以此来躲避和推卸酒后驾驶该负的责任呢? 而今天看到报纸,前天晚上广州市番禺区榄核镇纪委书记梁某因醉酒驾车被逮个正着。被查后,该书记先是求情,跟着亮身份说酒驾是因“工作需要”,未果后又忙着四处打电话求助,但三招使尽仍未能脱身。该纪委书记是8月x日严查醉驾以来全市第一个被曝光的公务员。不过,他并非公务员队伍被查处的第一人。据报道,此次严查醉驾,专门针对公务员出台严律,查处多日,广州究竟有多少公务员酒后驾驶,交警部门三缄其口。而且,此次该纪委书记醉驾被曝光,并非来源于官方的主动通报,而是媒体的自主发掘。这样的问题,是否更值得思考?对外声称要严格要求公务员并对其酒后驾驶进行曝光,但实际上却对之三缄其口。想必警方也是惧于那些公务员们的劝高位重,才帮忙遮着掩着吧。而这就只能以来媒体多挖掘,将这些情况曝光在公众面前了。

