

张荫麟先生,笔名素痴,他的《中国史纲》旁征博引,纵横捭阖,以丰富的文史资料和自由的行文风格阐释主题。正如许多人评价的,这是一部别具一格的通史。因其一直不满当时的历史教育,说教材无穷无尽地排列着名字和史料,让青年人“被迫重温再温可厌倦的一套杂凑的机械的史实”。因此这本名为《中国史纲》的课本既不重考证,也不引原文,而是用“讲故事”的笔法来“画”历史。本书在形式上较为生动,易读易解,无半点枯涩呆板,但同时又富思想内涵和理论深度。且作者对中华民族的历史含情感与敬意,故全书无任何浅薄、空疏、浮夸。 本书文笔流畅优美,如“春秋时代的历史大体上好比安流的平川,上面的舟楫默然潜移,远看仿佛静止;战国时代的历史却好比奔流的湍濑,顺流的舟楫,扬帆飞驶,顷刻之间,已过了峰岭千重。” 且语言平实,虽其学识渊博但并不炫耀摆弄以致文章晦涩难懂。时而引入史据而证其实,而非莫名叙出结论。通俗之处夹杂古言,二者相互映衬,慢慢引导读者进入历史的气氛。正如,“授人鱼不如授人以渔。”张荫麟先生为编纂书籍而所做的准备,真是难以小量,值得我们敬佩。并且,作者总会在事件的尾处添一句自己的精到总结。本书的着眼点在于社会组织的变迁,思想和文物的创辟,以及伟大人物的性格和活动,多以笔墨述写重大事件,虽少于细节,但作为一本教材却是恰到好处地增长了学生的知识见闻。有人形容这部历史课本是“好莱坞大片”,“看起来一点也不费脑子”。他甚至开始后悔,如果他的高中教材就是这本书的话,他也许就选择读文科了。

我对于东汉之初比较有兴趣,所以仔细地阅读了王莽之“新朝的覆灭”。据我个人所知,王莽所行之事乃属外戚干政,一直认为他是一个篡位奸臣。书中,“王莽之过绝世人有三焉:其智足以饰非夺是,辨能穷诘说士,威则震惧群下,又数阴中不快己者。”然,治国非答辩,狡于口舌强于词理者,莫能胜任也。且非一人可导全国,王莽的破亡,在于其不知大体。其“自以通明贤呈,而谓群下才智莫能出其上,是故举措兴事,辄欲自信任,不肯与明习者通……稀获其功效焉。”虽“嘉慕前圣诏”却“欲事事效而不知”,王莽只知道生搬硬套,不注重方法与时代环境的相适宜性,致使他的新朝覆灭。 没有什么方法是普适性的,正如书中王朝的更迭预示着一种思想于时代的不适宜性。王朝的背后总有一种强有力的思想流派在支撑着,二者正如相互支持的铁轨两边,有交连却一直往前延伸,直至一同断开。像王莽一般只知效仿前圣,而不考虑实际情况,不知变通适宜,最终只会毁灭了自己之前辛苦而得的成果。



Great Expectation

“Great expectations” is one of Dickens’s most maturest works. After Dicken had experienced large part of meaningful life, he had a deeper cognition for people, environment, as well as the life which he had gone through. And all the mature cognitions are included in this writing---Great expectations.

Pip was brought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband—Joe. Joe himself had arranged a common hard but satisfied path for pip to go through, and on the other hand, pip beheld this as his highest goal to achieve.

But the two things which he had experienced later had changed his pursue and his fate as well. If say that had changed his attitude for material life, then, his introduction to Miss Havisham, an aging woman who had been jilted at the alter and Estella who had been brought up by Havisham only to revenge for her own pain had brought vast shock for his world of spirit.

Aspiring to be a gentleman despite his humble born, Pip fortunately or unfortunately received a fund of wealth from an unknown source and being sent to London with a lawyer. From then on, he became a gentleman without question at the price of losing everything.

The title of this book is ‘Great expectation” which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectations just as the title goes. But in fact this title has a tone of sarcastic on the other way around.

This story full of quirkiness from the very beginning to the end, the relations among characters are anfractuous as well which actually attracted me a lot.

One of the paragraphs, which I appreciate most implicatively as well as beautifully expresses the feeling between pip and Estella.

“We are friends,” said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench. ‘And will continue friends apart.” Said Estella.

I took his hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first let the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.

The main characters in this novel were Pip and Estella, for Pip, we could say he is at first pure, kind, lonely, curious about everything, vanity, not want to live a normal life as his brother in-law and Biddly. Some people say he was a bad guy. He abandoned the people and memory while he was in London. Yes, it was true. But please take his experience into consideration, he hardly received education, which could make him sensible and mattered much.

Let us think about the novel. I am wondering whether you notice this, wherever Pip appears, the environment was bad. For example, colors that used in this novel was: grey, dark, yellow-white. All was old, untidy, ancient and dying, and dusty. Obviously, it was a tragedy. Pip and Estella were both sacrifices to that society. They were immature to fight against that society.

When Pip grew up, he decided to change. He asked Miss Havisham to help his friend Herbert, even didn’t want him to know his behavior, isn’t he kind?

There were some useful words and expressions I learn from the works, which can, at the same time reflects the characters in a way. They were as follows:

1) My sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, was very proud of the fact that she had brought

me up “by hand”. Nobody explained to me what this meant, and because she had a hard and heavy hand, which she used freely on her husband as well as me, I supposed that Joe and I were both brought up by hand.

2) It is no more than you deserve.

3) ‘I am glad you did’ replied Joe kindly, ‘we do not know why you are a convict,

but we wouldn’t want you to die of hunger.’

4) But my father had such a good heart that he didn’t want to be without us. So

he always came to find us, and took us home, and hit us.

5) Then I realized that over the years the white wedding dress had become yellow,

and the flowers in her hair had died, and the bride inside the dress had grown old. Everything in the room was ancient and dying.

6) ‘Never, Estella! You are part of myself. You are in every line I have read,

in every view I have seen, in every dream I have dreamt. To the last hour of my life, you will remain part of me.

7) I couldn’t love him more than I do.

8) You have always held your place in my heart.

On reading this, I thought of Dorian Gray, they have some similarities; however, Pip was a little more mature than him.

Therefore, I do not think Pip a bad guy. In nature, he and Estella were both kind and good. They finally grew up, though the cost was so great.

At the view of language, this works had achieved a step o f highest, Dicken had made this writing plain and fluent as well, which surely can attract lots of readers and high comments.

To be frank, I really impressed by this art of beauty. So I like Dickens’s works very much.
