
许琳总干事20xx年孔子学院总部工作计划汇报 时间:2010-01-03 14:59来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击: 1882次




Report on the 2010 Work Plan of the Confucius Institute Headquarters Presented for discussion, by Dr. Xu Lin, Chief Executive of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and Director-General of Hanban, at the Assembly of the Council of the

Confucius Institute Headquarters

December 11th, 2009


Honorable State Councilor Madam Liu Yandong,

Executive Council Members and Council Members,


Good morning! On behalf of the Headquarters, I would like to give a work report to the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters.


I. Work of 2009



This year, under the leadership of State Councilor Liu Yandong and with the support of Executive Council Members and Council Members, steady progress has been made in the development of Confucius Institutes. As of now, 282 Confucius Institutes and 272 Confucius Classrooms have been established in 88 countries, among which 252 Confucius Institutes and 90 Confucius Classrooms are already in operation. The number of Confucius Institute teachers has been growing, with around 3,100 full and part-time staff at present, among which 1,150 are directors and teachers dispatched from China. The infrastructures of Confucius Institutes have met the basic operational needs. The teaching floor area totals 500,000 square meters, among which 100,000 square meters are dedicated for the use of Confucius Institutes only, indicating an average of 390 square meters for each Institute. The total value of all the physical and software teaching facilities has reached 19,442,000 US dollars. Hanban has donated 824,000 volumes of books to Confucius Institutes this year, which is an average of over 3,200 volumes per Institute. Despite the global economic downside, funding for the Confucius Institutes contributed from both China and abroad has not seen any decrease but has increased to 119,000,000 US dollars in total, showing a 50-50 percent share from both sides. This is over 400,000 US dollars on average for each Confucius Institute. According to statistics collected by the Headquarters, in the first three quarters, more than 8,000 Chinese language classes at different levels were offered to over 230,000 registered students, an increase by 100,000 compared to the previous year. More than 6,600 cultural events were organized, attracting 2,600,000 participants, a doubling in number compared to the same period last year.


Moreover, new progress has been achieved by the Headquarters. Last year the Council approved this year's work plan that consisted of eight items, namely, first, work out the medium- and long-term development plan of Confucius Institutes; second, strengthen the training of teachers and managing staff; third, adapt and translate current textbooks into multi-lingual settings; fourth, set up "Confucius Institute Scholarships"; fifth, reinforce collaboration between different regions and countries sharing the same languages; sixth, offer better supervision, guidance and assessment; seventh, define the responsibilities of the Executive Council Member

organizations and Council Members; and eighth, ensure continued investment. So far seven items have been accomplished except the first one, that is, work out the

medium- and long-term development plan of Confucius Institutes, which is still in the making.


II. Work Plan of 2010


1. Formulate and Implement the Confucius Institute Development Plan (2010 - 2020)


It is of top priority to formulate the Confucius Institute Development Plan next year. To this end, the Confucius Institute Headquarters held 13 rounds of seminars with university presidents and experts both from China and abroad along with the Executive Council Member organizations, and worked out an Outline of the

Development Plan (see appendix). The Outline was widely discussed at 7 regional Confucius Institute joint conferences in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Central Asia and East Europe for input and feedback from the delegates of all countries. Next year wider research and studies will be carried out so as to complete the Development Plan, which will include setting the goals and tasks for development till 2020, standardizing the infrastructure and operation benchmark of Confucius Institutes, putting forward practical and feasible action plans in building a solid cohort of teachers of Chinese to speakers of other languages, developing and promoting multilingual and multimedia Chinese teaching resources as well as ensuring investment.


2. Strive to Improve the Quality of Confucius Institutes


First of all, establish new Confucius Institutes in a proactive and orderly manner and vigorously develop Confucius Classrooms. Meanwhile, start nurturing a number of Model Confucius Institutes with focused support to improve their operation conditions and teaching facilities.


Secondly, make extra efforts in building a contingent of Confucius Institute directors and instructors. Major measures include: first, in light of the needs of the host

institutions, send more Chinese directors and instructors to the established Confucius Institutes so that programs can be carried out timely; second, provide trainings to all the Chinese and foreign directors and instructors; third, expand the scale of preparation and training for local Chinese language teachers, continue to offer Chinese Teaching Scholarships to host universities, increase collaborations with foreign universities on Chinese teacher preparation degree courses and curricula, and continue to support Confucius Institutes in conducting their own teachers' training and hiring of qualified local teachers. It is hoped that through the aforementioned measures, another 1,000 part- or full-time teachers would be added to the current pool.


Thirdly, intensify the efforts in the development and promotion of multilingual and multimedia textbooks. Enhanced efforts will be made in the translation of current textbooks into different languages. The publication of major textbooks and reference

books into 45 languages will be completed with joint efforts of domestic and

international publishing institutions. Multimedia and animation teaching courseware as well as cultural teaching resource products will also be developed. Confucius Institutes will be encouraged to design teaching materials appropriate for the local use.


Fourthly, continue to provide core support with a menu of "Main Courses" to Confucius Institutes while reinforcing regional guidance and supervision. All

newly-established Confucius Institutes will be equipped with "Great Wall Chinese" courseware and the facilities for setting up "Chinese Culture Experience Center". Unified Chinese tests will be organized. Tours of presentations, exhibitions and performances by the Chinese partner universities will be given. Regional joint

conferences will be held and Confucius Institutes are encouraged to organize seminars or meetings on their own to share best practices and discuss cooperation opportunities. On-site evaluation will continue to be carried out on Confucius Institutes.


3. Consolidate the Confucius Institute Online


Confucius Institute Online is a major project currently being implemented by the Headquarters. The purposes of this project are: first, expand the coverage of Chinese instructions of Confucius Institutes; second, provide online resources to Confucius Institutes and schools that offer Chinese programs; and third, put in place a platform for all Confucius Institutes to exchange information and share teaching resources. So

far a Content Delivery Network for global transmission has been established, with Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, London and Los Angeles as major hubs. A technical team with over 80 staff has been formed preliminarily and 50 Chinese-English channels are in trial operation, with French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian,

Japanese and Arabic channels pending operation. Next year, work in this regard will be pushed further by the Headquarters through in-house development and service outsourcing.


4. Work of the Executive council Member Organizations and Council Members


This year, in support of the development of Confucius Institutes, a lot of effective work has been done by the Executive Council Members in the fulfilling of their

respective responsibilities through their close collaborations with each other. So far all the Executive Council Member organizations have all worked out their relevant work plans for next year. For instance, the Ministry of Education will guide Hanban in formulating the Confucius Institutes Development Plan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will request the Chinese embassies and diplomatic missions to offer service and support for Confucius Institutes. The Ministry of Finance will continue to ensure financial input. The National Development and Reform Commission will incorporate the development of Confucius Institutes into the Twelfth Five-year National Development Plan. The Ministry of Commerce will initiate the aid project of the Confucius Institute at Kabul University in Afghanistan and has been giving active consideration to aid applications for Confucius Institutes in other regions. The Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council will strengthen the training of Chinese teachers. The Ministry of Culture and the State Council Information Office will provide cultural products to Confucius Institutes. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will support CCTV 4 and 9 in developing Chinese

teaching programs. China Radio International will work on the radio Chinese teaching programs and overseas CRI Confucius Classrooms. The General Administration of

Press and Publication will support the publication and exporting of Chinese textbooks overseas.


In the past year, Council Members at home and abroad have shown great care to the work of the Headquarters and provided a lot of valuable ideas and suggestions.

Nevertheless, I would like to call for the continued support and suggestions from all old and new Council Members for the next year, especially your consultation and guidance on the drafting of the Development Plan.


5. Finance of the Confucius Institute Headquarters


By the end of November, the Headquarters has spent 133,000,000 RMB, or

19,500,000 US dollars, on top of grants and project funding appropriated to Confucius Institutes and other institutions. The expenditures, which are within the proposed annual budget, are mainly for: first, equipment procurement and day-to-day operation of Confucius Institute Online; second, pre-service training of Chinese Confucius Institute directors and instructors; third, convocation of the seven regional Confucius Institute joint conferences in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Central Asia and East Europe, and the on-site evaluation of more than 50 Confucius Institutes in 15 countries; fourth, the hosting of the Fourth Confucius Institute Conference. The expenditure budget of next year by the Headquarters will remain roughly the same. Although the Ministry of Finance will continue to ensure the financial support for Confucius Institutes and Confucius Institute Headquarters, a multi-channel model of financing will be explored so as to attract investments from various sources.


That's all for my report, State Councilor Liu Yandong, Executive Council Members and Council Members. Please review and comment. Thank you.
