



new science of biology, is fully aware of Darwin's "survival of the fittest" is a great quote! Biology of a wide range of applications. Genetics, genetics, ecology, such as an extension of study of human development played a significant role in promoting, genetics to solve problems so that several thousand years of human genetic secrets of

human genetics to become a powerful, ecology is in the universe The second essential prerequisite for the creation of the earth! the

development of biology is changing our world 21世纪的新生科学生物学,使人充分了解达尔文的“适者生存”的伟大名言! 生物学的应用前景很广泛。遗传学,基因学,生态学等延伸学对人类的发展起了巨大的推动作用, 遗传学能破解让人类困扰几千年的遗传秘密,基因学使人类变得跟强大,生态学是在宇宙中创造第二地球必不可少前提!生物学的发展正在改变我们的世界。并且专业词汇对专业翻译有作用,甚至对公共卫生和管理方面的翻译编稿也有帮助,特别是从政后作论文有很大帮助。




Feelings and Experiences of Learning Professional English In this term of juniior,we learned a course named Professional English,and we are teached by a teacher who had taught us,so we learned this cource in a good classroom atmosphere. The book Professional English tells Computer professional

knowledge,which Covers computer hardware, software, network and application and so on various aspects of knowledge. Computer

technology development changes with each passing day, which requires us must quickly master the latest technology, as a result, higher English proficiency requirements for computer professionals. Computer

professional English is an important course for us majoring in computer science and its related. Through learning this course, make us know many computer professional vocabulary, terminology and basic concepts of computer for reading professional literature and books lay a good foundation, at the same time in the later work to solve problems

associated with the computer professional English knowledge provide guarantee. The application of English and computers is everywhere, we have been in in an age, it is in English and computers.English for us, just like three meals a day is essential for human beings, and as long as the earth, English will be alive forever. English learning is a long-term adherence to the process,Accumulate over a long period we will be able to obtain good


To your university English learning to formulate a long-term plan, one step at a time re-doing coming, will be able to experience the charm of the English language.
