
Elements of a meeting agenda

Meeting start time

Meeting end time

Meeting location

Topic headings

Some topic details for each heading

The time each topic is expected to last

Meeting participants who are expected to be the main topic participants Elements of meeting record /meeting minutes

Full name of the meeting;

Place, date, and time of the meeting

Type of the meeting;

List of the attendee and the absent;

Meeting reports and other meeting movements;

Results of the meeting;

Type of the meeting

A regular meeting

Special meeting called to discuss a specific topic

List of the attendee and the absent

Write down the name of the chairman and recorder, the number of the attendees and the absent. Sometimes the secretary need to write the name, title of the absent. Two ways of taking meeting report

The abstract: generally the secretary only has to take the important points down, or make a summary of the reports.

Record of the whole report: If the report giver is VIP, the secretary has to take the whole report down.

Other meeting movements

The speak-ins when a report is made;



Meeting adjournment.

All these are the minor parts of a meeting, but sometimes the secretary has to take these things down.

Motions including:

Name of the person making motion

Exact wording of the motion

Whether it passed or failed

The meeting record should be:

Exact Real Clear Complete

Formats of the meeting record /meeting minutes

There is no special or particular format for the meeting record.

Usually it is written in two parts:

1. The forms of organization of the meeting.

2. The content of the meeting.