



国有企业改革的关键点和困难之处在于打破利益集团壁垒。全国政协委员、中陆集团总裁王超斌今年带上两会的提案依然是《垄断企业改革》,这已经是他连续8年带来同一提案。全国政协委员、新希望集团董事长刘永好也以自己的切身体会呼吁,放开玉米进口配额。 在夹缝中拼杀的民营企业利润越来越薄,很多企业家不再专注实业,产业空心化趋势严重。而与此同时,有的垄断企业因为坐享垄断红利而缺乏创新动力,效率低下。即便是在美国经济严重受挫的20xx年,被认为业绩飘红的中石油的净利润率也仅是美国美孚石油公司的1/5,而中石油的员工总数却是后者的16倍。







“国有企业、国有企业的一些上市公司,为什么不能减持股份,卖到社会上,卖给民间,然后把钱收回来,充实社保基金?”保育钧坚定地主张国有企业民营化,他强调:“媒体说的国企私有化是在胡说,人家是把产权变现,怎么叫私有化呢?现在私有化这个词是西方来的,这种概念容易被幻想,作为资产阶级被批判,共 产 党执政以后这种说法过时了。”对于私有化和民营化的本质区别,保育钧指出:“一旦私有化就容易被瓜分,但如果民营化以后它还是一种资产,私有化就容易被消耗掉。”










全会指出,要紧紧围绕使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用深化经济体制改革,坚持和完善基本经济制度,加快完善现代市场体系、宏观调控体系、开放型经济体系,加快转变经济发展方式,加快建设创新型国家,推动经济更有效率、更加公平、更可持续发展; 全会指出,经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。


坚持公有制为主体并不意味着要保持行政垄断。在市场经济条件下,企业规模大小是其自身经营的结果。市场竞争必然带来优胜劣汰,有的企业会越做越大,直至在某一行业或领域拥有控制地位,形成垄断;有的企业则被淘汰,同时新的企业不断涌现。企业一旦拥有垄断地位,就会牟取高额垄断利润,从而既损害消费者利益,又阻碍科技进步和劳动生产率提高。因此,很多国家制定了反垄断的法律制度,以维护市场竞争,保持经济活力,增进社会利益。 从我国的情况来看,目前还没有通过市场竞争产生的垄断企业,但在传统计划经济体制下和体制转轨过程中,少数企业形成了行政垄断。当然,对于关系国家安全的行业或具有自然垄断性的生产经营环节,可以在加强监管、保护消费者利益的条件下由少数大企业垄断经营。现在的问题是,有些行业和业务既不关系国家安全,又不具有自然垄断性,但一些企业却依靠行政权力形成了垄断地位。这就需要继续深化改革,引进更多的投资者和竞争者,通过竞争促进相关行业健康发展。有人担心打破垄断会动摇公有制的主体地位,其实这种担心是多余的。竞争才有活力,竞争才有进步,竞争才能让消费者受益。愈是打破垄断、加强竞争,愈是能够增强相关行业的活力,愈是能够促使相关企业发展壮大,从而进一步提高国有经济的素质和控制力。而垄断的存在,从静态和表面看是少数甚至一个企业控制了整个行业的生产和销售,有利于相关企业保持强大地位,但实际上不利于整个行业的发展,侵害了国家和人民的利益,最终也将导致相关企业失去生机和活力。




摘要 我国国有企业效率低下、亏损严重,并非单纯由于管理不善、产权不明晰所致,而是由于国有企业的宏观垄断性造成的。垄断的报酬是超额利润,国家组建垄断企业集团是希望获得垄断利润。但是,即使国有垄断企业能获得超额利润,也是以低效率和社会福利的牺牲换取的。同时这种超额利润并未成为国家垄断“贡献”的报酬,而是变相转变成了个人收入。实际上,国有垄断企业由于缺乏竞争机制,始终是在边际成本大大高于边际收益的状态下进行生产的,因而是亏损的。因此,要搞活国有企业,必须减少宏观垄断,使竞争机制得到发育,让国有

企业通过市场形成具有较强竞争力的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制和跨国经营的大型企业集团。 关键词 国有企业 垄断性 市场竞争 企业集团








第一章 大作文写作结构,模式和常用词汇


文章结构一: 单边倾向型(3/7)

第一段:文章开头 (60字)

第二段 原因一,拓展二到三句(你不太赞成的一面)(60字)

第三段 原因一,拓展二到三句(你赞成的一面)(60字)

第四段 原因二 拓展一到二句 原因三 拓展一到二句(你赞成的一面)(60字)

第五段 结尾 (40字)

文章结构二: 单边倾向型 (4/6)

第一段:文章开头 (60字)

第二段 原因一,拓展二到三句 原因二,拓展二到三句(你不太赞成的一面)(80字)

第三段 原因一,拓展二到三句 原因二,拓展二到三句(你赞成的一面)(100字)

第四段 结尾 (40字)

文章结构三: 双边型 (5/5)

第一段 文章开头 (60字)

第二段 原因一,拓展二到三句 原因二,拓展二到三句(你赞成的一面)(90字)

第三段 原因一,拓展二到三句 原因二,拓展二到三句(你不赞成的一面)(90字)

第四段 结尾 (40字)

文章结构四: 纯单边型

第一段 文章开头 (60字)

第二段 原因一,拓展三到四句 (60字)

第三段 原因二,拓展三到四句 (60字)

第四段 原因三,拓展三到四句 (60字)

第五段 结尾 (40字)


In this day and age, the human race is advancing at an amazing rate in a host of arenas. 通用性开头

教育类:In contemporary society, education plays a pivotal role in individual development and social progress.

社会类:With the ever-accelerated living tempo and fiercer competition, the way people live, work, study and play has undergone a noticeable and far-reaching transformation.

科技类:Since people have embarked upon information era, the way they live, work, study and play has undergone a noticeable and far-reaching transformation.

环境类:Along with all the boons brought about by high-tech wonders have come some sufferings and concerns.

文化类:with sweeping trend of globalization and cross-cultural interflow, the vast world has gradually been shrinking into a small global village.

政府类:Admittedly, there are a multitude of competing claims on the government’s limited budget. As a consequence, how the government can optimize its finite financial resources has long been a controversial issue.


Whether(考试话题的句子)has been thrown into sharp focus/ has been a breeding

ground for spirited debate./ has gone on the radar screen of the whole world. 第三句:引出下文


The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination. 或 I will make an objective analysis of this issue based on following sound reasons.


As I see it, the boons brought about by 话题主体far outweigh the banes.


Provided that it is up to me to make an alternative, my view will fall between the two extremes.


For my part, my view will be identical with the advocates’/opponents’/former/latter.


However, much heavier weight/the same heavy weight should be attached to the blessings/ drawbacks.

To put all into one nutshell, all the evidence lends strong support to my convincing conclusion that 文章观点。或 after rational analysis and careful consideration, I am convinced that文章观点。

救命型结尾:Just as an old saying goes, there is no rose without any thorns, _______ has no exception. Whether it is a blessing or a curse is dependent on how moderately or appropriately we will employ it. What we should do is figure out a rational balance between them,bringing its strengths into full play and diminishing its weaknesses to the least extent.


第一段:Along with all the boons brought about by high-tech wonders/ social process have come some sufferings and concerns. The fact that 考试话题has been thrown into sharp focus/ has been a breeding ground for spirited debate./ has gone on the radar screen of the whole world. Hence, it is imperative that we identify the causes of this phenomenon and pinpoint the effective remedies.

第二段:From my own perspective, the causes of this phenomenon are manifold.


To walk out of this difficult situation, some effective and feasible measures should be adopted without any delay/ Given the severity of this phenomenon, we have no alternative but to take immediate steps to address this situation. What the authorities must do is to ________________________. And meanwhile, individuals should

_____________________________________. Only under these circumstances can we 未来方向。


1 enact laws and regulations to impose heavy fine on/ crack down on violators

2 enhance overall awareness of general public towards __________ by means of publicity and instruction..

3 strengthen the monitoring and supervision and impose rigid censorship to lead________ on the right track. 传媒类话题使用


1 spare no efforts to do sth.

make joint efforts to do sth.

2 refine one’s ability to distinguish right from wrong


People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight immensely.

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success.

In this day and age, many individuals can access the internet via computers or mobile phones. The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosystem.

The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough. In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.

Academic knowledge and practical skills go hand in hand with each other.

We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technology.其中We must ensure that….意思是我们必须确保….


The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another.


可以用the Ministry of Transportation 建筑问题可以用the Ministry of Construction 环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace.

A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals in lab cages today. In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to /preoccupied with various forms of gambling.

The population explosion is the chief culprit in /the root cause of water scarcity/ shortage.. In contemporary society, we are confronted with a large number of violent and pornographic TV shows.

In contemporary society, the proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a grave threat to humanity. The media are awash with /be inundated with crime coverage.

If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue.

With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels , many have become disturbed and alarmed. Wide application of the computer does a great job in enriching our knowledge and broadening our horizons.

Some others oppose to animal experimentation on the grounds that it is inhumane.

In this day and age, globalization is exerting profound impact on the way we work, live, play and learn. The advantages of imposing stiffer punishment on driving offender prevail over the disadvantages. Technological innovations have brought changes to the political, economical and cultural arenas.

In an individual’s career, tenacity is a key determinant of success.

No one can conceal the fact that globalization can also engender a host of banes to the lives of people in the third-world countries. The government should give priority to the optimization of its financial resources. The government should dedicate more money to the alleviation of chronic poverty.

Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent or pornographic content on TV shows.

In order to keep in line with the times, people have no alternative but to go for further study continuously.

To the newly-arrived immigrants, it is imperative that adapt to the local culture immediately. It is essential that government pass more stringent laws to compel drivers to abide by / comply with the law.

The grave ecological problem requires / necessitates / calls for joint effort of all the nations on the globe. 34 there is a growing tendency for sb. to do sth.

35 lay a solid foundation for 或者pave the way for


What to study:

1 academic knowledge or practical skills

2 moral values or pure knowledge

3 subject choices

Four main functions offered by education

1 general knowledge-----seemingly useless subjects for their future careers such as sports and


colleges not technical or vocational schools

a generalist not a specialist

knowledgeable-----cultivated----disciplined a comprehensive talent

versatile overall development money-making machine

2 specialized knowledge such as law and accounting

do a great job in hunting a decent job in highly competitive society

combine theory with practice

apply what you have learnt in class into practice

sharpen your competitiveness

gain greater advantages over others

place you in a more favorable position

academic knowledge-----wisdom accumulation inherited from the ancestors time-honored

lay a solid foundation for having a better grasp of practical skills

practical skills----- have a clearer picture of academic knowledge

go hand in hand with each other perfect combination---the most desirable educational mode

the last paragraph:

in a nutshell, both functions offered by the school do not fall into a conflict, which should go hand in hand with each other. As a consequence, the perfect combination of general knowledge and practical subjects is the most desirable educational mode.

3 moral values

(1): immature and na?ve not be equipped with enough ability to distinguish right

from wrong

be misguided by social evils or indecent information such as violence and pornography be vulnerable to going astray

(2): lack of adequate self-control and self-discipline

be preoccupied with some unwholesome behaviors such as playing cyber games

follow their peers and idols indiscriminately

set up a negative role model drug abuse

head for crimes

have the responsibility and obligation to lead them on the right track

law-abiding citizens

(3) an upright person a student with integrity

have properly moral values and principles

foster the sense of social responsibilities and loving heart

make due contributions to public interests

4 ability of critical thinking and self-study

encourage students to think independently and critically

be equipped with an ability to cope with a wide variety of problems creatively and


We have embarked upon information era which is characterized by ever-accelerated

knowledge updating.

Keep in line with the times go for further study continuously

SPORT: 1: keep the students in shape

2: foster teamwork spirits and learn how to co-operate and negotiate with others

3: nurture competition awareness be confronted with rat race

MUSIC: 1: relieve study load and have a light mood

2: nurture their sentiment improve overall quality

a man of taste

3: stimulate their imagination and creativity

GEOGRAPHY: enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons

Form a diversified outlook of the world

HISTORY: learn from the experience and lessons from our ancestors

avoid making similar mistakes in the years to come

PHILOSOPHY: foster logical thinking ability

Make rational analysis and sound judgment

How to study:

1 at home or at school/ computers or teachers

2 study in groups or on one’s own

3 parents or teachers

4 rules and regulations or free development

5 how to fund higher education

1/2 computers vs. teachers

(1): intercommunication process

idea exchange and clash

absorb the essence of others to offset your own drawbacks

pool the talents of other students

just as an old saying goes, two heads are better than one

receive information in a passive way

hinder/hamper the development of imagination and creativity

(2) strengthen interpersonal skills and foster teamwork spirit

live in harmony with students from all kinds of family backgrounds how to

co-operate and negotiate with others in the years to come

teach students in accordance with their specific features

tap their potential to the greatest extent

(3): pose a greatly potential threat to physical and mental health

radiation-------near-sightedness-----a sedentary lifestyle

indecent information-----violence/pornography

information overload retain the true and discard the false

be addicted to virtual world be isolated from real society

computers: enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons

gain swift and convenient access to the latest information and advanced

knowledge break through geographical barrier

study on one’s own: foster independent thinking ability

be more likely to concentrate all their minds on the schooling be diverted by other activities

free development: grow up in the process of continuous exploration on their own undergo hardships and setbacks

foster independent thinking ability and strong will

there is no royal road to success.

be confronted with ups and downs in real life in a better way too much restriction

dampen their enthusiasm and initiative

hinder/hamper the development of imagination and creativity where to study:

1 private or public schools

2 boarding or day schools

3 home or abroad

4 streaming

private/boarding or public/day school

private school:

1: gain swift and convenient access to well-equipped facilities, highly-trained and

experienced teachers ---------sufficient funding

do a great job in enhancing their academic level

2: relieve fiscal burden of the government

3: cater for different requirements of the people from all walks of life

public school:

1: every child is entitled to high quality education

Low tuition fee do not deny the chance of the students from the disadvantaged or

whose families living below poverty line to receive education equally

2 give priority to properly moral values and principles

Boarding schools:

1: cultivate sense of independence and strengthen interpersonal skills

Far from parental guidance and monitoring, you have to learn how to cope with a

wide variety of problems individually and creatively.

become mature

live in harmony with students from all kinds of family backgrounds how to

co-operate and negotiate

2: spare students everyday chores of traveling back and forth to school

dedicate valuable time and energy to more significant and challenging issues day school:

1: obtain proper guidance and effective communication from their parents regularly Family education is an integral supplement to school education

bridge widening generation gap

2: receive considerate attendance

well-balanced and nutritious diet


1: well-equipped facilities

highly-trained and experienced teachers will be distributed to first rate classes unequal allocation of teaching resources

violate/infringe on basic right of being educated equally

2: instill notion of rank into their na?ve heart

superiority complex--------inferiority complex

be detrimental to healthy growth and development

send children to first rate class by hook or by crook

bribery---corruption-----vicious competition

be exposed to social evils

3: make mutual progress build up their friendship

foster teamwork spirit strengthen unifying force

strong competitive atmosphere great peer pressure

give rise to serious psychological imbalance

4: teach students in accordance with their specific features

tap their potential to the greatest extent

voluntary work

1: foster the sense of social responsibilities and loving heart

Roses given to others will leave fragrance on your own hand.

help others without asking for any return

When you are in trouble, you will obtain selfless assistance.

form a wholesome social atmosphere

an integral part of a civilized and harmonious society

2: cultivate sense of independence and strengthen interpersonal skills

Far from parental guidance and monitoring, you have to learn how to cope with a

wide variety of problems individually and creatively.

become mature

live in harmony with people from all walks of life how to co-operate and negotiate 3: do a great job in hunting a decent job in highly competitive society

combine theory with practice

apply what you have learnt in class into practice

sharpen your competitiveness

gain greater advantages over others

place you in a more favorable position

4: not occupy too much time and energy

exert baneful impact on your study

lag behind your classmates in academics

Put the cart before the horse.


1 who should bear the responsibility of environmental protection

(1) the government: the ecosystem deteriorate at an astonishing rate

some of thorny problems go far beyond the strength of companies and individuals global warming fuel crisis

address those afflictions effectively, efficiently and properly

achieve mutual share of information, resource, technology and funds

(2) the company pursue high profits at the cost of sacrificing the environment

chemical plants, paper-making mills and textile factories

discharge the sewage into rivers, lakes and streams without any treatment

seek after economic benefits shoulder social responsibility

(3) individuals be intimately bound up with daily lives

make due contributions to ecological preservation

never litter everywhere non-biodegradable material

reduce exhaust emission by driving private cars less

Many a little makes a mickle.

2 transportation

(1) traffic congestion in commuting hours

consume a great deal of time and energy which should be dedicated to more significant and challenging issues

hinder economic development

car accidents an intangible killer deprive many people of their lives

(2) excessive emission of exhaust

toxic fumes pose a potential threat to physical health

higher incidence of many diseases respiratory ones

degrade air quality

see blue and clear sky a real luxury to urban dwellers

carbon dioxide greenhouse effect global warming

sulphur acid rain ecological catastrophe

(3) fuel crisis fossil fuel deplete sooner or later

restrict a temporary means

explore alternative energy environmentally-friendly

renewable inexhaustible a permanent approach

3 animals and plants

Reasons for extinction:

(1) urbanization habitats ---disconnected or contract

evolution inbreeding

(2) deteriorating environment

wide application of chemical fertilizer

pesticide herbicide

chemical plants, paper-making mills and textile factories

discharge the sewage into rivers, lakes and streams without any treatment

pose a fatal threat to marine lives

(3) poaching illegal hunting endangered/rare species

go extinct biodiversity

deforestation vegetation damage soil erosion and desertification



globalization cross-cultural communication/interflow/interaction

mainstream/dominant cultures minority cultures

pros: 1 do a great job in mutual integration

absorb the essence of other cultures to offset its own drawbacks

inject new vitality gain greater momentum/driving force

achieve sustainable development

Olympic Games brilliant feast of cultural communication

2 enrich one’s knowledge and broaden one’s horizons/vision

gain swift and convenient access to multi- cultures

render many young people open-minded

form a diversified outlook of the world and view of life

exert beneficial impact on the growth and development of the people

3 merge into indigenous society promptly

overcome the obstacles and difficulties they are confronted with comparatively


live in harmony with local residents

Do in Rome as Romans do.

cons: 1 mainstream cultures-------dynamic and advanced ones

fascinating and attractive------young people of minority cultures

sense of cultural inferiority

stick to/adhere to long-established traditions


give rise to the loss of national identity

dilemma and embarrassment

2 mainstream cultures-------- minority cultures


the decline of ethnic cultures

be on the brink of the extinction/endangered

go extinct/vanish mass extinction

unique-----specific features

obtain diversity-----colorful and vivid


3 be afflicted with language barrier and cultural shock

tip-----common practice----insulted

go Dutch



Never throw away the baby with the bath water

wisdom accumulation inherited from our ancestors/forebears

time-honored and well-tried

go through the passage of time and past generations

intangible heritage, such as customs, rites, rituals and mores, etc.

unifying force of one nation

take pride in-------cherish------carry forward------pass……on to……

Peking Opera-----national essence-----unique cultural elements

traditional festivals-----Dragonboat Day----Lantern Day

respect elderly people



dross break away from

hinder/hamper the advancement of the society and progress of the civilization

sex discrimination---prevalent in rural areas-----gender---contempt/disdain

fall prey/victim to sexism

fortune-telling palm-reading

Other times, other manners.

keep abreast with the times stick to old practice


Internet and computers:

1 information

do a great job in enriching one’s knowledge and broadening one’s horizons

gain swift and convenient access to latest information and advanced knowledge

embark upon information era which is characterized by ever-accelerated knowledge


keep in line with the times go for further study

break through geographical barrier

make the notion of lifelong study a dream not difficult to be realized

information overload retain the true and discard the false

be misguided by fictitious information

indecent information violence and pornography

distinguish right from wrong

be vulnerable to go astray head for crimes

2 leisure

With ever-accelerated living tempo and fierce competition, people in increasing number are

inclined to have a busy schedule and lead a stressful life.

Leisure is playing an increasingly important role in people’s daily life

exhausting work watch the movie listen to music play cyber games

chat with friends

relieve the pressure ignore the annoyance

have a light mood and refreshing spirit

throw oneself into new challenges with greater enthusiasm and initiative

overindulgence in computers will pose a potential threat to physical and mental health of the


Rradiation near-sightedness a sedentary lifestyle

higher incidence of many diseases life lies in exercises

be addicted to virtual world be isolated from real world

sociable creatures face-to-face contact

psychological problems

3 work

do a great job in daily operation and management

improve working efficiency and accuracy

free people from monotonous, boring and stereotyped work

save labor force aging society

dedicate valuable time and energy to more significant and challenging issues recruit employees from all over the world

augment labor pool sharpen the competitiveness

give rise to some degree of unemployment

invest more fund into social security system

dedicate less money to other pressing tasks

increase fiscal burden of the government

augment already growing crime rate

rigid and inflexible cannot work creatively and individually

4 communication

Break through geographical barrier

Broaden the scope of friends

Make friends with the people from different races, religions and cultures Instant and simultaneous

Cater for the requirements of fast-paced lifestyle in a less time-consuming way
