雾都孤儿 读书报告 书评 Book report of Oliver Twist

1015010305 英语3班 吴冰姿

Book report of Oliver Twist

——analysis of symbolism in Oliver Twist

Type of work


Point of view

The narrator is third person omniscient, and assumes the points of view of various characters in turn. The narrator’s tone is not objective; it is sympathetic to the protagonists and far less so to the novel’s other characters. When dealing with hypocritical or morally objectionable characters, the narrative voice is often ironic or sarcastic.


In the 1830s, London and environs; an unnamed smaller English city; the English countryside


Sentimental, sometimes ironic, hyperbolic, crusading


The truth about Oliver’s parentage is foreshadowed by the portrait in Mr. Brownlow’s house, by the locket that Old Sally has stolen, and by Monks’s pursuit of Oliver.

Major conflict

Although Oliver is fundamentally righteous, the social environment in which he is raised encourages thievery and prostitution. Oliver struggles to find his identity and rise above the abject conditions of the lower class. Theme

To criticize the failure of charity and the idealization of countryside, and to remind people of the purity in a corrupt city.


Realistic romanticism

The story is about an orphan, Oliver Twist, who endures a miserable existence in a workhouse and then is placed with an undertaker. He escapes and travels to London where he meets the Artful Dodger, leader of a gang of juvenile pickpockets. Oliver is led to the lair of their elderly criminal trainer Fagin, naively unaware of their unlawful activities.

The setting of this novel is fog in London as the background. It uses the complex plots and characters show the British social reality, and uses exaggeration and irony reflects the dark side of society. At the same time, everywhere in the work embodies the romantic, the author uses the kind-hearted of a gentleman to show fantasies and hopes of the society.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

Oliver Twist was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I am really impressed by his kind-hearted and lenient. And it is so adamant of him after being through all the twist. What he has been through is just like his name, and I have to say the author is really adept at using symbols. This novel is full of symbolism. For the characters’ names, they have their own meanings. The names of characters represent personal qualities. Oliver Twist himself is the most obvious example. The name “Twist,” though given by accident, alludes to the outrageous reversals of fortune that he will experience. Rose Maylie’s name echoes her association with flowers and springtime, youth and beauty. Toby Crackit’s name is a lighthearted reference to his chosen profession of breaking into houses. Mr. Bumble’s name connotes his bumbling arrogance; Mrs. Mann’s, her lack of maternal instinct; and Mr. Grimwig’s, his superficial grimness that can be removed as easily as a wig.

London Bridge is another symbol. Nancy’s decision to meet Brownlow and Rose on London Bridge reveals the symbolic aspect of this bridge in Oliver Twist. Bridges exist to link two places that would otherwise be separated by an uncrossable chasm. The meeting on London Bridge represents the collision of two worlds unlikely ever to come into contacts—the idyllic world of Brownlow and Rose, and the atmosphere of degradation in which Nancy lives. On the bridge, Nancy is given the chance to cross over to the better way of life that the others represent, but she rejects that opportunity, and by the time the three have all left the bridge. that possibility has vanished forever. The dog in Oliver Twist is an important symbol too. He seems to mirror the

wicked nature of his owner, Bill Sykes. After Sikes murders Nancy, Bull’s-eye comes to represent Sikes’s guilt. The dog leaves bloody footprints on the floor of the room where the murder is committed. Not long after, Sikes becomes desperate to get rid of the dog, convinced that the dog’s presence will give him away. Yet, just as Sikes cannot shake off his guilt, he cannot shake off Bull’s-eye, who arrives at the house of Sikes’s demise before Sikes himself does. Bull’s-eye’s name also conjures up the image of Nancy’s eyes, which haunts Sikes until the bitter end and eventually causes him to hang himself accidentally.

The author makes considerable use of symbolism. The many symbols Oliver faces are primarily good versus evil, with evil continually trying to corrupt and exploit good, but good winning out in the end. Briefly, the author manages to skilfully paint a picture of the dark, dirty and dangerous alley-ways of Victorian London by symbolism.

With these symbols, I find the novel deeper, richer, more meaningful and colorful. The author uses symbolism to allude to a mood or feeling without coming out and stating that particular emotion. As the result, this novel become very well known and it has a huge effect in English literature. It successfully presents the underworld and problems of poverty through the typical figure Oliver. The works deeply reveals the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and the tragic life of downer class citizen in 18th century in Britain.




中文摘要:《雾都孤儿》是本世家名著,作者是查尔斯·狄更新,它讲述的是发生在19世纪的一个动人的故事。 书中的主人翁奥利弗·特威斯特是一个孤儿,他出生在济贫院,出生不久他的妈妈就死了。后来,他被当作一件物品被送来送去,受尽折磨,直到最后遇到一位善良的布朗洛老先生,这位先生收留了他,从此过上了好的生活。读完这本书,我的心情久久不能平静。可怜的奥利弗在已经失去亲人的痛苦下,受了这么多折磨。真不知道在他瘦弱的身体下,有着怎样的意志,能使他坚持不懈,使他在饥饿、寒冷、孤独下顽强斗争,向美好的生活前进。最令我感动的是奥利弗遇到强盗集团的那段经历。奥利费在路上走上了七天七夜,饥饿难忍,疲倦不堪。他遇到杰克一个小偷。杰克把奥利弗带到了贼窝,小偷们想把奥利弗

训练成一个小偷。但奥利弗受尽折磨也不愿意,逃了出来。读到这,我心中油然而生敬佩之情。 关键词:奥利弗 人性 真善美







奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,发而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。 狄更斯在小说中描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗,无情地揭露和鞭挞了资本主义社会的黑暗和虚伪。








(一) 仁爱思想鲜明体现在对现实生活的深刻揭露和对社会罪恶的无情鞭挞


(二)2 仁爱思想具体展现在对弱小人物的同情怜悯上


(二) 仁爱思想突出表现在善恶有报的结局安排上



(三) 仁爱思想诠释在小主人翁的宽容上




当我想到一个九岁的孩子,在伦敦被迫加入罪恶累累、堕落不堪的小偷、强盗、亡命之徒的行列之中。但他并未放弃,在他的心中仍向往着一个美好的生活,多次在好心人的帮助下,终于过上了自己所想往的生活。我真觉得奥利弗真勇敢、真坚强。而我们生活在蜜罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。但我们可曾想过,在世界上,还有许多孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦;正和饥饿、寒冷、疾病作战;正面对着失去亲人,飘泊流浪的生活。他们需要别人的帮助,但更需要不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我要学习奥利弗的坚强不屈的精神、勇敢的精神。 我们也要学习善良的布朗洛,是他伸出了援助之手帮助奥利弗的。 看了《雾都孤儿》,让我受益非浅,让我懂得了社会的冷酷与人的性格的残暴。我们 要行动,帮助他们,挽救他们。 我们生活在密罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。但我们可曾经想过,在世界上,还有多少孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦;正在和饥饿、疾病作战;正面对着失去亲人,漂泊流浪的生活。他们充满着对生命的渴望,对生命的热爱,可是苦难和他们作对。所以,我们现在要珍惜自己的幸福,用我们的双手和大脑,做一个对祖国有用的人,来回报社会。


