


Business Report


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A4打印纸,上下左右边距2.5,正文四号字,Times New Roman,单倍行距。

   Business Report

1. Introduction


Study and research are two of the most confusing terms used in educational settings because they can sometimes use quite interchangeably while on other occasions they may refer to something remarkably different. When we say, “We’re doing a study into how much time middle school students spend learning English”, we mean that we are doing research into this issue. However, in the sentence “After six years of study in school, he successfully entered Zhejiang University at the age of 17”, the “study” used here is generally not interpreted as “research”.


2. Findings


    Research is one of the three major means for human beings to acquire knowledge of the environment including the natural world and our human society. The other two are “experience” and “reasoning”.  The role of research in the acquisition of human knowledge can hardly be understood fully without being studied in connection to that of experience and reasoning. For the purpose of achieving a better understanding of research, the role of experience and reasoning will be considered before that of research.

2.1 Experience

Experience is a kind of development of personal knowledge of the world. It is regarded as an individually accumulated body of knowledge (Cohen and Manion 1). In a problem-solving situation, people tend to resort to personal experience first. However, where solutions to problems clearly lie beyond this body of personal experience, it is often helpless to resort to personal experience.


2.2 Reasoning

Reasoning is the act of forming conclusions, judgements or inferences by thinking in a logical manner. There are two basic types of reasoning: one is inductive reasoning and the other is deductive reasoning.



3. Conclusion or Recommendations



The above discussion of study and research and the relationship between them is by no means comprehensive but it can serve our purpose to improve ELT practice as a point of departure. The idea of “promoting dynamic interplay between study and research” is one the author has cherished for a long time and let the in-service teachers of English share when they come to refresh themselves in their further education programmes. The purpose of this paper is to demystify the lofty term “research” and help our fellow teachers of English to integrate their study and teaching with research.






              学    院:    经济与管理学院   

专    业:         MBA         

学    号:    2011281050407     

姓    名:        刘云涛        

导师姓名:         潘旵         

导师职称:       副教授        



