篇一 :英语视听说《窈窕淑女》观后感

"My fair lady" Review

In the English class, we watched a movie called "My fair lady" , it tells the story of a lower flower girl who is transformed into elegant lady by Professor of linguistics, the film from first to last filled with humor and fun, a large number of songs in the film, Audrey Hepburn's performance made the film shine particularly. Then I would like to talk about my feeling after watching.

In the film, the heroine's name is called Elisa Doolittle,Who looks have beautiful features, be clever and sensible, but came from a poor family. Every day she goes to the street selling flowers, earn money to feed his father subsidies. One day, Elisa's vulgar accent caused linguists professor Higgins, Professor boasted only through his training, flower girls can be a lady. Elisa think professor said to her is an opportunity, take the initiative to request her professor training, and pay the tuition. Being mocked, friend of Professor Pickering and his bet, if let Elisa to lady status at two months after the fete will hold the ambassador was not to see through the truth, so Pickering is willing to bear all costs and test Iraq Lisa tuition, which aroused the professor's morale, Higgins gladly accepted the challenge. He is not resigned to playing second fiddle, he began to teach

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篇二 :窈窕淑女_英文影评

The film review of “My Fairy Lady”

Eliza Doolittle, a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she live is dirty and crowd, she never let smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream, a warm house with her lover, and a lot of chocolates to eat. “Wouldn’t it be lovely?”

Henry Higgins, an English Linguistic professor, is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. He is also a precise worker in his work as a language professor.

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篇三 :窈窕淑女观后感



故事的主角卖花女伊莉莎,长得眉清目秀但家境贫寒。她每天到街头叫卖鲜花,赚点钱补贴家用。 一天,伊莉莎甜美的嗓音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,教授夸口只要经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。伊莉莎觉得教授说的话对她是一个机会,就主动上门请求教授训练她。 教授的朋友皮克林和他打赌,如果让伊莉莎以贵妇人的身份出席6个月后将举办的大使游园会而不被人识破真相,那么皮克林愿意承担一切试验费用和伊莉莎的学费。



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篇四 :窈窕淑女英文影评

My favorite character in the My Fair lady

Seeing the movie, I appreciate Eliza better. Eliza Doolittle, a main character of this film, a poor flower girl and a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she lived is dirty and crowd, she never let her smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream in which a warm house with her lover and a lot of chocolates to eat. From Eliza, I can learn something good qualities.

The film shows the flower girl came across an English Linguistic professor----Henry Higgins, another main character of the film who is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage as the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. Eliza became the bet goal of the Higgins and his friends actually. Higgins decides to improve Eliza’s cockney accent and train her to be an elegant lady. Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’, Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady.

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篇五 :《窈窕淑女》观后感

The review of my fair lady

The movie is about a love story between a flower-girl Eliza and a gentleman Higgins. Eliza was a fair but poor girl who had a distinct countryside accent. Higgins was a linguist professor. He bet with his friend Pickering that he could teach Eliza for 6 months and transform her into a lady. Finally they succeed while Eliza left because of the selfishness of Higgins. But at last Higgins realized he could not live without Eliza and they got together

From my standpoint, the most impressive character was Eliza. She attracted me at first because of her noise characteristic which was quite different from the upper class. She was not constrained by the so-called dignity and she could say whatever she wanted though it would be regarded as impolite and rude. Just as Eliza said that she was a good girl. She earned money all by her hands and sometimes she had to give some money to her alcoholic father. She was brave enough to seize the chance to become an elegant lady. She was also a lovely girl that when she heard she could have chocolates to eat everyday if she stayed her eyes stuck to the chocolates straightly. When she was forced to do the monotonous pronouncing exercise everyday, she showed her disgust to the professor by dreaming that his head was cut down by the king, and only to find that the professor was upstairs staring at her and shouting to her "A". When she made a little progress and the professor danced with her for the first time, she was so excited that she could not fall asleep.

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篇六 :影评——关于窈窕淑女(英文版)

The film review of “My Fairy Lady”

Eliza Doolittle is a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she live is dirty and crowd, she never let smile slipped out from her face. And she has a dream, a warm house with her lover, and a lot of chocolates to eat. “Wouldn’t it be lovely?”

Henry Higgins, an English Linguistic professor, is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. He is also a precise worker in his work as a language professor.

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篇七 :窈窕淑女观后感


The theme of My Fair Lady is still about Love.A linguistician determined to be single in his whole life and a poor flower girl who are so lucky to fall in love with each other when they had something in common at a special time.The status between the linguistician and the flower girl is completely different.But the linguistician fall in love with the “guinea pig” unconsciously who he used to hate.It is his being unconscious that made their love very witty.

The special characters cause special love.The way they express affection is abusing each other.But we can feel deep love between their each sentence when they abused the other one.It is this irresistible love that informed all of us the great power of love.

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篇八 :窈窕淑女观后感




赫本在这部影片中的形象可谓是从丑小鸭到白天鹅的惊天逆转。 她饰演的 伊莉莎家境贫寒。每天到街头叫卖鲜花,赚钱养 家糊口 .一天,伊莉莎低俗的口音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,教授夸口只要经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。伊莉莎 于是 主动上门要求训练她 .最后 希金斯欣然接受了挑战 , 从最基本的字母发音开始教起 , 对伊莉莎严加训练。 日夜残酷的训练终于有了不凡的效果 , 有次 希金斯带伊莉莎去参加母亲的家宴时,年轻的绅士 被卖花女 的美貌和谈吐自若的神情深深打动,竟然丝毫也认不出她就是曾经在雨中向他叫卖的肮脏的卖花姑娘。6个月后, 教授又 满怀信心地带伊莉莎出席希腊大使举办的招待会。 而 她 则 全力以赴,谈笑自若,风度翩翩,光彩照人 , 并受到女王与王子的青睐 而成功地华丽转身。整场影片,赫本从最初 龌促邋塌的穿着到设计到位的着装,从暗哑可笑的发音到纯正流利的英语 , 从滑稽夸张的表情到优雅迷人的举止。跳跃的场景空间无不一一考验着她作为一个演员的实力。前后期截然不同的风格反差让人感觉剧中是由两个不同的角色饰演,而事实却是,这位从未上过一堂表演课的演员,却是自始至终如此细腻、丰富地刻画了这个剧中女子的一举一动,一笑一颦,并且深入到她灵魂深处的内心情感。让观众在观看时,沉浸在峰回路转的角色转换中而无法自拔。

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