



周菲 弋阳教育













第三个让我钦佩的算不上政治人物,却生活在政治中。她是罗斯福的妻子:埃莉诺。 埃莉诺从小长得丑,一直也被妈妈歧视着。长大后声音又亮又尖,门牙突出,素面朝天让人远离。而罗斯福向她求婚,三年后罗斯福的母亲才同意,两人结合。本以为幸福终于来临了,而婚后的罗斯福却爱上了社交秘书露西,两者暧昧不已。




我所敬佩的这三个人都有两个特点:一是对梦想的坚持,二是对人类的大爱。 '当你有梦想时,世界都会为你开路。'有人把这句话当真理,有人半信半疑,有人把它当笑话,所以世间中就会有成功者,平庸者与失败者。坚定自己的信念,坚持自己的行动,梦想之花终会绽放!这个世界一开始就没有注定谁平庸,谁贫谁富?谁后台硬谁无后台?一系列的客观条件对于意志坚定的人来说只会是影响因素,不会是决定因素。

智者乐,仁者寿。有大爱的人生活才充满温暖,不纠结于小打小闹,明白世间有很多我们需要去做的事情,而不是去计较陈芝麻烂谷子。天地自有大手笔,一撇一捺让我们为之震撼。在没有天灾的时候,我们应当减少人祸的存在,减轻人们所受的伤害……没有人要求得了我们对他人好,但奉献一份微薄之力会让自己的生活更幸福! (中畈培英小学 周菲供稿)



Review of “The glory and the dream”

It was not until I came to university that I stumbled upon William Manchester’sThe Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America 1932-1972. I devoured that huge work, with an incredible joy. This was

history, not in black and white as so many histories are, concerned mostly with names, dates, and battles, but in full living Technicolor. A rainbow of information of what life was like.

It was from Manchester that I learned of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, and the response of General

MacArthur, and the future President Eisenhower, who was his aide. As his only aide, Eisenhower's desk was separated from the Army’s Chief of Staff by a single slatted door. Did you know that Eisenhower would draw trolley tokens down the hall of the Executive Office Building, to travel up Pennsylvania Ave to the Hill? I didn’t, and found the image fascinating.

This was history the way I only dreamt it could be: interesting and alive.

Throughout this wonderful volume are insights into what people were doing, how they were living during the 40 years between 1932 and 1972. It is by no means a true comprehensive history of this period, because even at 1300 pages, it is not long enough. But he does a masterful job of fleshing out these years, and peopling them with names that my generation will find familiar.

Walter Reuther, head of the UAW, who demanded that the big three auto makers increase wages while not increasing prices. “He didn’t get it, but he altered the concept of labor-management relations all the

same.” Edward R Murrow gets an American Portrait as well, as does Norman Thomas, Benjamin Spock and a young Ralph Nader.

And each era gets a montage of pop culture that

includes phrases from songs being sung, slogans and headlines of the age that help make it more

immediate. And more like today.

I want history to tell me more than what happened at any given time: I want it to tell me what life was like.

William Manchester filled this gap for a brief forty year segment. The main outlines, dates, names and battles I had studied or learned about elsewhere, but he made them all come alive for me and showed me how they led inexorably, from one to the other

More than all of this however, The Glory and the Dream taught me a fundamental truth about

history. That it is now.

It is what we do with our lives today that will determine the history that our children and our grandchildren

learn. Which is a cliché only because it is true as is the fact that it is going to happen whether or not you are there to participate.

But history happens on multiple levels. Yes, the OWS movement is historic, but so is the latest Lady Gaga song. And the road your brother-in-law is working on. Or the vote you cast next year. Or don't cast next year.

William Manchester changed the way I see history. No longer was it the story of famous people doing

important things, it was instead a rich tapestry of many colored silks, which is still being woven today.
