
1. Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left.


2. Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.


3. For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy. There is but one

ruble: hunt or be hunted.


4. A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.


5. Any pugilist worth his salt knows that when someone’s on the ropes that’s when you throw a

combination to the gut and a left-hook to the jaw.


6. Generosity is its own form of power.


7. Never make such big decisions so long after sunset and so far from dawn.


8. Friends make the worst enemies.


9. The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.


10. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties-never regret.


11. When the tit’s that big, everybody gets in line.


12. Success is a mixture of preparation and luck.


13. The heart can chock the mind when all the blood flows back onto itself.


14. There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort

of pain that’s only suffering. I have no patience for useless things.




纸牌屋第二季01 1



Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text


0,0:02:45.98,0:02:48.93,*Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,,{\fe134}{\fsp0}{\fad(500,500)}{\pos(190,278)}{\fn方正准圆简体}{\bord0}{\fs20}{\c&H24EFFF&}《纸牌屋》\N{\fs17}{\c&HFFFFFF&}第二季 第一集 我们可以去车上待着...\ We could jump in the car if...

在这儿等着\ We'll wait.

-你给议员买生日礼物了吗 -没有\ - Did you get the congressman anything for his birthday? - No. 我买了袖口 银质的 有他的...\ I got him cufflinks. Silver, with his --

我们不谈论生日 不送礼物\ We don't talk about birthdays. We don't do gifts.

为什么\ Why not?

去把袖口退了吧\ You should return the cufflinks.

道格\ Doug?

我一直在给你打电话\ Tried calling you.

-我把手机留在... -我们得谈谈\ - I left my phone in the... - We need to talk.

怎么了\ What's going on?

克里斯蒂娜 我刚刚跟她谈过\ Christina. I just spoke to her.

佐伊...\ Did Zoe...?

是的 但还不止\ Yeah. But that's not all.

他们还找到了瑞秋\ They tracked down Rachel, too.

弗兰西斯\ Francis?

纸牌屋第二季01 2

跟我说说瑞秋 她在哪\ Tell me about Rachel. Where is she?

我控制住她了\ I have her under control.

答非所问\ That's not what I asked.

我送她回家了 不用担心她\ I drove her home. We don't have to worry about her. 你当初也这么说斯克斯基\ You said the same about Ms. Skorsky.

还牵扯到别人了吗\ Anyone else involved?

只有简宁和佐伊\ Just Janine and Zoe.

他们在查罗素被捕的事\ They asked about Russo's arrest

而且知道他去找过科佩尼科\ and they know he went to see Kapeniak. 我想他们应该就知道这些了\ I assume that's as far as they've gotten. 不要想当然\ Assume nothing.

我去告诉巴尼·豪尔\ I'll alert Barney Hull.

拿佐伊怎么办\ What do you want me to do about Zoe?

我对付佐伊\ I'll handle Zoe.

你去办事吧\ Get to work.

是 先生\ Yes, sir.

我拿走了\ I emptied it.

你周二就又老一岁了\ You're another year older on Tuesday.

副总统可不能抽烟\ And we can't have a vice president who smokes. 你能结束吗\ Can you finish?

什么\ What?

我完事了\ I'm good.


你怎么了\ What's wrong?

没什么 就是完事了\ Nothing. I just said finish. 3

我不想...如果你不想...\ Well, I don't want just -- if you're not...

好吧 随便了\ Okay, fine. Whatever.

佐伊 是我做错了什么吗\ Zoe, did I do something that made you...?

没有\ No.

佐伊 你不能说一句完事了 然后就停下啊\ Zoe, you can't say something like "just finish" and then shut down.

这里很安全 佐伊 我不是他\ This is safe, Zoe. I'm not him.

早上好 杰姬\ Good morning, Jackie.

早上好\ Good morning.

理查德·拉塞尔\ Richard Russell.


19xx年 《民权法案》\ Civil Rights Act. 1963.

不是所有人都能青史留名\ Not everyone can be on the right side of history.

连林登也曾站错队\ No, not even Lyndon for a time,

但没有拉塞尔 林登也当不上多数党领袖\ but he would have never become majority leader without him. 但是没有约翰逊参议院大楼\ Well, there's no Johnson Senate building.


是啊 只能委屈他拿一栋总统图书馆凑合了\ No. He had to settle for a presidential library.

我们都好久没聊聊了\ So it's been some time since you and I have had a chance to catch up. 你的工作做得很出色 杰姬\ You've been an outstanding deputy, Jackie.

纸牌屋第二季01 4

比你那些老练的同事还高效\ Far more effective than your more seasoned colleagues.

你能推动合作 必要时候还有股狠劲\ You're a coalition builder, a fighter when you have to be. 告诉我 你怎么看自己的前途\ Tell me, where do you see yourself headed?

我想做众议院军事委员会主席\ I'd like to aim for the chair of Armed Services.

或者众议院国土安全委员会主席\ Or Homeland Security.

你考虑过进入领导层吗\ Have you ever considered serving in the leadership?

我想那至少也得等八...十年了\ I figure that might be possible eight, ten years from now.

如果我说你这一届就能进入领导层呢\ Well, what if I suggested that you could serve in leadership this term.

接替我 做党鞭\ To replace me. As whip.

你要接任副总统了\ You're being tapped for VP.

就算是这样吧\ Let's assume that's true.

-这也说得通 但我做党鞭 -是的\ - Well, that makes sense. But me as whip? - Yes.

我只是个第三任女议员\ A third-term congresswoman?

你的能力有目共睹 而且还参过战\ A universally admired incumbent who also happens to be a war veteran.

按顺序也该是韦伯 或巴克沃特\ Webb is next in line. Or Buchwalter.

所以 你考虑一下吧\ So just consider that for a moment.

他们会牵制彼此的选票\ They'll draw votes from one another.

我可没说你会赢得很轻松\ Oh, I'm not saying you wouldn't have to fight for it,

但我愿意帮你\ but I'd be willing to give you the ammunition.

过来\ Come over here.


这是什么\ What is this? 5

我关于韦伯和巴克沃特的文件\ My files on Webb and Buchwalter.

你自己看看吧\ Why don't you take a look?

我们过几天再谈\ We'll speak in a few days.

还有一个关于你的文件夹\ Oh, and, uh, there's one on you.

或许你会想先读那个\ You might want to begin by reading that one first.

简宁怎么说\ What'd Janine say?

脱衣舞俱乐部还没开\ Strip club's not open yet.

你去查科佩尼科的事吗\ You'll look into Kapeniak?

如果他出现 我就能找到他\ If he's on the grid, I'll find him.

-送我去地铁中心站 -不去办公室吗\ - Drop me at metro center. - Not the office?

我要去找瑞秋\ I'm gonna talk to Rachel.

她会像昨晚那样否认一切的\ She'll deny everything, like she did last night.

她不能否认上了斯坦普的车 你看到她了\ She can't deny getting into Stamper's car. You saw her. 或许你可以写一篇关于她爸爸的事的报道\ Maybe you send a version of the story, about her dad? 没人会发表的\ No one would print it.

可瑞秋不知道啊\ Rachel doesn't know that.

她说"随你便 贱人"\ She said, "Go to town, bitch."

不会管用的 我得当面跟她谈\ It won't work. I have to get in her face.

恭喜\ Congratulations.

-我们都替你高兴 -谢谢\ - We're thrilled for you. - Thank you.

我想亲自跟鲍勃和泰瑞说\ I wanted to fill in Bob and Terry personally.

纸牌屋第二季01 6

我们快开始吧 我什么时候出发去匹兹堡\ Now let's get to it. I have to leave for Pittsburgh in what? 20分钟后\ 20 minutes.

帮吉姆冲刺 就要到终点了\ Home stretch with Jim. Whistle-stop tour.

现在形势很好\ Looking good out there.

的确 但我们还是不想冒险\ Very good. But we don't want to take any chances.

接替你的党鞭人选 弗兰克\ Now, your replacement as whip, Frank.

鲍勃已经提出了一些想法\ Bob has already shared some thoughts.

我喜欢霍华德·韦伯\ I like Howard Webb.

韦伯不错 你考虑过韦斯·巴克沃特吗\ Webb is a solid choice. Have you thought about Wes Buchwalter? 巴克沃特太冲动\ Buchwalter's a hot-head.

那么韦伯你觉得可以吗 弗兰克\ Well, could you live with Webb, Frank?

韦伯懂战术 但做事虎头蛇尾\ Webb is a good tactician, but he lacks follow-through.

巴克沃特是个粗人\ The problem with Buchwalter is he's too abrasive.

毫无魅力 树敌太多\ No charm. Lots of enemies.

还有别的选择吗\ Is there a third option?

他们是党团资历最深的两位 轮到他们了\ They're the two most senior members in the caucus. It's their turn.

总统先生 可不可以让党内成员一起挑选\ Mr. President, what if we let the caucus pick?

大家公平竞争 他们两人都很有资质\ Let it be a wide-open race. Both men are qualified.

领导层在这事上要意见一致\ The leadership should be united in this.

我们不能各自支持不同的候选人 弗兰克\ We don't want to be backing different candidates, Frank. 那我们就干脆别插手 谁都不支持\ So we stay out of it and neither of us backs anyone.


这挺好\ I like it. 7

党团会尊重凭实力竞争上来的人\ Caucus will respect someone who did it the old-fashioned way. 几位 这事你们做主\ Well, gentlemen, it's your call to make.

你们自己讨论决定 然后告诉我\ Figure it out amongst yourselves. Let me know what you decide. 谢谢 总统先生\ Thank you, Mr. President.

帮我接刘易斯部长\ Put me through to Secretary Lewis.

弗兰克 我不想为这事跟你争\ Frank, I don't want to go to battle with you on this.

我们犯过这种错\ We've been down that road.

说得是啊\ I couldn't agree more.

公平竞争让我紧张\ An open race makes me nervous.

我只是提议一下\ Well, look, it was just a suggestion.

-我再想想吧 -谢谢\ - I'll put some thought into it. - Thank you.

我去做做他的工作吧\ You know, let me -- let me go work on him.

祝你好运了\ Good luck.

你来干什么\ What are you doing here?

问我要点什么\ Ask me what I want to order.

想好点什么了吗 先生\ Have you decided, sir?

你马上辞职 告诉里昂你不干了\ I need you to quit your job. Tell Leon it's your last day. 为什么\ Why?

表现自然点\ Act normal.

要什么配菜\ Did you want a side with that?

他们能找到你一次\ They found you once.

纸牌屋第二季01 8

不能冒险让你再被找到\ We can't take the chance they'll find you again.

那钱的事怎么办\ What am I supposed to do about money?

照我说的做 回家 收拾东西\ Do as I say. Go home and pack your things.

我十点过来\ I'll come by around ten.

-那我就无权决定... -够了\ - Well -- but I don't get a say in any... - Stop it.

只收拾一个箱子\ One suitcase. That's it.

-你至少也告诉我... -我要肉馅土豆馅饼\ - Can you at least tell me... - I'll take the shepherd's pie 配菜要球芽甘蓝\ with a side of Brussels sprouts.

带走\ To go.

我们不想上法庭 她的律师不想上法庭\ We don't want a trial. Her lawyers don't want a trial. 但科尔女士就是不听劝\ But Ms. Cole won't listen to reason.

即便如此 如果你再给我点时间\ That said, if you give me a little more time, I think that --

如果她想上法庭 那就随她\ If she wants to go to court, then let's give her that.

虽然她现在不肯讲理 不代表将来...\ Just because she's being unreasonable now doesn't mean she -- 我受够了\ I'm done.

这就是膝跳反应\ That's a knee-jerk reaction.

我知道你不是个不理智不耐心的人\ I've never known you to be a person who was irrational or impatient. 我再去找找她的律师 或许我们...\ Let me check back with her lawyers, and maybe we can -- 最早什么时候能知道开庭日期\ What's the soonest we can get a trial date?

克莱尔\ Claire...

给我个大致时间\ Give me a timeframe.

最早也六个月后吧\ Six months, at the earliest.

纸牌屋第二季01 9

转告她那边 然后就中止沟通\ Inform her people, then no more communication.

作为你的律师 我有责任强烈建议你不要这么做\ As your counsel, it is my duty to strongly advise you against this.

我明白 谢谢你 奥利弗\ I understand and I thank you, Oliver.

谢谢\ Thank you.

-怎么样 -他们不肯透露私人联络方式\ - So? - They wouldn't give me individual contact info, 但这里是过去三年在东非工作过的\ but here's every doctor who served in east Africa

所有医生的名单\ during the last three years.

{\u1}健康维护组织{\u0}呢\ And what about the HMO?

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}收取固定预付费用后 为特定地区主动参保人群提供全面医疗服务的体系

需要同意书 也在袋子里了\ You need a consent form. And it's in the packet.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}私人医师 东非


有事吗\ Can I help you?

我找瑞秋·波斯纳\ Yeah. I'm looking for Rachel Posner.

她不在\ She's not here.

她晚些时候会来吗\ Uh, is she coming in later?

干什么\ Why?

我认识她\ I know her.

你朋友可把我害惨了\ Well, your friend really screwed me over.

怎么回事\ What happened?

纸牌屋第二季01 10

她上班上到一半就跑了\ She took off, middle of her shift.

我不得不去找我的房东来帮忙\ I had to put my hostess on wait staff duty.

我有点担心 瑞秋有麻烦\ Look, I'm concerned. Rachel's in real trouble.

我才不管她的私人问题呢\ I don't care what her personal issues are.

我只想知道她住哪\ I just need to know where she lives.

你们不是认识吗\ I thought you knew her.

我们认识 但有日子没见了\ I do. It's just been a while.

她给我发短信说她想自残\ And she sent me a text message saying she wants to hurt herself. 现在又不接电话\ And now she won't answer her phone.

她有精神病史\ She has a history of mental illness.

你得帮帮我啊\ You've gotta help me out.

我帮不了\ Look, I can't.

她的工资和税务报表 上面的地址是个邮箱\ Her W-2, the address is a P.O. Box.

有什么都行\ I'll take whatever I can get.

-我去办公室帮你看看 -谢谢\ - Let me see what I got in the office. - Thank you.

如果你找的她 叫她别回来了\ If you find her, you tell her not to come back.

我才不需要疯子来我这儿捣乱\ I don't need some nutcase creating chaos in here.

-南茜 -是 先生\ - Nancy? - Yes, sir?

道格回来了吗\ Is Doug back yet?

在办公室 还有\ In his office. And, sir?

我们开始收到生日贺卡了 还有几件礼物\ Birthday cards have started to arrive. A few presents. 写感谢信 记录礼物 贵重的...\ Thank you notes. Inventory the presents. Anything valuable...


摆进会议室\ Goes in the conference room?

便宜的...\ Anything cheap...

给实习生\ Goes to the interns. 11

你知道怎么处理贺卡\ And you know what to do with the cards.

当然\ Yes, sir.

我今晚去接她\ I'm picking her up tonight.

我在乔帕都安排好了\ I got everything set up for her in Joppa.

那是哪里\ Where's that?

马里兰 巴尔的摩北30分钟路程\ Maryland. About 30 minutes north of Baltimore. 太近了\ That's close to home.

我们想让她消失 但我们得能找到她\ We want her to disappear, but not on us. -好吧 一次性电话买好了吗 -嗯\ - Fine. Do you have the burner? - Yeah. 生日快乐\ Happy birthday.

预付款的 你只要开机拨号就行\ It's prepaid. All you need to do is turn it on and dial. 电话记录还得处理掉\ We still have the phone history.

所以日后更要小心了\ All the more reason to be safe going forward.

克里斯蒂娜怎么样了\ Where are we with Christina?

我在办\ I'm on it.

安排她去琳达手下 我今早打过电话了\ Linda's office. I called her this morning. 你是吉莉安·科尔吗\ Are you Gillian Cole?

是的 我们认识吗\ Yeah. Uh, have we met?

没有 但你认识我丈夫\ No, we haven't met. You know my husband.


你丈夫\ Your husband?

大卫·阿普博姆\ David Applebaum.

看来是真的喽\ So it's true.

那只是个错误\ It was a mistake. 12

你想看看我们的孩子吗 我可以给你看看照片\ You want to see our kids? I can show you pictures. 阿普博姆太太 我...\ Mrs. Applebaum, I -- I'm...

你以为你是谁啊\ Who the fuck do you think you are?

我很抱歉\ Look, I'm sorry.

你抱歉 我觉得你并不抱歉\ You're sorry? I don't think you're sorry.

而且你也休想\ And don't think for a second

凭这个孩子来向我们要钱\ you're gonna use that baby to get money out of us.

他根本不知道我怀孕了\ He doesn't even know I'm pregnant.

但你知道他是有妇之夫\ But you knew he was married.

你怎么能这样\ How could you?

-他说起过我们吗 -没有\ - Did he talk about us? - No.

说谎的婊子 我让你难堪了吗\ Lying bitch. Am I embarrassing you?

你想过这对我和我孩子的羞辱吗\ Did you think about how you would humiliate me and my kids? 再跟别人老公上床记得戴套\ Use a condom the next time you fuck somebody's husband. 还不到24个小时\ It's been less than 24 hours.

她正在上班就突然辞职了\ She quits her job in the middle of a shift?

她害怕了\ She's scared.

换了我也会跑\ I'd take off, too.


是安德伍德\ It's Underwood.

他行动比我们快\ He's moving faster than we are.

脱衣舞女呢\ What about the stripper?

不肯开口\ Refuses to talk.

科佩尼科呢\ Kapeniak? 13

住址不详 没兄弟姐妹 父母双亡\ No current address. No siblings. Parents are dead.

瑞秋是唯一的机会\ Rachel's the last loose end.

除了酒驾 她肯定还知道点别的\ She must know something else. Bigger than the DUI.

知道她去哪了吗\ Any idea where she went?

有个杜邦的邮箱地址 但管理员都没见过她\ I got a P.O. Box in Dupont, but none of the clerks have seen her.

我可以去那里守株待兔\ I could go stake it out, but...

你找过你的人了吗\ Have you talked to your guy yet?

明后天吧\ In the next day or two.

他会把罗素自杀的警方报告拿给我\ He's bringing me the police report on Russo's suicide.

我尽量多套些信息\ I'll press him for more.

你下一步怎么办\ And what's your next move?

想想怎么回复这个\ Trying to figure out how to respond to this.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}周一下午三点 地点你定

几个小时前收到的\ I got it a couple hours ago.

他是在给你下套\ I think he's setting her up.

我知道怎么应付他\ I know how to handle him.


他知道的越少越好\ The less he learns, the better. 14

我们也许能打探到消息\ We might learn something.

是他说了算 怎么打探\ Not with him calling the shots.

地点是我定\ I'm choosing the place.

有什么区别\ As if that makes a difference.

我又不会跟他上床 就是谈话\ I'm not gonna fuck him. Just talk to him.

我去下洗手间\ I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

-抱歉 我不该 -没关系\ - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -- - That's okay.

有关系\ No, it's not.

我不希望你疏忽大意\ I just don't want you to be careless.

不会的\ I won't be.

你不想有自己的生活\ You want no life?

想一个人做三个人的工作吗\ You want more work than three people can handle?

你想找个第一个月\ You want a decent chance

就可能被炒的工作吗\ that you could be fired within the first month?

如果你感兴趣 咱就接着谈\ If that tempts you, we can keep talking.

那些都不是问题\ None of that intimidates me.

过去九周里我都在管理一个选区\ I've been running a congressional district for the past nine weeks 而且没人帮我\ with zero assistance.

没人选举我\ Nobody elected me.

没人教我怎么做\ Nobody taught me.

我那么做是因为总得有人来做\ I've done it because somebody had to.


罗素的事是个悲剧\ What happened was tragic. 15

可我不会同情你\ But you won't get sympathy from me.

我没有时间\ I don't have time for it.

我要是想博取同情 也不会到这儿来\ I wouldn't be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on. 瑞秋\ Rachel?

走开\ Leave.

我说走开\ I said leave.

打包好了吗\ Are you packed?

我哪也不去\ I'm not going anywhere.

你今天没辞职\ So you didn't quit today.

辞了 可我改主意了\ I did, but I changed my mind.

这事由不得你\ This isn't your decision to make.

我要回去工作 继续住这儿\ I'm keeping my job and I'm keeping this apartment.

不行\ No, you're not.

你答应过 会让这些都过去\ You promised you'd make all of this go away.

所以你得重新开始\ And you starting over is the first --

我已经重新开始了 不想再来一次了\ No, I already started over. I don't want to start over again. 我也不想你这样\ I wish you didn't have to.

滚出去\ Get out.

滚出去\ Get out!

小点声\ Lower your voice.

我杀了你\ I'll fucking kill you.


动手吧\ Go ahead. 16

只有我能保护你 你还不明白吗\ I am the only one who can protect you. Don't you see that? 你不知道自己现在多危险\ You have no idea how much danger you're in.

收拾东西吧\ Start packing.

我每年都得问一句\ You know I ask every year.

不过生日 像往年一样\ Nothing, as usual.

我们可以吃顿晚餐\ I thought we could have dinner.

除非是去个没人会认出我们的地方\ Only if it's someplace where nobody will recognize us. 我不想谁走过来...\ I don't want anyone walking up --

我是说在家 我可以做点菜\ I mean at home. I'll cook something.

不要蛋糕\ No cake.

不买蛋糕\ No cake.

不要礼物\ No gifts.

不买礼物\ No gifts.

那行 诉讼怎么样了\ I can do that. How's the lawsuit coming?

我们不会有事的\ We'll be fine.

我们打算将您的安保规模\ We'd like to increase the size of your detail

增至国家元首级别 从明天开始\ to full head of state status, starting tomorrow.

这可不行\ Well, that won't be happening.

提前准备总是没错的\ It's good to get a head start,

这样等他们宣布...\ so that by the time they announce --

在我彻底失去隐私之前就剩这几天了\ These are my last few days before I never have privacy again.

纸牌屋第二季01 17

我要尽量好好享受这几天\ I intend to savor these moments for as long as I can.

但是先生 出于安全考虑 我认为...\ But, sir, in terms of safety, I think --

在正式宣布由我接任副总统之前\ Until I'm confirmed as the Vice President,

安保问题仍是我来决定 对吗\ security is at my discretion. Is that correct?

理论上是的 但是...\ Technically, yes. But --

那不就得了\ Then that's settled.

那好吧 我们等正式宣布\ All right. We'll wait until the announcement.

那么 正式宣布之后\ Now, assuming the confirmation goes through,

我们就要解决您搬入\ we'll need to work out the logistics

海军天文台的后勤工作\ of moving you into the Naval Observatory.


这也不行\ That won't be happening, either.

议员会继续住在他的别墅里\ The congressman will be remaining in his townhouse.

但那里没有必要的安保基建\ But it doesn't have the necessary security infrastructure.

那你们就去建啊\ Then you'll need to build it.

要建防爆设施\ We're talking blast-proofing,

固定线路通信网络 24小时办公室空间\ hardwired communications networks, 24-hour office space -- 有志者事竟成\ Where there's a will, there's a way.

我会直接跟你联络 讨论改建计划\ I'll contact you directly about setting a plan in motion.

你走之前 还有件事\ And one last thing before you go.

把艾德华·密查姆安排在我的安保队伍里\ I'd like to have Edward Meechum serve on my detail.


他是国会警察\ He's Capitol Police. 18

目前是 你要派他去特勤处\ For now. You're about to appoint him to the Secret Service.

那得经过加速训练培训\ That would require an accelerated training program.

先生 我们有很多合格的特工\ Sir, we have plenty of qualified agents.

有男有女 都有丰富经验\ Men and women with years of experience.

我很期待与他们合作\ And I look forward to working with all of them,

只要艾德华·密查姆也是安保队一员就行\ as long as Edward Meechum is on the detail.

多谢你前来\ Thank you very much for your time.

谢谢你 先生\ Thank you, sir.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}佐伊·巴恩斯 石溪公园


南茜 让密查姆把车开过来\ Nancy, have Meechum bring the car around.

上一次就是最后一次\ You know, the last time was the last time.

我知道 但这很重要\ I know. But this is important.

你总想拉我下水 我不干了\ You keep selling me that swampland. I'm done buying.

再也不干了\ No more.

掩盖案件的事 你说能牵扯到巴尼·豪尔\ Cover-up. You said it went as high as Barney Hull.

我不是那么说的\ That's not what I said.

你把瑞秋·波斯纳的拘捕记录给我时...\ When you gave me Rachel Posner's arrest file --

我说的是 肯定有大人物干预 记录才会消失\ What I said is that arrests don't disappear without a big-ass wand.

那可不能当做证据\ That ain't the same as proof.

纸牌屋第二季01 19

我们认为这事牵扯到议会领导层\ We think the congressional leadership took part.

我才不关心\ I don't care.

不 你关心 我知道你关心的\ Yes, you do. I know you do.

不 我真的不关心\ No, I really don't.

当年你帮我暴露毒品...\ When you helped me expose the drug --

他们不过是拿点小恩小惠的街头黑警\ They were dirty street cops stuffing a few grams in their pockets. 这事可不一样 都是有权有势的大人物\ This is different. Powerful fucking people.

黑警就是黑警 你想保护他们吗\ Dirty cops are dirty cops. You want to protect them?

我还有养老保险和家人\ I have a pension and a family.

我明白 但是...\ I understand. But --

不要再联系我了\ Don't contact me again.


{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}卢卡斯·古德温至佐伊·巴恩斯 警方报告说罗素是在副驾座上

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}佐伊·巴恩斯 还有别的吗

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}卢卡斯·古德温 没了

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}佐伊·巴恩斯 这证明不了什么

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}卢卡斯·古德温 他怎么没在正驾座上 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}佐伊·巴恩斯 不聊了

你的手机在哪\ Where's your cell?

这里 我没在录音\ Here. It's not recording.

你得删掉我们之间所有的通话记录\ I need to ask you to delete all of our phone history.


我为什么要删掉\ Why would I do that? 20

我这是在保护我们两个人\ I'm trying to protect both you and I.

要坐牢的又不是我\ I'm not facing prison.

他酒驾不是你替他掩盖的吗\ You didn't cover up the arrest?

是不是因为你想让他竞选州长\ Is it because you wanted him to be governor?

不是 他惹了麻烦 我就伸了援手\ No. He was in trouble, so I helped.

之后他表现出参选意愿 我就提供了指导\ And later he expressed a desire to run, and I offered guidance. 指导一个酒鬼吗\ To an alcoholic?

他当时戒了酒 正在恢复中\ To a sober recovering alcoholic.

你是指望他会自毁前程吗\ Did you want him to self-sabotage?

当然不是\ Absolutely not.

他没戏了 马修斯才来参选\ It got Matthews in the race.

我愿意支持有上进心的人\ I like to back people who want to succeed.

比如说你自己\ Take yourself as an example.

你不过是渔翁得利\ You just took advantage of the situation.

得利的是马修斯 我没非要当副总统啊\ Matthews took advantage. I didn't seek the nomination. 罗素死的时候坐在副驾座上\ Russo was in the passenger seat when he died.

这话不准确\ That's not entirely accurate.

我看过警方报告\ I saw the police report.

我还直接和警局局长谈过呢\ And I spoke to the commissioner directly,

因为我关心彼得 我想了解全部细节\ because I cared about Peter and I wanted to know the full story. 那他没坐在副驾座上吗\ He wasn't in the passenger seat?

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副驾座的车门开着 他半边身子躺在外面\ The passenger door was open, and he was halfway out. 警方认为 他可能中途后悔了\ They think that... he might have had second thoughts.

如果我去问巴尼·豪尔 他会证实你的话吗\ If I speak to Barney Hull, he'll confirm that?

你什么意思 佐伊\ What are you suggesting, Zoe?

也许有人谋杀了他\ Maybe there was foul play.

要是有任何谋杀的迹象\ If there was a hint of foul play,

你觉得警方会不去调查吗\ don't you think the police would have investigated?

就这些掩盖他酒驾的警察吗\ The same police that buried his DUI?

你认为我也脱不了干系\ And you think I was involved.

你们之间有联系\ There's a connection between you.

听听你在说什么 荒唐至极\ listen to you. You sound ludicrous.

我只是问问而已\ I'm just asking questions.

不 你这是在瞎猜 瞎联系\ No, you're connecting dots that don't exist.

你想让我别插手 装作什么都不知道\ You want me to just walk away? Act as if I don't know anything? 没错 是我替彼得解了围\ Yes, I got Peter out of a jam.

没错 我让他去找科佩尼科\ Yes, I sent him to speak to Kapeniak.

但除此之外 就没别的了\ But beyond that, there's nothing to know.

别怪我 但现在我实在没法相信你的话\ Can you blame me if I find it difficult to trust you 信不信随你\ Trust me or not,

我很快就要被正式任命为副总统了\ but I'm about to be confirmed as the vice president.

我们的合作关系已经延伸到总统层面了\ And our relationship extends to the Oval Office now. 别无缘无故地没事找事\ Don't step out of the sunlight for no reason.

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让我们忘记过去 展开新的合作\ Let's start this new chapter with a clean slate.

你回去好好想想 我会联系你\ Now you sleep on that, and I'll be in touch.

我们先做血液和激素检测\ We'll start with blood and hormone tests.

结果几天之内就能出来\ Those results should be back within a few days.

如果结果不错\ If they're good,

我们就开始对你和你丈夫进行基因检测\ we'll move on to genetic testing for both you and your husband. 你和他谈过了吗\ Have you spoken to him yet?

还没有 我想先做检测\ Not yet. I want to do the tests first.

这周什么时间做都可以\ We can do those anytime this week.

我会让我的人跟你这边联络\ I'll have my office call yours.

差点忘了\ I almost forgot.

我上网做了些研究\ I've been doing some research on the Internet.

网上的话不能都信啊\ Be careful of the Internet.

我在搜索四十岁以上孕妇的\ Well, I was looking into common issues

孕期常见问题时\ associated with post-40 pregnancies,

查到了一个药物\ and this drug came up.

但是没查到什么详细信息 它叫静脉\ But there wasn't much on it. It's Cruvenae...

静脉雌酮\ Cruvenae-tenuestrin.

你没找到详细信息是因为这种药\ You probably haven't found much because it's,

还处在测试阶段\ still in the beta stage.

这药物有什么疗效\ And what does it do?

它能促进胎盘的血液流动\ It helps maximize blood flow to the placenta.

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此前还没有哪种药物能做到这一点\ Until CVT there hasn't been any viable drug for that. 这药目前仍有争议\ The jury's still out.

但是各年龄段的女性都可能患上胎盘机能不全\ But placental insufficiency affects women of all ages. 你现在先别担心这个\ I wouldn't worry about it for now.

我们还是按部就班 慢慢来\ That's putting the cart way before the horse.

马修斯已经稳操胜券\ You know, Matthews has this locked up,

但是国会保守人士认为\ but conservatives on the hill are saying

他这次重回州长之位 还会像从前一样\ he's gonna return to Harrisburg with the same myopic, 目光短浅 增加赤字\ deficit-growing mentality.

至于马修斯获胜后接任副总统的人选\ Now, as to who's gonna replace Matthews when he wins... 我把墙灯关上不碍事吧\ Can I at least turn off the overhead?

当然没事\ Of course.

...还能有谁在财政上更恣意妄为...\ ...someone even more fiscally irresponsible...

需要我去楼下工作吗\ Do you want me to go work downstairs?

不用 没事 给我腾个地方就行\ No. That's fine. Just make some room.

你还没表态呢\ You haven't said a word.

是的\ No.

那我们怎么办\ Where does that leave us?

我完全准备好了\ I'm fully prepared.

早就蓄势待发了\ And I have been for some time.

我知道你会做出你认为最好的决定\ I know you'll do whatever you think is best.

但是安德伍德确认了\ But Underwood confirmed it.

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他将被推举为副总统\ He's gonna be tapped for VP.

那对我们一点帮助也没有\ That doesn't get us any closer.

我们知道罗素的死给马修斯扫清了障碍\ Well, we know that Russo cleared the way for Matthews. 只能印证理论 但不是证据\ It reinforces the theory. It doesn't give us proof.

我们不能指责他耍卑鄙手段\ We can't go after the guy for playing dirty.

那根本不算新闻\ That's not news.

国会里一半的混蛋都在耍手段\ Half the fuckers in Congress play dirty.

他扶持一个假候选人 就为到时搞垮他\ He propped up a sham candidate, just to take him down. 那天晚上没人强迫罗素喝酒\ Nobody forced Russo to drink that night.

那家伙本来就是个酒鬼\ The guy was an alcoholic.

好吧 除了三天后他自杀了\ Okay, we don't know what happened that night,

关于那晚我们一无所知\ other than three days later he killed himself.

你还会再联系他吗\ Are you gonna contact him again?

我不知道\ I don't know.

我们得放慢进度\ We need to slow down,

退一步重新考虑\ take a step back, and reevaluate.

我们已经让瑞秋溜走了\ We already let Rachel slip away.

除非掌握更多信息 否则都是徒劳\ There's no point until we have more.

我们应该让他去猜 而不是\ We should keep him guessing, not --

等等 从哪里掌握更多信息 从谁那里\ Wait-- have more from where? From who?

我不知道\ I don't know.

但我们应该先尝试别的办法\ But we should exhaust all options

纸牌屋第二季01 25

让佐伊再去联系安德伍德只是下策\ before Zoe reaches back out to Underwood. {\an8}但我们别无选择\ But we don't have any options.

{\an8}我们已经撞南墙了\ We are up against a brick wall.

那会显得我们太心急\ It looks desperate.

除非安德伍德\ And unless Underwood--

佐伊\ Zoe...?

我需要一个人想想\ I just need to think.

大家一起讨论吧\ Well, let's think about it together.

明天给你打电话\ I'll call you tomorrow.

弗莱迪\ Freddy?

怎么了 弗兰克\ Yeah, Frank?

今早的肋排是不是有什么不同\ Was there something different about these ribs this orning? 更好吃了还是难吃了\ Better or worse?

我本以为你的肋排是美味到极致了\ I didn't think that they could get any better, 不过今天的真是不同凡响\ but these were something special.

换了一个新屠夫\ Well, tried a new butcher.

他慢慢地给猪放血\ Slow-bleeds his hogs.

这屠宰方法不合法 但是...\ It ain't legal, but...

我不会告诉别人的\ Well, I won't tell anyone.

我不知道还会不会再去他那里买肉\ I don't know if I'm gonna go back to him.

我去他的店\ Went out to his shop.

店后有个房间\ He's got a room in the back


他就在那里杀猪\ where he does it. 26

房间是隔音的 里面装备齐全\ Soundproof. A whole setup.

为什么要弄成隔音的\ W-- why soundproof?

因为猪叫得太厉害\ 'Cause of how they scream.

它们能嗅到死神来临的气息\ They can smell it coming.

往它们的喉咙里插根管子\ You stick that pipe in their throat,

接下来的十分钟简直生不如死\ the next 10 minutes is hell.

你的鼓膜都能被震破\ Bust your fucking eardrums.

人性化的方式是速战速决\ Now, the humane way to do it is to make it quick.

装作喂食那样提一桶泔水来 然后 砰\ Bring out a bucket of slop like it's feeding time and -- -- bam. 对准后脑勺来上一锹\ Shovel right to the base of the head.

猪一声也不会吭\ No screaming.

博奇同意公开竞争 但他说的很清楚\ He's willing to open up the race, but Birch was very clear: 如果他不能支持谁 你也不行\ if he can't endorse anyone, you can't either.

很公平\ That's fair.

你真的希望巴克沃特胜选\ You really want Buchwalter to win?

我希望最优秀的人能胜选\ I want the best man to win.

谨小慎微的废话 说了等于没说\ That sounds like a cagey bullshit non-answer to me.

我不想插手这件事情 泰瑞\ I'm on the sidelines for this one, Terry.

什么事你不插手 弗兰克\ You're never on the sidelines, Frank.

回头见\ I'll see you around.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}未知号码 我们能重新开始了吗

纸牌屋第二季01 27

克莱尔 你不回我电话\ Claire. You wouldn't return my calls.

我就回来\ I'll be back.

我的律师说我不应该再和你接触\ My attorney said that I shouldn't be in contact with you.

{\u1}蓝十字会{\u0}告诉我保险被取消了\ Blue Cross said my insurance was canceled.


解雇金条款里规定了一年的健康保险\ The severance package gave me health coverage for up to a year. 好像是的\ That sounds right.

所以肯定出了什么问题\ So there must be some kind of mistake.

你得去跟保险公司说啊\ Well, you'll have to talk to the insurance company.

我去了 他们说保险被终止了\ I did. They said it was terminated.

如果雇主不同意 他们就无法恢复\ They can't reinstate it without the employer's approval.

你想让我帮你一把\ And you want me to get involved?

有一些我需要的药物\ There's medication that I need

必须通过健康维护组织获取\ that I can't get unless it goes through my HMO.

这我知道 我看过你的档案\ I'm well aware. I-- I reviewed your records.

-什么 -你签了同意书\ - What? - You signed a consent form.

不 我...我没有\ No. I-- I-- I didn't.

你伪造了我的签名吗\ You forged my signature?

阿普博姆太太是不是去找过你\ Did a Mrs. Applebaum pay you a visit?

你知道你这么做是...\ You realize what you're doing is--

民事罪 不是刑事\ Civil. Not criminal.

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你想清楚了吗 因为等我们上了法庭\ Have you thought this out? Because when we go to court-- 六个月后吗\ You mean six months from now?

你还有四个月就生了 不是吗\ You're expecting in four, no?

那么你这四个月就没有药物可用\ That's four months without the medicine you need.

如果有必要的话 我宁愿让你的孩子\ I'm wiling to let your child wither and die inside you

夭折在你肚子里\ if that's what's required.

但我们都不想看到那种结果\ But neither of us wants that.

说说看 你真的想和我做敌人吗\ Now tell me, am I really the sort of enemy you want to make? 但你还有选择\ But here's the alternative.

这家机构 这些员工\ This office, this staff,

一年2200万美元都给你\ 22 million a year could be yours.

净水计划也是你的\ The CWI could be yours.

你我的恩怨一笔勾销\ And you and me, we wash our hands of each other.

你想收买我\ You're trying to buy me.

不 我们初见时我答应给你权力\ No. When we first met, I promised to empower you.

我这是在兑现诺言\ I'm fulfilling that promise.

你骗我怎么办\ How do I get screwed?

不会的 我辞职 你取代我的职位\ You don't. I resign. You take my place.

没其他条件吗\ No strings?

没有\ None.

民调显示吉姆·马修斯\ Exit polls have Jim Matthews winning

将以9到12个百分点的绝对优势赢得竞选\ by anywhere from a nine-to-twelve-percent margin of victory.


喂\ Hello?

安德伍德太太吗\ Mrs. Underwood?

我是\ Yes. 29

你好 这里是拉森医生办公室\ Hi. I'm calling from Dr. Larson's office

跟您确认一下明早十点的血检和尿检\ to confirm your 10 a.m. tomorrow for the blood and urine tests. 我去不了\ I can't come.

如果明天不行\ Well, if tomorrow doesn't work,

我们可以重新安排到周四 甚至周一\ we can reschedule for Thursday or even Monday-- 不 别给我安排了\ No, I won't be rescheduling.

请替我感谢拉森医生的会诊\ Please tell Dr. Larson I appreciate all her consultation,

但我经过再三考虑\ but I've put a great deal of thought into this

我不会再进行其他检测了\ and I won't be pursuing any further tests.

谢谢\ Thank you.

你考虑过我们之前讨论的事了吗\ Have you thought about what we discussed?

你说得没错 我们是该抛开过去 重新开始\ I think you're right. We should start with a clean slate. 我们的短信呢\ What about our text messages?


还有通讯录\ And the contact?


我们之间没事吧\ Are we good?

没事\ Yeah.

我们忘记这些乱七八糟的事\ And we can put all this other nonsense behind us

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互相信任 互相帮助 可以吗\ and trust one another and continue to help one another?

这样很好\ I'd like that.

那现在算是抛开过去了\ Then consider the slate clean.

回答我个问题\ Answer me one thing.

副驾座的事\ The passenger seat.

你说罗素是想出去\ You said Russo was trying to get out.

这没什么奇...\ That there was nothing ab--

我们不是刚刚说好...\ I thought we just agreed to--

我想相信你 但你得说明白\ I want to believe you, but I need details.

你没说出来的信息\ More than what you're sharing.

你想问什么\ What's your question?

罗素酒瘾复发当晚 他出席了一个募捐活动\ The night Russo fell off the wagon he was at a fundraiser. 麦克奈利癌症研究所...\ The McNeally Cancer Institute--

警察报告里全都有\ All in the police report.

瑞秋·波斯纳当晚也在那家酒店\ Rachel Posner was at the hotel that night.

那是谁\ Who's that?

罗素被捕时跟他在一起的应召女\ The call girl who was with Russo when he was arrested. 我又不知道她叫什么\ I didn't know her name.

她消失了 弗兰西斯\ She disappeared, Francis.

什么时候\ When?

别装不知道 我给行李员看了张照片\ Don't act surprised. I showed the bellmen a photo. 其中一个记得见过她\ One of them remembers seeing her.


她是个妓女\ The girl's a prostitute. 31

她肯定经常出现在各种酒店\ I'm sure she frequents many hotels.

可偏巧那晚去那家酒店吗\ But that hotel on that night?

你这语气像斯克斯基小姐似的\ Well, now you sound like Ms. Skorsky talking. 我没和任何人说过这事\ I haven't discussed this with anyone.

我想先问你\ I wanted to ask you first.

我不知道那晚发生了什么\ I have no idea what happened that night,

只知道彼得又开始酗酒\ except that Peter started drinking again.

我不知道有谁在场\ I don't know who was or wasn't there.

真希望我在\ I wish I was.

说不定我能阻止他\ Maybe I could have stopped him.

你知道瑞秋在哪吗\ Do you know where Rachel is?

相信我的话\ Listen to what I am saying.

我是想要保护我们两个人\ I am trying to protect us both.

谁都有可能问这些问题\ These are questions anyone could ask.

但现在只有你在问\ But no one is, except you.

我真不知你想干什么\ I can't imagine what you're after.

我冒了个险\ I took a chance.

跑去你家 任你摆布\ Showed up at your house and placed myself at your feet. 于公于私都跨过了道德底线\ Crossed ethical lines, professionally, physically. 我愿意为这些事情负责\ And I hold myself accountable for that.

这都是我的选择 我愿意承担后果\ Those were my choices, and I can live with them.


我也希望向前看\ I'd like to move forward, 32

但我需要知道我到底卷入了什么事\ but I need to know exactly what I was a part of.

我要确定我没有卷入...\ That... that I wasn't a part of someone's...

把话说完\ Finish your thought.

一起谋杀\ Part of someone's murder.

天哪\ Jesus.

我想要相信你 弗兰西斯\ I want to believe you, Francis.

我知道你\ I know you --

简宁\ Janine!

快进来\ Come in.

我打不通你电话\ I've been calling you.

进屋坐吧\ Come in. Sit down.

喝点什么吗\ Um, you -- you want something?

水 或者果汁\ Some, uh, water or, um, juice?

你要出门\ You going somewhere?

你要去哪\ Hey. You going somewhere?

去我妈妈那里 在伊萨卡\ To my mom's. In Ithaca.

-什么 -我要走了\ - What? - I'm leaving.

不不 不行\ No. No, no, no. No. No way.

-我们什么都没有 -你要放弃吗\ - We have nothing. - Are you giving up on this?

这世上只有三个人知道他干了什么\ There are only three people in the world that know what he has done, 其中一个已经死了\ and one of them is gone.

纸牌屋第二季01 33

如果我们有证据 卢卡斯\ If we had anything, Lucas,

任何确凿证据\ any hard evidence

哪怕是一个愿意公开的信息源\ or even a fucking quote from a source that would go on record for us, 那也好说\ that would be one thing.

可我们纯粹在捕风捉影 而他不是闹着玩的\ But we are grasping, and he is not fucking around. 是你说服佐伊追查这事的\ You were the one who told Zoe to pursue this.

她告诉了我你说的话\ She told me what you said.

能把你吓坏的文章才是真正重要的\ The only stories that mattered were the ones that scared you to death.

这可不仅仅是死亡威胁\ Okay, this isn't just death threats.

这是来真的\ This is real.

他不知道你 但他知道我\ He doesn't know about you, but he knows about me.

这是在我邮箱里发现的\ These were in my mailbox.

没有发信地址\ No return address.

他照了她的照片\ He took these of her?

还能是谁 你留着吧\ Who else? You can keep them.

但我不认为这对你有什么帮助\ But I don't think they're gonna help you.

我们必须阻止他\ We need to stop him.

变态混蛋\ Sick fucking shit.

简宁 你不能就这么逃跑\ Janine, you cannot run away from this!

我这一辈子从来都找硬骨头啃\ My entire career, I have always chosen the tough stories.

我一向无所畏惧\ I have been fearless.


可你猜怎么着\ But you know what? 34

我这回真的害怕极了\ I'm really fucking scared this time.

他重权在握\ He's got power.

他输不起\ He's got a lot to lose.

现在他完全占了上风\ And right now he is winning.

拜托 我需要你帮助 别这样\ Please, I need your help. Please, don't do this.

别做梦了 卢卡斯\ Just wake the fuck up, Lucas!

事故发生于昨晚八点左右\ The incident occurred at approximately eight p.m. last night

在大教堂高地地铁站北向的列车轨道上\ on the northbound tracks of the Cathedral Heights metro station. 华盛顿特区警察已经判定是一起意外\ D.C. Police have ruled the death an accident.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}佐伊·巴恩斯 地铁悲剧 新闻界对事故表示哀悼

佐伊·巴恩斯是头条网的资深撰稿人\ Zoe Barnes was a senior contributor at slugline.com.

此前她曾在《华盛顿先驱报》\ Previously she worked at the Washington Herald

做都市新闻记者和政治记者\ as a metro reporter and political correspondent.

巴恩斯报道过多条重要新闻\ Barnes broke several major stories,

包括教育改革法案的草案\ include an early draft of the Education Reform and Achievement Act, 以及导致迈克尔·科恩参议员\ as well as a college newspaper article

未能被提名国务卿的\ that derailed Senator Michael Kern's

一篇公报社论\ nomination for Secretary of State...

你觉得那些文件怎么样\ What'd you think of the files?

有不少可以下手的地方\ There's plenty to work with.


你看了自己的吗\ Did you look at your own?

里面什么都没有\ There was nothing there.

里面该有什么吗\ Should there be?

不应该\ No.

即便你在撒谎\ Even if you're lying, 35

但我现在什么也没找到\ the fact that I haven't been able to find anything

这说明你很擅长隐藏踪迹\ tells me you're very good at covering your tracks.

这点对我来说很宝贵 这里就是我们的战场\ That's, uh, valuable to me. Here's our battleground. 113票\ 113 votes.

看来你已经掌握大致情况了\ You have the skeletons.

如果我失败了 他们不会放过我\ If I lose, they'll come after me.

这是你必须承担的风险\ That's a risk you have to take.

我怎么知道你不是在利用我\ How do I know you're not just using me?

为别人竞选制造障碍\ Throwing a wrench into someone else's bid?

那是另一种风险 你也可以选择等上十年\ That's another risk. The alternative is you wait 10 years. 你选我肯定是有原因的\ You chose me for a reason.

我想知道是什么\ I'd like to know what it is.

好吧\ All right.

你发起过多少次导弹攻击\ How many missile strikes did you launch?

多到让我整夜不能安睡\ Enough to keep me awake at night.

但你还是那么做了\ But you did it anyway.

是的 没错\ Yes, I did.

纸牌屋第二季01 36

会伤及多少妇女儿童\ How many women and children?

太多了\ Too many.

就算知道会伤及无辜\ And you launched those missiles

你还是义无反顾地发射了导弹\ knowing all those innocent people would die.

我是奉命歼灭敌人\ I had orders to eliminate the enemy.

而你专业高效地完成了任务\ Which you carried out expertly and efficiently.

你杀过人吗\ Have you ever killed anyone?

没有\ No.

我曾亲眼目睹整栋大楼 整个村庄荡然无存\ I watched apartment buildings, entire villages gone, 就像不曾存在过\ like they were never there.

如果可以 我不想再谈这个话题了\ I'd prefer not to talk about it, if that's all right.

你完成需要完成的任务\ You did what needed to be done,

这就是我选择你的原因 杰姬\ and that's why I chose you, Jackie.

服役背景 历史清白\ Service background. Clean history.

上相 我全都看好\ Photogenic. The whole package.

但更重要的是\ But more importantly,

坚决 务实\ ruthless pragmatism.

我们能合作吗\ Are we working together or not?

有公开或私下表示支持巴克沃特吗\ Any public or private endorsements for Buchwalter, 我支持韦伯\ I come out for Webb.

我不参与争论 我向你保证\ I'll stay out of the fray. I give you my word.

你也一样 泰瑞\ Same goes for you, Terry.


谢谢 克里斯蒂娜\ Thank you, Christina.

先生们\ Gentlemen. 37

总统先生 宾州情况怎么样\ Mr. President. How was Pennsylvania?

喜欢印度菜吗\ You like Indian?

先生 我看到新闻了\ Sir? I've seen the news.

我知道她跟您很亲近\ I know she was close to you.

可怕的悲剧啊\ Terrible tragedy.

今天特别探员洛克兰来找过我 先生\ Spoke to Special Agent Rockland today, sir. 我下周开始培训\ I begin my training next week.

很好\ Very good.

我知道已经晚了一天\ I know it's a day late.

但愿这样不失妥当\ Hope it isn't inappropriate,

我想给您这个\ but I wanted to give you this.

谢谢 密查姆\ Thank you, Meechum.

艾德华真是太贴心了\ That was very nice of Edward.

他不该为我花这种钱\ He shouldn't have spent this sorta money on me. 我在楼下开了酒\ I've opened some wine downstairs.

我就下去\ I'll be down in a minute.

你以为我把你忘了吗\ Did you think I'd forgotten you?

也许你希望我已经忘了\ Perhaps you hoped I had.

别浪费时间哀悼巴恩斯小姐了\ Don't waste a breath mourning Ms. Barnes. 每只小猫都会长大\ Every kitten grows up to be a cat.

纸牌屋第二季01 38

一开始看起来都很无害\ They seem so harmless at first.

幼小 安静 舔着浅盘里的牛奶\ Small, quiet, lapping up their saucer of milk.

但爪子一旦长长了 猫就会挠人\ But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood. 有时甚至会挠养猫人的手\ Sometimes from the hand that feeds them.

对于我们这些爬向食物链顶端的人来说\ For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, 决不能心慈手软\ there can be no mercy.

只有一条规则 不做猎人 便为猎物\ There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.

欢迎回来\ Welcome back.

纸牌屋第二季03 1


他可不算是最令人振奋的副总统人选吧\ This is not the most inspiring choice for a vice president, right? {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}瑞秋·麦多秀

他的确是位备受尊敬的官员 务实\ I -- I mean, a well-respected operator. Pragmatic.

但老实说\ But let's face it.

这也许只是总统对国会的示好\ This is probably just a nod to Congress.

提拔一名议员\ Tapping one of their own.

下次大选前 他也就是个充数的\ It's really nothing more than a placeholder until 2016, assuredly. 我对他私下宣誓就职毫不惊讶\ I'm not surprised he's doing a private swearing-in.

我猜总统是想\ My bet is that the president wants to draw

尽量保持低调\ as little attention to this as possible.

这其中实在没什么让人...\ There's just no real wow fa--

克里斯蒂娜怎么样\ Christina's working out well?

还在适应 不过我目前挺满意的\ She's getting her sea legs, but I've been happy so far.

她很勤奋\ She works hard.

她能替我陪总统出行\ It's a big load off my shoulders

我可是大大松了一口气\ when she can travel with the president instead of me.

我留在这边更有用武之地\ I get so much more done when I stay here.

总统有看好的党鞭人选吗\ The president have a preference in the whip's race?

没想到局面会变得这么不堪\ Can't believe how ugly it's gotten.

真让人无比失望\ It was more disappointing than anything.

当心 是啊\ Watch out. Yeah, it was.


没打扰你们吧\ I hope I'm not interrupting.

没有\ Not at all.

这可真是不一般\ This is something else. 2

安保要求 他们得赶工 小心\ Security specs. They had to work fast. Watch out.

这里简直像战场\ It's like a war zone around here.

改建的目的就是隔绝外界影响\ The idea is to keep the war from getting in.

党鞭的竞争怎么样了 议员先生\ How's the whip's race coming, congressman?

你和霍华德的竞争蛮激烈的\ It's tight between you and Howard.

这你得问他\ Well you'd have to ask Howard,

不过他大概在忙着琢磨怎么搞我\ if he's not too busy trying to sodomize me.

去打个招呼吧\ Shall we go and say hello?

天呐 别逼我跟他说话\ For god sakes, don't make me talk to that man.

你好 霍华德\ Good to see you, Howard.

见到你真高兴 韦斯\ Nice to see you, Wes.

高兴个屁啊\ Yeah. I bet it is.

-鲍勃 -弗兰克\ - Bob. - Frank.

谢谢你邀请我 弗兰克\ Appreciate you inviting me, Frank.

-什么 -谢谢你邀请我\ - What? - Thanks for inviting me.

不客气\ You bet.

法官大人\ Judge.



你好啊\ Good to see you. 3

有换衣服的地吗\ Is there somewhere I can go to change?

当然有 大厅那边\ Yes, absolutely. There's room down the hall.

道格 照应一下法官\ Doug, will you take care of the judge?

他准备好了就赶紧开始\ And when he's ready, let's get this thing over with.

我去叫大家进来\ I'll start bringing 'em in.

我自愿承担此义务\ ...that I take this obligation freely,

既无保留 也不逃避\ without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion...

我自愿承担此义务\ ...that I take this obligation freely,

既无保留 也不逃避\ without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion...

我将尽职尽责\ And that I will well...

离总统只差一步\ One heartbeat away from the presidency,

却不用一张选票\ and not a single vote cast in my name.

民主也不过如此\ Democracy is so overrated.

完成我的本职工作 上帝保佑\ ...office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

我将尽职尽责\ And that I will well and faithfully discharge

完成我的本职工作\ the duties of the office on which I am about to enter,

上帝保佑\ so help me god.

祝贺你 副总统先生\ Congratulations, Mr. Vice President.

好了 我们继续治理国家吧\ All right, let's get back to running the country.

你们中一人将接任党鞭\ Now, one of you is gonna replace me as the whip.

你们俩最有希望 大家也知道你们都想争取\ You're the two frontrunners, and we know you both want


it. 4

可你们一点领导风范也没有\ And you're not behaving like men who belong in the leadership. 场面话就别说了\ We need to tone down the rhetoric.

你们伤及了党派利益\ You're hurting your party.

我只是在回应霍华德抛出的谎言\ I'm just responding to the lies Howard's been slinging. 公费出游是真事 韦斯 不是我编的\ Those junkets happened, Wes. I'm not making it up. 那你任人唯亲呢\ And nepotism's any better.

你知道那不是事实\ That's just not true, and you know it.

所以你妹夫\ And your sister's husband

是凑巧被任命为财务部长了吗\ just happened to be appointed state treasurer.

前妹夫 是的\ Ex-husband. And yes.

真是一派胡言 霍华德\ That is such a load of crap, Howard.

先生们 鲍勃说的对\ Gentlemen, Bob is right.

你俩的斗争一旦被曝光\ This sort of cat-fighting gets out in the press,

不管谁赢 都不是好事\ whichever one of you wins hits the ground limping.

别出阴招了 大家文明一点\ Let's keep it clean and bring some civility back to the house. 可以吗\ Can we agree to that?

你俩握个手我会安心一些\ I'd feel a lot better if you shook hands on it.

谢谢\ Thank you.

我和他在一起呢 克里斯蒂娜\ I'm with him right now, Christina.

我走了 我晚些时候去你办公室\ I'm off. I'll swing by your office later.

不用了 还没装修好呢\ Don't. It's not ready yet.


我就在这儿办公了\ I'll be working from here.

什么事\ What?

塔斯克来了\ Tusk is in town. 5

他45分钟后和总统会面\ He's meeting with the president in 45 minutes. 克里斯蒂娜刚告诉我的\ Christina just told me.

商贸联委会谈判的事\ The Joint Commission talks.

她就是这么说的\ That's what she said.

克里斯蒂娜还真有用\ Christina is proving useful.

我们随时联系\ We stay in touch.

给凯茜·杜兰特打电话\ Get me Cathy Durant.

你的人要过来吗\ Your people coming by?

就只有我的新办公室主任\ Just my new chief of staff.

招人之前也没有别人了\ That's all I've got until we hire more.

做副总统的夫人什么感觉\ So how does it feel to be married to the vice president? 完全一样 就是有点吵\ Exactly the same. Just louder.

国务卿杜兰特\ Secretary Durant.

凯西\ Cathy.

雷蒙德\ Raymond.

祝贺你 副总统先生\ Congratulations, Mr. Vice President.

非常感谢\ Thank you very much.

向你介绍国务卿 杜兰特\ May I please introduce Secretary Durant.

很荣幸 国务卿女士\ My pleasure, Madam Secretary.


简直太意外了\ This is quite a surprise. 6

我根本不知道你来了\ I had no idea you were in town.

早上好 总统阁下\ Morning, sir.

总统先生\ Mr. President.

凯瑟琳\ Catherine.

我们刚好撞见了雷蒙德\ We just happened to run into Raymond.

太好了\ Wonderful.

进来吧\ Come on in.

电话记录肯定能证明我是对的\ The phone records will absolutely prove I'm right.

根本就没有电话记录 你知道的\ There were no phone records. You know that.

那还有运营商的数据历史记录\ The data history with the carrier.

重新调查根本不可能 就算重新调查了\ Even if we got the case reopened, which isn't gonna happen, 你知道要拿到获取运营商数据的令状有多难吗\ do you have any idea how hard it is to get a warrant for phone data?

合理理由\ Probable cause.

把他找来进行讯问\ Bring him in for questioning.

严格说这事在你辖区之内\ Technically you have jurisdiction.

美国的副总统\ The vice president of the United States.

我知道你觉得这很荒谬\ I know this all sounds preposterous to you,

但如果你好好看看我的笔记\ but if -- if you go through my notes --

我早就看过了\ We've been through your notes.

你听是听了 但你根本没听进去\ You've listened. But you haven't heard me.

纸牌屋第二季03 7

的确是间接证据 但都合情合理\ Circumstantial, yes. But plausible.

我知道你曾为更小的原因重新调查案子\ I know you've reopened cases on less.

你必须停手了 哥们\ This has gotta stop, man.

我们说来说去就这么几句\ We keep having the same conversation.

不可能是意外\ It can't be an accident.

好吧 我给你看个东西\ Okay. I'm gonna show you something.

CNN想拿到这个\ CNN tried to get a hold of this.

出于对家属的尊重 我们拒绝了\ We eighty-sixed it out of respect to the family.

监控录像吗\ The footage?


你看了肯定难受\ It's not easy to watch.

我想看\ I want to see it.

她要么是绊倒了 要么是跳下去的\ She tripped. Or jumped.

她不是自杀\ She didn't jump.

我逐帧放给你看\ Here it is, frame by frame.

还有两个目击证人\ Now, there were two witnesses.

一个是患眼部黄斑变性的70岁老太太\ One was a 70-year-old woman with macular degeneration. 她什么都没看清楚\ All she saw was a blur.

第二个就是车上的列车员\ The second was the conductor of the train.

他说看上去像是她摔倒了\ He said it looked like she fell.

除了这两个证人 就是监控录像了\ I mean between those two and this video, that's all there is. 想看你可以看一万遍 但是这个案子结了\ You can watch it a million times, but this case is closed.

纸牌屋第二季03 8

我们得把议程限制在几个关键问题上\ We should limit the agenda to a couple of key issues: 工业制品的进口关税\ import tariffs on industrial manufactured goods

以及稀土元素的出口限额\ and export quotas on rare earth elements.

他们把这两个都当做政治杠杆\ They're using both as political levers.

我也认为在这两个问题上我们能有所进展\ I agree these are two areas where we can make meaningful progress.

但我更担心针对企业的网络攻击的增加\ But I'm worried about the rise in corporate cyber attacks. 扯上这个就没完了\ That's a rabbit hole.

我们早晚得说这件事\ Well, we have to address it sooner or later.

问题是我们要不要现在谈这个\ It's just a matter of whether we want to address it now.

中国人不喜欢意外\ The Chinese don't like surprises.

我只是想说\ All I'm proposing is that

我们现在利用商贸联委会谈判委婉地提出这个问题\ we use the Joint Commission talks to bring it up gently now,

为下轮谈判做好铺垫\ set the stage for the next round.

我是个商人 不是外交官\ Look, I'm a businessman, not a diplomat.

但是我是个在中国工作了35年的商人\ But I'm a businessman with 35 years experience working in China.

和他们谈判 不能太贪心\ When they come to the table, you don't get greedy.

你在福建有一个合资炼油厂\ You're working on a co-venture refinery project in Fujian.

这也是业内首家\ Which would be the first of its kind.

放开了增加投资的渠道...\ Open the gateway for increased investment --

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网络攻击对那些合作企业构成威胁\ Cyber attacks threaten those co-ventures.

如果中方可以通过\ There's less a need for them

商业间谍活动获取新技术 也就无需合作了\ if the Chinese can obtain new technology from corporate espionage.

弗兰克 你觉得呢\ Frank, what do you think?

我更倾向于雷蒙德的想法\ I lean more toward Raymond's thinking.

如果引起中方的反感 那多年的努力都白费了\ If we antagonize the Chinese we could undo years of progress.

我可以低调行事 绝不会使强硬手腕\ Allow me to do this quietly, with a soft touch.

我不会激怒他们 先生\ I won't antagonize them, sir.

,我们最不需要的就是自找麻烦\ The last thing we want to do is rock the boat.

你想怎么办 凯瑟琳\ What do you have in mind, Catherine?

建议性议程\ A suggested agenda.

而不是作为要求\ Not a demand.

这件事由中层出面 我根本不插手\ We'll keep it mid-level. I won't get anywhere near it.

雷蒙德\ Raymond?

我已经表明了顾虑\ I've voiced my concerns.

-要格外谨慎克制 -我向你保证 先生\ - A very soft touch. - You have my word, sir.

好\ Good.

雷蒙德 一起吃个午餐吧\ Raymond? Want to grab some lunch?

乐意之极\ Would love to.

谢谢 弗兰克 欢迎加入白宫\ Thanks, Frank. Welcome to the West Wing.


谢谢你 先生\ Thank you, sir. 10

总统就像旷野上的一棵孤树\ The president is like a lone tree in an empty field.

风往哪吹 他就往哪倒\ He leans whichever way the wind is blowing.

现在雷蒙德·塔斯克的西风吹得实在太猛\ And right now Raymond Tusk blows far too strong from the west.

那是假发吗\ Is that a wig?

不是 他都留了好几个月了\ No. He's been growing it out for months.

戴安说她喜欢长发\ Diane says she likes it long.

我告诉她 等她看到\ I told her she'll feel differently

他留起长发辩就会改主意了\ once she sees the first dread lock.

或者闻到\ Or smells it.

我上周去看了你女儿\ I went to see your daughter last weekend.

她怎么样\ How is she?

-想看看照片吗 -好啊\ - You want to see a picture? - Okay.

-她妈妈在吗 -对\ - Was her mother there? - Yeah.

他们的钱够用吧\ Are they okay on money?

格林伍兹的保险率费一月份要上调了\ The rate at Greenwoods is going up in January.

凯特琳娜担心钱不够用\ Catalina is worried she's gonna be short.

我会多打点去她账上\ I'll make sure to put more into the account.

如果你不舒服 我们不用聊她\ We don't have to talk about her if you don't...

不不 没事 我很感谢你去看她\ No, no, no. It's fine. I appreciate you going to see her.

抱歉 泰德\ I'm sorry, Ted.

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你邀我一起吃午餐 我以为你是想...\ I thought that when you asked me to lunch it was because you want --

不不 没错\ No, no, no. I mean, yes,

我想确保她们的需求都得到满足\ I want to make sure they have what they need.

但是 不\ But, no,

我想找你谈是为了...\ the reason I wanted to talk --

洛莉·塔特\ Lorrie Tate.

洛莉是我朋友 她怎么了\ Lorrie's a friend of mine. What about her?

她说你有意竞选党鞭\ She mentioned you're interested in the whip's race.

天呐\ Oh, no.

真希望她没这么说\ I wish she hadn't.

为什么\ Why not?

因为很荒唐啊\ Because it's ridiculous.

是吗\ Is it?

我只是随口说说\ I just mentioned it off-hand.

韦斯和巴克沃特的竞争简直...\ The whole Webb and Buchwalter thing is just --

一团糟\ Complete mess.

但我是开玩笑的\ But I wasn't serious.

我觉得你该认真想想\ I think you should be serious.

你想竞选党鞭吗\ Do you want to do it?

我没有经验啊 泰德 我还...\ I don’t have the experience, Ted. And I -- I --

想不想\ Yes or no?


当然想\ Yes, of course.

将来再说\ Someday. 12

但现在 我没有他们那样的财力\ But now I -- I don't have the money they do.

你用我的钱 就有了\ Unless you use mine.

你不能把你的钱浪费在...\ You can't waste your money on --

如果我找到那些还持观望态度的人\ If I funnel my PAC money to

把我的政治行动委员会资金给他们一些\ some folks who are on the fence,

在你正式宣布前 拉拢一些支持者\ round up a couple dozen commitments before you announce, 那你立刻就是有力竞争者\ that would make you an instant contender.

你说这是浪费吗\ Now tell me that's a waste.

这可是千百万啊\ We're talking hundreds of thousands.

这可不是圣诞礼物 杰姬\ It's not a Christmas present, Jackie.

如果你是党鞭 我就在领导层有了坚定的盟友\ With you as whip I have a strong ally in the leadership. 我的获益不比你少\ I stand to gain as much as you.

稍等片刻\ Hang on one second.

我不知道哪里...\ I don't know where the...

怎么样 他信了吗\ How did it go? Did he buy it?

不管你给他吹了什么风 吹得很到位\ Whatever bug you put in his ear burrowed deep.

很简单 那人喜欢你 对你视如己出\ It was easy. The man adores you like you're his own child. 但你可得选我做首席副党鞭\ But you sure as hell better make me Chief Deputy.

我得先当选\ I need to win first.

我和泰德两票 还剩111票\ Ted and I make two. 111 to go.

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副党鞭会数数总是好事\ It's always good when the Chief Deputy knows her arithmetic.

别扯淡 我们数票吧\ Fuck off. Let's start taking names.

这个还不错\ This one seems promising.

康纳·埃利斯 可靠 有经验\ Connor Ellis. He's solid. Good experience.

是他解决了琼斯参议员\ Oh, he's the one that got Senator Jones out of that mess

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}借调查名义影响民意的民意调查 推手民调的烂摊子\ with the push polling.

是啊 免受纪律委员会的调查\ Yes. Kept him from the ethics committee.

面试一下吧\ Let's set up an interview.

我安排一下日程\ I'll find a good time in schedule.

我们说说日程的事\ Let's talk about the schedule.

好好挑一下我该参加哪些活动\ I think we need to be more selective with the events I do.

有些是上任副总统夫人没去成的\ Some of these are leftovers from Mrs. Matthews.

你想取消也可以\ We can cancel whatever you like.

这是什么\ And what's this?

你丈夫要为两位新晋海军陆战队将军授衔\ Your husband will be pinning stars on two newly commissioned Marine generals.

这个你应该去\ I think that's one you should do.

给我介绍一下\ Okay. Walk me through it.

两位将军分别是艾莉西娅·汉普顿\ The generals are Alicia Hampton

和道顿·麦金尼斯\ and Dalton McGinnis.

6点50到场\ Arriving at 6:50 --


道顿·麦金尼斯吗\ Dalton McGinnis?

是的 认识吗\ Yes. Do you know him?

大学同学\ We went to college together.

刚说到哪了\ I'm sorry, where were we?

什么时候到\ Arrive what time?

6点50\ 6:50. 14

很好 出席人员名单给我一份\ Great. I'd like a list of all the people that will be attending. 我被排除在外没什么\ It's not that big a deal if I get left out,

可你是国务卿啊\ but you're the secretary of state.

塔斯克怎么能参与决策\ I mean, Tusk should not be determining policy.

只有总统可以决定你该怎么做\ The president alone should instruct you on what you are to pursue. 他们什么关系\ What's their relationship?

他一直给总统出谋划策\ He's had his ear for years.

提建议\ An advisor...

更像是导师 总统很重视他的建议\ More of a mentor. And one whose advice is not easily dismissed. 他还会继续要求忽视网络战\ He's gonna keep pushing back on cyber warfare.

除非我给提上议程\ Not if I get it on the agenda.

不 你提上议程他更会来劲\ No, especially if you get it on the agenda.

商贸联委会谈判再度开启时\ Tusk is not gonna take any chances

塔斯克绝不会冒丝毫风险\ when the next Joint Commission talks come around.

你刚刚不是支持他吗\ You agreed with him in the meeting.

如果我们站一边 他的态度只会更强硬\ If we had ganged up, he would have taken a firmer position.


说不定\ For all we know, 15

他现在就在劝总统改主意呢\ he's convincing the president right now to change his mind.

所以我们绝不能给他机会\ Now we need to remove that option as a possibility.

怎么办\ How?

下次谈判时 强迫中方回应网络安全问题\ Force the Chinese to confront the issue now, this round of talks.

我答应总统不采取强硬手段的\ I promised the president a soft touch.

我不能有意食言\ I can't intentionally break my promise.

如果是无意的呢\ What if it was unintentional?

凯茜 如果你不喜欢现在的局势\ Cathy, if you don't like how the table is set,

就干脆搅局\ turn over the table.

你偷吸\ You're cheating.

哪有 是电子烟\ No, I'm not. It's vapor.

那也算\ Still.

你该试试\ You should try it.

会上瘾 但没副作用\ Addiction without the consequences.

你自己抽\ It's all yours.

不睡吗\ You staying up?

明晚的授衔仪式\ This ceremony tomorrow night.

你不想去\ You don't want to go.

除非我必须去\ If I don't have to.

我也不喜欢\ I hate these sorta things, too.

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但这是副总统的首次亮相\ But it is my first public appearance as vice president.

好吧\ Okay.

谢谢\ Thank you.

要不要把这儿改成办公室\ Should we turn this into a proper office?

可以啊 楼下没有私密性\ That's not a bad idea. No privacy downstairs.

我去找装修队\ I'll talk to the contractor.

晚安 弗兰西斯\ Goodnight, Francis.

晚安\ Goodnight.

先生 先生 根据国会议事录\ Sir! Sir! Congressional Record.

不是要谈到六点吗\ Weren't the talks supposed to go until six?

他们不听 我们谈不下去\ We can't talk if they won't listen.

中方不谈了吗\ Did the Chinese walk out?

我们已经表明 除非他们肯谈政府资助的\ We made it clear that we won't discuss any other issues 网络攻击 否则其他问题免谈\ until government-sponsored cyber attacks are on the table. 显然他们不开心了\ Apparently that's not what they wanted to hear.

中方代表离席之前你说了什么\ Sir, what did you tell the Chinese delegation before they walked out? 我们没派人去\ We didn't have anybody there.

商贸联委会谈判通常很无聊的\ The Joint Commission is usually a snooze-fest.

今天不是\ Not today it wasn't.

我已经让格里尔去弄了\ I've got Greer on it.

这不是国际板块的新闻吗\ Isn't this international?

如果要写网络战的背景资料\ We need somebody from the tech beat

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就得请科技板块的记者\ if we want any background on cyber warfare.

他找到人接受署名采访了吗\ Does he have anybody on record yet?

中方不肯谈\ The Chinese aren't talking.

美国代表团的话美联社都报道了\ And all the U.S. delegation said is what's in the AP wire. 无论如何两小时内网上要出报道\ I want something online in the next two hours. 本周内发一篇深入后续报道\ In-depth follow-up sometime this week.

卢卡斯 你还好吗\ Hey, Lucas? You all right?

好啊 怎么了\ Yeah. Why?

你还穿着昨天穿的那身\ You're wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday. 是吗\ Am I?

我不知道你私生活发生了什么\ I don't know what's going on in your personal life, 但似乎已经影响到你的工作了\ but it seems to be entering the workplace.

仪表很重要\ Appearances matter.

我们的编辑不能比他的记者\ And we can't have an editor looking more disheveled 还不修边幅\ than his reporters.

两小时 一定给你个交待\ Two hours. You'll have something.

你知道杰姬·夏普要竞选党鞭吗\ Did you know Jackie Sharp's running for Whip? 不知道 这是我第一次听说\ No, this is the first I'm hearing of it.

我跟韦伯说了\ I spoke to Webb.

洛莉·塔特给他发了一封关于我的电邮\ He got an email from Lorrie Tate about me. 戴夫·霍兰德给我发了一封关于他的电邮\ I got one from Dave Holland about him. 这我不管\ Which means nothing to me.

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公费旅游 任人唯亲 塔特跟夏普很亲密\ The junkets, the nepotism. Tate and Sharp are close. 霍兰德跟她在退伍军人事务委员会共事过\ Holland serves on the VA committee with her. 她找别人出手 好撇清干系\ She used proxies to insulate herself.

你觉得是她把料爆给了他们\ So you think that she gave the dirt to them.

没错 她在耍我们两个人\ Yeah. She's been playing both of us.

你觉得她能拉到多少支持者\ How many commitments do you think she could have? 目前也就20个左右吧\ Around 20 so far.

那她还是被你俩远远甩在后面啊\ So she's a distant third.

但她在一个个动摇我们的支持者啊\ But she's picking people off us left and right.

你得帮我\ I want your help.

我支持你啊 韦斯\ You have my support, Wes.

那就公开表态\ Then make that public.

如果我公开支持你 博奇就会支持韦伯\ If I come out for you, Birch comes out for Webb. 那反倒会害你 而不是帮你\ That's gonna hurt you, not help you.

情况很不妙 弗兰克\ This is serious, Frank.

泰德·哈维梅耶在赞助她\ Ted Havemeyer is bankrolling her.

你想过跟杰姬谈谈吗\ Have you thought of talking to Jackie?

没有 原则上我不能那么做\ No, no. I can't do that on principle.

为什么不行\ Why not?

我不会跟哈维梅耶支持的人合作\ Anyone who Havemeyer is backing, I don't work with.

我竞选参议员的时候 他也搅了我的局\ He pulled the same crap on me when I ran for Senate. 他赞助我的主要对手 混蛋\ He financed my primary opponent. Asshole.


那由你决定\ Well, that is your call. 19

,但如果你要让旧账阻碍你的竞选\ But if you're gonna let an old grudge get in the way of progress -- 我就是不能这么做 弗兰克\ I just can't do it, Frank.

哈维梅耶这些年一直想把我赶下去\ Havemeyer's been trying to shove me down the totem pole for years.

我不会让他得逞的\ I won't give him the satisfaction.

我尊重你 但这样我就无能为力了\ Well, I can respect that, but my hands are tied.

这件事很微妙\ It's a delicate matter,

但我们正在和中国政府沟通\ but we are in communication with the Chinese government

如何推进谈判\ as to how to move forward.

这是不是表示美国将在网络攻击的事上屈服\ Does this mean the U.S. will back down on cyber attacks?

美国从不屈服\ The United States never backs down,

特别是在重要问题上\ particularly on issues that are high priority to us.

国务卿女士 您是怎么\ Madam Secretary, what did you--

谢谢\ Thank you.

您是怎么跟代表团团长说的\ What did you tell the head of the delegation?

代表团越界了\ The delegation overstepped its bounds,

但凯茜不能坑她自己的人\ but Cathy couldn’t throw her own people under the bus.

她公开发表言论前该先跟我们商量一下\ She should have consulted us first before speaking publicly. 媒体堵在她家门口\ The press was on her doorstep

总统又在地球另一端\ and the president was in another hemisphere.

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我不是在批评她的做法\ Now, look, I'm not condemning what she did,

但她总得采取措施\ but she had to do something.

她凭直觉做决定 并采取了行动\ She made a gut call and she acted.

咱们得撇清关系\ We have to distance ourselves from this.

总统什么时候回来\ When is the president back?

明天早上\ Tomorrow morning.

我们能安排一次会面吗\ Can we set up a meeting?

凯茜得公开道歉\ Cathy needs to publicly apologize.

我们能让她跟总统谈谈吗\ Can we get her in the room with the president?

我们不应该先统一一下步调吗\ Shouldn't we all be on the same page first?

我再想想办法吧\ I'll see what I can do.

谢谢\ Thank you.

我去拿吃的之前 你问我了一个问题\ Now, you asked me a question before I went and got my food. 副总统先生 我是麦金尼斯将军\ Mr. Vice President. General McGinnis.

不胜荣幸 希望你不介意\ it's a great honor. I hope you don't mind.

总统也想出席 他让我代为参加\ The president wishes he could be here. He's asked me to fill in. 荣幸的是我 先生\ The honor is mine, sir.

将军 这是我妻子 克莱尔\ And, General, this is my wife, Claire.

很高兴见到你 克莱尔 好久不见\ It's good to see you, Claire. It's been a long time.

是啊\ Yes.

哈佛的同学\ Harvard. We were classmates.

克莱尔没提过这事\ Claire didn't say a thing.


我们还约会过\ We dated for a time.

只有五分钟\ About five minutes. 21

好了 不打扰你们用餐了\ Anyway, I'll let you get back to your meal.

谢谢 我想起来了\ Thank you. I've remembered.

有意思的是\ Interestingly enough,

南卡罗莱纳州第一大作物不是棉花\ in South Carolina the largest crop is not cotton. 而是烟草\ No. It's tobacco.

第三大作物是大麻\ And the third-largest crop is marijuana.

咱心里明白就好\ Now -- we'll just keep that to ourselves.

失陪一下\ Would you all excuse me for just a moment?

-只有她一个吗 -是的\ - Is she alone? - Yes.

我们想单独谈谈\ Would you give us a few moments, please?

怎么了\ What's wrong?

是他\ It was him.

谁\ Who?

大一那年\ Freshman year.

那件事...是麦金尼斯吗\ You mean... McGinnis?

弗兰西斯 弗兰西斯 别做傻事\ Francis, Francis. Please, don't do anything. 我绝不会给他授衔...\ I am not gonna pin a medal on that --

你必须授衔\ You have to.

等一下 不能让他\ Just a minute, please! There is no way that man -- 先生 典礼要开始了\ Sir, they want to start the ceremony.

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等一会儿 他不配接受...\ Just a minute, please! He does not deserve a medal..

弗兰西斯 求你了\ Francis. I beg of you.

我告诉你 枪毙他都不过分\ I'm telling you, that man deserves to be taken out and shot.

我求你了\ I am begging you.

-不行 -求你了\ - No. - Please!

-不要 -别...\ - No. - Do not --

我说等等\ I said just a minute!

求你了 别惹事\ Do not make a scene. Please.

汤姆 谢谢你能来\ Tom. Thanks for coming by.

我走进来时 我以为会有一丝怀念\ You know, I thought I would miss this place the moment I stepped inside.

可是没有\ But I don't.

喝斯黛拉没问题吧\ Hope you like Stella.

干杯\ Cheers.

干杯\ Beers up.

你怎么样\ How are things?

还不错 还不错\ They're good. They're good.

你开心吗\ You're happy?

我就没开心过\ I haven't been happy a day in my life.

不过现在有时间了\ But I have time now.

可以思考 写作 我最近在构思小说\ To think. To write. Been working on a novel.

是吗\ Yeah?

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纯粹是狗屁 不过还凑合\ It's absolute shit. That's okay.

挺好的 汤姆 真挺好的\ That's great, Tom. That's really great.

有什么事\ What's on your mind?

找我来不是叙旧的吧\ I know you didn't ask me here just to catch up.

弗兰克·安德伍德\ Frank Underwood.

我万分荣幸地\ On the president's behalf

代表总统 授予艾莉西娅·汉普顿将军\ it is my great honor to formerly recognize the selection 美军欧洲司令部\ of General Alicia Hampton as Commander,

司令一职\ United States European Command,

授予道顿·麦金尼斯将军\ and General Dalton McGinnis

美国战略司令部司令一职\ as Commander of the United States Strategic Command. 两位模范领袖为美国海军陆战队\ The United States Marine Corps has been well served 做出了卓越贡献\ by these two exemplary leaders.

总统与我希望两位再接再厉\ The president and I are grateful for their continued service. 恭喜你\ Congratulations.

谢谢你 先生\ Thank you, sir.

你觉得我疯了吗\ You think I'm insane?

我不觉得你疯了\ I don't think you're insane.

只是经历了太多痛苦\ I think you've been through a lot.

想探个究竟\ Trying to make sense of it all.

我知道我是对的\ I know I'm right.

那是自然\ I'm sure I believe you are.

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酒驾的事的确是他掩盖的\ It's a fact that he helped cover up the DUI.

如果你手下的记者拿着这事来找你\ Imagine if one of your reporters came to you with this story. 你会登出去吗\ Could you print a word of it?

不会 但会要求他们继续调查\ No, but I'd have them keep digging.

是吗\ Would you?

凭心而论\ If you're honest with yourself,

你不会说这故事太牵强了吗\ wouldn't you tell them it seemed farfetched?

笔记说明不了什么\ Your notes aren't convincing.

警方报告也证实不了什么\ The police reports don't prove a link.

-还有你的妄加猜测 -我知道\ - And the speculative leaps you're making... - I know.

律人要先律己\ Hold yourself to the same standards as you hold your staff.

你当时在和佐伊约会\ You and Zoe were seeing each other.

我是猜的 也许错了\ I -- I'm assuming. Maybe I'm wrong.

是在约会\ We -- we were.

第一任妻子去世时 我也接受不了\ When I lost my first wife, it didn't add up.

谁会在31岁就死于乳腺癌呢\ Who dies of breast cancer at 31?

我想起诉 告医生 医院 所有人\ I wanted to sue. Doctors, the hospital, everyone.

觉得他们在隐瞒什么\ Thought they were hiding something.

但没有\ No.

悲伤让人想要答案 但有时真的就没有\ Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one. 没人能挽救她 就是这样\ Her life couldn't be saved. Period.

我该怎么办\ What do I do?

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你愿找人谈谈吗\ Would you consider seeing someone?

辛西娅去世时\ There's a therapist who helped me a great deal

有个医生帮了我很多\ when Cynthia passed away.

我可以帮你联系...\ I can put you in touch --

不了 我不用见谁\ No. I don't need to see somebody.

卢卡斯\ Lucas.

很感谢你过来 汤姆\ I appreciate you coming by, Tom.

也谢谢你的啤酒\ Thanks for the beer.

随时联系我吧\ You call me anytime.

照顾好自己 卢卡斯\ You take care of yourself, Lucas.

我是认真的\ I mean it.

还打算去哪吗 先生\ Any plans to go elsewhere, sir?

不了 我们今晚不出去了 谢谢\ No. We're in for the night. Thank you.

好的 先生\ Yes, sir.

我累了\ I'm tired.

需要什么吗 先生\ Do you need something, sir?

我的遥控手柄 我想玩游戏\ Uh, my remote. I want to play.

就在这儿\ It's right over here.

谢谢\ Thank you.

网络出问题了吗 我上不了线\ Is there something wrong with the Internet? I can't get online. 我们封掉了连接\ We had to disable the access.

那个连接不安全\ It's not a secure connection.

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能让我单独待会儿吗\ Could you just give me a moment, please?

只要您在外面 身边就得有人\ Whenever you're out here, somebody needs to be with you. 我在自家后院都不能独自待着吗\ I can't be alone in my own backyard?

我说了算倒可以 但我说了不算\ If it were up to me, sir. But it's not up to me.

好吧 密查姆\ Okay, Meechum.

你以为我不想摔东西吗\ You think I don't want to smash things?

我的愤怒是你无法想象的\ I know what that anger is more than you can imagine. 他压着我的时候...\ When he was on top of me --

我们不需要说这个\ We don't have to talk about it.

不 我想说\ No, I want to.

他压着我的时候 我使劲推\ When he was on top of me, I pressed my hand -- 用尽全力推他的脸\ with everything I could I pressed it into his face.

我使足了劲 弄伤了他的鼻子\ I pressed it so hard I broke his nose.

但那没能阻止他\ That didn't stop him.

他把床单塞进我嘴里\ He shoved the sheets in my mouth.

我几乎无法呼吸\ I could barely breathe.

每次我想起那个女孩\ Every time I think of her

被人那样按倒\ pinned down like that

我都会勒死她 弗朗西斯\ I strangle her, Francis,

这样她才不会勒死我\ so she doesn't strangle me.

我必须那样 我们必须那样\ I have to. We have to.

否则...\ The alternative is --


我无法忍受\ it's unlivable.

你该休息了\ You should go to sleep.

我不知道能不能睡着\ I'm not sure if I can. 27

那你就回楼下去\ Then you should go back downstairs.

早晨的时候 恨意也不会消退\ You'll still feel the hate in the morning.

你会利用那份恨意 但不是去报复他\ You'll use that. But not on him.

你到底说了什么\ What did you communicate, exactly?

我让他提出议事日程\ I told him to bring up the agenda,

指出战略对话的关键点 但别提要求\ suggest bullet points for the SED, but make no demands. 那怎么会被理解成最后通牒\ And how did that translate into a direct ultimatum?

有时我的代表会探究言外之意\ Well, sometimes my delegates try to read between the lines.

他们知道我为外交目的需要合理推卸责任\ They know that I need plausible deniability for diplomatic purposes.

那你为什么没有立刻否认\ Why didn't you immediately recant?

就我跟中国人打交道的经验看\ In my experience with the Chinese,

变卦会让他们觉得我们软弱\ backpedaling makes us look weak.

我当时有两个选择 丢脸或展示实力\ I had two choices: Lose face or exhibit strength.

我选择了后者\ I chose the latter.

好吧 凯瑟琳 我会很快跟你联系\ All right, Catherine. I'll be in touch shortly.

谢谢 先生\ Thank you, sir.

用我的私人线路打给雷蒙德\ Get me Raymond on the private line.

你觉得她是故意越界的吗\ Do you think she overstepped on purpose?

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凯茜绝不会违反你的指令 不会故意违反\ Cathy would never disobey your orders. Not on purpose. 雷蒙德 弗兰克在我这儿\ Raymond, I've got Frank here.

就我们三个吗\ Just the three of us?

就三个 早上好 雷蒙德\ Just us three. Morning, Raymond.

我在北京的联系人\ My contacts in Beijing

跟我说商务部部长很激动\ tell me the minister of commerce is in a tizzy.

他想以此为借口重拳出击\ Wants to use this as an excuse to start clenching fists.

我要么拆凯茜的台 要么支持她\ Well, either I turn my back on Cathy or I stand behind her. 选前者\ It's gotta be the former.

我同意\ I agree.

如果你不道歉\ If you don't apologize,

那就不是小矛盾 而是大摩擦了\ you go from ruffling feathers to plucking them.

中国人绝不会忍气吞声 总统先生\ And the Chinese won't stand for that, Mr. President.

说是我跟内阁之间意思传达有错误如何\ What about perceived miscommunication between me and my cabinet?

总统先生 现在的目标是继续谈判\ Mr. President, right now the goal is to resume the talks. 就别担心他们是怎么想的了\ I wouldn't worry about perceptions.

弗兰克没错 我们得现实点\ Frank is right. We need to be pragmatic.

先别担心场面上的事\ Worry about appearances later.

行 我让凯瑟琳拟一份致歉信\ All right. I'll have Catherine draft an apology.

不 必须由你亲自写 总统先生\ No, it has to come from you, Mr. President.

道歉要有份量\ If the apology is to mean anything,

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就得由白宫出面\ it must come from the White House.

这样的确应该更有成效\ That is certainly the more likely to succeed.

行 那我亲自写 谢谢 雷蒙德\ Fine. I'll do it then. Thank you, Raymond.

谢谢你 加勒特\ Thank you, Garrett.

你听到他仍然直呼总统的名字吗\ Do you hear how he still uses the president's given name? 而沃克也毫不在意他的失敬\ And that Walker doesn't flinch at the lack of respect it implies. 先生 恕我直言\ Sir, forgive me if this isn't the case,

你好像有点犹豫\ but you seem a bit hesitant.

为什么这么说\ Why do you say that?

关于公众看法的事 你所言极是\ Well, you've raised a good point about public perception. 我不想让你觉得\ I don't want you to think that

我对你的担忧毫不在意\ I'm dismissing your concerns casually.

没有 你也担心这个吗\ No. It's a concern for you, too?

凯茜提出的观点不无道理\ There is some insight into what Cathy brought up.

变卦就是软弱\ Backpedalling is weakness.

跟中国人合作总是碰运气\ Well, it's always a coin toss with the Chinese.

但有时候坚定立场比让步妥协要好\ But sometimes standing your ground is better than giving in. 你强势 他们反而更尊重你\ They respect you more when you show strength.

你改变对此的看法了吗 弗兰克\ Are you changing your mind on this, Frank?

我只是觉得 你该按自己的心意决定\ I just think it's important that you do what you think is best. 美国人民选你当总统\ The American people voted you president.

不是我 也不是雷蒙德·塔斯克\ Not me. Not Raymond Tusk.

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我决定了再告诉你\ I'll let you know what I decide.

谢谢 总统先生\ Thank you, sir.

你觉得安德伍德会选她吗\ You think she's Underwood's choice?

他没直说 所以有可能\ He deflected, so it's possible.

你和我\ You and I,

我们得合作 韦斯\ we need to work together on this, Wes.

否则我们俩都得完蛋\ Before we both get screwed.

我同意\ I agree.

我们中一个人退出\ One of us drops out,

支持另一个人\ throws support to the other.

这就能削弱她的支持力量\ That'll dwarf any following she has.

你想让我退出吗\ You want me to drop out.

我一定任命你做众议院拨款委员会主席\ I'll make sure you get my chairmanship on appropriations. 你至多能任命我做纪律委员会主席 这没人稀罕\ All you can offer me is, uh, Ethics, which nobody wants.

我们把事定下来吧 韦斯\ Let's put this to bed, Wes.

韦伯肯定跟他谈了协议\ Webb must have offered him a deal.

那我们就提出更好的条件\ Then we have to offer a better one.

我猜是拨款委员会 我给不了更好的\ I'm guessing appropriations. There's no way I can top that. 除非是众议院税赋委员会\ Except for ways and means.

我不能让你把职位给巴克沃特这样的混蛋\ I -- I won't let you give your chair to an ass like Buchwalter. 如果你是党鞭\ If you're the Whip,

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你地位比他 和其他主席都高\ you outrank him and every other chairman.

去他的委员会\ Screw committees.

我能直接跟议长交流\ I'll have a direct line to the speaker.

别固执了 杰姬\ Don't be stubborn, Jackie.

你觉得他会接受吗\ You think he'd take it?

他连韦伯的条件都愿意接受\ He was willing to take a deal from Webb.

但你是他最讨厌的人\ But you're the only person he hates more.

他很蛮人 但不是傻子\ He's a brute. But he's not an idiot.

我知道你不是出于忠诚而拒绝\ Well, I know you're not refusing out of loyalty.

没错\ True.

所以是泰德的缘故\ So it's because of Ted.

你觉得自己很厉害 对吧\ You think you are hot shit, don't you?

我们能放下架子 像成年人那样谈正经事吗\ Can we set egos aside and talk business like the adults we are?

我想要的不只是税赋委员会主席之位\ I want more than ways and means.

说吧\ Tell me.

我要哈维梅耶走人 不只是退休\ I want Havemeyer gone. Not just retired....

让他从政坛消失\ Politically dead.

竞选是12年前的事了\ That race was 12 years ago.

不是他 我也能当12年参议员了\ That was 12 years I could have been in the Senate.

你就想报复 真的吗\ Revenge? Really?

不是报复\ Not revenge.


是报应\ Equity.

那你准备怎么办\ Well, what are you gonna do?

巴克沃特不会让步的\ Buchwalter won't budge. 32

我这一生最鄙视小气之人\ You know, there's nothing I despise more in life than pettiness.

我可以去找韦伯 但我给不了他什么\ I could approach Webb, but I don't have enough to offer him. 他不会退选的 他自尊心太强\ Ah, he'd never drop out. Too much pride.

我不知道该怎么办\ I'm not sure what to do.

这是泰德的档案 他有个私生女\ This is my file on Ted. An illegitimate daughter.

和保姆生的\ The nanny, of course.

她叫艾米莉·罗德里格斯 19岁了\ Her name is Emily Rodriguez. 19.

患脑中风\ Cerebral palsy.

我知道艾米莉的事\ I know about Emily.

那我们还在这里讨论什么\ Well, then why are we having this conversation?

这说来话长\ It's complicated.

私生女 我没看出有什么复杂的\ The daughter? It's very black and white to me.

我跟泰德是一辈子的交情\ I've known Ted since I was born.

他跟我父亲是好友\ He and my father were very close.

是的 我知道\ Yeah, I'm aware.

他一直都对我关照有加\ He's always looked out for me.

他把我送进西点军校 资助我第一次竞选\ He got me into West Point. He funded my first race. 我喜欢泰德 他一直都很有团队精神\ I like Ted. He's always been a team player.

很不幸 他拥有这样的秘密\ It's unfortunate he has this secret.

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这是个错误 他一直都很后悔\ It was a mistake. One he's always regretted.

她出生之后 他让我去探望她\ After she was born he asked me to check in on her,

因为他自己做不到 而他信任我\ because he couldn't. Because he trusted me.

我懂了\ I see.

你来这里的时候就知道你该做什么\ You came in here knowing what you had to do,

但你还是希望我能变个戏法 你就不用那么做了\ hoping I would pull a rabbit out of a hat so you wouldn't have to.

我认识这姑娘 我认识她母亲\ I know the girl. I know her mother.

她们不该经受那种事\ These people don't deserve this.

我该支的招都支了\ I've given you all I can.

你要如何决定是你自己的事\ Whatever you decide is your prerogative.

但也许我错看了你\ But maybe I misjudged you.

泰德对我来说就像家人一样\ Ted is family to me.

用来取代亲生女儿的养女\ An adopted daughter in lieu of a real one.

先生 国务卿来了\ Sir, the secretary is here.

谢谢 让她进来 你下去吧\ Thank you. Send her in. Excuse us.

很好\ It's good.

是不是太长了\ Not too long?

有一点 但也还好\ A little bit, but not much.

这部分 三个段落\ This part, three paragraphs in.

关于电话公司吗\ Oh, about the phone companies?

多跟我讲讲\ Tell me more.

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这是国土安全部的主要担忧之一\ It's one of Homeland Security's major concerns.

网络攻击会渗透到电话运营商\ That the cyber attacks might infiltrate phone carriers, 得到数百万人的数据记录\ get access to millions of people's data history.

比如他们跟谁通过电话吗\ Like who they called?

是的 跟谁通过电话 发过短信\ Yeah, who they called, texted,

短信是什么内容\ what they texted,

何时 何地 所有信息\ when, where they were. Everything.

有这种可能吗\ And that's possible?

目前没有严重的信息泄露事件\ There haven't been any catastrophic breaches yet.

至少没有相关报道\ At least not reported.

但是中国似乎已经开始\ But it looks like the Chinese are starting to

在深网上招募雇佣黑客\ recruit mercenaries on the Deep Web

发动无法追踪的网络游击战\ to launch guerilla-type attacks that can't be tracked back -- 等一下 深网 我听说过\ Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. The Deep Web. I've heard of that. 是的\ Oh, yeah, yeah.

96%的网络内容无法通过\ No, 96% of the internet isn't accessible

普通引擎搜索到 这其中大部分毫无价值\ through standard search engines. Most of it's useless. 但是在那里你几乎可以找到任何东西\ But it's where you go to find anything and everything. 儿童色情片 比特币洗钱 邮购麻醉剂\ Child porn, Bitcoin laundering, mail-order narcotics, 雇佣黑客\ hackers for hire.

怎么进入深网\ How do you access it?

其实很简单 你想看的话我可以演示\ It's actually pretty easy. I could show you if you want.


好啊 我很好奇\ Yeah, I'm curious.

我能不能...\ Mind if I...?

请便\ Go ahead. 35

好 首先你需要洋葱路由\ Okay, first thing you need is TOR.

有些人喜欢隐形网 但我觉得洋葱路由更好\ Some people prefer I2P, but I think TOR is better. 洋葱路由是什么\ What is TOR?

它可以通过代理服务器保护你 让你匿名\ It protects you through proxy servers. Keeps you anonymous.

接下来我来演示如何进入\ Then I'll show you how to get to

论坛和即时聊天\ the posting boards and the IRCs.

但我要提醒你 不要随便乱点\ But I gotta warn you: Be careful what you click.

这上面有些很疯狂的东西\ Some crazy shit there, man.

长久以来\ For too long, uh, we've, uh,

我们对网络战一事小心翼翼\ danced on egg shells regarding the issue of cyber warfare.

杜兰特国务卿\ Now, Secretary Durant

是按照我的指令行事\ acted on instructions that came directly from me.

如果中国没有诚意\ Now, if the Chinese are not willing to

进行一场有意义的对话\ engage in a meaningful dialogue

探讨美国公司的知识产权\ about intellectual property of American corporations

以及对我政府网络设施的\ as well as this deliberate targeting

蓄意攻击\ of our government's online infrastructure,

那就证明他们抱有一种双重标准的心态\ well then that is proof of a double-standard mentality

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而我们将不再容忍这种心态\ that we shall no longer tolerate.

我们派往商贸联合委员会的代表\ Our delegation to the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade 遭到了美国政府代表的\ was unfairly accused and defamed

不公平指控与污蔑\ by representatives of the United States government.

中华人民共和国\ The People's Republic of China

不会受\ will not be threatened

荒谬而未经证实的指控所胁迫\ by derisive and unsubstantiated claims.

如果白宫还要继续如此行事\ As long as the White House continues to behave this way, 那么将来任何的双边对话都是不可能的\ any future bilateral trade talks will be impossible. 我也觉得大吃一惊\ It caught me by surprise, too.

昨天我挂电话之后 你又对他说什么了吗\ Did you say anything to him after I hung up yesterday? 没有 你跟他谈过了吗\ No. Have you spoken to him?

是的 几分钟前\ Yeah, a few minutes ago.

他说他做了他认为该做的事\ He said he did what he thought was right.

这我们没法反驳\ Well, there's nothing we can do to combat that.

他一般不会招呼都不打\ He doesn't usually go against my advice

就违背我的建议\ without giving me fair warning.

你什么意思 雷蒙德\ What are you suggesting, Raymond?

他容易受人操纵\ He's easily manipulated.

这次不是\ Clearly not in this case.

这问题必须解决 就指望你了 弗兰克\ We need to fix this. And I'm counting on you for that, Frank. 我再说一遍 我不欠你什么\ Let me freshen your memory. I don't owe you any favors.

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我答应跟你合作 不是给你卖力\ I promised to work with you, not for you.

对于中国的问题 我们的目标一样\ And when it comes to China, we both want the same thing. 所以得合作\ So we need to work together.

说服加勒特撤回言论\ To convince Garrett he should retract.

是支持总统的选择\ To support the president in the path that he's chosen.

他可是在公然挑衅\ While he continues to antagonize them publicly.

他这是持续赢得民众认可\ While he continues to benefit from a bump in approval ratings. 对中的强硬政策很吃香的\ A tough stance on China is popular.

这点可以加以利用\ And we can use that to our advantage.

耐心点\ Let's just be patient

我尽量暗中调解一下\ and see if we can smooth things over from back channels.

我的耐心是有限的 尽快让我看到成果\ If I don't see any results, you won't have my patience for long. 我知道了\ That's understood.

杜兰特的话记得告诉我\ Let me know what Durant has to say.

当然\ Absolutely.

谢谢你 副总统先生\ Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

我以为他不会愿意接受我的恩惠呢\ I thought he might balk at taking a handout from me.

这可不是小恩小惠\ I'd call it more than a handout.

他向来不难收买\ Well, he's always been the sort of man

只是代价一直很大\ who could be bought, but never cheaply.

赢得他的不是主席位子 泰德\ It's not the chairmanship that bought him, Ted.

什么意思\ What do you mean?


我现在告诉你\ I'm telling you this 38

是给你时间跟你妻子谈\ so that you have time to call your wife

并且准备发言稿\ and prepare your statement.

我怎么脱身 他要干什么\ What's my out? What does he want from me?

脱不了 他就想伤你\ There is no out. He wants it to hurt.

你跟他说的\ You told him.

我只是说可以办到\ I just promised him that I could make it happen.

你不能这么做 杰姬\ You can't do this, Jackie.

明天报道就见报\ The story's breaking tomorrow.

哪部分\ What part of it?

不提名字 只说你有私生女\ No names. Just that you have a daughter.

你想没想过对戴安的影响 对我们的儿子\ Have you thought about what this will do to Diane? To our sons?

我并不觉得光彩\ I hate myself for it.

可是我能撑过去\ But I'll get over that.

那她呢\ What about her?

艾米莉 你连名字都不敢说吗\ Emily. You can't even say her name, can you?

少教育我\ Don't lecture me.

你都没跟她共处过\ You've never been in the same room with her.

我给她提供了最好的医疗条件\ She's had the best treatment available.

一个人 满身的仪器连线\ Alone. Hooked up to machines.

晚饭之后就没有护士了\ Surrounded by nurses who punch out at dinnertime.

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你不知道我有多难过\ You don't know what I've been through.

你 那她呢\ You? What about her?

我已经尽力了\ I can't do more than I've done.

胡说 泰德 你有办法的\ That's bullshit, Ted. You could've found a way.

我不会向你为自己辩护\ I won't defend myself to you.

不用 跟你老婆说吧\ Don't. Save that for your wife.

我不是要惩罚你 泰德\ This isn't to punish you, Ted.

比那简单\ It's -- it's simpler than that.

当初我鼓励你参选\ When I first encouraged you to run for office,

是觉得你不达目的不罢休\ it's because I sensed how unstoppable you were.

可没想到连我你都可以牺牲\ But I never thought I'd have to lie down on the tracks myself. 你要是想弄死我\ If you're going to put my neck in the noose,

动手时要看着我的眼睛\ look me in the eye while you do it.

你对我的付出我很感激\ I'm very grateful for all that you've done for me.

你能做个好党鞭 杰奎琳\ You'll make an excellent whip, Jacqueline.

滚出我的办公室吧\ Now please get out of my office.

你干什么呢\ What are you doing?

终于清静了\ It's finally quiet.

可不是吗\ It is, isn't it?

这是咱俩的堡垒了\ We have our fortress now.

你去哪了\ Where are you coming from?

新办公室 今天刚装修完\ My new office. They just finished setting it up today.


喜欢吗\ Do you like it?

就是间办公室 凑合吧\ It's an office. It's fine.40

纸牌屋第二季03 1


Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text

提高退休年龄\ Raising the age of retirement

是对美国梦不可容忍的侵蚀\ is an unacceptable erosion of the American Dream.

如果共和党无法通过福利改革\ If the Republicans fail to pass a reasonable Omnibus package 达成合理的综合解决方案\ by demanding entitlement reform,

就会迫使联邦政府冻结开销\ they will force the federal government into a spending freeze. 冻疮会长在他们手上 不是我们手上\ The frostbite will be on their hands. Not ours. 这句是不是有点过了 冻疮那句\ Do you think that's a bit much? The frostbite bit? 这是国情咨文 先生\ Well, it's the State of the Union, sir.

我们想争取中部各州的赞同\ We want to appeal to the flyover states.

他们会喜欢那句话的\ They'll like that line.

我想要点更有力的句子\ I want something more forceful.

他们手上沾满血\ Blood on their hands?

不行\ No.

把我们丢回冰河纪\ Throw us back into the ice age.

我喜欢那句 克里斯蒂娜 我们试试\ I like that, Christina. Let's try that.

琳达 克里斯蒂娜 你也过来\ Linda. Christina, you come up here, too.

世上有两种副总统\ There are two types of vice presidents.

受气包和斗牛士\ Doormats and matadors.

你觉得我想做那种呢\ Which do you think I intend to be?

雷蒙德\ Raymond.

纸牌屋第二季03 2

他在为内政操心\ He's hung up on the domestic agenda.

一句关于中国的话也没说\ Not a single word about China.

他的直觉是对的\ His instincts are right.

如果政府在演讲后第二天关门\ If the government shuts down one day after the speech, 他讲了什么就完全不重要了\ not a single word in the speech matters.

我们得马上解决冻结开销的问题\ We have to address the freeze now.

中国的事得靠后\ China comes later.

两党为了改革的事吵了几个月了\ Both parties have been wrangling over entitlements for months. 未来三天里\ What makes you think a miracle

怎么可能出现奇迹\ is gonna happen in the next three days?

我们给共和党他们想要的\ We give the Republicans exactly what they want.

退休年龄\ Retirement age?

对\ Yes.

那是不可跨越的界限\ That's a line in the sand we cannot cross.

我们最终还是得跨 所以何必争下去呢\ We will cross it eventually, so why keep fighting it? 我可以推动参议院通过法案\ I can push this through the Senate.

一旦我做到 总统就能在国情咨文中\ And once I do, the president will announce

宣布两党达成了一项重要协议\ a major bipartisan agreement in the State of the Union. 我们避免了政府关门\ We avoid a government shutdown,

而功劳归白宫\ and the White House gets credit.

太冒险了\ It's a huge risk.

一旦失败 会颜面扫地\ And if it fails, a huge embarrassment.

纸牌屋第二季03 3

那也是丢我的脸\ The embarrassment will be entirely my own.

这事我来担\ This is on my shoulders.

即使如此 也不好说服总统\ Even so, the president is gonna require some serious persuasion. 我去跟他谈\ I'm happy to talk to him.

别 我来吧\ No. No. I'll do it.

朋友去说 他更容易接受\ He'll be more amenable if it comes from a friend.

没错 可信的密友\ You're right. A trusted confidant.

我去试试水吧\ Let me test the waters.

塔斯克党 成员 一人\ The Cult of Tusk. Membership: one.

不过那个信徒恰好是\ But that one disciple just so happens to be

自由世界最有权力的人\ the most powerful man in the free world.

至少目前还是\ For now.

福利改革 把退休年龄提到67岁\ The entitlements. Raising the age of eligibility to 67.

你们那边不会同意的\ Your people will never go for it.

领导层同意 他们就会点头\ They will if the leadership does.

而领导层会同意的\ And the leadership will.

我还没断奶时这事就是两党的争议焦点\ They fought us on this since I was in diapers.

假如我能说服我党同意提高退休年龄\ Assuming that I can get this past my people and convince them, 你能说服你那边吗\ can you convince yours?

这很困难\ It's a tough sell.

你是参议院多数党领袖 赫克特\ You're the Senate majority leader, Hector.

你不需要游说 可以直接命令\ You don't have to sell. You can dictate.


你想要什么回报\ What do you want in return? 4

一个正常运转的政府 避免开销冻结\ A working government. We stave off the freeze. 你在《教育法案》上赢了\ You won on education.

我们让你当上了副总统\ We confirmed you as vice president.

共和党需要赢一次 弗兰克\ The Republicans need a win, Frank.

我就是在提供赢的机会\ And that's what I'm offering.

你们在福利改革上赢了\ You get a win on entitlements.

我们避免了关门\ We avoid a shutdown.

两党合作 双方都得分\ Everyone gets points for bipartisanship.

你知道我担心谁\ You know who I'm worried about.

柯蒂斯·哈斯\ Curtis Haas.

他是个麻烦 弗兰克\ He's a troublemaker, Frank.

还控制了你三分之一的党内成员\ Who controls a third of your caucus.

他绝不会同意的\ And he'll never go for this.

他就想看民主党不好过\ He wants to see the Democrats suffer.

让他考虑一下\ Just bring him to the table.

我只求这个\ That's all I'm asking.

盖拉格小姐 我叫卢卡斯·古德温\ Miss Gallagher? My name is Lucas Goodwin.

我是《华盛顿先驱报》的副主编\ I'm a deputy editor at the Washington Herald.

古德温先生 拜托了\ Mr. Goodwin, please.

只需要几分钟 我不求别的\ Just a few moments. That's all I'm asking.

如果我想跟你说话 就会回你的电话\ If I wanted to talk to you, I would have returned your calls.


你读过我的邮件吗\ Did you read my emails? 5

读了 所以我没联系你\ Yes. Which is why I didn't call.

请给我个机会解释\ Give me a chance to walk you through it.

我得赶回白宫\ I have to get back to the White House.

-抱歉 -彼得·罗素是被杀害的\ - I'm sorry. - Peter Russo was killed.

放手\ Let go.

佐伊·巴恩斯也是 我跟她是同事\ So was Zoe Barnes. I was working with her. 住口 听我说...\ Stop and listen --

弗兰克·安德伍德是幕后黑手\ Frank Underwood is the one who did this. 听着 这是一派胡言\ Listen! This is nuts.

酒驾记录 听证会 所有都是...\ The DUI. The brack hearing. All of it was part of -- 你不能再这样了 好吗\ This has to stop. Okay?

安德伍德找过你了吗\ Did Underwood talk to you?

-让你不要和别人说这些事吗 -没有\ - Tell you not to speak with anybody? - No. 道格·斯坦普吗\ Doug Stamper?

无论你以为发生了什么\ Whatever you think happened,

无论是什么让你这样跟踪我...\ whatever compelled you to stalk me like this -- 你是唯一可能知道点什么的人\ You're the only person who might know something, 能理解得了的人\ who could understand.

我没有别人可以说这事了\ I've got -- I've got no one else I can talk --

我不理解 也不想理解\ I don't understand. And I don't want to.

行吗 这里面没什么内情\ Okay? There's no story here.


拜托了 只要五分钟\ Please, just five minutes. 6

想想你自己的行为\ Just think about what you're doing.

守在楼外\ Waiting outside of a building --

如果不是弗兰克·安德伍德 彼得可能还活着\ Peter would still be alive if it wasn't for Frank Underwood. 我花了很大力气忘记彼得的事\ I've worked really hard to put Peter behind me.

如果我再看到你 你再来找我\ So if I see you again, if I hear from you again,

我不仅会报警\ I'll not only contact the police,

还会让副总统知道你在对他说三道四\ I'll let the vice president know what you're saying about him, 到时候你就等着特勤局来找上门吧\ and then you can deal with the Secret Service, too.

都是正常的海外声音 中国那边有些杂音\ It's the usual overseas chatter. Bit of a bum in China, 但我们觉得原因在贸易紧张\ but we chalk that up to the trade tensions.

特勤局\ Secret Service.

总统和副总统收到的死亡威胁数正常\ Average number of death threats to both POTUS and the VP. 我们都交给了联调局的好伙伴们\ We passed them along to our dear friends at the FBI.

联调局呢\ FBI?

联调局向我们特勤局的\ The FBI confirms the level of activity

好伙伴们确认了活动程度\ of our dear friends at the Secret Service.

我们全部进行了追踪调查 没有高级别的威胁\ We followed up on everything. No high-level threats. 我们没有需要直接\ So nothing we need to report directly

向总统和副总统汇报的内容吗\ to the president or vice president?

-没有 -谢谢 先生们\ - No. - Thank you, gentlemen.

你发的邮件还有别人看过吗\ The email you sent. Has anyone else seen it?

纸牌屋第二季03 7

除了告知我的特工外 没有了\ Except for the agent that alerted me, no.

其他机构可能会偶然看到\ Other agencies might have stumbled upon this.

即使如此 他们大概也不会在意\ Even so, they probably ignored it.

知道是谁发的帖子吗\ Any idea who's making the posts?

深网论坛\ Deep Web forums.

几乎无法追踪 很可能就是一个人\ Almost impossible to trace. Lone wolf most likely.

我要你找到这个人\ I want you to find him.

得有对生命构成直接威胁的证据\ We need a direct threat to life.

副总统刚刚上任\ The vice president just assumed office.

这类阴谋论绝不能甚嚣尘上\ I can't have this conspiracy stuff going mainstream.

-这类传言一般会渐渐平息 -我不能冒这个险\ - This sort of thing usually fizzles out -- - I can't take the chance.

你去找到这个人 把他关起来\ I want you to find him and put him away.

他并没犯罪 -但他有这个倾向\ - He hasn't committed a crime. - But he wants to.

那就来个推波助澜\ So help him.

那要耗费人力\ That requires manpower.

你手里有人\ You've got men.

会暴露我的 道格\ It exposes me, Doug.

我一直给你透露消息 因为你是老朋友了\ I've always kept you informed because you're an old pal 我信任你 但...\ and I trust you. But...

你这是要我展开正式行动\ We're talking about an operation.

我是你在白宫工作的老朋友\ I'm an old pal who now works at the White House.


老朋友之间说说\ Between old pals, 8

我这个行政部门联络官已经当得太久了\ I've been stuck as the executive liaison for way too long. 您是否担心\ How worried are you

您所在社区的学校内会发生大规模枪击事件\ that a mass shooting could happen in a school in your community?

非常担心 比较担心 不怎么担心\ Great deal, somewhat, not so much,

完全不担心 还是不确定\ not at all, unsure?

你的声音很性感嘛 人怎么样\ You sound hot. Are you hot?

先生\ Sir...

比较性感 非常性感\ Somewhat hot? A great deal hot?



这里是林奇堡儿童医院小儿科\ Lynchburg Children's, Pediatric Division.

我找谢莉尔·波斯纳\ Can I talk to Cheryl Posner?

抱歉 她正在值班\ Sorry. She's on duty right now.

我是她女儿\ It's her daughter.

请稍候\ Hold on one moment.

瑞秋 瑞秋吗\ Rachel? Rachel?

甜心 你在听吗 请别...\ Sweetheart, are you there? Please, do--


您好\ Hello?

您好 杰伊先生\ Hello, Mr. Jay.

传真 电话


我叫瑞秋\ My name is Rachel 9

代表全国枪支教育中心向您致电\ and I'm calling on behalf of the National Firearm Education Center. 您能和我简单聊聊\ Would you be able to speak with me briefly

您对枪支立法和第二修正案的看法吗\ regarding firearm legislation and Second Amendment legislation?

你就是薇拉力荐的人\ So, you're Willa's top choice.

那我丈夫和我为什么要选择你呢\ Why should you be my husband's and my top choice?

在过去十年中\ Over the past 10 years

关于你们夫妇的报道加起来还不到\ the two of you combined have gotten less coverage

内布拉斯加州资浅众议员的平均水平\ than the average junior congressman from Nebraska. 我们不想太受瞩目\ Well, we don't seek the spotlight.

我不是说你们非要如此\ I'm not suggesting you should.

但如果我没猜错\ But am I correct in assuming

你丈夫会是一位行事积极的副总统\ that your husband will be an active vice president?

想让媒体不去关注积极的副总统是比较难的\ It's harder to keep an active VP out of the press than in it, 但我们可以让媒体刚好有些料可追\ but it's possible if we give the media just enough

不至于什么都拿不到\ to keep them from starving.

你在哪长大的 康纳\ Where'd you grow up, Connor?

德州 和你一样\ Texas. Just like you.

达拉斯吗\ Dallas?

拉布克\ Lubbock.

我想改口音可比你们难多了\ I had a much thicker accent to get rid of you than y'all.

纸牌屋第二季03 10

你怎么知道我有口音\ How do you know I had one?

你俩第一次共同接受采访\ Your first joint interview,

86年你丈夫竞选州议员时\ when your husband was running for state assembly in '86.

网上有吗\ That's on the internet?

没有 我联系了格林维尔当地的电视台\ No. No. I contacted the local affiliate in Greenville. 他们不愿邮寄录像带\ They wouldn't send me the tapes via mail,

我就亲自去资料库看了\ so I went down there and watched in their vault.

跑到南卡罗莱纳吗\ To South Carolina?

应聘就得做好准备工作\ When I want a job, I do my homework.

很期待你的表现\ I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

谢谢 安德伍德太太\ Thank you, Mrs. Underwood.

周四见\ Thursday.

这怎么能算胜利\ I don't see how this is a victory for us.

我们要么面临开销冻结\ Our choices are the freeze,

民主党会为这个饱受责难\ which the Democrats get blamed for, or --

不一定 共和...\ Not necessarily. The Republi--

我们也一样会受责难\ No, which we definitely get blamed for.

-要么给他们 -福利改革吗 弗兰克\ - Or we offer them -- - Entitlements, Frank?

我们已经表了态 不能回头了\ We took a stand. We can't turn back now.

我宁可让政府停转\ I'd rather see the government grind to a halt.

如果头条是\ Think of the headline:

《民主党高层通过法案 避免开销冻结》\ "Democrat Leadership Enacts Entitlement Reform, Staves


Off Freeze." 11

这是团结和进步的表现\ We show unity. We offer progress.

我们说服几个中坚保守派吧\ Let's convert some lifelong conservatives. 门多萨答应合作了吗\ You have Mendoza's assurance he'll work with us? 是的\ I do.

我可不想把头伸出去\ I don't want to put our necks out there

等人家落刀\ just to have the guillotine fall.

不会的 我们也会一起伸出去\ You won't. My neck will be right out there with you. 弗兰西斯晕血\ Francis faints at the sight of blood.

不会允许他们割伤他的皮肤的\ He'd never let them break the skin.

敬团结\ To unity.

不不不 别这样\ No, no, no, no, no. Come on.

拉瑞 能来一趟吗\ Larry, can you come by?

我电脑不知道怎么了\ Something weird's going on with my computer. 谢谢\ Thanks.

别这样\ Come on!

怎么回事\ Hey, what's the problem?

没事 我修好了\ Nothing. It's fine. Uh, I fixed it.

好吧\ Okay. Cool.




纸牌屋第二季03 12


{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}你要的我能给你 亲爱的

还不够革新\ It's not as progressive as I'd like.

不够极端吧\ You mean radical.

退休年龄升到67岁 20xx年前政府都能负担福利\ Raising retirement age to 67 makes entitlements solvent until 2055.

还能省一万亿\ And it saves us over a trillion dollars

不花纳税人的钱\ without a single penny of taxpayer income.

改到68岁能再省三千亿\ 68 would give us another 300 billion.

我还想禁止提前退休\ And I'd like to eliminate early retirement.

完全禁止吗\ Entirely?

不可能\ Forget it.

68岁退 64岁早退呢\ What about 68 and 64?

我要对选民负责\ I have a responsibility to my constituents.

我承诺过某些问题绝不妥协\ I promised I wouldn't waver when it comes to things --

\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}民共两党票数僵持时 茶党的倾向能决定局势

难道要让茶党决定财政立法吗\ Are we really going to allow the Tea Party to determine fiscal legislation?

我从没指望他们帮忙\ I've never been beholden to the Tea Party.

得了吧 柯蒂斯\ Come on, Curtis.

没有茶党政治行动委员会\ You wouldn't have won reelection

纸牌屋第二季03 13

给你的一千万 你也赢不了重选\ if their PACs hadn't dumped 10 million into your campaign. 如果他们对缩减开支的看法\ If their definition of budgetary conservatism

与我不谋而合 那就正好...\ happens to overlap with mine, that's a function--

柯蒂斯 柯蒂斯 友善一点\ Curtis. Curtis. Let's show some goodwill.

68岁和64岁可以接受吗\ Can you stomach 68 and 64?

马上生效吗\ Effective immediately?

五年以后\ Five years from now.

没兴趣\ Not interested.

我们不能突然抛出这个提议\ Well, you know we can't throw this on people without any warning. 得给他们时间消化\ They need some time to digest.

对不起 就是不行\ I'm sorry. I just can't do it.

好吧 回去跟你们的幕僚和同事商量一下\ Okay. Meet with your staff. Consult with your colleagues. 我也回去商量 明天再谈\ I'll consult with mine. And let's talk tomorrow.

好吧 没问题\ All right. I can agree to that.

这第一步很不错\ But this is a good first step.

修正案通过后 法案进行表决时\ How do we make sure Curtis can't filibuster

柯蒂斯阻挠议事怎么办\ when we get the amendment passed?

如果能走到那步\ Assuming we do.

只跟你说 我觉得我们可以改变他的想法\ Between you and me, I'm sure we can turn him around. 我只是不想冒险\ I just want to be on the safe side.

我们让修正案的表决\ We make sure the passage of the amendment

成为法案表决的一部分\ constitutes the passage of the bill.


事先约定\ By previous agreement. 14

没错 修正案一通过\ Yeah, that's right. We pass the amendment,

就完事了\ and then we're done. Wham, bam.

能落到纸上吗\ Can we put that in writing?

让艾瑞克森找我吧\ Have Erikson reach out to me.

非常感谢\ Muchos gracias.

慢用\ There you go.

卢卡斯·古德温\ Lucas Goodwin?

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}打开我 亲爱的 晚上好 卢卡斯\ Good evening, Lucas.

对着麦克风说话\ Speak into the microphone.

你是谁\ Who are you?

返回主屏 打开另一个应用\ Go to the home screen. Open the other app. 先告诉我你是谁\ Tell me who you are.

你调查过我 想必已经知道我是谁了\ You've done your research. You know who I am. 我怎么知道那是不是你的真实身份\ I -- I know who you claim to be.

你要是现在还不相信我 那就不必谈了\ And if you're not convinced by now, goodbye. 别别\ Wait.

听你的 我返回主屏了\ All right, I'm on the home screen.

打开验证程序\ Open the notary app.

这是什么\ What is this?

确保你不为执法部门工作\ To ensure you aren't law enforcement.


我不是\ I'm -- I'm not.

那就签了它\ Then sign.

怎么签\ How? 15

把你的拇指按在摄像头上 然后点"扫描"\ Hold your thumb to the camera and press "Capture." {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}身份验证 指纹扫描

万一你是给执法部门的呢\ How do I know you're not law enforcement?

要么签了这文件 要么走人\ Sign the document or walk away.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}身份验证 指纹扫描

好了 我签好了\ All right. I did it.

点"发送"\ Press "Send."

发送到哪\ Where is this going?

我用了伊朗和其他12个国家的代理\ I'm VPNing through Iran and 12 other countries. 你不用担心 链接很安全\ Don't worry. It's secure.

最后一件事\ Now, one last thing.

我要《华盛顿先驱报》\ I need the two-step verification code

内部服务器的两步验证码\ for the Herald's internal servers.

我根本不知道该怎么做\ I -- I don't -- I don't even know how to do that.

你当然知道 看你的邮箱\ Yes, you do. Check your email.

把这平板毁了 尤其要把产品序列号抹干净\ Destroy the iPad, especially the serial number 邮件记牢之后就删掉\ and delete the email after you've memorized it.

祝你好运\ Good luck.

还在吗\ Hello?


雷蒙德 还在听吗\ Raymond, are you there?

在\ Yeah. 16

抱歉 弗兰克 我还以为看到了一只印加地鸠\ Sorry, Frank. I -- I thought I saw an Inca dove. 肯定是冬迁飞错方向了\ Must have flown the wrong direction for winter.

你那边好像风挺大 你在哪呢\ It sounds windy. Where are you?

在我家楼顶 装了个野鸟喂食器\ Top of my building. Got a bird feeder up here.

总统的工作做得不错 听说他同意了\ Nice work with the President. I hear we have a green light. 他一开始也不愿意 但还是让步了\ He pushed back in the beginning, but yeah.

他的写手正在改讲稿\ His writers are reworking the speech now.

我这边也快成了 五年后 68退休 64早退\ I'm very close to a deal. 68/64 in five years. 按说好的削减开支\ Spending cuts as discussed.

说定了吗\ Is that rock solid?

就差握手签字了\ Soon as we shake hands.

那是谁在作梗\ What's the hold-up?

柯蒂斯·哈斯 不过也在意料之中\ Curtis Haas, which isn't a surprise.

我过会儿就和他见面 他是最后的障碍了\ I'm meeting with him soon. He's the final hurdle. 时间掐得太正好了 弗兰克\ Cutting it pretty close, Frank.

这可是历史性的时刻\ Well, this is -- this is historic.

约翰逊当总统时共和党人就想推动福利改革了\ The Republicans have wanted entitlement reform since Johnson.

柯蒂斯会同意的\ Curtis will come around.

另外我们得在讲稿里提到延迟退休的事\ In the meantime we should get the new retirement age into


the speech. 17

我看还是别说得太详细 弗兰克\ I would stay away from the specifics, Frank.

就算参议院通过了 众议院没准也...\ I mean, I-- even if it passes, the House might-- 我对众议院的了解\ I know the House better

比你对鸟深入得多 雷蒙德\ than you know birds, Raymond.

相信我 他们肯定会通过参议院的版本\ Believe me when I say they'll pass the Senate version. 那我去跟总统说说\ I'll talk to the President.

但这事绝不能有差错\ Just make sure this is airtight.

多谢你 什么事\ Thank you. What is it?

卢卡斯·古德温\ Lucas Goodwin.

先驱报的那个\ From the Herald.

他肯定在和佐伊一起调查\ He must have been working with Zoe.

他知道多少\ How much does he know?

不会比她多\ No more than she did.

她知道的可不少\ She knew enough.

我在办 先生\ I'm on it, sir.

有证据吗\ Proof?

还没有\ Not yet.

怎么搞的 道格\ Jesus, Doug.

局面在控制中 我只是想告诉你一声\ It's under control. I just thought you should be aware. 我在跟总统 共和党和塔斯克周旋\ I'm juggling the President, the Republicans, Tusk. -我不能... -你就继续忙你的\ - I can't -- - And you should stay focused on that.

纸牌屋第二季03 18

古德温交给我处理 你无须担心\ Goodwin's on my plate. Not yours.

一直到20世纪\ It wasn't until the 20th century

客观主义理念才成为主流观念\ that the notion of noble objectivism came into the forefront. 但事实就是事实\ But facts are facts.

19xx年 事实 有人拿出一张\ 1992. Fact: George Bush, Sr.

老布什询问售货扫描机是如何工作的照片\ is shown asking how a grocery scanner works, 进而攻击他无知\ and he gets nailed for it.

真相是 他们向他展示的是一个新模型机\ Fact? They were showing him a new model.

他只是在问新机器与旧机器的差别\ He was asking how the new one was different than the old one. 好奇而已 并非无知\ Curiosity, not ignorance.

但语境的缺失却传达了一个更有冲击力的观点\ But the lack of context told a more powerful narrative. 在对事实的诸多整理中\ There is no arrangement of acts

没有哪个是...完全客观的\ that is, uh, purely objective.

我们总算可以做点什么了 终于有手段了\ We can finally do something. We have the means to act. 哪个毛都没长全的少年黑客...\ Some teenage pimple-faced hacker --

这是很高端的入侵\ This was a sophisticated infiltration.

不是小孩子做得出来的\ It's not the work of a child.

你看 邮件在这里\ Look. Here's the email.

机器人希洛尼摩斯\ Hieronymus Bot.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}希洛尼摩斯 古希腊史学家 以公正著名 联邦调查局已经追捕他很多年了\ The FBI's been hunting him for years.

卢卡斯 听我说\ Lucas, listen to me --

纸牌屋第二季03 19

如果我们拿到了这些记录\ If we get these records,

我需要你帮忙理顺时间先后\ I'll need your help tracking timelines,

拼凑整件事的发展...\ piecing together the chronology of the --

不 你只想找个人安慰你\ No. You want somebody to hold your hand

告诉你 做这些无用功没什么不对\ and say it's okay to go on this fucking goose chase.

你不该在伊萨卡教书 你的能力不止如此\ You shouldn't be teaching in Ithaca. You're better than that. 你该回华盛顿 -我就该待在这里\ - You should be back home -- - I belong here.

对一群宿醉未消的英语专业大学生唠叨吗\ Droning on to a bunch of hungover English majors? 没错\ Exactly.

你对真相的看法是错的 客观事实是存在的\ You're wrong about the truth. There is objective truth. 他杀了她\ He killed her.

你知道这是事实\ You know it's a fact.

事实就是\ Here's a fact.

我妈最多只剩10到15年了\ My mom has 10, 15 years left at best.

我毕业后加起来也没有上个月跟她相处时间久\ I've seen her more in the past month than since I left for school.

这里更简单 也很安静\ It's simpler here. It's quiet.

我需要这样的环境 她需要我\ I need that. She needs me.

很抱歉 卢卡斯\ I'm sorry, Lucas.

抱歉我那晚做出了那样的反应\ I'm sorry that night how I reacted.

很遗憾你失去了你的女友\ I'm sorry you lost your girlfriend.

很遗憾世界就是这么操蛋\ I'm sorry the world is this fucked up.


我是真心的\ I really am.

但我帮不了你\ But I can't help you.

其他人在哪里\ Where's everyone else? 20

我昨天给你帮了个倒忙\ I did you a disservice yesterday.

不该在整个领导层面前让你为难\ We shouldn't have put you on the spot in front of all the leadership. 请坐 柯蒂斯\ Have a seat, Curtis.

我们知道你必须坚守立场\ We know that you have an obligation to take a firm stance,

但承诺福利改革是你竞选的核心\ but entitlement reform is something you ran on,

现在唾手可得了\ and now it's within your grasp.

说说你的顾虑吧\ So tell us your fears.

顾虑就是共和党又会赢一把\ That the Democrats get another win.

我们在中期选举中失利\ We suffer in the midterms,

下一届国会就会废除协议\ and the next Congress dismantles the agreement.

你觉得我们在玩花招\ You think we're being disingenuous.

我的选民不信任政府\ My constituents don't trust the administration.

我不能让他们觉得我们受到了蒙骗\ I can't have them thinking the wool's been pulled over our eyes. 如我所料 赫克特\ As I suspected. Hector?

弗兰克和我建议\ Frank and I propose this:

我们加入一项简单多数条款\ We include a super majority point of order

十年内不再就这个问题进行新的立法讨论\ against revisiting the issue for 10 years.

白纸黑字写下来\ You have it in black and white.

达成一项长期的严肃承诺 不会被撤销\ A serious, long-term commitment with no opportunity to


dismantle. 21

这是加在其他要求之上\ And that's on top of everything else we asked for.

退伍军人事务管理局和联邦救灾署的经费维持不变\ VA services and FEMA stay at current levels. 其他机构的经费削减为你提议的80%到100%\ Everything else at 80 to 100 percent of the cuts you propose.

你赢了 柯蒂斯\ You get your win, Curtis.

我们只想避免灾难\ We just avoid disaster.

也许国家应该见识一下灾难\ Maybe the country needs to see what disaster looks like.

茶党的影响力很大 而你又为他们宣传\ The Tea Party has a strong voice, and you're its bullhorn. 让你的人民看到 这份影响力能决定法律\ Show your people that voice can translate into law 而不仅仅是激昂的口号\ and not just add to the noise.

15年内不得重谈 10年不够\ 15 years before revisitation. Not 10.

可以\ Okay.

如果我们通过法案后 众议院没有通过\ And if the House fails to pass the bill after we do,

你得公开谴责你们党派造了这种僵局\ you go on record blaming your own party for the gridlock. 我们这就算达成协议了\ I believe we have a deal.

你在听什么\ What are you listening to?

抱歉 我关...\ I'm sorry. I'll turn...

别 很好听 我能听吗\ No, it's nice. Can I listen?

我的耳朵很干净 我保证\ My ears are clean. I promise.

谢谢\ Thanks.

-真美 -是啊\ - It's beautiful. - Yeah.


好哀伤\ It's so sad.

能让我放松\ It helps me relax.

今天很辛苦吗\ Long day?

我在客服中心上班\ I work at a call center. 22

一小时打电话给200个陌生人 是挺辛苦\ So, yeah. 200 strangers an hour.

我就不打扰你了\ I'll leave you alone.

你大概也不想再和陌生人聊天了\ You probably don't want to talk to another one. 没关系 你不挂我电话就行\ It -- it's all right. As long as you don't hang up on me. 你会和他们聊天吗 那些陌生人\ Do you ever just talk to them? The strangers? 我们不允许\ We're not allowed to.

换了我 肯定想问问他们是什么样\ All I would want to do is ask them about who they are. 你呢 你做什么工作\ What about you? What do you do?

我...在书店和托儿所上班\ I, um, I work at the bookstore and the daycare center.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}冬离友谊会 通往平静之路 别人第一次给我宣传册时\ I had that same look on my face

我也是这个表情\ the first time somebody handed me one of those.

我只是...不信教\ Yeah, I'm -- I'm just -- I'm not religious.

留着吧 看不看都无所谓\ Just keep it. Check it out, or don't.

我们那儿有非常棒的音乐\ We've got really good music there.

谢谢你\ I'm -- thank you.

众议院向参议院提交了一份法案\ The House sent a bill to the Senate.

和弗兰克期待的反馈完全不同\ What Frank wants to send back bears zero resemblance.

纸牌屋第二季03 23

因为那是两党联合的 不像我们的这份\ Because it's bipartisan. Unlike ours.

听着像弗兰克的话\ That sounds like something Frank would say.

我不是弗兰克\ I'm not Frank.

他是你办公室的常客\ He has a desk in your office.

如果法案在参议院通过\ If this bill passes in the Senate --

不可能\ It won't.

我们得有所准备 鲍勃\ We should be prepared, Bob.

那我就拭目以待了\ Well, I'm prepared to wait and see.

下午愉快 女士们\ Have a good afternoon, ladies.

女士们\ "Ladies"?

他受到了威胁\ He's threatened.

蠢猪一个\ He's a pig.

给他点时间\ Give him time.

以前他身边有两个中年白人男子\ He used to have two white middle-aged guys at his side.

现在他只能依靠一个黑人和一个小他20岁的女人\ Now he's got a black guy and a woman 20 years his junior.

可这女人会开枪\ Who knows how to shoot a rifle.

我们得继续劝他\ We just need to keep at him.

什么事\ Yes?

凯特琳娜·罗德里格斯在四号线\ Catalina Rodriguez is on line four.

你先下去\ Give me a moment.

凯特琳娜\ Catalina.


泰德告诉我是你干的\ Ted told me it was you.

你在听吗\ You there?

是的 我在听\ Yes, I'm here. 24

媒体对我们穷追不舍\ The press won't leave us alone.

他们连续几周跑过来\ For weeks they're showing up,

想拍到我和艾米莉的照片\ trying to get pictures of me and Emily.

不是我泄的密\ It wasn't me.

只有你知情\ You're the only one who knew.

我不知道事情怎么会泄露\ I do-- I don't know how the story got out.

泰德何必对我撒谎呢\ Why would Ted lie abut that?

我不知道 也许他感到羞愧\ I don't know. Maybe -- maybe he's ashamed.

那我该怎么办 他们什么时候才会放过我们\ So what do I do? When will they leave us alone? 我也不知道 凯特琳娜\ I -- I don't know, Catalina.

我受不了这样的生活\ I can't live like this.

我很抱歉 我不知该说什么\ I'm s-- I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.

艾米莉还好吗\ How -- how is Emily doing?

凯特琳娜\ Catalina?

他自信满满\ He's very confident.

没错 但他有那个本事吗\ Yeah, but does he have what it takes?

等他拿出媒体方案就知道了\ We'll see when I get his media plan.

他个性如何\ What about his personality?

迷人 直接 思维缜密\ Charming. Direct. Very thorough.

纸牌屋第二季03 25

他找到了86年我们第一次一起接受采访的录像\ He found our first interview together, in '86. 我很想重温一下 他有副本吗\ I would love to see that. Does he have a copy?

我想没有 电视台只允许他在台里看\ I don't think so. The TV station made him watch it there. 我们该录下来给总统和第一夫人看的\ We should screen that for the president and the first lady. 让他们学学怎么接受采访\ Show 'em how it's done.

克里斯蒂娜\ Christina...

她怎么了\ What about her?

你有没有注意到她和总统有什么不正常\ Have you noticed anything strange between her and the president?

什么意思\ How do you mean?

昨天我在走道里碰见他们\ I passed them in the hall yesterday.

他们看上去 我说不好 很亲密\ And they seem -- I don't know -- very intimate.

预备会议上他们是挺热络的\ They did seem cozy at the prep session.

你觉得...\ Do you think...?

不 不一定\ No. Not necessarily.

不过这想法挺有意思\ An interesting thought, though.

抱歉打扰 先生\ Sorry to interrupt, sir.

我们在吃午饭\ We're having lunch.

共和党人变卦了\ The Republicans are backing out.

门多萨的幕僚长给我提了醒\ Mendoza's chief of staff just gave me the heads-up.

马上帮我接门多萨\ Get Mendoza on the phone.

是柯蒂斯·哈斯 他临阵退缩了\ It's Curtis Haas. He got cold feet.

纸牌屋第二季03 26

笼子 差不多像那样 不过\ Cages. It's really kinda like but,

但大家会看 挺逗的\ you know, people look at 'em. It's kind of fun.

我收到你邮件了\ I got your email.

你现在有空吗\ Now good for you?

当然 我过会儿打给你\ Yeah, sure. Can I call you right back?

你究竟想问什么\ What exactly did you need to know?

我们在做网络战的后续报道\ We're doing some follow-up pieces on the cyber warfare thing. 我就想问问内行人知不知道\ I just wanted to get a layman's understanding

中国人会如何越过防火墙\ of how the Chinese might get through a firewall.

挺复杂的 不过我可以演示下基本原理\ It's a bit complicated, but I could show you the basics. 那足够了\ That's all I need.


我们使用的是标准多层体系结构\ We use a standard N-tier architecture.

就像多层面包做成的大三明治\ Think of it like a big sandwich with layers of bread.

每层之间夹着生菜 番茄 烤牛肉之类的\ Between each is the lettuce, the tomato, the roast beef, whatever.

我现在输入的是组织代码\ What I'm pulling up here is the org code,

隔离了数据库\ which, uh, separates the database --

该死 我忘了马上要和销售部门开会\ Shit. I forgot there's a meeting with sales in a couple minutes. 你想晚点继续吗\ You want to do this later?

不用 我现在跑过去\ No. I'll just run over

跟他们说我要晚几分钟到 马上回来\ and let them know I'll be a few minutes late. Be right back.


好 我就在这儿\ Cool. I'll be here. 27


{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}很好 发送请求密码

好的\ Okay.

快点快点\ Come on, come on, come on, come on.

来了\ There.

快回复啊\ Come on.

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}我进去了 干得好

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}晚上9点 西北区 哥伦比亚街 6697号见 好\ Okay.



好嘞\ Go.

出什么事了\ Something wrong?

我找不着手机了 真奇怪\ Can't find my phone. It -- it's weird.

刚刚还在的\ I had it just a minute ago.

找到了 不好意思\ Here it is. Sorry about that.

没事\ No problem.

那个多层体系结构\ So the, uh, N-tier architecture.

我刚说的那个高科技三明治\ The high-tech sandwich I was talking about.

我以为门多萨愿意合作\ I thought Mendoza was willing to work with us.

他是愿意 问题在柯蒂斯·哈斯\ He is. The problem is Curtis Haas.

纸牌屋第二季03 28

你跟他谈过了吗\ And have you spoken with him?

他办公室不回我们电话\ His office isn't returning our calls.

门多萨也是\ Neither is Mendoza's --

我不该让步的\ I should've stuck to my guns.

明天下午才开始投票\ The vote isn't until tomorrow afternoon.

我一早就会联系门多萨\ I'll reach out to Mendoza first thing in the --

这可是国情咨文 弗兰克\ This is the State of the Union, Frank.

我不能陷入尴尬境地\ I won't be left in limbo.

如果我们得重写演讲\ If we need to start rewriting that speech now,

我一分钟也不想耽误\ I don't want to waste a minute.

我能扭转局面 先生\ I can turn this around, sir.

雷蒙德告诉我这是你的点子\ You know, Raymond told me this was your idea.

做出妥协\ To pursue this compromise.

只是提出建议\ I suggested it as an option.

他说是你逼他蹚这浑水的\ He said you bullied him into it,

他认为这是个错误的决定\ that he thought it was a -- a mistake.

如果他这么反对 他就应该劝阻你\ If he felt so strongly, he should have advised you otherwise. 雷蒙德不是政客\ Raymond is not a politician.

他依赖于我们的政治意见\ He relies on our political expertise

正如我们依靠他的商业头脑\ as much as we rely on his business acumen.

或许我们应该到真出现问题再相互指责\ Maybe we shouldn't point fingers until there's a problem. 你管这不叫问题\ Oh, you wouldn't call this a problem.

纸牌屋第二季03 29

在成为问题之前解决掉就不是问题\ Not if it's solved before it becomes one.

我要的是个能管理好国会的副总统\ You see, I wanted a Vice President who can manage Congress. 而不是个不自量力的人\ Not one who bites off more than he can chew.

那就相信你做出了正确的决定 先生\ Then have faith you made the right choice, sir.

我的信念正在迅速地消失殆尽了\ Whatever faith I have is quickly evaporating.

别给政府丢脸 弗兰克\ Don't humiliate the administration, Frank.

你也是其中一员了\ You're part of it now.

是 先生\ Yes, sir.

我们谈完了\ We're done.

谢谢 总统先生\ Thank you, Mr. President.

帮我接内线\ Give me the private line, please.

塔斯克挡我道 古德温对我穷追不舍\ Tusk is blocking my way. Goodwin at my heels.

现在一步也不能错\ There can be no false steps now.

越往上爬 尔虞我诈越多\ The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path. 卢卡斯·古德温去找她了\ Lucas Goodwin went up to visit her.

他们可能也会来找你\ They may be looking for you.

没人找过我 应该没人知道我在这儿\ Nobody's contacted me. I don't think anyone knows I'm here. 那我们要确保你不会被人发现\ Then we need to make sure it stays that way.

避免不必要的交谈\ Don't speak to anyone you don't have to.

不要去不必要的地方\ Don't go anywhere you don't need to be.

告诉我你听到我说的了\ Tell me you heard what I said.

听到了 我知道了\ I heard you. I get it.


我没事\ I'm fine. 30

-敷点冰 -我说了我没事\ - Put some ice on it. - I said it's okay.

这是什么\ What is this?

你现在还翻我的垃圾吗\ What, are you going through my garbage now? 在公交上别人给我的\ Someone gave it to me on the bus.

有人联系你 就来告诉我\ You let me know if anyone contacts you. 抱歉我来晚了\ Sorry I'm late.

没事\ No worries.

现在你要纹多少\ How much more you want to do right now?

填满这一块吗\ Fill in this area?

嗯 然后下面再多加一个罂粟\ Yeah. And, uh, one more poppy down here. 一次做这么多啊\ That's a lot for one sitting.

我知道\ I know.

好吧\ Okay.

弗兰西斯\ Francis?

这就走吗\ You're heading in?

门多萨起的早\ Mendoza's an early riser.

你会解决好的\ You'll figure this out.

我得证明副总统不吃素的\ I need to prove what the Vice President is capable of. 别向他们证明 向我证明\ Don't prove it to them. Prove it to me.

柯蒂斯抓着我的要害 弗兰克\ Curtis has me by the tea bags, Frank. 没他我的党派就要乱套\ I don't have a working majority without him.


可他不是多数党领袖\ He wasn't elected leader. 31

是没错 但我也得选边站\ True. But I have to pick my battles.

你要是在预算问题上无法控制他\ If you can't control him on budgetary issues --

不光是他 还有听命于他的15个参议员\ It's not just him. It's the 15 senators he has under his thumb. 没他们支持我就不能连任\ I won't be the leader next year if they turn on me.

他想我们求他 把他找来\ So he wants to be courted. Sit him down --

我试过和他谈了 但他不肯让步\ I already tried talking to him. He wouldn't budge.

那我们一起去跟他谈\ Then we'll both talk to him.

他已经表明立场了\ He's made his position clear.

我们都在这张桌子旁握手了\ We all shook hands at this table.

我最多只能保证限制替代修正案\ The most I can do is put the substitute amendment

,表决前的辩论\ on the floor with limited debate.

你们那边公开怎么说随你们便\ Now, your people can say whatever they want for the record. 但我们会投票否决修正案\ But we're gonna vote the amendment down.

我对象征性姿态不敢兴趣\ I am not interested in symbolic gestures.

我只能做到这样\ That's all I can offer.

你的勇气哪去了\ Where's your courage?

我权力有限 弗兰克\ My power has limits, Frank.

再有五个共和党人 你那票就定胜负了\ Five Republicans makes you the deciding vote. 现在很难说\ Now, it's highly doubtful

我们能不能让他们违反党派意志投票\ we can get them to vote against their own party.

但他们可以弃权\ But they might abstain.


那需要10人弃权\ You'd need 10. 32

福利问题是共和党人的长期追求\ Entitlement is the Republicans' white whale.

我至少能说通两个人\ I can get at least two of 'em to flip.

那就只需要六票弃权\ And you'd only need six abstaining.

艾瑞克森已经在打电话了\ Erikson's already making calls.

唐纳\ Donner?

还有普拉斯科\ And Pulaski.

给我一份名单 我找几个人一起上阵\ All right. Get me a call list so I can tag-team with him. 在这儿\ Got it right here.

我们得使狠招\ We have to get medieval.

要说议会程序\ When it comes to parliamentary procedure,

没有哪条规定我不知道 先生\ there's not a rule I don't know, sir.

给我找到能钻空子的\ Find me the ones we can bend.

马克 你是个明白人\ Mark, you're a sensible man.

是 我知道 我懂\ Yes, I -- I know -- I understand.

如果 跟你说\ What if -- tell you what.

如果你选区内的两家退伍军人医院 对 两家\ What if both VA hospitals in

别挂 谁\ Hold on. Who?

莫里亚蒂\ Moriarty.

我答应给他的牲牛研究中心拨款\ I promised him an amendment for his bovine research center. 这就有六票了\ That makes six.

马克 如果我能给两家医院提供资金\ Mark, if I can get you funding for both,


你愿跟我们合作吗\ are you with us?

非常好\ Excellent.

你这几天来白宫\ You come by the White House 33

跟我共进午餐吧\ and have lunch with me sometime soon.

再见 数目够了\ Bye-bye. We have the numbers.

你打断点名之后\ Once you break the quorum call

会有些麻烦\ it's gonna be a little tricky.

我们路上说\ Tell me on the way.

先生 先生\ Sir. Sir.

-我们票数可能不占多数 -什么\ - We might not have a majority. - What?

民主党在挖墙脚\ The Dems are poaching people.

唐纳 普拉斯基 可能还有别人\ Donner, Pulaski. Maybe more.

投票通过修正案吗\ Voting for the amendment?

部分支持 其余弃权 我还在查是谁\ Some. Others abstaining. I'm still trying to figure out who. 我们得推迟 弄清到底是怎么回事\ We need to delay and figure out what the fuck's going on. 点名 离休会还有49小时\ Quorum call. There's 49 hours until the recess.

一小时叫一个人来\ We call a name an hour.

艾文戴尔先生\ Mr. Avendale?

到\ Here.

抱歉 你坐了我的位置\ Excuse me. I do believe you're sitting in my chair.

德鲁里先生 现在进行到哪里了\ Mr. Drewry, what is the order of business.

我们正在点名 先生\ We are in a quorum call, sir.

纸牌屋第二季03 34

那你怎么不点名呢\ Then why aren't you calling the roll?

在点名 先生 不着急\ We are, sir. In a deliberate manner.

速度快点吧\ Let's speed it up.

布朗先生\ Mr. Brown?

到\ Here.

动作再快点\ More expeditious than that.

-博尔先生 -到\ - Mr. Burr? - Here.

-坎特维尔女士 -到\ - Ms. Cantwell? - Here.

西里尼先生\ Mr. Cerini?

到\ Check.

康维尔\ Cornwall?

到\ Here.

科森先生\ Mr. Colson?

道斯特女士\ Ms. Douster

到\ Here.

法定人数够了 我们票数不够\ They have a quorum. We don't have the numbers. 出去 让我们的人都出去\ Out. Let's get all our people out.

-达默尔先生 达令先生 -到\ - Mr. Demerell. Mr. Darling. - Here.

-达斯瓦尼先生 -到\ - Mr. Daswani. - Here.

-唐纳先生 -再快点\ - Mr. Donner. - Faster.

道本先生 德怀尔先生\ Mr. Dobben, Mr. Dwyer.

-埃伦伯格 安格 艾瑞克森 -到\ - Erinburgh, Engel, Erikson. - Here.

纸牌屋第二季03 35

菲尔德 法瑞森 詹特里\ Feld, Ferrison, Gentry.

哈斯先生\ Mr. Haas.

-怀特豪斯先生 -到\ - Mr. Whitehouse. - Here.

维克先生 怀登先生\ Mr. Wicker. Mr. Wyden.

副总统先生 没有达到法定人数\ Mr. President, a quorum is not present.

主席允许少数党领袖 艾瑞克森先生发言\ The chair recognizes the minority leader, Mr. Erikson. 主席先生\ Mr. President,

我提议命令警卫官\ I move to direct the sergeant at arms

强制缺席参议员到场\ to compel the attendance of absent Senators;

对于无故缺席的所有参议员\ that warrants for the arrests of all senators not sick nor excused 请会议主席签发逮捕令予以逮捕\ be issued under the signature of the presiding officer.

对动议进行表决 同意者说"赞成"\ The question is on the motion. All those in favor say "Aye" 赞成\ Aye.

反对者说"反对"\ All those opposed, "Nay."

反对\ Nay.

同意者占多数 动议通过\ The ayes have it, and the motion is agreed to.

我命令警卫官\ The sergeant of arms is hereby instructed

强制缺席参议员到场\ to compel the attendance of absent senators.

回国会的感觉真好\ It feels good to be back in Congress.

现在民主党人已经授予国会警察\ The Democrats have now empowered the Capitol Police 在必要时逮捕缺席参议员的权利\ to arrest absent members if necessary.

共和党参议员柯蒂斯·哈斯\ According to Republican Senator Curtis Haas,

纸牌屋第二季03 36

福利改革修正案的坚决反对者之一\ one of the staunchest opponents of the entitlement amendment, 这样说道 副总统正在\ the vice president is, quote,

"用暴政取代民主\ "Replacing democracy with tyranny.

他已经将参议院变成了国会里的极权国家"\ He's transformed the Senate into a police state within the Capitol."

但是\ But --

现在想躲避媒体更难了\ It'll be even harder to stay out of the news now.

那为什么还要一起接受采访\ Then why the joint interview?

我又看了一遍南卡罗来纳的采访\ I watched the South Carolina one again.

说服他们给了我一份拷贝\ Convinced them to make me a copy.

非常有感染力 给你\ It's powerful. Here you go.

我猜你可能想留一份\ I thought you might want it.

采访中有一个瞬间 你用手帮他捋头发\ There's a moment where you ran your fingers through his hair. 非常亲密 非常有人情味\ It's intimate and human.

单是那一个瞬间就足以让我为你丈夫投票\ That moment alone would've made me want to vote for your husband.

像这样的小事 能给你几个月的清净\ Something like that will buy you months of flying beneath the radar.

你想让谁来进行采访\ And who do you have in mind to conduct the interview?

这代表我被录用了吗\ Does this mean I have the job?

这代表你还没出局\ It means you still haven't been ruled out.

我就当是有进步了\ Well, I'll consider that progress.

纸牌屋第二季03 37

这里是民主党议员的衣帽间 赫克特\ This is the Democratic cloak room, Hector.

你们的在另一边\ Yours is on the other side.

你的招数不会成功的\ What you're doing won't work.

有可能会 所以你大老远的跑过来了\ It might. Which is why you made the long walk over here. 冰水\ Ice water?

我的人正坐着各种交通工具赶过来\ I have my people in planes, trains, and automobiles.

我只需要六票达到法定人数\ All I need is six to make my quorum.

想想我有26票能干什么\ Think what I can do with 26 votes.

现在我都有45票了\ And I've got 45.

你的人再怎么赶也没这么快吧\ You won't be able to get your planes and trains back here fast enough. 我愿赌一把\ I'll roll those dice.

会议警卫官的工作做得非常好\ The sergeant at arms is very good at his job.

这样正可以让柯蒂斯明白 究竟谁是老大\ And this is a perfect way to show Curtis who's in charge. 我这是在帮你 赫克特\ I'm doing you a favor, Hector.

告诉我你想要什么\ Tell me what you want.

我一直想要的东西 我们达成的协议\ What I've always wanted. The package we shook hands on. 然后我就把参议院还给你\ Then I'll give you your Senate back.

他们不能自愿回来吗\ They can't come back voluntarily.

选六个演技最好的出来\ Pick your six best actors.

我们不能妥协 赫克特\ We can't give in, Hector.

如果你按党派路线走 我们就不会落到这个境地\ We wouldn't be in this situation had you towed the party line.


门多萨先生到场\ Mr. Mendoza is present.

表示抗议\ Under protest.

康维尔女士到场\ Ms. Cornwall is present.

表示抗议\ Under protest. 38

厄尔曼先生到场 沃尔什先生到场\ Mr. Ullman is present. Mr. Walsh is present.

道斯特女士到场\ Ms. Douster is present.

哈斯先生到场\ And Mr. Haas is present.

主席先生 法定人数已经够了\ Mr. President, a quorum is now present.

你通过修正案吧 我会阻挠主法案的通过\ You can pass the amendment. I'll just filibuster the main bill. 不 你不会的\ No, you won't.

看我会不会\ Watch me.

尽管我特别想看你憋两天尿的样子\ As much as I'd like to see you hold your piss for two days, 但我们已经和赫克特达成协议了\ we struck a deal with Hector.

替代修正案通过\ The passage of the substitute amendment

主法案就也通过\ constitutes passage of the main bill.

这我并不知情\ I wasn't informed of that.

要多留意小字附条款 柯蒂斯\ Pay attention to the fine print, Curtis.

这比协议本身重要的多\ It's far more important than the selling price.

我们开始吧\ Let's go.

现在立刻点名投票\ I want an immediate call of the roll.

一秒钟时间都不要浪费\ Don't let half a second pass.

是 先生\ Yes, sir.


法定人数已经够了\ A quorum is present. 39

关于采纳HR 934号法案的\ The question is on the adoption of the substitute

替代修正案\ amendment to HR 934.

赞成或是反对\ The yeas and nays have been ordered,

书记官将开始点名投票\ and the clerk will call the roll.

艾伯纳先生\ Mr. Abner?

赞成\ Aye.

艾文戴尔先生\ Mr. Avendale?

赞成\ Aye.

布朗先生\ Mr. Brown?

我想为HR 934号法案提出一项修正案\ I'd like to propose an amendment to HR 934

哈斯先生 请不要破坏秩序 点名投票已经开始\ Mr. Haas, you are out of order. The roll call has begun.

书记官将会继续进行点名投票\ The clerk will continue to call the roll.

布朗先生 博尔先生\ Mr. Brown? Mr. Burr?

赞成\ Aye.

坎特维尔女士\ Ms. Cantwell?

赞成\ Aye.

西里尼先生\ Mr. Cerini?

赞成\ Aye.

蔡斯先生\ Mr. Chess?

赞成\ Aye.


康维尔女士\ Ms. Cornwall?

反对\ Nay.

科森先生\ Mr. Colson?

我很高兴你能来\ I'm glad you came.

是啊 我也是\ Yeah. Me, too.

你觉得怎么样\ What'd you think?

音乐非常美妙\ The music was really beautiful.

跟你想的不一样吗\ Not what you expected? 40

我也不知道会是什么样\ I wasn't sure what to expect.

我叫丽萨\ I'm Lisa.

瑞秋 抱歉\ Rachel. Sorry.

没事 我们里面有饼干和蛋糕 如果你\ No. We've got cookies and cake inside, if you...

我觉得我还是...\ I think I'm gonna...

如果你想见见我的一些朋友\ If you want to meet some of my friends.

行啊 好 -行吗\ - Yeah. Okay. - Yeah?

-行 -走吧\ - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay.

该把"奇迹创造者"写进你的简历 弗兰克\ We should add "Miracle worker" to your resume, Frank. 拉撒路的魔术倒是精彩\ Lazarus makes for a good magic act,

{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}圣经故事:马大和马利亚的兄弟 死后4天耶稣使他复活

但如果那混蛋当初没死\ but life would have been a lot easier

日子会轻松得多\ if the bastard hadn't died in the first place.

纸牌屋第二季03 41

总统本来要发脾气 但我安抚住他了\ The president wanted to go ballistic, but I calmed him down. 我说 别担心 弗兰克会解决问题的\ I said, "Don't worry. Frank'll pull this out.

是吗 我不会责怪你两面派 雷蒙德\ Did you? I don't blame you for being two-faced, Raymond. 这是厉害的政治手腕 但不能被人发现\ It's good politics, as long as you don't get caught at it. 弗兰克 如果你认为我\ Now, Frank, if you think that I --

没关系 雷蒙德 主会原谅你 晚安\ It's okay, Raymond. Jesus forgives you. Goodnight. 有人吗\ Hello?

有人吗\ Hello?

想来点酒吗\ Care for some wine?

不用了\ No.

进来点\ Step in the room.

近一点 再近一点\ Closer. Closer.

说一下你的名字和日期\ State your name and the date.

等等 为什么 我\ Wait, why? I --

请说一下你的名字和日期\ State your name and the date, please.

卢卡斯·古德温 2月13日\ Lucas Goodwin. February 13th.

年份\ Year.

20xx年\ 2014.

你现在或曾经在\ Are you currently or have you ever been a member of the --

这是干什么\ What -- what -- what is this?

你现在或曾经在\ Are you currently or have you ever been a member

执法机构工作过吗\ of any law enforcement agency?

纸牌屋第二季03 42

我已经告诉过你我没有了\ I already told you I wasn't.

两步验证\ Two-step verification.

不 我没有 以前也没有\ No, I'm not. And I haven't.

那你现在或曾经向执法机构\ Are you currently or have you ever been

提供过情报吗\ an informant for law enforcement?

没有\ No.

你觉得自己被跟踪了吗\ You think you might have been followed?

过去几周发生过什么奇怪的事吗\ Anything strange the past few weeks?

这个...你知道吗\ Th-- this is -- you know what?

这让我很不舒服\ This is making me feel uncomfortable --

我们不是闹着玩的\ We're not fucking around here.

如果你认为联调局没查过你的邮件\ If you think the FBI hasn't been tracking your posts, 那你就太天真了\ then you're naive.

你觉得他们知道我的身份吗\ You think they know who I am?

不知道 你隐藏得很好\ No. You hid yourself well.

你要对《先驱报》做什么\ What are you going to do with the Herald.

不做什么\ Nothing.

那你为什么想要访问权限\ Then why did you want access?

我已经有访问权限了\ I already had access.

我就是这样联系你的\ It's how I contacted you in the first place.

只是想知道你是不是来真的\ Just needed to know if you were serious.

那是腰果\ That's Cashew.


你为什么要联系我\ Why did you contact me?

因为你走投无路了\ Because you're desperate.

我不喜欢当局\ And I'm not fond of authority. 43

今天 在安德伍德副总统的主持下\ Just today, under the leadership of Vice President Underwood, 参议院通过了HR 934号法案\ the Senate passed HR 934,

同时通过了一个历史性的福利改革修正案\ along with an historic entitlement reform amendment.

通过将正常退休和提早退休的年龄\ By raising the retirement age to 68 and 65

分别提高到68和65岁\ for normal and early retirement, respectively,

我们将确保未来几代人的福利得到保障\ we will ensure entitlements for generations to come. 几周后 等众议院通过这项法案\ And when the House passes that bill in a few weeks, 对此我完全有信心\ as I fully expect it to do,

我们就能结束政府的开销冻结\ we will put the government freeze to rest.

我们将继续为我们的国家服务\ We will continue the business of serving our country,

而不是让国家瘫痪\ rather than paralyzing it.

这是美国人民应得的\ The American people deserve no less.

我们站在民主的圣坛上\ We stand at the altar of democracy.

让我们站在一起\ Let us stand together.

我跟杰姬谈过 我会在众议院支持你\ I spoke to Jackie. You have my support in the House. 但现在众议院还没通过呢\ But it hasn't passed the House yet.

在交给总统前 还长路漫漫\ There's a long march before it arrives on the president's desk. 至于我 我以前总在镜头边缘\ As for me, I used to be on the edge of the frame.

现在只有三英尺远了\ Now I'm only three feet away.
