篇一 :护士英文交班

Good morning everyone,I was on duty in our intensive care last night, there were 3 patients who were porfromed operations, now I will show

you the main information

No.27 于浩霜

Excision [ek'si??n] cyst of bile duct plus Roux-pen-Y

choleclocho-jejunostomy was performed, she came back at 18:00

yesterday, The patients vital ['vaitl] sights were stable and no complaint

last night, This morning BP(blood pressure) is millineters

of mercury, HR(heart rate) is bpm,RR(respiration) is bpm, There was about milliter blood from the abdominal

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篇二 :英语交班范本

Example of English Morning Report

Urological Department

morning report.There are 50 patients in our ward. Three patients were discharged from the hospital yesterday :Bed 1,Bed 28 and Bed 40.Bed 28.Mr.周仪水,82-years-old,with advanced bladder cancer.was discharged from the hospital against advice due to financial problem yesterday evening. Health-care suggestions had been made to these patients.Three patients were admitted yesterday:

Bed 1,Mr.,age 60,complains of painless hematuria for several weeks.The tentative diagnosis of bladder carcinoma is made according to ultrasonography at local hospital.Cystoscopy will be performed this afternoon for final diagnosis.(further investigation)

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篇三 :英语交班范本

Example of English Morning Report

Urological Department

morning report.There are 50 patients in our ward. Three patients were discharged from the hospital yesterday :Bed 1,Bed 28 and Bed 40.Bed 28.Mr.周仪水,82-years-old,with advanced bladder cancer.was discharged from the hospital against advice due to financial problem yesterday evening. Health-care suggestions had been made to these patients.Three patients were admitted yesterday:

Bed 1,Mr.,age 60,complains of painless hematuria for several weeks.The tentative diagnosis of bladder carcinoma is made according to ultrasonography at local hospital.Cystoscopy will be performed this afternoon for final diagnosis.(further investigation)

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篇四 :医疗护理常用英语交班

patient number, discharge, admission, change in, change out, death, primary care number, critical patient number,patient with caregiver, current number,


一. Receiving the patient(接待病人)

1. How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!

2. What can I do for you?/Can I help you?您需要我帮助吗?

3.I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed..

我要领您到床边去. 请跟我来. 这是您的床位.

4. The toilet is over there.卫生间在那边

5.We supply hot water. 我们供应热水

6.Please wait a moment. I’ll let your doctor know. /I’ll inform your doctor.

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篇五 :骨科护理交班范文

20xx年10月18日星期日 24小时交班:原有患者64人,出院2人,入院1人,手术1人,现有患者63人。


N班入院并手术1床,***,患者男性,64岁,右胫骨平台粉碎性骨折,因车祸致右膝肿痛、活动受限4小时于00:05平车入院。X光示右胫骨平台粉碎性骨折,入院后给予完善术前准备,于01:05送手术室在腰硬联合麻醉下行右膝关节镜探查+滑膜切除术+右胫骨平台骨折切开复位锁定钛板、螺钉内固定术,术毕于03:30安返病房,术后给予活血、促进骨折愈合、预防感染等对症处理。现患者诉伤口疼痛明显,肿胀Ι°,伤口敷料干洁,右下肢感觉好,末梢血运佳。DVT评分11分,压疮评分为18分,BADL评分为20分,请下班注意防压疮防DVT,观察患者疼痛、肿胀及末梢血运情况,协助生活所需。 老病号无特殊。



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篇六 :护理英语

一. Receiving the patient(接待病人)

1.How do you do?/ Good morning!


2.What can I do for you?/Can I help you?


3.I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed..


4.The toilet is over there.卫生间在那边

5.We supply hot water. 我们供应热水

6.Please wait a moment. I’ll let your doctor know. /I’ll inform your doctor. 请等一会儿,我去通知医生.

7.Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you.玛丽是您的负责护士/医生

8.Please let us know if you need any help. 您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.

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篇七 :护理英语

一. Receiving the patient(接待病人)

1. How do you do?/ Good morning!


2. What can I do for you?/Can I help you?


3.I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed..

我要领您到床边去. 请跟我来. 这是您的床位.

4. The toilet is over there.卫生间在那边

5. We supply hot water. 我们供应热水

6. Please wait a moment. I’ll let your doctor know. /I’ll inform your doctor. 请等一会儿,我去通知医生.

7. Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you.玛丽是您的负责护士/医生

8. Please let us know if you need any help. 您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.

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篇八 :护理英语打印版


Nursing English(第一学期)

(一)phleb(o)-静脉的构成成分 -itis 炎症的构成成分 Phlebitis 静脉炎 Phleboclysis 静脉输液

Key words: air/cathter embolism 空气/导管栓塞

Hypertonic(solutions/osmolality) 高渗溶液 Isotonic 等渗溶液 Hypotonic 低渗溶液

Infiltration(seepage) 渗透液 Allergy 过敏

Latex sensitivity 乳胶管

The signs and sympotoms 症状、体征 Circulation overload 容量负荷过多 Informed consent 手术同意书 Asepsis 无菌 Evaluation 抬高

Intravenous therapy 静脉营养 Parental therapies 肠外营养

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