

原文: 标题:五代史伶官传序 作者或出处:欧阳修



方其系燕父子以组,函梁君臣之首,入于太庙,还矢先王,而告以成功,其意气之盛,可谓壮哉!及仇雠已灭, 天下已定,一夫夜呼,乱者四应,仓皇东出,未及见贼,而士卒离散,君臣相顾,不知所归;至于誓天断发,泣下沾襟,何其衰也!岂得之难而失之易欤?抑本其成 败之迹,而皆自于人欤?《书》曰:“满招损,谦受益。”忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。




世人传说晋王临死时,把三枝箭赐给庄宗,并告诉他说:“梁国是我的仇敌,燕王是我推立的,契丹与我约为兄 弟,可是后来都背叛我去投靠了梁。这三件事是我的遗恨。交给你三枝箭,你不要忘记你父亲报仇的志向。”庄宗受箭收藏在祖庙。以后宗庄出兵打仗,便派手下的 随人官员,用猪羊去祭告祖先,从宗庙里恭敬地取出箭来,装在漂亮的丝织口袋里,使人背着在军前开路,等打了胜仗回来,仍旧把箭收进宗庙。

当他用绳子绑住燕王父子,用小木匣装着梁国君臣的头,走进祖庙,把箭交还到晋王的灵座前,告诉他生前报仇 的志向已经完成,他那神情气慨,是多么威风!等到仇敌已经消灭,天下已经安定,一人在夜里发难,作乱的人四面响应,他慌慌张张出兵东进,还没见到乱贼,部 下的兵士就纷纷逃散,君臣们你看着我,我看着你,不知到哪里去好;到了割下头发来对天发誓,抱头痛哭,眼泪沾湿衣襟的可怜地步,怎么那样的衰败差劲呢!难 道说是因为取得天下难,而失去天下容易才象这样的吗?还是推究他成功失败的原因,都是由于人事呢?《尚书》上说:“自满会招来损害,谦虚能得到益处。”忧 劳可以使国家兴盛,安乐可以使自身灭亡,这是自然的道理。

因此,当他兴盛时,普天下的豪杰,没有谁能和他相争;到他衰败时,数十个乐官就把他困住,最后身死国灭, 被天下人耻笑。祸患常常是由一点一滴极小的错误积累而酿成的,纵使是聪明有才能和英勇果敢的人,也多半沉溺于某种爱好之中,受其迷惑而结果陷于困穷,难道 仅只是溺爱伶人有这种坏结果吗?





Today pilots flying the new Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft navigate with the aid of new laser gyroscopes. Supermarket clerks use lasers to ring up prices at the checkout counter by “reading” universal bar-codes printed on packages and canned goods.

[原译] 今天,驾驶新型波音767和757客机的驾驶员,借助新的激光舵转仪进行操作;而超级市场的售货员,则利用激光,“阅读”通用价格条码,在结帐台上计价,因为价码已印在货品包装袋和罐头制品上了。

[改译] 当今,驾驶新型波音767和757客机的飞行员,借助激光舵转仪而飞行;超市结帐柜台的售货员也用激光计价,通过“读取”包装袋和食品罐上的通用条码即可。

I did it myself to spare your trouble.



She is no less beautiful than her sister.


No one came to his help.


Ignorance of the law excuses no man from practicing it.



I wish he would come.(原语余味较多,译语比较平淡)


Oh that I had listened to her.

(3)He couldn’t be more honest.


(4)He’s a good riddance



(2)You should have been a little earlier. You are late.


You see what I mean?(复合句)


We can never dispense with sunlight all the year round.

(1) “Why didn’t you dare it before? ”He asked harshly, “When I

hadn’t a job? When I was starving? When I was just as I am now as a man, as an artist, the same Martin Eden?”

(2) 他毫不客气问道:“为什么你以前不敢呢?那时我没有工作,


(2)You say 5000 dollars for this bubble car? It’s daylight robbery! 这么一辆破车要5000美元?这不是光天化日之下的拦路抢劫吗?(这不是明摆着在抢劫吗?光天化日之下抢钱呀?)

(1)Woman begins by resisting a man’s advances and ends by blocking his retreat.

(2)Woman begins by shouting “don’t! Stop!” to a man’s

advance and “Don’t stop!” to his retreat.



(A)I must have been cheated again.



A Chinese rule is that the inferior is introduced to the superior.(主动转换为被动)


Even when victory was no longer at issue, the crowd kept yelling “Pour it on!”(一般过去时转换为过去进行时)

(2)I was a modest, good-humored boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.


(1)She must have been pretty once, but now she was stout and her hair was untidy.


(2)如果我是你,我是不会再容忍下去了;你对他真是再好不过了。 If I were you, I would never have kept my trap any longer. You could not be better to him.

Here’s to woman! Would that we could fall into her arms without falling into her hands.



(1)All grapes are not sweet.


(2)Gardens are not made by singing “Oh, how beautiful” and sitting in the shade.


(3)Who loves not woman, wine and song remains a fool his whole life.



I don’t think I am prett.


Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.


The author’s grasp of the rudiments of the theory of the subject is unquestionable.


One of the embarrassments of being a good husband today is that you are not permitted to defend yourself in a quarrel and have to go down on your knees pretending that you are not on the right side.

(1)Figures don’t lie.


(2)Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth. 正像鳕鱼把尾巴塞进嘴里时说的,这叫做“两极相通”

(3)Cooking is not like life. If you get a bad meal, you don’t have to eat it.


夜郎自大(vulgar arrogance)

沉鱼落雁之美(surpassing beauty)

完璧归赵(return sth to sb in good condition)

Panglossian (乐天知命者)(典出伏尔泰笔下的人物Dr. Pangloss, 其人的特点是乐天知命)

Waterloo (惨败、祸根)(源于1815年拿破仑军队大败这个比利时城镇滑铁卢)

哑巴吃黄连,有苦难言(unspoken bitterness)

Only-the-facts-ma’am tone (一种照章办事的口吻)(美国警察在盘问女人时常说“We are only after the facts, ma’am)

(1)When a woman dresses to kill, the victim is apt to time. (“kill”与“victim”:“杀”与“被杀”相呼应)



Fogs hang over the mountain and the sky ends in the waters 小弟献丑,正是班门弄斧了。

I’m ashamed to display my incompetence before an expert like yourself.

例如:“Today, except for rare occasions, nobody still sticks to Roman striking, not even in the homeland of the Roman Empire.” 一句可译为“今天,除了极个别场合外,没有人再坚持使用”罗马式鸣钟法“(18世纪以前的一种报时法,用高低二种响铃:高音铃一响表示1点,低音铃一响表示5点)。即便是在罗马帝国的诞生之地,也不再坚持这种旧式的报时法了。

(1)I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. (Mark Twain)


(2)Epitaph: a belated advertisement for a line of good that has permanently discontinued.


(3)She then uncrossed her legs.



Shall we fold our arms and wait to be slain when the enemy is already at the city’s gates?

(2)都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢? How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this? (if you all act on will of your own)

We’ll get nowhere if we all act on at will.

sympathetic love:怜爱

stupid faithfulness:愚忠

an insufferably disobedient boy:顽童

powerful and resultful action:魄力

deep-rooted but unreasonable love:痴情

(1)Fictitious narratives are sometimes put into the first person for greater vividness.


(2)This is informal; you can come as you are or as you were.



Scuffles and clashes became a matter of daily occurrence for these gangsters.

(2)她感到浑身发怵,五脏六腑像被什么扯着似的阵阵作痛。 Her whole body got shitty while stabbing pains went all over her. She was shivering all over with stabbing pains.

(1)Misery follows war.


(2)The sins of the father are visited upon the children.


(3)A fluent tongue is the only thing the mother doesn’t like her daughter to resemble her.


(4)I was greatly provoked by his impudence.



(5)Sympathy is welcome to the unfortunate.


(1)Nobody is as sophisticated as a boy of nineteen who is just recovering from a baby grand passion.

sophisticated 意为“老于世故、非自然状态”,grand passion意为“狂恋、热爱(的对象),此处均须变换,以求顺达。




I never lived in real luxury and style, yet as a girl I was better off

than you.


In the excitement, the chieftain(酋长、首领) crawled out of the room, ran to the front gate and groped(摸索、探索) his way to a horse. He broke a branch from a willow, leapt on the animal’s back and flailed (打、打击)it with his improvised(即兴创作、临时准备) whip. The beast didn’t move.

(1)You have given yourself the trouble to be born.



(2)I’m afraid you have the advantage of me.



(1)Powerful words can drive men to madness. They may inspire them, schizophrenically(精神分裂症似地), to acts of self-sacrifice. 慷慨激昂的词令可以让人发狂,也可以使人行动起来连命都不要,就像得了精神分裂症。

(2)Every British motorist will tell you that radar is used most unfairly by the police to catch drivers who are accidentally going a little faster than the speed limit.


(1)He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase.


(1)Of course the ambivalent(茅盾的) critics are right when they say they only have been peering at him through a haze(薄雾,有雾的) of illusion.


(2)I walked back into the dismantled(脱掉、拆除) apartment. I stinks(发臭) of departure.


(1)Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.


(2)I wanted to be a man, and a man I am.


(3)Human intelligence—it is millions of years old, but it never seems to act its age.


(4)I expressed many absurd opinions, but I am not the first man to do it. American freedom consists largely in talking nonsense.



However he found the whole area full of the enemy soldiers and he could not get through.


If you’d done some reading and writing every day, you’d have finished all that’s expected and wouldn’t feel so frantic(狂乱的)


Byron’s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Augusta, Byron’s half-sister.



He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, eccentricities, he kept a bear. 他就读于哈罗学校和剑桥大学的三一学院。在学校,他养了一只熊,此外还有其它一些古怪行为。


A few of the committee had urged hanging him as a possible example. 委员会中有几个人要求将他处以绞刑,目的是杀一儆百。


He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued that child. 他没有脱衣服就跳进水去救那个小孩。


Appearance is deceptive


This young man is a fool of danger.


We will prove worthy of your trust.


She failed to perceive any difference.


Your temper is more than I can bear.


That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson. 那个懒惰男孩不预习就去上课。

The explanation is pretty thin.


His father will kill him when he finds out.


I tried hard not to lose a word of what he said.


He never spared himself and so he made me work hard.


There is no place like home.


Such flights couldn’t long escape notice.


There is nothing in his house but bare walls.



The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era—the Industrial Age. Money had become king.



Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come, all the old wounds began to ache.


只要是夜不能寐,那些痛心的往事就会接踵而至,彻夜将我折磨。 China has repeatedly been invaded, but each time it has absorbed the invaders and eventually converted them. Over the centuries this has produced a sort of stoicism.



The Great Wall is a scenic spot most foreigners to Beijing must visit. 就大多数来京的外国人而言,长城是必游的景点。

If a high school student wants to have a boyfriend, she must be dependable and responsible.

如果一个女中学生足以使人放心而又比较懂事,就可以交男朋友了。 如果一个女中学生能做到让人放心,又自爱自重,就可以结交男朋友了。 He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase.




They tried vainly to blame us for the breakdown in the truce talks. 他们企图把和谈破裂的罪名加在我们身上,但没有成功。


It can be said for his justification that he had to give up when any advice he gave her causes nothing but back talk.

凭心而论,他也只好就此罢休,因为每次他向她提意见,她都顶了回去。 说句公道话,他不加劝阻,是逼不得已的,因为他的劝告无一例外地要遭到她的驳斥。

The (sinoatrial) node (窦房结) makes the heart beat faster and so pumps the blood more quickly round the body.


窦房结使心跳加快,从而令心脏更快地把血液泵送到全身。 ? 第五讲


1. It was first come first served with me: when I got an application for a lecture I gave the applicant the first date I had vacant, whether it was for a street corner, a public parlor, a market place, the economic section of the British Association, a cellar or a classroom.


2. Young men make great mistakes in life—and worse, they take them easily, thinking that they are but love’s compensation.


3、Rumor has it that she didn’t feel so good, she just played out the role—to act it out.


4. That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable. In some moods Nature shares it.


5. Greatness of name in the father oft times overwhelms the son: they stand too near one another. The shadow kills the growth.



6. Sometimes you might think the machines we worship make all the chief appointments, promoting the human beings who seem closest to them.


7. Holding the flag, Redd stood at parade rest, like a statue. “I haven’t held the flag for a long time,” Redd said. “It feels good.”


8. Long afterward the U-2 pilot recalled that when he got into trouble he was asked whether he was an American. “It seemed,” he said,

“pointless to deny it.”



9. Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.


10. Tom Mann said he must speak to him, and advanced as Lenin came towards us. How glad he was to greet Tom Mann! His face lit up with pleasure as he told Tom how closely he had followed his activities all over the world.

[参考译文] 汤姆·曼说他得跟列宁说句话,就在列宁朝我们走来时,他就迎了上去。列宁跟汤姆·曼打招呼时显得非常高兴。他兴高采烈地告诉汤姆自己密切关注着他在世界各地的种种活动。

11. But the President was no Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will.

[参考译文] 谈到欲使国会屈从于自己的意志时,总统就逊色于威尔逊,也不如罗斯福了。

It is a fact that it has to be written very carefully into a job description just what a secretary’s duties are, or she will be told to clean off the desk, pick up cleaning and the like.

[参考译文] 显而易见,应该在工作手册中把秘书的职责写得一清二楚,否则就会有人吩咐她们去做擦桌子、倒垃圾之类的事情。


In the absence of both strong and honest leadership, politics in general became the business of second-rate professionals who, for the first time on a large scale, mismanaged the affairs of many of the nation’s cities, states and to some extent, the federal government.(A Brief History of the United States) 由于缺乏忠实可靠的强有力的领导人,政治变成了搞政治的二流人物的行当,这些二流人物第一次大规模地将美国的许多城市和许多州经管得一塌糊涂,在某种程度上甚至殃及联邦政府。

I don’t trust him. He’s always on the make and his artificial smiles make me sick.

我不信任他。他总是那么假心假意;那副矫揉造作的笑容使我作呕。 The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. (R. W.



There were gentlemen and there were seamen in the navy of Charles II. But the seamen were not gentlemen, and the gentlemen were not seamen.


Willy (With pity and resolve): I’ll see him in the morning; I’ll have a nice talk with him.

威利:(同情地、有决心地)我明早去看看他,和和气气地跟他谈一次。 Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in

devouring their contents, I neglected the regular exercises of the school.


I have never have thought he should have the guts to have my daughter.


The new President has sometimes been compared to the

furniture used to be produced in such abundance in his Michigan home town——durable, dependable and easy to live with. Gerald Ford is Middle America.


Some people think one of the main reasons to go to college is to make connections. After graduation, everything depends on the old boy system. One’s college buddies can help you the rest of your life.

有些人认为上大学的主要理由之一是建立广泛的社会联系;毕业后,一切取决于熟人关系,一个人的大学学友可以在你的一生中给以帮助。 That was the beginning of the century, when psychedelic Cubist pictures were the thing.


People who come to this establishment are all after maximum turn-on

effects. We must gratify them.



1、to send small gifts to her


2、his last letters


3、to smell like rotten potatoes


4、a man of big fortunes


5、to have all the right credentials


6、our rising passions



1、His attempts to copy other slapstick comedians who were popular at that time were a failure. However he gradually began to develop the character of the tramp that we always connect with his name.


2. His eyes were ringed in red, the evidence of fatigue and frustration. (原译)他两眼布满血丝,说明他身体疲乏,精神困顿(不振、不佳)。

3. The new government was torn by rivalries and was unable to establish its authority throughout China.



4. The first acts were finally hammered out by the western countries led by France to explore the possibilities of a rapprochement with that country.




5. In my dealings with Asian leaders this idea has developed to the extent of its full positiveness.



6. Slowly climb the moon-touched mountains up their stairway to the sky.



7. The judge let the man off with warnings not to cause trouble again. (原译)法官对那个人再三提出警告,不得重新作案,然后就将他释放了。

(1)He made sincere apologies to each of the teachers.(他诚恳地跟老师们一一道歉。)

(2)The Chinese official today made condemnations of the violences. (中国官员今天反复谴责了那些暴行。)

(3)He made samplings of the different materials on the very day. (他当天就对材料分别进行了抽样检查。)

8. Her sighs made it clear she was unhappy.



His worries are unnecessary; we won’t hurt him (他不必顾虑重重,我们不会伤害他的。)The waves rose and fell. (海浪此起彼伏)

9. The Western powers moved in with overwhelming force, smashed the “rebellion”, and exacted even more concessions—as well as reparations from the Chinese government.



A Small, elegant woman with (a) dark brown face of many

expressions—and many experiences.



10. We have winked at these irregularities too long.



11. The progressive forces were kept divided by rigid party loyalties. (原译)进步力量由于顽固的党派之见,陷于分裂状态。



American government is filled with procedures designed to assure that interested persons may comment on policies before decisions are made.



4-1、Their eyes were filled with tears.


4-2、The street is filled with cars.


4-3、She was delivered of a boy.


4-4、The village is populated by about 1,300 farmers.


Soon afterward Stephen, promoted to the rank of major, was sent by Sherman with some dispatches to General Grant at City Point in Virginia.


3-1、He was told that two of them seemed unlikely to make the grade. 他已得知,他们中有两个人好像不能及格。

3-2、She gave many excuses, but what they added up to was that she did not wish to be troubled.


3-3、She and her husband have been asked out for the evening. 她和她丈夫今晚应邀赴约去了。

3-4、I hope I may be pardoned by all of you.


3-5、He has been wedded to translation.


3-6、If you are pushed for time you had better give it up though it’s your favorite.


I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70’s, white-haired, and still beautiful.


3-1、It was suggested by him.


3-2、He was questioned by a policeman.


3-3、I was recommended by a teacher.


3-4、The letter was written by a secretary.


Thomas Caryle believes that the history of the world is but the biographies of great men (in Heroes and Hero-worship), while history is actually made by the people.


3-1、The injured were carried off with RAF helicopters.


3-2、Of course, the best face was put on the affair by his friends, but we were still not convinced.

当然,是他的朋友们把事情说得这么好(的),我们是仍然不相信的。 3-3、Not much is wasted in this household; all odds and ends are used up for something.

这一家是浪费不多的;所有零零碎碎地东西都是派了用场的。 3-4、She was very put about it.


3-5、China-ink stains can not be washed out.


The only way boxing can be discussed is in the context of a

caveman’s sport, and the only way it can be understood is if you love this sport, God help you.


3-1、Principles mean very little unless they are acted up.


3-2、The subject will further be dealt with in Chapter X of this book. 本书第十章将对这一问题进一步加以讨论。

3-3、Illness must be correctly diagnosed before they can be treated with medicine.


3-4、Mistakes must not be covered up. They must be exposed before you can correct them.


In general, decisions of the first type are relatively easily made. Decisions of the second type are much more difficult.


例如:Shakespeare was read to me till I was about 12.(在我大约12岁以前,就有人把莎士比亚的作品读给我听。)

3-1、Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed. 要注意信的地址是否写对。

3-2、The complaints were not well listened to.


3-3、It was suggested that holidays should be staggered over the period.


3-4、Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed on to me? 为什么总把这些麻烦事都推给我呢?

3-5、A job such as that is not one that should be thrown up without serious thought.


3-6、A telephone was fitted up in the pavilion.


3-7、Terms for settlement of the dispute have now been agreed. 现已就解决争议的条件达成了协议。

3-8、So much has been published on all kinds of subjects that even a specialist who devoted all his time to reading could not keep up with it. 就各种问题发表了很多材料,即便是整天看材料的专家也应接不暇。 3-9、Time can always be found to do things one wants to do. 只要想干,总是可以找出时间来的。

3-10、In the same year, the second atomic bomb was lasted 同年,爆炸了第二颗原子弹。

Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossips.


3-1、The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday. 法庭将在星期三公布调查结果。

3-2、I don’t know what was aimed at in these exams.


3-3、Many new opportunities will be opened up in the course of time for those with a university education.


3-4、The news was passed on by word of mouth.


3-5、Crimes such as this are not usually owned up to unless the culprit hopes to gain something from confessing.


3-6、Many expected that he would be outed by one of his rivals. 很多人估计,他的对手之一会取胜。

But one hundred years later, the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.


3-1、Such conduct will be looked down upon by all with sense of decency.


3-2、As soon as all the facts have been found out we can begin to formulate a theory.


3-3、We all realized who that mark was aimed at.


3-4、All the buildings were destroyed in a big fire.


3-5、They were deprived of their rights.


3-6、He is flung into obscurity.


Many Congressmen desire to protect civil liberties. Almost all the members are considerably influenced by principles of this kind.


3-1、He was carefully nursed by Carrie’s mother.


3-2、If the scheme is approved, work on the project will start immediately.


3-3、Everyone was fed up with her gossip.


3-4、He was set upon by two masked men.


3-5、This time he was tipped over by his buddies.


3-6、If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.


3-7、All the people whose names are ticked off have paid their subscription.


3-8、This one-party attitude is most seen in closed meetings.


3-9、The laundry has been done and was put in the basket.

