
The Application of Interactive Teaching Approach to Oral English Learning

in Junior Middle Schools


Thesis Statement: Classroom interaction is very effective and beneficial to students’

oral English learning

1. Interactive Teaching Approach

1.1 Interpretation of Interactive Teaching Approach

1.2 Differences between Traditional Teaching Method and Interactive Teaching Approach

1.3 The Significance of Interactive Teaching Approach

2. Research Design

2.1 Research Purpose

2.2 Research Subjects

2.3 Research Procedures

2.4 Research Instruments

2.4.1 Questionnaire

2.4.2 Oral Test

2.5 Data Collection and Analysis

2.5.1 Data Collection and Analysis of Pre-Questionnaire

2.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis of Post-Questionnaire

2.5.3 Data Collection and Analysis of Pre-Oral Test

2.5.4 Data Collection and Analysis of Post-Oral test

3. Results Analysis and Discussion

3.1 Major Findings

3.2 Discussion

3.3 Suggestions for Improving Classroom Interaction in Oral English Learning 1

The Differences between Chinese and Western Wine Culture


Thesis Statement: Chinese and Western wine cultures are different due to differences

between Chinese and Western natural environments, values and

thinking patterns.

1. The Origins and The Typical Representatives of Chinese and Western Wine

1.1 The Origins of Chinese Wine

1.2 The Origins of Western Wine

1.3 The Typical Representatives of Chinese Wine

1.4 The Typical Representatives of Western Wine

2. The Main Differences between Chinese and Western Wine Culture

2.1 Different Drinking Vessels

2.2 Different Focus of Wine Drinking

2.3 Different Drinking Customs and Etiquette

3 The Factors of Wine Culture’s Differences

3.1 Natural Environment

3.2 Values and Thinking Patterns


The Oppression of Puritanism and the Resistance of the Main Characters in

The Scarlet Letter


Thesis Statement: The harshness and intolerance of Puritanism bring the main

characters great pain, but they take courage to resist Puritanism

in their own ways.

1. Puritanism

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Puritanism

1.2 Puritan Background of the Novel

2. The Oppression of Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter

2.1 The Puritan Prejudice against Women

2.2 Persecutions of Puritanism to Sinners

2.3 The Harshness of Puritan Society to Children

3 The Resistance of the Main characters to the Oppression of Puritanism

3.1 Hester’s Resistance to Puritanism

3.2 Pearl’s Resistance to Puritanism

3.3 Dimmesdale's Resistance to the Puritanism












1.9.1. Working Outline

Some writers like to work from an outline; others do not. For research papers, outlining can be a particularly useful intermediate activity between research and writing.

You may find a series of outlines helpful, whether or not your instructor requires them, especially if you are a beginning writer of research paper. An outline will help you to get an overall view of your paper and, perhaps more important, to figure out how each section of the paper relates to the others. Thus, developing an outline can help you to see the logical progression of your argument.

A working outline will make it easier to keep track of all important aspects of your subject and to focus your research on relevant topics. Continual revision of the working outline, moreover, will encourage you to change your thinking and your approach as new information modifies your understanding of the subject.

1.9.2. Thesis Statement对论文中心思想的简洁陈述

As you get close to writing, you can begin to shape the information 1

you have at hand into a unified, coherent whole by framing a thesis statement for your paper: a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your view. In a sense, the thesis statement is your answer to the central question or problem you have raised. Writing this statement will enable you to see where you are heading and to remain on a productive path as you plan and write. Try out different possibilities until you find a statement that seems right for your purpose. Moreover, since the experience of writing may well alter your original plans, do not hesitate to revise the thesis statement as you write the paper.

Two factors are important to the shaping of a thesis statement---your purpose and your audience;

* What purpose will you try to achieve in the paper? Do you want to describe something, explain something, argue for a certain point of view, or persuade your reader to think or do something?

* What audience are you writing for? Is your reader a specialist on the subject? Someone likely to agree or disagree with you? Someone likely to be interested or uninterested in the subject?

The answers to these questions should to a large extent give your research the appropriate slant or point of view not just in your thesis statement but also in the final outline and the paper itself.

Many instructors require students to submit thesis statements for approval some two or three weeks before the paper is due. If you have difficult writing one, talk with your instructor about the research you have done and about what you want to say; given this information, your instructor can probably help you frame an appropriate thesis statement.

1.9.3. Final Outline

After you have a satisfactory thesis statement, you can transform your working outline into a final one. This step will help you organize your ideas and the accumulated research into a logical, fluent, and effective paper.

Start by carefully reviewing all your notes to see how strongly they will support the various points in the working outline. Next, read over your working outline critically and delete everything that is irrelevant to the thesis statement or that might weaken your argument.

Eliminating material is often painful since you might have a natural 2

desire to use everything you have collected and to impress your readers (especially teacher readers) with all the work you have done and with all you now know on the subject. But you should resist these temptations, for the inclusion of irrelevant or repetitive material will detract from the effectiveness of your paper. Keep your thesis statement and your audience in mind. Include only the ideas and information that will help you accomplish what you have set out to do and that will lead your readers to care about your investigation, your presentation, and your conclusions.

As you continue to read, reread, and think about the ideas and information you have decided to use, you will begin to see new connections between items, and patterns of organization will suggest themselves. Bring related material together under general headings, and arrange these sections so that one logically connects with another. Then order the subjects under each heading so that they, too, proceed logically. Finally, plan an effective introduction and a conclusion appropriate to the sequence you have worked out.

Common organizing principles are chronology (useful for historical discussions-----e.g., how the Mexican War developed); cause and effect (e.g., what consequences a scientific discovery will have); process (e.g., how a politician got elected); and logic, deductive or inductive. A deductive line of argument moves from the general to the specific (e.g., from the problem of violence in the United States to violence involving handguns), while an inductive one moves from the specific to the general (e.g., from violence involving handguns to the problem of violence in the United States).

As you choose an organizational plan, keep in mind the method or methods you will use in developing your paper. For example, do you plan to define, classify, or analyze something? to use descriptive details or give examples? to compare or contrast one thing with another? to argue for a certain point of view? The procedures you intend to adopt will influence the way you arrange your material, and they should be evident in your outline.

It is also a good idea to indicate in the outline, specifically and precisely, the quotations and reference sources you will use. All this planning will take a good deal of time and thought, and you may well make several preliminary outlines before arriving at the one you will follow. But the time and thought will be well spent. The more planning 3

you do, the easier and more efficient the writing will be.

If the final outline is only for your use, its form will have little importance. If it is to be submitted, your instructor will probably discuss the various forms of outline----for example, the topic outline (which uses only short phrases throughout) and the sentence outline----and tell you which to use. Whatever the form, maintain it consistently.

From p. 34-37, 《MLA科研论文写作规范》(第五版),上海外语教育出版社,20xx年7月

