MBA MPA MPAcc管理类联考作文--论说文(模板+名言+素材)



  ( ),写给( ) 的( )

  根据所给材料自由组合出题目。例如:( 奉献 ),写给(社会)的赞歌


  1.( )告诉我们:( )是开启事业的大门,( )是走向成功的旅程。每个人的路程尽头是不同的,是因为每个人( )是不同的。因此,( )。

  2.( )讲的就是,只有( ),我们才能成功。我们不仅因为简单的生命而存活在这个世界上,更能因为( )而拥有精彩的人生。此时此刻,我深深的明白( )。

  3.材料告诉我们( )是人生的一首歌:( )是词,( )是曲,( )是歌曲的主旋律。(例如:1、青春是人生的一首歌:成功是词,拼搏是曲,永不懈怠是青春的主旋律。2、海是水的一部字典:浪花是部首,涛声是音序,鱼虾海鸥是海的文字。)因此,( )。

  4.(  )使我明白:对于这个世界,我们不过是一些匆匆的过客,但对自己人生则是一段漫长的旅程,是一场拼博接着一场拼搏。(  ),则使我们在拼搏中获胜。

  5.( )使我深深明白人能走多远?这话不是要问两脚,而要问( )。人能攀多高?这事不要问双手,而要问( )。

  6.( )告诉我们的就是这个道理:生活的理想就是为了理想的生活,每个人都应该为此而担负起自己的责任——直面生活,不管遇到怎样的困难与挫折,都携带( )前行。

  7.( )使我明白人生的价值不在于你成就了轰轰烈烈的事业,而在于具体做好了什么。所以,见到茂密的森林,我们只要无愧的做一棵小树。虽是一棵,却能依靠( )抗击风雨这样的人生也就无愧了。





  竞争:(1)竞争可以推动人类的创造(竞争可以推动企业的创造);(2) 竞争可以使人才脱颖而出(竞争可以使优秀企业脱颖而出);(3)竞争应当遵守规则与道德(竞争应当遵守市场规则和职业道德)。









  1.有了( ),生命旅程上的寂寞可以铺成一片蓝天;有了( ),孤单可以演绎成一排鸿雁;有了( ),欢乐可以绽放成满园的鲜花。请相信,( )是成功者美好人生的通行证。

  2.即使我是一根火柴,也要在生命的最后闪耀奋斗的火花,这是( )给予的力量;即使我是一根粉笔,也要在粉身碎骨的那一刻,耕耘在智慧的黑土地上,这是( )给予的高尚。此时此刻,我深深的明白:( )是生命中最美丽的一道彩虹。

  3.如果说生命是一座庄严的城堡,如果说生命是一株苍茂的大树,如果说生命是一只飞翔的海鸟。那么,( )就是那穹顶的梁柱,就是那深扎的树根,就是那扇动的翅膀。没有( ),生命的动力便荡然无存;没有( ),生命的美丽便杳然西去。

  4.人生中最好的景致有时并不是用浓墨重彩描绘而成的,它也许只是一个淡淡的足迹,但它深藏在我们心灵最柔软的地方,裹在层层的重负之下。它与生命同在,一旦触动它的密码,它便潮水般涌进来,感动你。这个密码就是( )

  5.生活如酒,或芳香,或浓烈,或馥郁,因为( ),它变得醇厚;生活如歌,或高昂,或低沉,或悲戚,因为( ),它变得悦丽;生活如书,书中的字要我们用( )认真去写。

  6.( )是什么?( )让鸟儿在乌云蔽日时能直上云霄;( )让小舟在大浪迭起的海面上勇往直前。回顾往事,我无悔无憾;展望未来,我信心百倍。我勇敢地面对生活,因为生活教会了我依靠( )获得成功。

  7.( )是什么?种子以付出代价而破土成长作答,母蚌以忍受痛苦而孕育珍珠作答,蜜蜂以辛勤劳动而酿成花蜜作答。成功是不容易的,没有( ),便没有成功

  8.友人告诉我:生命是崎岖坎坷的,路上有着荆棘、沼泽,也有鲜艳的花果,但是我要用( )披荆斩棘;老师告诉我:生命是一场充满着遗憾,又满是拼搏的较量,但是我要用( )奋起拼搏;父母告诉我:生命是一盘漫长的棋局。但是我要用( )去博弈。

  9.如果说人生是一首优美的乐曲,那么我们用( )成就那不可缺少的音符。如果说人生是一望无际的大海,那么我们用( )塑造那翻起的浪花。如果说人生是湛蓝的天空,那么我们用( )雕琢一朵漂浮的白云

  10.风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;骆驼人沙漠上走过,留下深深的脚印;哨鸽从天空飞过,留下串串欢韵;岁月从树林穿过,留下圈圈年轮。朋友,让我们用( )写出了人生舞台上的精彩。


  1.离开了( ),我们的人生就变成一座坟墓。──(英国)白朗宁

  2.一个人若是没有( ),任何风向对他都不是顺风。──(法国)布埃斯特

  3.谁离开了( ),到头来他的人生除了梦想之外将一无所有。──(德国)歌德

  4.现实是此岸,中间有湍急的河流,( )则是架在河上的桥梁。──(俄国)克雷洛夫

  5.一粒种子,可以无声无息地在泥土里腐烂掉,也可以凭借( )长成参天的大树。一个人,可以碌碌无为地在世上厮混日子,也可以凭借( )让生命发出耀眼的光芒。 —— (编一个)

  6.有的人生活得富有充实,是因为他用( )驾驭生活;有的人生活得平庸无奇,是因为他缺乏( )战胜生活。——(同上)




  1.“挽狂澜于既倒,撑大厦于断梁”,潘刚在伊利面临重大危机之时,沉着应对,凭借( ),实现企业大增长。它使伊利搭载奥运快车,借助一个品牌带给一个民族丰厚的营养。他正是依靠( )成功重塑形象,个人也成为2005中国经济年度人物。

  2.当别人倒下时,他努力站着;当别人躺下时,他努力蹲着。马云依靠( ),不断创造电子商务新模式,阐释了他“( )就能胜利”最朴素的企业家哲理,从而使阿里巴巴成为全球最大的电子商务网站之一。

  3.斯坦福商学院教授柯林斯、波拉斯针对优秀企业的原因,潜心研究六年,写出了《基业长青》,其中有这样一段话:“纵观沃马特、惠普、宝洁、索尼这些高瞻远瞩的公司,他们把( )列为利润以上的追求,这是这些百年老店成功的共同宝贵财富”。

  4.斯卡泊莱和齐曼拉教授在《企业的有效管理》一书中通过对一些企业成功和失败的案例的深入研究,认为企业在面对经济舞台上的机遇时,往往扼腕而过,其根本原因就是( )。企业赢得竞争优势的前提,就是要( )。

  5.彼得·德鲁克认为:决定经济向前发展的并不是财富500强,他们只决定媒体、报纸、电视的头条,真正在GDP中占百分比最大的还是那些名不见经传的中小企业;真正推动社会进步的也不是少数几个明星式的CEO,而是更多默默工作着的人。这些企业家拥有一个共同的特点,就是( )。

  6.世界著名的咨询公司——美国兰德公司通过常年的跟踪调查发现:所有成功的企业必须有非常强烈的企业精神。百年的企业,不知道有多少东西都变化了,惟独它的企业精神百年不变。而这个精神的核心就是( ),这非常能够说明问题。所以企业精神就是企业灵魂,而( )这样的灵魂如果是永远不衰、永远常青的,企业就永远存在。

  7.企业在市场竞争中输赢的关键在于其核心竞争力的强弱,而实现核心竞争力有效途径就是( )。一项权威的调查显示:与缺乏( )的企业相比,( )的企业能获得20%甚至更高的成长率;如果企业坚持下去( ),五年內市 值就能增加一倍;全球83%的高级经理人深信,自己企业今后的发展( )。


  1.美国著名管理学家赫伯特·西蒙指出:“( )是管理的心脏,管理需要在( ) 坚持( ),管理的成功就是来自于( )的成功。”

  2.如果说利润是企业的血液,机制是企业的骨髓,品牌是企业的名望,那么( )则是企业的指导思想。

  3.世界著名的咨询公司——美国兰德公司经过长年的跟踪调查发现:世界上每100家破产倒闭的大企业中,85%是因为( )造成的

  4.美国注明企业家沃尔森说过:“一个成功的决策,等于90%的( )加上10%的( )

  5.联想集团总裁柳传志认为:“如果有一个项目,首先要考虑( )。如果无法办到,就要放弃,这是一个必要条件。”

  6.段永基认为“企业的情况很复杂,所以应该有( )的决心和智慧,因为只有这样,才可以化解企业更多的压力,使企业更有力量,寻找更好的机会来发展。

  7.在新经济时代,什么是克敌制胜的法宝?第一是( ),第二是( ),第三还是( )。

  8.斜坡球体理论:企业在市场所处位置,如同斜坡上的一个球体,需要( ),才能产生强有力的止动力。否则,球体肯定会向下滚动。

  9.《逆领导思考》一书的作者罗伯特·凯利说:“说到多数组织的成功,在顺境中成长的企业不超过一成,任何组织和企业的成功,都要经历坎坷,成功的关键是( )。”

  10.约翰·多伊尔认为:“在艰难时期,企业要想获得生存下去的机会,唯一的方法就是( )若想长期生存,仅有的途径就是( )”

  11.王永庆认为:“若不能从根本着手,奢谈企业管理是没有用的。管理没有秘诀,( )是关键,凡事求其合理化,企业经营管理的理念应是追根究底就是要( )。 ”














  1、每个企业都渴望成功,就像朝拜遥远的圣地,道路是曲折而漫长的。那么,对于企业而言,什么是成功的金钥匙呢?其中有一间熠熠发光的法宝,那就是( )。请相信( )能帮助你征服任何一座山峰。



  2.松下幸之助关于管理有句名言:“企业管理过去强调的是( ),现在是(未来依旧是( )。” 管理离不开( ),( )已渗透于管理的各个方面。正如人体内的血液循环一样,如果没有( )的话,企业就会趋于死亡。

  3.法国企业界有一句名言:“ ( ) ”这一管理学的新观念,已经越来越深入人心,而且被越来越多的企业管理者所接受。实践使他们懂得,( )企业的经营中起着重要的作用。

  4.企业家只有两只眼睛不行,必须要有笫三只眼睛。要用一只眼睛盯住内部管理,( );另一只眼睛盯住市场变化,( );第三只眼睛用来盯住国家宏观调控政策,( )。

  5.戴维·科曼斯基说过,我们希望自己的企业都走向我们已为未来定好的那个道路终点。我的确希望我们已走在路上,在这条路上,我们会遇见迷茫、痛苦、困境,无论如何,请相信,( )帮助我们探望最远处的美丽。


( 变革 ),企业成功的一把金钥匙



  变革要求企业改变旧的思维方式。(分论点2)在变化莫测的市场环境中,可口可乐要想赢得竞争优势,就必须学会随着环境的发展而迅速调整,固执地运行在过去“成功经验”的轨道上将会使原有的优势不存、辉煌不在。郭思达打破了组织原有的思维方式,拓展了下属的思维空间,同时也拓展了企业的市场和生存空间。同样,一个有着“扭亏为赢魔术师”美誉的企业家——郭士纳临危受命于 IBM,正是他执于变革的勇气,将原本死守PC业务的IBM公司变成了一个巨大的、在电子商务各方面处于优势并且提供计算机服务的公司。以上这些无疑告诉我们,思维的改变对企业的重要意义。




第二篇:20xx 20xx MBA MPA MPAcc管理类考试蒋军虎_英语大作文_模板

N d一),图表手机的用户的注册量

S1The chart above demonstrates cleanly that remarkable change have taken place with regard to the mobile-phone subscription in the world.S2Based upon the data provided, one can see that the subscription number in developing countries has been on a rapid rise all the time .S3In the year of 2000,the number was only about 0.5 billon, while within no more than several years ,it went sharply to 4 billon in 2008. S5Meanwhile,the subscriptions in developed countries have witnessed a slight increase ,reaching 1 billon in 2008 .

S1It’s not difficult job for me to put forward some factor responsible for those changes.//At top of the list, a growing number of people are rich enough to afford mobile-phone.//According to a recent internet survey ,approximately 78% oof the people think that mobile phone in life are necessary .//In addition ,we must admit that developing countries have a far greater population and therefore a larger demand for mobile service.//Last but not the list, the fact cannot be ignored that the mobile services in developing countries has been increasing cheaper.

Taking into account what has been argued so far, a conclusion can be drawn safely that the trend is normal and acceptable. S2 And I firmly believe that the situation will continue in the forthcoming year.


二)The chart above demonstrates cleanly that remarkable change have taken place with regard to the market share owned by different car brands.// Based upon the data provided, one can see that the market share enjoyed by domestic cars has increased a lot ,climbing nearly to 35% in 2009.//Meanwhile ,the market percentage of Japanese cars have witnessed a dramatic fall ,reaching 25% in 2009.// In comparison ,the share of American brands has remained almost constant all the time .

It’s not difficult job for me to put forward some factor responsible for those changes. //At top of the list, with the rapid development of Chinese economy and society, Chinese motor industry has rapid developement . //In addition ,we must admit that home-made cars enjoys an advantage in price so they can afforded by more consumers. //According to a recent internet survey ,approximately 54%of the consumers r would consider price factors//Last but not the list , the fact cannot be ignored that with the globalization of economy, Chinese consumers have exchanged their prejudiced outlook on domestic car brands.

Taking into account what has been argued so far, a conclusion can be drawn safely that the current trend is positive and beneficial . //And I firmly believe that the situation will continue in the forthcoming year.


三)The chat above demonstrates clearly that significant changes have taken place in recent years with regard to the cultural exchange between China and other countries .//based upon the data provided, one can see that the number of foreign students in china has been on a steady rise all the time.//in the year of 2006,the number was only about 15,000,but within more than several years ,it went to 25000.//meanwhile ,it can be noticed that the number of Chinese students studying abroad has been climbing as well ,reaching 280000 in 2010.

Its no difficult job for me to put forward some factors responsible for these changes. ///At top of the list, with the rapid development of Chinese economy and society, more and more families can afford the children ,s high education in advanced countries . //According to a recent internet survey ,approximately 54%of the families in big cities have such financial resources.//In addition ,we must admit that china as one of the oldest civilized countries ,enjoys a splendid traditional culture ,which never fail to fascinate foreigners. /Last but not the list , the fact cannot be ignored that with the globalization of economy, cultural exchange has turned out to be a trend that anyone cannot evade.

………………...the current trend is positive and beneficial . //And I firmly believe that the situation will continue in the forthcoming year.


P1 S1 有话题(现象)+具体话题(现象) S2 有对立观点S3 具体对立观点S4 自己的观点

P2 S1 有论据S2 论据1 S3 例子1 S4 据2 S5 据3(或者换句话说,to put it in another way)

P3 S1 评论(可分两方面评论,视讨论话题而定,话题积极则积极,若论证问题,则消极) 正常的/积极的 normal/positive/acceptable 不正常的/消极的 abnormal/negative/unacceptable S2 建议 人们不应该焦虑/应该制止/中止这种行为S3预测→持续

Passage 1成人的再学习

四)S1 These days, it has become an increasingly hot topic among the public that {a growing number of adults choose to study further.} S2 Whenever it comes to this issue , there will always spring up a opposite voices. S3 Some tend to view the event as a blessing, while the others claim that it’s a hell.S4 For my part, I’m inclined to support the former opinion.

S1 It’s of no difficultly to put forward some arguments to illustrate my standpoint. S2 At the top of list, with the rapid development of economy and society, {those with high degrees are in greater demand, especially in hi-tech industries}. S In addition, we must admit that {acquiring another degree can enable people to find well-paid positions with great ease.} S4 Based upon a recent Internet survey, {approximately 78% of the job hunters with diverse educational backgrounds have found their desirable jobs.} S Last but not the list ,the fact cannot be ignored that {lifelong education has become a must in the current era of knowledge explosion .to put another way ,one has to recharge himself with updated information so as to keep up with the time .}.

S1 ……………this phenomenon is normal and positive. S2 (Accordingly, it’s of no necessity for the public to regard it with too much anxiety.) S3 And I firmly believe that this phenomenon is bound to continue in forthcoming year..

现象内Passage 2手机短信

五)S1 These days, {text massage} has become an increasingly hot issue among the public. S2 Whenever it comes to this topic, there will always spring up a opposite voices. S3 Some tend to view it as a blessing, while the others claim that it’s a hell.S4For my part, I’m inclined to support the former view.

S1 It’s of no difficultly to put forward several arguments to illustrate my standpoint. S2 At the top of list, with the rapid development of economy and our society, {text massaging has become more and more increasing indispensable in our daily life}. S3 , According to a recent internet survey, {approximately 78% of the youngsters in the big city might send and receive hundreds of massages a day.} S4In addition, we must admit that {text messaging, as a high efficient means of communications, shorten the distance between people.}S5Last but not the list, the fact cannot be ignored that {text message will help us to keep up with the latest information wherever we are}.

S1 …….the text messaging is normal and beneficial. S2 And I firmly believe that with the innovation of technology, it will produce more convenience and comfort to the world.

P1 S1 有变化 P2 S1 有因 P3 S1 评论

S2 具体变化 S2 因1 S2建议 不焦虑/扭转情形

S3 引用数据 S3 例子1 预期 持续

S4 因2

S5 因3(或者换句话说,强调因


Passage 3图表工程再读

六)S1 The diagram above demonstrates clearly that remarkable changes have taken place with regard to {the recruitment of Master of Engineering.} S2 Based upon the data provided, one can see that {the recruitment number of ME has been in steady rise all the time,} S3 {In the years of 1998, the number was merely about 2500, while within no more than several years, it went sharply up to more than 35,000 in 2004.}

S1 It’s not difficult job for me to put forward some factor responsible for those changes.S2At the top of the list, with the rapid development of our economy and society, {those with high degree are in high demand, especially in high-tech industries.} S3 In addition, we must admit that {ME can enable people to find well-paid positions with great ease.}S4 According to a recent Internet survey, {approximately 78% of the job hunters with ME have found their desirable jobs.}S5Finally, the fact cannot be ignored that {lifelong study has become a must in the current era of knowledge explosion.} S6To put it in another way, one has to recharging himself with updated information so as to keep up with the time.

S1 … normal and positive. S2 (Accordingly, it’s of no necessity for the public to regard it with too much anxiety.) S3 And I firmly believe that this phenomenon is bound to continue in forthcoming year..

Passage 5交通事故发生表

七)S1 The table above demonstrates clearly that some changes have taken place with regard to {traffic accidents in a Chinese city.} S2 Based upon the data provided, one can see that {a few factors have contributed to the rise of accident number.} S3 {In 2005, the number of accidents resulting from divers turning life without due care rose by 10%, reaching 60%.Meanwhile, the accidents related to drivers driving under the influence of alcohol witnessed the greatest rise——a 15% increase. In comparison, pedestrians crossing roads carelessly led to 401 accidents.}

S1 It’s not difficult job for me to put forward some factor responsible for those changes.S2At the top of the list, with the rapid development of our economy and society, {a growing number of people are rich enough to afford private cars.} S3 According to a recent Internet survey, { approximately 48% of the families in big cities have owned their motor vehicles.}S4Besides, we must admit that {a great many new drivers are short of proper training both in theory and practice.}S5Finally, the fact cannot be ignored that {pedestrians as well as drivers have little respect for traffic rules.}

S1………. is abnormal and therefore intolerable. S2 Accordingly, it is imperative that immediate should be taken to reverse the grim situation.

Passage 6


S1 Looking at the cartoon, I believe, every reader will sink into meditation opon its implications.

S2 As it depicted in the picture{具体描述}

S3 Needless to say, this drawing is intend to convey{解读出的主题}


S1Looking at the cartoon, I believe, every reader will sink into meditation u upon its implications. S2As is showed /depicted in the picture ,a rude and arrogant man is smoking at ease in a restaurant ,totally disregarding the ban on smoking . S3 Needless to say, this cartoon is intend /meant to convey{解读出的主题the phenomenon of the severity of smoking in the public places,

It must be pointed out that the current situation is going form bad to worse immediate measures must be taken to reverse the increasing grim trend . The top of the list, we should enhance the publics awareness of the gravity of it , which is of vital importance to the solution of the problem. Moreover ,we need to appeal to the authorities concerned to lay down some regulations or even laws., and put them into effective practice. Last but not the least, mass media had better help devise ways of alleviating the worsening situation. To conclude , I am certain that we can cope with the thorny problem in the ways mentioned above. And I genuinely hope to see some new changes in our society as soon as possible.

………negative and harmful . accordingly immediate measures should be taken to eliminate or at least ease it


S1 Looking at the cartoon, I believe, every reader will sink into meditation opon its implications.

S2 As it depicted in the picture{具体描述various culture ingredients /elements/products such as Buddhism .kungfu ,beijing opera and postmodernism ,as being boiled together in a hotpot }

S3 Needless to say, this drawing is intend to convey{解读出的主题}call attention to /emphasize/convey the significance of cultural exchange.



S1 Looking at the cartoon, I believe, every reader will sink into meditation opon its implications.

S2 As it depicted in the picture{具体描述}two disable younger are sticking/running forward ,supporting each other all the way.

S3 Needless to say, this drawing is intend to convey{解读出的主题}the importance of mutual aid/support



S1Taking into account what has been argued so far , its sensible that we should highly value the spirit of play a high valuation upon the spirit of mutual support .

S2Let ,s never forget the famous say : united we stand , divided we fall .

A dink family of people thought that no child their life will still have very good,

30% of that children will lower their quality of life.

At present people work pressure was simply too great, and there is no time to take good care of their children.

Their income is just enough with their own, can not afford the burden of raising children
