读后感 《罗生门》


芥川龙之介——这个名字早已在我脑海中存在许久,对于《罗生门》在看之前就做好惊叹的准备了。但当我真正看完时,留下的是惊骇,内心暗暗发颤。 日本的小说总包含较多人性的阴暗面,确实世界上没有完美的人,即不存在绝对的完美也不存在绝对的丑陋。一直很崇拜芥川龙之介的太宰治在《人间失格》中这样说:“世间”就是人与人的集合体。热闹、布满言论压力的世间,我们就是其中的一体。而在芥川眼中的世间又是怎样的呢?《罗生门》像是一本揭露凡人自私唯我在利益面前各种面貌的小说。不带夸张却透着神秘,平静的叙述中仿佛看见芥川龙之介那冷峻的面孔在字里行间中凝视着世人。他的世间真实而又冷漠。






第二篇:罗生门 观后感 The Review of the Rashomon

The Review of the Rashomon

The Rashomon is a famous Japanese movie directed by the Akira Kurosawa. It is a symbol that the Japanese movies have gone global. And it is also told a story about the humanity.

The story looks like a inferential movie at the first sight. It is beginning at a raining day and three people—a monk, a famer and a woodcutter—was taking shelter from rain in the rashomon. The monk and the woodcutter told a strange murder case to the farmer. Why the murder was strange? Because what the witnesses said are absolutely not the same at all!

In this murder case, the people who was murdered is a warrior. The monk had saw him and his wife before. And the murderer was a robber. But what the robber, the warrior’s wife and the warrior himself (through a witch we can know what the warrior said) have a lot argument.

What the robber said are as followed. When the warrior took his wife across the woods, the robber was sleeping under a tree. A gust of wind flowing and the robber saw the beautiful wife’s face. He fell in love with the warrior’s wife and made a decision to rob her. So, he cheated the warrior and bind him in a tree. Then, he took the warrior’s wife there and raped her. Then, the wife required the two

men duel and she would follow the winner. Finally, the robber killed the warrior and won on, but the wife had run away when they duel.

But the wife said, the robber run away after raped her. Her husband looked her as a avoid sight, she was so sad and begged her husband to kill her. But it was not work. Finally, she was too sad to keep mind. When she recovered the conscious, his husband has already dead, with her dagger stick in his chest.

And what the warrior said is another version. After the robber raped his wife, he began persuade her to marry him. And his wife agreed. His wife was so vicious that she let the robber to kill her husband. The robber was also shocked by this woman and felt very angry. So the robber decided helped the warrior to punish the woman. Finally, the robber gone and the woman run away. The warrior felt downhearted and killed himself.

The murder seems muzzy now, but in fact, the woodcutter had see all the things. He said the truth finally.

In fact, the robber raped the wife and bagged her to marry him. The woman said nothing but crying, and unfasten her husband. And everyone knows the means: she wanted the two men to duel, and give her husband a chance to revenge. But the warrior is a timid person and express it is not worth to dual for the woman. The robber thought so. We can know how anger and sad the woman

was. And she instigated two men to duel. Finally, the two men, timid as the rabbits, had a dual, and the robber killed the warrior lucky. We can see everyone told the lie and they all made the advantage to themselves. No matter what the truth on earth it is. In fact, the woman’s dagger was occupied by the farmer. And it is also the reason why he not told the truth to the policemen. The evil is the people’s nature or not, it is a question.

At the last of the movie, the three people found a baby was abandoned in the rashomon. The farmer robed the baby’s clothes without the shame, and he thought the people are all evils, and it is the baby’s parents should in charge of the baby’s unlucky. Finally, the woodcutter adopted the baby, and gave the audience a little hope to the humanity.
