


蔡美儿写的这本书《虎妈战歌》讲述了一位华裔妈妈,和两个女儿、两条狗的故事。她身为华裔第二代美国移民,以华人家长对子女的高度期待与严格的教养方式来教育2个女儿。在《虎妈战歌》里,蔡美儿坦露了自己抚养两个孩子的心路历程,与孩子“斗智斗勇”的过程。两个女儿在妈妈的严格管教和倾心培育下,承袭了华人的优秀传统,在学业、音乐等方面都有卓越的表现,在当地被誉为音乐神童。在两个女儿成长的过程中,蔡美儿以这种如何培养子女成为“数学精英和音乐天才”的思路为主线,总结了她教育自己两个女儿的一些基本做法,大致如下:不得在外过夜;不得邀请玩伴来家;不得参加学校的演出;不得抱怨没有被家长允许参加学校的活动;不得看电视或者玩计算机游戏;不得自作主张选择课外活动;单科成绩不得低于A;除了体育和戏剧课之外,每门学科必须成为全班第一名; 只被允许学习演奏钢琴和小提琴。在这种强制教育模式的长期培养下,蔡美儿很为自己的两个女儿骄傲:小女儿是极具天赋的小提琴家,大女儿已经成功地在卡耐基音乐厅表演钢琴。但在我看来,蔡美儿无非就是想为自己的女儿寻求一个长远稳妥的成功之路,希望自己女儿以后的道路一帆风顺成就突出。但她却忽略了什么才是她的女儿真正想要的。
















Early in the mainstream media I have heard of the Chinese American mother, but I wasn't interested in her, I thought, it must be the oldest Chinese education method, because it appears in the American society and become such a sensation, but after watching the tiger mother’s video interview and the excerpt of《Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother》 let me have a more profound understanding of her

First , in my opinion the rules felt really incredible for children's requirements, the authors were too strict, child childhood can say is not free. Children without their own play time, this child though probably will be very successful, but they may not in good and classmates or friends, they may suffer from autism.

The American mother gives me the biggest inspiration is not in her education method itself,in fact,I don't quite agree with the method of education, she is extremely inhuman, its harsh and demanding extent even than Chinese mother. Make me the biggest benefit is Cai Meier shown in education process, adhere to the daughter, and diligent pursuit of self-confidence.

She strictly adhering to the Chinese way, this one in the United States and the United States of America society is the special case of family, is won't listen to reason, facts have proved this point. The tiger mother is not only a moment with her daughter to fight with from the daughters of resistance, she would also like to have more courage to face from her husband, mother-in-law, parents, friends, colleagues and even the whole society questioned and opposed. In that environment, a woman can be so eager to go, the most fundamental is from her confidence. She is quite confident about his approach to education, she believes that she is right now, convinced that their rigour is responsible for her daughter's future, she believe they do for her daughter's choice is suitable, sensible for daughter. With this confidence, she would have more courage to insist, I admire most is hers stick. In the process, she and her husband quarrel with countless times, countless unpleasant, even let her daughter to humiliate the gas in the Russian Red Square cried run regardless of other people to vote to all kinds of strange gaze.

Many times I imagine, if I was Chua, I would have given up, began to doubt their own education method in the surrounding people questioned in the sound, gradually doubt yourself, lose confidence, and ultimately choose to give up.

But actually I don't agree with either Amy Chua practice also disagree with American education child's way, these ways are the two extremes, no matter what, always will to children's overall development and produce certain effect. In my opinion, education child should not only strictly also give him some private space, so that the child under the supervision of the parents can be very hard to learn, also have their own thoughts, so that the child can more excellent, innovative ability.

China's education means a value are strictly famous, it is because of China's parents ambitions for their children is very high, all hope their children grades are better than someone else's child excellent, hope that their children can be admitted to the university, then can find a good job. Parents' the idea is entirely for their children's future, parents don't think request oneself can get children's reward. But. With the development of society, many parents and schools are gradually pay attention to children's innovation consciousness, develop the child's independent ability, pay

attention to children's personality development, also will be more respect your child's interests.

Tiger mother tell us the way that she do is effective , but this may have effective are not suitable for everyone, every child's personality has different, parents should according to the actual situation of their children in accordance with their aptitude, only such nurtured the overall quality of the children to is the best.
