
【摘 要】 为了实现广告的特殊的劝说功能,广告商用尽各种策略,修辞则是其中重要



【关键词】 广告英语;修辞格;心理语言

Abstract :Ad —writers employ all kinds of strategies to fulfil the special function

—persuasion of advertisements。Rhetorical devic2es are the important strategies ,

which contribute to the realization of expected aims of the ad - writers。The paper

will probe into rhetorical devices in adverting English on the basis of

psycholinguistics 。

Key words :Advertising English ; Rhetorical devices ;Psycholinguistics








一 隐喻


作为一种修辞格来看待。Carroll (1999∶145) 指出,隐喻的理解首先要从心理词汇

(lexicon) 中提取消息,选择适当的那部分意义,最后识别本体与喻体之间的关系。束定芳

(2000∶17) 指出,隐喻中的喻体对说话者或听话者来说要比本体更为熟悉。而在两者发生互





1) High EfficiencyOur Big Bird can be fed even at night2) Kodak is Olympic



“鸟”的食物。如果用“Our planes Pairlines ”代替“Our BigBird”,那么标题显得平

淡无特色,喻体“Big Bird”的运用能使人们产生诸如雄鹰展翅等很多的联想! 使得广告更




二 双关



句法双关。Carroll (1999∶123 —125) 指出,在语句的理解过程中,歧义的多种意义暂时都





1 、语义双关。

利用词语的多义性使语句表达的内容有两种不同的理解时就是语义双关(Homographic pun) 。

3) I’m More satisfied“More”首先被解读为一个副词修饰过去分词“satisfied”, 显示此种烟的优良质量。接着, 由于“More”的第一个字母大写使读者很快想到此烟的品牌



4) Give a Timex to all , and to all a good time这则手表广告的关键词是“time”。人们首先反

映是“此表能给我们提供正确的时间”,然后其延伸意义很快也反映出来:“a good time”即表达


2 、谐音双关。

当利用词语之间的同音关系使词语有两种不同的理解时就是谐音双关(Homophonic Pun) 。

5) Seoul Food这一则南朝鲜餐馆的广告,Seoul 即指汉城,又暗指Soul (心灵) ,受众一领会到此


6)More sun and air for your son and heir在这则旅游广告中“sun”和“son”同音,“air ”与“heir”同



三 夸张

夸张此词源自于希腊语huperbole ,意义excess(超过) 。通俗地说, 夸张就是言过其实。

Carroll(1999∶148) 指出,话语的相互影响内容(interactionalcontent) 即传达说话者态度的内






7) The richest , f reshest , Irishest taste in all theworld


三个形容词都以Pist P结束,使得该广告有很高的记忆价值。8) We’ve hidden a garden of

vegetables whereyou′d never expect ,in a pie.这则馅饼广告的夸张体现在“a garden of ”一词上,

这个数量词的用法比程度副词“much ,a lot of ”等等都更形象、更具体,更能体现“很多蔬菜”。

四 仿拟

李诗平(1998∶82) 指出,parody 一词源于希腊语paroidia ,意为“mock —song”。即故意模仿某一著名的诗歌、某一名言、警句或某一谚语,改动部分词语而表达一种新的思想,从而达到讽刺、嘲弄或幽默的目的。从语言的理解与记忆角度来看,因为警句、谚语已被理解熟知,如果改动其部分词语而使其成为广告词,因为人们头脑对警句、谚语有了已知的信息,这样的新广告词由于已知的信息而容易理解,且新的广告词的新增添的内容能加深已有信息,使得新广告词的记忆更为深刻。因此,我们不难看到仿拟在广告中的广泛运用。

9) One man’s disaster is another man’s delight !The sale is now on !

这一广告是仿拟谚语:“One man’s meat is anoth2er man’s poison”(对甲有利的未必对乙也有利) 而来的。广告以“disaster ”和“delight”这两个词巧妙地替换了原谚语中的“meat”和“poison”,一方面这样的广告更易被人们理解,同时也告知人们商店大甩卖对店主是“灾”,但对顾客来说却


10) When it pours , it reigns


例10 为水晶酒具广告,是对英语谚语“ When itrains , it pours”的仿拟。广告撰写者把原谚语巧妙的调换了位置,且使用“rain”的同音词“reign”,即保留了谚语原来的语法结构,同时新增加的语义使得广告更具注意价值,此广告的记忆价值也同样得到提高。对警句、谚语的仿拟以上已做阐述,其实,仿词这一策略在广告中同样是被受欢迎。仿词( noncewords) 是特意地在某特定场合对人们熟知的词语进行派生,新杜撰出来的词语不生疏,且具有新的语义。

11) We know Eggsactly How to Sell Eggs.第11 例为鸡蛋广告。受众读到新造词Eggsact2ly ,就能猜到其意义是“exactly”。而且在此广告中广告产品“egg”被两次重复,加强了对产品的促销。just coined it to describe those Data Processing Acces2sories without which your computer can’t function well with full efficiency.例12 中的新造词“Compuces ories ”派生于两个为人熟知的词“ computer”和“accessories”。此新造词不仅意思很容易被解读,而且因为是由“ computer”和“accessories”两词派生而来,给人留下新的印象。

五 排比

广告商使用各种策略来使广告达到预期的效果,对广告的记忆充分体现广告的效果。Carroll (1999∶149) 指出,精细复述(elaboration) 是指新接收的信息和已存在长久记忆的信息相关,因此加深了对新信息的记忆的这一过程。越是复述得详细,那么对词、句、语篇的记忆将保持得越好。排比、反复修辞格是这一种策略的典型体现。

排比(parallelism) 是将结构相同或相似、意义并重,语气一致的语言成份排列在一起。

13) Think Once , Think Twice , Think Bike14) Don’t show me any other , just show me Black sister

这上面两例都为排比句在广告中的运用,它们语言简练,结构平衡匀称,声调铿锵有力,意义鲜明突出,给人以一气呵成之感。此外反复( repetition) 修辞格的运用也体现了同样的心理语言学基础。反复不等于累赘和罗嗦,而是对某个词或语言成分进行重复,借以加强语气和感情,增加感染力。15 ) Everything is extraordinary , Everything tempt s.16) Dish after dish after dish ,

People expect us tobe better.

第15 例为卡地亚饰品(Cartier) 广告意为“件件超凡脱俗,样样都吸引诱人。”因为此品牌是为人熟知,因此只须强调“extraordinary”就能增强感染力。在第16 例广告中,“dish”重复使用三次,给人刻画出一幅极为生动、妙不可言的画面:一碟碟佳肴美味,使人如见其色,如嗅其香,感染力非同小可。




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Analysis of the Rhetoric and Its Application in

Advertising English

Excellent advertising language is the key point of a successful English advertising. In order to transmit the correct sales information, arouse the customers? interesting and purchase desire, the rhetoric is very important in English advertising. It not only could help people to appreciate the splendid advertising and thoroughly understand the mysterious of its language, bring the convenience and the pleasure to our life, but also is helpful to study and mastery of English. Mastering of the characteristic of English advertising is good for know the culture ,the values and the social custom of the English-speaking counties. It gives our country products publicity to other countries and prompts the products to take possession of international market.

I Advertising and Rhetoric

2.1 Definition of Advertising

Advertising, originating from a Latin word “adverture”, means attract one?s attention. Then its meaning changed into causing somebody pay attention to something. Later it extends the meaning as making everybody to know something. With the developing of the business activity, “advertising” has been added some new meanings. It turns into today?s “advertising”. Its connotation enriched with the developing of the social economy and the extension enlarged. Until now, there are many various views about the definition of advertisement. the famous American marketing association (AMA)① gave such definition:Advertising is the non-personal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. This paragraph has pointed out some essential features of the advertisement:

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⑴ It is a non-individual, or a communication between the individual and the


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individual, but aims at some special communities or the whole public.

⑵ It is usually paid by advertiser.

⑶ Its essence is persuading.

⑷ The content of advertising always contains some related products and services, also some sales promotion and some ideas of promotes.

⑸ It can use different kinds of news media.

2.2 Definition and Classification of Rhetoric

What is rhetoric? The rhetoric is such a process that according to the certain aim to choose the language material carefully. Whatever words or writing an article, which purpose is to organizes the language materials to express one?s feelings, or tell others an issue or an opinion clearly. It means that people organized, adjust, decorate the language, and enhance the process of long-term effects of the language formation. The rhetoric has the special structure, method and function, which were recognized by society. It should suit for the certain classified collection system.

The rhetoric divides into the semantic rhetoric, the sentence rhetoric and the pronunciation rhetoric:

1.2.1 Semantic Rhetoric

Semantic rhetoric is the most basic rhetoric method, using the specific language significance and contact mutually to decorate, strengthened the language interest greatly.

Figure of speech (simile, metaphor)

Simile② is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the words as or like.

Featherwater, light as a feather. (Glasses)③

Featherwater means the glasses in this sentence, which wants to explain the weight of the glasses as light as a swan's feather. Such a piece of glasses advertisement moves the consumer by characteristic of the glasses weight, extremely vivid.

Metaphor② is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word as or like.

The world is open for business, the card is key. (Credit Card)

This type of advertisement seems the credit card as a key to open the world that

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express the merchant?s purpose to promote their cards to the whole world. It could enhance the meaning of language.

Overstatement② is also called hyperbole. In overstatement the words diction exaggerates the subject, and in understatement the words play down the magnitude or value of the subject

Making a big world smaller. (Deutsche Lufthansa AG)④

This is an advertisement of the Deutsche Lufthansa AG, with the hyperbole indicated Deutsche Lufthansa AG flight to each place in the world. Their planes would arrive the destination as quickly as possible, and then “making a big world smaller”. The company wants to emphasize their merit in large range. It gives the people profound impression and causes an association.

Personification② is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities.

She has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near. (Perfume) ③

The perfume was personified in this advertisement as a sex girl. “She” both refer perfume itself and the lady who love this perfume. It also pointed out naturally that is special goods for the female.

It’s for your lifetime. (Watch) ④

This personification endows life and the individual characters with this watch. This kind of watch accompanies from morning to night, just like a sweet heart.

Pun② means the humorous use of a word that has morn than one maening, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same.

The label of achievements.

Black Label commands more respects. (Black Label)③

Pun brings into most brands? favor. This is a piece of advertisement for whisky. Label has two meanings. One stands for single mark, the other stands for the brand whisky —— Black Label. This advertisement?s utilization through the method of pun, they would eager to drink Black Label when people render outstanding service and are famous. At the same time, using the brand name formed as the pun, strengthen the memory and interest of the consumer to the goods.

Parody② is an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

Where there’s heat, there’s healthy hair. (Thermasilk Shampoo) ⑤


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This advertisement copies English idiom “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Make this advertisement vivid, and form the product image for the merchant, also successfully express that Thermasilk Shampoo could bring the high quality hairs to people.

Comparison② is the formation of the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

Once tasted, always loved. (Coffee) ④

There are two words “once” and “always” give an obvious contract. They express the goods high quality and delicacy more completely and sharply, strengthens the meaning for the entire advertisement.

1.2.2 Sentence Rhetoric

Sentence rhetoric uses the meaning in the sentence and contact mutually to decorate. Add rhythm and strength to the expression.

A rhetorical question② is a question that is asked in order to make a statement and which does not expect an answer.

Who will you be in the next 24 hours? (Patekphilppe Geneve) ⑤

This is the advertising for watch, which get attention by asking a question. The sentence “ Who will you be in the next 24 hours?” that give an endless imagination to point out the main purpose of the advertising.

Parallelism② means the parallel presentation of two or more than two similar or relevant ideas in similar structure forms. The structure of the figure gives you a beautiful sense of balance.

Call it Wrigley, call it Spearmint, call it Gum-Wrigley. (Wrigley ?s Chewing Gum) ⑤

In order to enhance the rhythm and focus the power, this advertising of the chewing gum connects several similar meaning words together. The taste of chewing gum is peppermint. Peppermint can help refresh tone effectively and the common grounds of those mentioned words can stand out their specific quality, characteristic. As a result the impression become deeply.

Repetition② is a rhetorical device of using some words or sentences naturally and repeatedly to stress an important message or indicate a strong feeling.

We’re not in the computer business. We’re in the results business. (IBM Computer) ④


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The beginning and the end of the two sentences both used the repetition. It didn?t mention anything about selling computers, but it sells the computer all the same. This advertising only emphasizes the service after the sale consummately. This advertising express that the IBM computer comes into prominence, strengthen the advantages of the computer. The consumers would be interested in IBM products.

Anastrophe② means transforming the normal word order. It sticks out the focal point of information and applies widely in the advertisement.

From Sharp Minds

Come Sharp Product! (Sharp electronics) ⑤

The natural order of this advertisement is “Sharp Product Come From Sharp Minds.” This sentence has subsidiary bank is a inversion. The focus of the information becomes “Sharp Minds” and “Sharp Product”. It read soundly, has added the content of the information. This advertising would increase the brand impression.

1.2.3 Pronunciation Rhetoric

The pronunciation rhetoric uses the pronunciation and contact mutually to decorate. It could obtain the beautiful music of languages. It includes the syllable coordination, the intonation coordination and the rhyme harmony.

Rhyme (alliteration, consonance)

Alliteration② refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words.

Health, humor and happiness…. It’s a gift we’d love to give. (Saturday Evening Post)

These three words health, humor and happiness have rhyming the alliterative “h”. The gift and give have rhyming the alliterative “g”. The repetitions of two groups of sounds bring the strong sensation effect. The ellipsis after “happiness” also uses masterly. It implies that this newspaper could bring the profit not only above-mentioned three pieces of the information to the people. Then it could leave the rich imagination space to us.

Consonance② refers to the appearance of the same last consonant sound in two or more words.

You and Northwest , business at its best. ⑤

“Northwest” and “best” have rhyming “est” sounds. That is the easy memory and give the people sense concussion of reading and listening. It has the attention value and

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the memory value.

Onomatopoeia② is the imitation of natural sounds in the sounds of words. Many common words, sound somewhat like the sounds they name.


Super Silent Dishwasher ④

Shhhh…… this sound simulated the slight sound, which the machine operation sends out. It tells the people that this product has good quality and low voice, which should attain the requirement of the consumer. The advertising producer wants to attract the consumer in this way.

2.3 Function of Rhetoric in Advertisement

Rhetoric is a very important function in advertisement. It can enormously enrich the language expression ability and effect. Rhetoric not only accurately propagandizes the commodity characteristic, but also may describe feeling after using the commodity. Both can express the vivid, and can cause the emotion association. Thus rhetoric that brings to the advertisement could stand out the artistic infection and the visual and auditory enjoying.

1.3.1 Comparison of Different Rhetoric for Similar Commodities

Give your hair a touch of spring. (Pun) ⑤

This “spring” means the color of spring, and also means the flexibility of hear.

It gives my hair super shine, super body, and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow. (Simile) ④

In this advertising, the hair is compared to a fresh meadow, which show out the good quality of the shampoo to the consumers.

Although these two advertisements are all shampoo advertisement, the utilization of rhetoric method is different. One utilizes pun, the other utilizes simile. They put out the prominent characteristic from every product to express clearly.

1.3.2 Comparison of Advertisements with or without Rhetoric

The world has a big backyard. Our planet is filled with hidden Places. Dramatic examples of earth’s evolution. Witness seven of the world’s most diverse landscapes. Come out and play in The Greatest Places. ——Science Museum of Minnesota⑤

The world is compared to a family in the advertisement. American Minnesota Science Museum is regarded as a big backyard. This advertising gives the people a kind


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of familiar feeling, and pulls the distance closer between the people and the nature by metaphor. Seven kinds of nature landscapes in the museum is personification and echo “us”. If these rhetoric methods were removed, the museum gave the people stiff feeling. It could not have such affect and impact people?s heart.

II The Correct Application of Rhetoric in Advertisement English

2.1 Principles of Using Rhetoric in Advertisements

It is the advertising creative that utilizes different rhetoric method to show the singularity and novelty to attract attention. The rhetoric of advertising English is a kind of selective process. It is not such decorates, or make some new designs to translate the language. It was make the abortive choices from the existing language material. At first, the choices should consider here, which parlance is the most exact. The rhetoric may utilize many rhetoric methods in an advertisement. Just like make the parallelism and the pun together or the analogy and the contrast together and so on. Such could show the advantage in the language meaning. For example:

Dream your night away. Drive your dream away. (BMW)

Now people buy the precious vehicle is a beautiful dream in the society. The BMW compares with the BMW automobile Dream. The comparison is extremely natural that gives the customs a full conceivable space. At the same time, the appropriate manage of metaphor and parallelism makes a profound impression. The automobile is endowed with vivid mystical color by such a utilization of rhetoric. Different products fit different age?s people. When we give an advertisement we must choose the suitable rhetoric whether is comparison, contrast or some other ways. The emphasis of rhetoric is a language effect that can express correctly the willing of company and the particularity of goods. Simultaneity, we should use the illimitable imagination to create more and more ads, attracting the whole world vision.

2.2 Different Culture, Different Advertisement Rhetoric

Advertisement has a close relationship with culture whether it seems as a style of culture, a marketing action or a media transmit. Nowadays ads have developed into a mature culture style. Then, the proprietor and the advertising agent pay more and more attention to the culture connotation that qua the carrier of business information. Although the custom culture connotation appeals to costumers, it is commercial. It


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resonates among business and customers, passing the valuable traditional Chinese culture and carrying forward the values of our nationality. In China, the advertisement has reflected a kind of community's idea: Emphasizes the whole, the family and the dear are extremely. But the western advertisement had reflected the culture that they take their own as the central. It emphasizes the individual independence and the main function and pay attention to opening the individuality. Today, English advertisement has become the carrier, which the western and Chinese culture blends. Through the brief language, it could make the foreigner understands China and sees to the fast steps of China's development.

Chinese enterprises, when trying to penetrate the foreign market, must set up their own brand images, which mean try to strength the well-known of the products. Such the enterprises should understand the difference of the countries? culture when design the English advertising. For instance, the dragon is the propitious symbol in China. The dragon soars also indicates the prosperity of the enterprises and the nation. Therefore so many companies in our countries prefer to figure their own outstanding and products as dragon. But in western, the dragon is the evil symbols that stand for the deconstruction. When opening the international market, our enterprise brands could not use the dragon to carry on the propaganda in English advertisement. Though English rhetoric has concern a small part in advertising language. It also should pay attention in double actually. As the basis language of worldwide, English advertising should pay great attention to the rhetoric effect consumer impression in the different nations, as well as to make the influence of purchase desire. To grasp the related characteristic of English advertisement, from which we could know the culture, the values and the social custom of English-speaking countries, in order to improving the position of the international market and propagandizing the Chinese products. Although there are differences between the western China, the western product advertising still in unconsciously was attacking the Chinese tradition custom. There is a very big part of reasons to give credit to the advertisements propaganda strength that may cause the culture to seep mutually at the different nationalities.

2.3 Designing Rhetoric according to the Marketing Strategy

The basic function of commercial advertising is transmitting the information related enterprises and commodity, extending the market, and making transaction. The


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advertisement and the market economy are cannot be divided, in western countries, as the high development of advertising industry in the market economy, the various advertising enrich our surrounding. People live in the sea of advertising face the thousands of advertisement every day. Advertising expenditure generally occupies GDP 1%-3% in the western. Advertising has become an independent popular science. It has the vital function to the market economy development. The goal of enterprise's advertisement is decided by the marketing goal. But in the process during which comes true the whole aim of marketing, the advertising could fall into different step. It has different function and effect in every step according to the different goal that the advertisement expresses. The advertisement inventor must enough show the image of enterprises and the special characteristic of products through the brief words. The utilization of advertisement rhetoric may vivid transmit the merchants? propaganda expectation regarding to this product from the different angle.

To a large extent, the English advertisement rhetoric satisfied the enterprise?s need of propaganda. Most companies would use the Information Advertising when their new goods come into the market quotation which major purpose is to establish the Primary Demand. Introduce fluently about the capability and the price, which build up the figuration of both the enterprise and the goods. For instance, we can begin with the word “new”. We use the beautiful words, reiteration, exaggerates and rhetoric to give reviewers a deep impression about the agency. Once reviewer sees the just goods it will help them remember the special advertising language. When the products have held a certain market, the growing time coming, it is time used “persuasive advertising”. Selective demand is the characteristic of this period. The customers always choose the suitable goods from different brands, which ask for we add more content to ads and the purpose is to advise customers to buy our products. In ads rhetoric, we can use parallelism to prominent the characteristic of the goods and paronomasia to emphasize the brand. Different ways propagandized for going deep into thorough market. To the mature period, the purpose of ads is to mention the customers to buy goods, so reminder advertising is to enhance the well-known. In this stage, we use the warm prompt, analogy and personification are using frequently.

Simultaneity, adding rhetoric to English ads can attract customers? attention and interests. Each advertisement should be complete difference in different ads environments, so ads language is refined by changeable situation. Therefore, English


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ads must embark from the reality and the authenticity, which prohibited from making an overstatement. When we transmit the information we should pay more attention to the objective integrity. It helps increase the confident level and makes more customers accept new products. It is the only way to build up the steady enterprise and the brand prestige.

2.4 The Impact of Rhetoric in the Psychology of Advertising

The main difference between traditional ads and modern ads is: the center of modern ads is not the enterprise but customers. The demand and the mental development of the customers is focusing on the overall effect and long-term effect; the content of modern ads is not only confined to promoting and introducing the products but also focusing on establishing a solid brand reputation and a good corporation image. In this situation, enterprise must take the market as the central position. Analyze customers? psychology, entice customers? consumptive desire. As a means of ads, the most important thing is the language. The ads language contains a rich literary foundation and concentrates on human intelligence, which reflects the main content of ads esthetic character. The expression of language is beautified by rhetoric that customers accept it easily by a living culture.

Modern Ads Psychology points out that the essence of ads whose purpose of marketing is the article esthetic effect. A successful advertisement achieved efficiently, succeeding in arts and moving the customers? hearts. It is related to not only ads? visional effect that is given by the appearance, space, color but also the words? influence. It is created by parable, exaggeration, impersonate, contrast and so on. For example, Reebox, giving a famous ads as:

Five feet nine inches in his socks; ten feet tall in his shoes.

It shows completely the character of the products. Language and letters open up new realms of human ads art, which arouse both advertising agent and the customers? imagination in art works of interpretation. If there were no language application, ads would become utterly worthless information. On the other hand, we must remember that keep the language honest creditable is the main way to win different consumptive levels of consumers? consumptive trends, it will not be too much exaggeration. In advertising, the strong emotional effect of language can directly touch consumers demand orientation, therefore the effect on rhetoric more important.


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III Early and Modern Advertising in America

The earliest advertising appeared in US is a notice soliciting advertising on the Boston New-Letter in April 1704.⑥ Since then, American advertising has developing in 300 years of development history of advertising. Advertising has undergone rudimentary English to complex, from crude to refined development process; Gradually developed into two main categories: product advertising and institutional advertising. Product advertising introduces the information about specific commodities, such as its functions and price; institutional advertising isn?t on the purpose of promoting, but to establish the reputation of the company and product signboards advertising. Businessmen hope to make their own reputation advertising companies establish the reputation in the eyes of consumers and a best selling their products become the brand-name goods.

Whether is a products advertising or a institutional advertising, the advertiser are all carefully on using languages, try their best to make lively and vivid language to enhance the affection of the advertising through the rhetoric in English. English rhetoric is original applied for literature, but with the development of advertising, rhetoric has gradually widely used in commercial advertising, then improving the quality of advertising English. 100 years ago, all US commercial advertising are almost factual, and now is mostly used the hyperbole, personification, repetition, rhyme, and other methods rhetoric the product characteristics. Such cater for consumer interest and attitudes, strength a deeper impression, and enhance commodity economy. Our English advertising as late started and inexperienced, people often complain about the vapidity words and the monotonous content. It is difficult to obtain results that we expect. However, according to CCTV report that in the cities one people contact more than 200 advertising per day, it takes over one-hour that one people read advertisements average daily. Advertising businesses have reached 120,005,000. After enter the WTO, the United States, Britain and other developed countries had made their products to be imported into China in the form of advertising in various ways, we can learn the qualify model of English from English-speaking countries, update campaign of domestic advertising language and make our brands open up abroad market.

IV Conclusion

The advertisement is an art, both has the information value, and contains the


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artistic charm. People always utilized widely different rhetoric method to cause the advertisement marvelously to be novelty, enhance the attraction and the conviction, attracted consumer's attention in the advertisement creativity. The mission of advertising in the poverty time is "informs". Opposite, in economic boom today, the mission changed into the “sensation”. Although in china at the beginning of the development of advertising industry a lot in the western advertising theory, the convinced Chinese historical culture background has decided that mean stream performance of advertising was the inner feeling style. Through different languages and cultural blending, advertising propagandize our country?s commodities effectively which cause them to infiltrate the international market have an extremely vital significance. English advertisement enters our life by different medium. Studying advertisement rhetoric language is not only good for promoting language ability, but also understanding the culture, social character of the speaking English countries.


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1. 刘秀玉,《新编简明英语广告修作手册》知识出版社,2002

2. 《牛津双解字典》 2006

3. 校园英语/english

4. 中国机械网

5. 宜春新闻网 /xypd/yysl/2006_3_8/133169.shtml

6. 徐振忠 美国英语商业广告的修辞色彩 解放军外语学院院报 19xx年第4期


1、刘秀玉 《新编简明英语广告修作手册》 知识出版社 20xx年

2、黎海斌 《商务人员看广告学英语》 中国纺织出版社 20xx年

3、青 王东莉 《现代广告心理学》 浙江大学出版社 20xx年

4、胡国强 试论英语广告的修辞艺术 通化师范学院院报 20xx年7月

5、徐振忠 美国英语商业广告的修辞色彩 解放军外语学院院报 19xx年第4期

6、Kenneth Roman and Jane Maas How To Advertise Xinhua Publishing House


7、George Felton Advertising Concept and Copy China Renmin University Press

May, 2005


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I Advertising and Rhetoric ............................................................................................1


2.2 Definition of Advertising ................................................................................ 1 Definition and Classification of Rhetoric........................................................ 2






1.3.2 Semantic Rhetoric................................................................................. 2 Sentence Rhetoric ................................................................................. 4 Pronunciation Rhetoric ......................................................................... 5 Comparison of Different Rhetoric for Similar Commodities ............... 6 Comparison of Advertisements with or without Rhetoric .................... 6 Function of Rhetoric in Advertisement ........................................................... 6 II The Correct Application of Rhetoric in Advertisement English.................................7




2.4 Principles of Using Rhetoric in Advertisements ............................................. 7 Different Culture, Different Advertisement Rhetoric...................................... 7 Designing Rhetoric according to the Marketing Strategy ............................... 8 The Impact of Rhetoric in the Psychology of Advertising............................ 10 III Early and Modern Advertising in America ............................................................... 11 IV Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 11

