重修重考申请表 - 上海交通大学研究生院


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2010 MBA 招 生 简 章


20xx年10月上海交通大学新加坡研究生院在南洋理工大学成立,这是中国第一个海外研究生院,也是新加坡 “世界级大学引进新加坡计划”下的第九所世界名校。上海交通大学新加坡研究生院开设的工商管理硕士(MBA)教育项目,是由上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院和南洋理工大学商学院合作,在新加坡招生,授予上海交通大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位的国际合作办学项目,专为在新加坡任职的具有工作经验的企业管理人员设计,旨在培养具有全球视野和国际竞争力的管理精英, 为期望进军中国的人士提供了一条了解中国、掌握中国市场规律、驾驭中国市场的捷径。学员通过MBA阶段的学习,逐渐成为精通华文、熟悉中国国情及投资环境、深谙现代管理和工商运作模式的商界人才。








笔试科目:1、英语(满分:100分); 2、综合考试(满分:200分):含数学、语文与逻辑 面 试:由面试小组专家对考生进行个别面谈(满分:100分)。

录 取: 根据考生笔试和面试的总成绩(面试成绩低于60分不予录取),并结合考生对正式










课程内容简介 Course Description 备注:标注下划线的5门课程由新加坡南洋理工大学的教授授课。 * 为暂定课程

学位课程 Core Course

组织行为学 Organization Behavior ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course aims to introduce and assess basic theories of managers’ roles and responsibilities, and to acquaint students with the nature, forms and scope of behavior within organizations.

数据、模型与决策 Data Module & Decision ( SJTU ) (3 学分)


This course provides an introduction to statistics and probability as techniques for collecting, summarizing and interpreting data and for coping with uncertainty in the management decision-making process.

管理经济学 Managerial Economics ( NTU ) (3 学分)



The course introduces key concepts of microeconomics, and its application of managerial decision-making in enterprises, public and non-profit institutes. These theories include demand-supply theory, production-cost theory, and analysis of market efficiency, pricing strategies, investment and production decisions, game theory and the strategic interactions of firms, uncertainty and asymmetric information.

财务会计 Financial Accounting ( NTU ) (3 学分)


The course introduces key concepts, standards and practices of financial reporting and develops skills for using accounting with other information to serve the needs of business decision-making.

公司财务 Corporate Finance ( NTU ) (3 学分)


This course is about financial decisions by corporations. The scope of the course will cover the fundamental financial management theories, principles, techniques and methods. The emphasis of learning the course is to understand that the financial management primary objective is to maximize the value of the firm, and the fundamental determinants of the value of the firm are the magnitude of future cash flows, their timing, and their friskiness.

营销管理 Marketing Management ( SJTU ) (3 学分)


The course examines the fundamental issues that influence marketing decisions, such as buyer behavior, competition, pricing, advertising, distribution and selling methods.

运营管理 Operation Management ( SJTU ) (3 学分)


The course examines some of the basic principles managing the production of goods or services and studies some useful tools. It focuses on the efficient and effective deployment of capital, material, information, technology and human resources. It aims to provide an integrative approach on functional areas such as product and process development, quality management, capacity and inventory planning, supply chain management, technology and managing change.

信息技术 Information Technology ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course focuses on how to manage information resources and technology. Students will gain exposure to various information technologies, examine their applications; explore the competitive advantages associated with the information technology, and address organizational and managerial implications.

战略管理 Strategic Management ( SJTU ) (3 学分)


Students will learn about top management’s job of formulating strategy for the enterprise including the shaping of mission objective, product-market choice and organizational character as well as the allocation of resources to achieve organizational circumstances and conflicting stakeholder interest. Particular attention is placed to the role of the general manager in articulating organizational objectives, formulating and implementing organizational strategies, motivating and managing strategic changes.


非学位课程 Compulsory course

人力资源管理 Human Resource Management ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


In this course, students will master the basic principle of human resource (HR), get to know the hot topic of its present development, comprehend its basic function, grasp the theory and method of job analysis, the human resource planning, employee recruitment, cultivation, performance appraisal of stuff, salary design, etc, be familiar with the establishment of teamwork, trans-cultural management and other present exploration and development of modern human resource.

电子商务 E-business ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course aims to assist students in gaining a clear understanding of Internet and e-business. Attention is placed to apply various e-business strategy models, to explore and adopt emerging e-business technologies, and to develop project execution and planning expertise in a digital economic environment.

物流管理 Logistics Management ( NTU ) (2学分)

本课程主要介绍了现代运营管理的操作与战略,课题主要分析了运营战略和兼并,库存规划和管理,仓库设计与优化和在新经济环境中,运营管理在市场中充当着重要的角色。本课程将以系统的方法介绍现代运营管理的基本思想,原理,技术和方法,并结合案例讨论和实践,达到理论与实践相互应。 This course covers both strategic and operational issues in supply chain and logistics management. It addresses the changing and increasingly important role of logistics in business; supply chain strategy and integration; inventory planning and management; distribution requirement planning. It introduces key concepts, best practices, innovative ideas, practical principles, and critical thinking of integrative supply chain and logistics management.

跨国公司财务 Multinational Corporate Finance ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course is about financial decisions by multinational corporations. The scope of this course will cover the fundamental multinational financial management theories, principles, techniques and methods including forecasting exchange rates, speculation and arbitrage, foreign exchange risk management, foreign investment analysis, financing foreign operations, multinational working capital management, international tax management, multinational restructuring, and so on.

产业政策与新加坡的管理经验 (2 学分)

Industrial Policies & Singapore’s Management Experiences (NTU)


The objective of this course is to provide future general managers with an understanding of major public policy influences on industrial performance at the national and international levels. Additional topics in Singapore’s management experiences, such as government-link companies, foreign direct investment, industrial transformation, productivity movement, and international competitiveness will be covered.

证券投资分析 Analysis of Securities Investment ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course will systematically introduce the history, present situation and possible future trends of Chinese security market in the form of symposiums. It aims that through learning, students can comprehend problems and opportunities on the market, master fundamental methods of analyzing the investment value of the market as well as listed companies, and form effective investment notions and styles. Therefore, the 4

students are able to grasp favorable opportunities for company development or achieve great success of personal investment in the coming tide on Chinese security market.

中国宏观经济分析 China Macroeconomics Analysis ( SJTU ) (2 学分)

本课程帮助MBA学生了解和掌握宏观经济运行的基本原理,中国宏观经济运行的特殊情况,存在的问题和解决问题的思考。促使他们依托宏观经济运行的思考框架,更好地做出他们企业运行的微观决策。 This course helps MBA students understand and master the main principle of macro-economy run, the special run of China’s macro-economy, its problem and the idea of how to settle these problems. It is to spur the students relying on pondering frame of macro-economy run to make better micro decision of their enterprises.

中国法律环境与制度 Chinese Law Environment and System ( SJTU ) (2 学分)


This course researches Chinese present law environment and policy. It mainly includes: the evolvement of Chinese law system; Chinese court and justice system; Chinese commercial law system; Chinese foreign trade policy and law practice; Chinese commitment about entry WTO and its effect on Chinese economy, etc. This course focuses on cultivate the students’ practice ability by discussing cases.

金融风险分析与管理 Financial Risk Analysis and Management ( SJTU ) (2 学分)



Through the study to this course, the students are required to understand the content, feature, constitution and function of Financial Risk Management, to understand the methods and means of Financial Risk Management at home and abroad, to understand risk budget management. Students also need to master the classification of financial risk. There are many methods to measure financial risk such as Standard Deviation, VaR, Option Cost, KMV, Risk Matrix and so on, so it is necessary to master the features and limitations of all these methods. In addition, students are also expected to realize and analyze the danger and function of financial risk in the market correctly, to apply various derivatives comprehensively such as Forward, Future, Option and Swap to solve actual problems about risk management.

The main contents in this course include: (1) The concept, classification, identification, measurement and control of Financial Risk Management; (2) Various measuring methods which mainly include VaR, CVaR, Option Cost, KMV; (3) Measurement and management of Credit Risk; (4) The Origin, Development, Feature, Procedure and Application of Risk Budget Management; (5) The management method and case study of market risk, liquidity risk, operation risk and event risk.


新币贰万伍仟元整(SGD25,000.00)(未含GST 7%,包括教材及讲义费),

分三次支付: 第一次付费时间为第一学期注册前一周内,金额为总学费的2/5;






不脱产在职学习,学制为2.5年,最长不超过3.5年。学生在规定的学习期限内,修满教学计划所规定的课程及学分,各科成绩合格且学位课程成绩的平均级点达到2.0 以上,并完成一篇MBA学位论文,可申请学位论文答辩。答辩通过后,经上海交通大学学位评定委员会审批同意,由上海交通大学颁发工商管理硕士(MBA)专业学位证书(国务院学位委员会办公室统一制发)。







3学分课程: 39小时(未包括考试时间)




星期六:3:00pm-10:00pm; 星期日:9:30am-4:30pm;工作日:7:00pm-10:00pm




考生也可通过学校网站了解相关信息: ;

截至日期: 20xx年6月18日,同时开始考前辅导班(详见课表)。 辅导科目:数学、逻辑。 考生需提交报名材料如下:

1. 本人身份证或新加坡就业、工作准证及护照原件及复印件;

2. 大学本科(或大学专科、研究生)毕业证书、学位证书原件及复印件;

3. 大学本科(或大学专科、研究生)阶段成绩单原件及复印件;




a.报名费: 新币160.50元整;b.考前辅导费新币:214.00元整(包括辅导资料):

报考地点 :新加坡

上海交通大学新加坡研究生院MBA办公室 (新加坡南洋理工大学校区内)

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University,

S4-B3a-08 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Tel:+65-6790 6162 Fax:+65-6397 1067

Website: ; E-mail:


