


说到《肖申克的救赎》这本书,是我看过之后最为震撼的电影,不为作者的构思只为生命的美丽,永不妥协,陌如红尘,谁能追随呢? 制度化的人生,这是我看过之后记得最深刻的词,被判终身监禁的犯人在被关了大半辈子后,习惯了监狱里一切,在被假释出去后,因为适应不了外面的巨大变化和高节奏的生活,选择了去另一个世界。它其实是对自我的一种救赎。斯蒂芬?金这位悬疑大师也只是想通过这样的方式告诉人们,追求自我的人生并非只是一个梦想,只是在于自己怎么去做。不管结果怎么样,这个过程很重要。因此,习惯并不可怕,可怕的是习惯了“习惯”。或许正如影片台词所说的:“希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。” “Get busy living, Or get busy dying!!!”这是《肖申克的救赎》这本书中安迪在向监狱长申请重审自己的案子失败后和瑞德对话中的一句。用中国的俗语讲就是:“汲汲于生,汲汲于死”。在片中的安迪用自己的方式很好的诠释了他是怎样面对生活而好好的活着的。






其实,当我看到布鲁斯用尖刀挟持着狱友希活,威胁要割断希活的喉咙时, 我确实有很大的惊讶,思考着为什么布鲁斯会要想在监狱里杀人?思考了很久都不得其要,但在知道布鲁斯是因为害怕面对外面的生活而自己想借以留在监狱的事实后,我心中的疑问更深了——怎么会有人因为可以出监狱而做出这种事呢?但事实上,在听到瑞德说之后说的话后,我终于懂了——因为“布鲁斯不是疯了,他只是被制度化了。他在监狱已经五十年了,五十年啊!这是他唯一认识的地方,在这儿,他是个重要的人,一个有教养的人,而在外面,他什么都不是,只是一个被假释出来的囚犯,申请张借书证都有困难。”想来这话说的非常有道理,就像我自己一直有思考过的我到底是以后再家乡工作还是出去闯荡,这个问题困扰了我很久,直至今日我还是没有想好。在家乡工作,我就像布鲁斯一样,有一定的社会基础,起步点高,而如果是去外面自己闯荡和创业,就像是假释出去的疑犯(当然喽,这个比喻确实有点小怪),在社会上做一切都很难,因为没有一定的社会基础,没有人际关系网,没有一定的后台,当然对于像书中的布鲁斯一样的,在社会上还会遭遇到歧视等的不公正待遇。习惯这个东西,对于已经习惯的人来说,是一件好事;对于尚存一丝改变信念的人来说,似乎有些“可怕”。 因为这个时候,要面对的“敌人”就是自己。外界的压力是强加的,可以接受或者不接受,但是习惯,却已渗透到自己身体甚至骨子里。如果要改变习惯,首先要改变的是自己。的确,我真的会感觉到有时候战胜自己比战胜别人更难。习惯意味着熟悉、意味着安全、意味着一切尽在掌握之中,但也意味着重复、意味着枯燥、意味着缺乏创新、意味着缺少激情??习惯无所谓好与坏,只在于我们的需求。对于需要安全的人来说,习惯就是“天使”;对于需要激情的人来说,习惯就是“魔鬼”。而天使与魔鬼,往往只存在于一念思量。




的口才换来给狱友工作空隙喝的啤酒?有多少人,在监狱这种能磨灭掉人全部斗志的鬼地方建起全英格兰洲最好的监狱图书馆?有多少人,能有这样的耐性和毅力用一个小铁锤挖出一个通往外面世界的洞来?又有多少人,能在近乎绝望的环境中始终保护着希望这朵花让它时时绽放?这一切,安迪做到了,而且做得非常完美。 在我看来,他是伟大的,他是值得我们每一个人去尊敬和钦佩的。

他用他的坚韧,能力以及人格魅力,完成了对自己的救赎,也完成了对肖申克的救赎,他的胜利更得益于他外表永远的平静、从容和内心永不放弃的信念。他既是弱者,又是强者。我们同情弱者,安迪正是弱者,因为他遭人误解,身处冤狱;我们崇拜强者,安迪又是强者,因为他充满智慧,且内心坚定无比,他利用智慧和希望,这两个自己仅有的资源,救赎了自由,也救赎了充满罪恶的鲨堡。 我仍然还清晰地记得安迪写给雷德的信中的一句话——“希望”是个好东西,也许是世间最好的东西,好东西永远不会消逝的(Hope is a good thing ,maybe the best of things , and no good thing ever dies.)


《肖申克的救赎》是部发人深省、耐人寻味的杰作,它需要我们细心的体验,它禁得起长久的感受。 所以,我在看了书和电影后写下了这篇读后感,希望有更多的人来与这部作品交流,从中有所启发和收获。因为我学到了很多,赶出了很多,懂了很多。


第二篇:肖申克的救赎 读书报告(读后感)

Reflections give one wisdom

——Some reflections on the novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

Belief introduction about the author and the book

Born in Portland, Maine in 1947, Stephen King is the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. He has since published over 50 books and has become one of the world's most successful writers. The books he wrote include "Carrie", "The Dark Tower" series, The Stand, Storm of the Century, and The Green Mile.

And Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is a novella from Stephen’s collection Different Seasons. The book was first published by Penguin Audio in 1982. It has been hailed by critics as King's "greatest work" and "masterpiece". The novella was also adapted for the screen in 1994 as The Shawshank Redemption, which was nominated for seven Academy Awards in 1994.

Summary of the book

The story is narrated by Red, an inmate who can deliver contraband of almost any type into Shawshank Prison. Andy, a banker imprisoned for murder, asked Red to get him a rock hammer to shape the rocks into small sculptures. He also ordered a large poster of Rita Hayworth. Red reflected that Andy was uncharacteristically excited about the poster,

but did not think more of it at the time.

Andy used his skills to help the administrators, such as warden and guards in the Shawshank. This earned him many privileges inside the prison, like having a cell himself. Twenty-seven years later, Andy was found missing in his locked cell. The warden Norton with great rage finally discovered that the poster on the wall (now showing a young Raquel Welch) covered a man-sized hole. Andy had used his rock hammer not just to shape rocks, but to carve a hole through the wall night after night for 27 years. And he succeeded in breaking the prison.

Personal reflections

Maybe you will admire Andy’s perseverance. For a man who insists on digging a concrete wall for nearly 27 years only using a rock hammer, Andy deserves this. So did I.

Maybe you will be surprised by Andy who never loses hope after so many years’ sufferings in Shawshank. Just thinking the dull environment, the warden and the guards’ persecution and all the dirty things inside, is there anybody that won’t get desperate? I think I will not be the exceptional.

But those above do not impress me most, but Andy’s personality does. Andy is a quiet person, saying much little in his daily life. But he is a special man, maybe smart would be more appropriate. I believe that being quiet always represents that one is wise, because he or she has

mare time to reflect, to perspective what it really is behind things happened. It’s the reflection that gives one wisdom.

Let’s see what Andy has done in the Shawshank.

Red descriped Andy, “He was thirty years old, a short neat little man with sandy hair and small, clever hands. He wore gold-rimmed

spectacles. His fingernails were always clipped, and they were always clean.” From this, we do not know clear what kind of person he is, but we can get the idea that he is a special man. He cares for his dressings. When dealing with the sisters, he calmly but effectively fought with them each time. Even if he failed many times, he continued to battle with them. Because he knew that if he did not protect himself, the

sisters would go far more. A wolf would rather choose a compliant goat than a fighting one. Andy always tried to reflect, he deeply knew the rule in the forest.

And before coming into the Shawshank, he got to realize the power of money and managed to bring five hundred dollars with him. Later Andy was proved to be right. The money helped him keep the publish the sisters away and get him the tools needed. A man who thinks frequently is able to predict what will happen in the future and get better prepared. During a roof resurfacing outside, Andy seized the chance to help Byron Hadley get tax free inherit of 35 thousand dollars, which showed how useful himself could be. This was the beginning of Andy’s good life

in Shawshank. The warden as well as other screws needed Andy’s financial skills. Andy got to defeat them in another way. He controlled their desire for money and therefore controlled them. We can fight in many ways, not just physically, but mentally. Most of us ignore this or do not know how to practice, but Andy will not. Instead, he reflects much about it and does this well. He was rewarded with great victory because he controlled the greed of those people. Reflecting your enemies’ weak points and try to make use of them, you will win easily, out of your imagination.

However, when seeing the possibility of getting out the Shawshank, Andy lost his cool ...only this time he blew it entirely. He went to Samuel Norton for help. He thought that Norton could find Elwood Blatch in another prison and so he was likely to go out the Shawshank. But Norton made Tommy away and prevented Andy’s attempt. Being hysterical, Andy was put into solitary for twenty days. Only then, did he reflect on his error. He should not have asked Norton for help, and what Norton wanted to do was to hold Andy in the Shawshank and get dirty money for him. It is the twenty days’ reflection that made Andy see clearly

Norton’s real purpose and get to know what he should do. Before long, Andy broke the prison through a hole he dug in the concrete wall. He knew that he couldn’t depend on Norton to help him, he must help himself. So he continued to dig the cell wall……Reflection made Andy

classify what Norton really wanted, and how foolish depending on others could be.

To sum up, although the writer do not mention too much that Andy is reflecting, I do believe that quite much wisdom of Andy comes from reflections. For one thing, Andy is a quiet man who speaks little and many times we can feel his mind wandering. All these show that he reflect quite often. For another, being in solitary is not punishment but a joy for him. This shows that he is in favor of reflection, which may help tell why Andy is so wise.

It seems that the old always knows better than the young. Maybe you will say the old has more experience, but I think it is the fact that the old reflects more that counts.

As an old saying goes, ”Reflections give one wisdom”.



