


有句话说:经典之所以成为经典,是因为它能经得起时间的考验。就像中国古代的青铜瓷器,西欧的教堂壁画亦或是老人口中的传说与诗史。在我的理解中,除了阿甘所有的人、事、物就组成了一副大背景。在这个背景中珍妮代表了那个时代的年轻人:迷茫、空虚、堕落。她在那时的历史背景下只能随波逐流,迷失自我。可以说珍妮的迷失不是他一个人的迷失,而是整个社会的迷失。值得悲哀的何止珍妮一人?还有可怜的丹中尉。 丹中尉可以说纯粹是当时好战政府的牺牲品。他没有从一家几代人的命运上总结教训,反而相信了自己必须战死沙场的宿命。在阿甘口中那场“狗屎一样的战争”中有多少身体和灵魂被残疾的丹中尉,又有多少连“I want go home”都不能实现的巴布呢?那么在世界最先进的美式武器践踏下又有多少死伤的越南人



从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国??阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。总而言之,阿甘的一生告诉了我们,上帝创造人,就像是纸包着的巧克力一样的不可预测,一切等我们自己去揭晓。所以,我们应该相信自己有能力去做的更好,飞得更高。 漫漫人生路,我需要像阿甘一样豁达,坦荡的面对生活,把自己仅有的智慧,信念,勇气集中到一点,凭着自己的直觉,不停的在我的人生路上跑。



Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a large IQ and the muscle problem,usually,people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything.But,instead,this unluckly man has achieved lots incredible success.

“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” Gump’ mother tells us the truth that every one's life path is unpredicted but unique. Following with these words, Forrest Gump is living his own life which is regarded as a miracle奇迹, but it’s unique of Gump himself. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny.so,With amazing running speed, Gump joined in the football team, later the university, eventually he graduated from the university

successfully. Soon after that, he registered to take part in the Vietnam War. In the battlefield of Vietnam,he save this firends without

hesitation.But he still lost his best firend Bubba.with Bubba’s dream he begined his shrimping business,Finally,he become a millionaire!

The story's stop here, everyone seems to think forrest gump life is almost complete. Actually otherwise, the only thing he lacks is love. Jenny's appear again bring to him the happiness and joy. Short of happiness, Jenny left.After the forrest's behavior can be the film's

classic. He ZhouOu across, appreciate the stars in the night, in the evening LaXia, the desert sun, the blue sea. He run is the power of simple rigid, the

end of the long run is the home of the love. Jenny returned to his world, and, of course, their son-little forrest gump. Their end is not perfect, because Jenny eventually died; But their end is perfect, because forrest gump finally saved the Jenny's soul.

The movie’ ending is the same to the beinging.the white feather floating in the wind,if we each have a destiny or if we’re all just like floating around accidental-like on a breeze.
