


一. 沟通的重要性 通过这门课程的学习,让我知道了沟通的重要性。沟通是人类集体活动的基础,是人类存在的前提。可以说没有沟通和群体活动,人类早就灭绝了!正是沟通才形成了原始人群和部落,不断进化形成了人类社会。在现代管理中,沟通是现代管理的命脉,没有沟通或者说沟通不畅,管理效率就会损失甚至断送。由此可见,沟通是人们生存、生产、发展和进步的基本手段和途径。不懂得沟通,或者不重视沟通,我们将不会取得很大的成功。良好的沟通才会拥有良好的人际关系,更有利于自己的身心健康,从现在起,我们要更加重视沟通。在生活中,要不断的学习沟通的技巧,不断的去与人打交道,让良好的沟通成为一种习惯。

二. 大胆的表现自己



三. 沟通是一门学问,也是一门艺术 这句话是对管理沟通最好的总结。说沟通是学问是因为任何沟通都是有其本身的目的,把握住沟通的目的,同时掌握沟通的要领,将相互的理解或者思想表达出来是需要练习和实践的;说沟通是一门艺术,讲的是沟通是技巧,其中包括语言的,非语言的,外部因素,交流双方对事件的认知度等等。 有效地改善沟通工作中的沟通并不总是看起来那么容易,但它却是一个工作基础,你可以利用它来建构你的团队,显示你的领导能力并提供及时的指导。你需要从基础出发来决定 使用如何来补救工作沟通不顺的现状。当信息输入之后无法得到输出时,沟通实际上就是封闭的。在一部分团队成员能够访问到一些确切的信息,其他成员不能的情况下会出现沟通封闭。管理者的关键性职责就是提供定期的信息反馈,例如状况汇报,工作日志,会议






Unit 1 Business communication management,and success1.Defining(定义) communication Communication is the transfer(转移) of meaning.---it must be understood.--it is a complex ongoing(持续的) process.2.Type of communication:3.Communicating on the job P64.Criteria(标准) for effective messages: P13It’s clear,It’s complete,It’s correct,It saves the receiver’s time,It builds goodwill(信誉).5.Trends(趋势) in business and administrative communication: P13-23Technology,Focus on quality and customers’ needs,Entrepreneurship(企业家精神),Teamwork,Diversity(多元化),Globalization and outsourcing(外包),Legal and ethical(伦理道德) concerns,Balancing work and family,Job flexibility(弹性),Rapid rate of change.Unit 2 Adapting(传递) your message to your audience1.Identifying(确认) your audiences: P42Gatekeeper(看门人)—may stop message or send it onPrimary audience(主要受众) –-decides or acts on basis of messageSecondary audience(次要受众)---comments on message or implement(执行) ideasAuxiliary audience(辅助受众)---encounters(接到) message but does not interact(互动) with it (read-only)Watchdog audience(监控型受众)—may exert(运用) economic,legal,political or social power later2.Ways to analyze your audience: P43-471)the most important tools:common sense(常识) and empathy(移情,共鸣)(empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes,to feel with that person.)2)three ways:Analyzing individuals(Myers-briggs Type Indicator(MBTI职业性格测试))Analyzing members of groups(Demographic characteristics(人口统计类特征),Psychographic characteristics(心理统计类特征):VALS(the Values and Life Styles))Analyzing the organizational culture and the discourse community(Organizational culture,Discourse community(话语社区))3.Using audience analysis(受众分析) to adapt your message: P51How will the audience initially react to the message?How much informating does the audience need?What obstacles must you overcome?What positive aspects can you emphasize?What are the audience’s expectations about the appropriate language,organization,and form of messages?How will the audience use the document?4.audience bebefits P57-601)Definition:audience bebefits—advantages that the audience gets by using your services,buying your products,following your policies,or adopting your ideas.2)Criteria for/Characteristics of good audience benefits:Adapt benefits to the audience,Stress intrinstic(内在) as well as extrinsic motivators(外在激励因素),Prove benefits with clear logic(逻辑) and explain them in adequate(足够的) detail,Phrase(表达) benefits in you-attitude(换位思考).3)Ways to identify and develop audience benefits: P60Identify the feelings,fears,and needs that may motivate your audience,Identify the objective features(特征)

of your product or policy that could meet the needs you’ve identified,Show how the audience can meet their needs with the features of the policy or product.Unit 3 building goodwill1.You-attitude P761)Definition:You-attitude is a style of communication that looks at things from the audience’s point of view,emphasizing what the audience wants to know,respecting the audience’s intelligence(智慧),and protecting the audience’s ego(自尊).2)Five techniques to apply you-attitude: P77Talk about the audience,not about yourself。Refer to(提及) the audience’s request or order specifically(具体地).Don’t talk about feelings,expect to congratulate(祝贺) or offer sympathy(同情).In positive situations,use you more often than I.Use we when it includes the audience.In negative situations,avoid the word you.Protect the audience’s ego.Use passive verbs(被动语态) and impersonal expressions(无人称) to avoid assigning blames. 2.Postive emphasis P821) Creat positive emphasis:Avoid negative words and words with negative connotations(暗示),Focus on what the audience can do rather than on limitations(缺点),Justify(证明…有理) negative information by giving a reason or linking it to an audience benefit,If the negative is truly unimportant,omit(删去) it,Put the negative information in the middle and present it compactly(简洁地).2)Making language nonsexist(非性别歧视)/reducing bias(偏见) in business communication: P90①Job titles②Courtesy titles(尊称)When you know neither the reader’s name nor gender,you have three options:Omit the salutation(信函中的称呼语) and use a subject line in its place,Use the reader’s position(职位) or job title: Dear Loan OfficerUse a general group to which your reader belongs:Dear Investor③Pronouns(代词)④Making language nonracist(非种族歧视) and nonagist(非年龄歧视)Unit 4 Nonverbal communication1.Definition:the transfer of information without using verbal messages.2.[简单了解]Functions(功能) of nonverbal communication:Accenting(强调);Complenting(补充);Contradicting(矛盾);Regulating(调节);Repeating(重复);Substituting(替代).3.Types of nonverbal communication:Unit 5 Writing1.Basic composing(构成) activities: P136Planning,Writing,Revising(修改),Editing(编辑).2.Good style in business and administration writing: P106Use a friendly,informal style to someone you’ve talked with.Avoid contractions(缩略词),slang(俚语),and even grammatical lapses(语法错误) in paper documents to people you don’t know.Abbreviations(缩写词) are OK in e-mail messages if they’re part of the group’s culture.Pay particular attention to your style when you write to people you fear or when you must give bad news.Reliance on(依靠) nouns rather than on verbs and a general deadening of style increase when people are under stress or feel insecure.Confident

people are more direct.Edit your writing so that you sound confident,whether you feel that way or not.3.Ten ways to make your writing easier to read: P111Use words that are accurate,appropriate,and familiar.Use technical jargon(术语) sparingly(节制地);eliminate business jargon.Use active verbs(主动语态) most of the time.Use verbs-not nouns-to carry the weight(分量) of your sentence.Eliminate wordiness(避免啰嗦).Vary(多样化) sentence length and sentence structure(结构).Use parallel structure(平行结构).Put your readers(第二人称) in your sentences.Begin most paragraphs with topic sentences(主题句).Use transitions(连接词) to link ideas.Unit 6 Design1.levels of design: P154Intra-design(内部层次)—Design choices for individual letters and words,Inter-design(交互层次)---Design choices for blocks(大部分) of text,Extra-design(附加层次)---Design choices for graphics(图表) that go with the text,Supra-design(顶级层次)---Design choices for entire documents.2.Guideline for page/document design: P155Use white space(白边).Use headings(小标题).Limit the use of words set in all capital letters(大写字母).Use no more than two fonts(字体) in a single document.Decide whether to justify margins(两端对齐).Put important elements in the top left and lower right quadrants(象限,表位置).Use a grid(分栏) to unify graphic elements(统一图表因素).Use highlighting(强调),decorative devices(装饰性的工具),and color in moderation(适度).3.Guideline for visual design: P163Check the quality of the data.Determine the story you want to tell.Choose the right visual for the story.Follow the conventions(规范) for designing typical visuas.Use color and decoration with restraint(限制).Be sure the visual is accurate and ethical.4.Design brochures(宣传册)/test: P178Determine your objective(s).Identify your target audience(s).Identify a central selling point(主要卖点):one overarching(使…成为中心) benefit the audience will get.Choose the image you want to project.Identify objections and brainstorm ways to deal with them.Draft text to see how much room you need.Do tighten your writing.But when you really need more room,use a bigger brochures.Select visuals(可视性材料) to accompany(伴随) text.Experiment with different sizes of paper and layout(布局).Make every choice—color,front,layout,paper—a conscious(慎重的) one.Uint 71.Preparation: P209Check out the service of your college placement and advising offices,Join extracurricular(课外) organizations on campus,Attend job seminars(研讨会) and job fairs(就业介绍会),Enroll for the services of your campus placement office.Check into the possible of getting an internship(实习) or a co-op job.Try to have a job offer(工作录用书) lined up.2.Guidelines for resumes(简历): P212-215Length,Emphasis,

Writing style,Layout and design.3.what to include in a resume: P217Name and contact information,Career objective,Summary of qualificaions,Education,Honors and awards,Experience,Other skills,Activities,Portfolio(求职时用于证明资历的作品集证书).
