


2012-06-04 13:12:28

作者:jetcha 来源:【亚得里亚海的红猪】





这是一部有计划、有组织的圈钱电影。[复仇者联盟](The Avengers,简称"妇联")里涉及的超级英雄,大部分在以前有过单独的出场。所以这场超级英雄大乱斗,彻底让



看编剧和导演的娱乐功力了。好在编导成功了,对于无论是否美漫迷的观众而言,其娱乐效果都算十足,不仅在情节和细节上认真地因循了原作,还让每位主角在平均的戏份内充分展现了性格和战斗力。我们看到在外星威胁来临时,英雄们背靠背站成一圈, 45°仰拍之下光晕十足,在刺激的音乐声中以每秒12帧慢放,镜头旋转出多么壮怀激烈的景象! 全片卡司也都没能辜负了观众的期望。女屌丝们看着美国队长和雷神流口水,男屌丝看见凹凸有致的黑寡妇就两眼放光,有谁会不爱女神呢。相比[钢铁侠]系列,小萝卜头好似淹没在群侠中显得不那么出挑,但他的碎嘴子承担了很大一部分搞笑的戏份。新版绿巨人的演出几乎让人忘记了前两任,现在连漫威都属意马克?鲁法洛出演下一部[绿巨人]。这一出超级英雄大联欢,逼得DC那边厢的超人和蝙蝠侠都快坐不住,说不定20xx年"正义联盟"就真的组团来抢票房了。






一股突如其来的强大邪恶势力对地球造成致命威胁,没有任何一个超级英雄能够单独抵挡。长期致力于保护全球安危的神盾局(SHIELD)感到措手不及,其指挥官“独眼侠”尼克-法瑞(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)意识到他必须创建一个“史上最强”的联盟组织,云集各方超级英雄一起发威,才能拯救世界于水深火热,抵御黑暗势力的侵袭。于是由六大超级英雄——“钢铁侠”(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)、“雷神” (克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)、“美国队长”(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)、“绿巨人” (马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)、“黑寡妇”(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)和“鹰眼”(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)组成的 “复仇者联盟”应运而生。他们各显神通,团结一心,终于战胜了邪恶势力,保证了地球的安全。

二、 人物介绍

角色:史蒂芬·罗杰斯/美国队长(Steve Rogers/Captain America )



角色:托尼·史塔克/钢铁侠(Tony Stark/Iron Man)

简介:狂妄自大的天才发明家兼亿万富豪,因一次到阿富汗时遭暴徒掳走,托尼的心脏受重创,仅靠特殊装置活命。 在被绑架其间暴徒逼迫托尼制造其公司生产的“杰里科导弹”,其中还认识了另一位被绑的科学家:银森。托尼为了脱身竟利用简陋的材料作出了一件战斗盔甲,在造好盔甲后银森为了给托尼争取时间而不幸牺牲,这也改变了托尼,他靠着盔甲的强悍战力杀死恐怖分子逃了出来,而后托尼通过多次试验改进了盔甲,并成为超级英雄钢铁侠,其后他加入复仇者并成为队长。与雷神不和。本片的第二男主角。


角色:托尔 / 雷神(Thor)

简介:北欧神话中奥丁的长子,因自负而被奥丁贬下凡间学习慈悲,其后发现弟弟洛基的阴谋后回到神域阻止他,事成后加入复仇者。因不想和组员伤害弟弟洛基,所以常常与组员有意见分歧的事发生,而最多的是钢铁侠。本片的第三男主角。 马克·鲁弗洛

角色:布鲁斯·班纳/绿巨人(Bruce Banner/Hulk)



角色:娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫/黑寡妇(Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow )

简介:秘密组织“S.H.I.E.L.D.”先前安排在史塔克工业作卧底的秘密探员,来监察史塔克的一举一动。身手矫捷,复仇者一员。曾与鹰眼是恋人的关系。本片的女主角。 杰瑞米·雷纳

角色:克林顿巴顿/鹰眼(Clint Barton/Hawkeye)






角色:尼克·福瑞(Nick Fury)


An unexpected powerful forces of evil a deadly threat to the Earth, not a super hero can resist alone.Long-term commitment to the protection of the global safety of the Aegis Board (the SHIELD) by surprise, its commander Nick Fury Nick - the Franco-Swiss (Samuel Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson, ornaments), realized that he must create a "history of the strongest"alliance of

organizations, gathered in parties superhero gotta play together, in order to save the world is in dire straits, to resist the invasion of dark forces. So by six superheroes - "Iron Man" (a small Robert Downey Robert Downey Jr. ornaments), "Thor" (Chris Heim Cosworth Chris Hemsworth

ornaments), "Captain America" (Chris Evans, Chris Evans, ornaments), "Hulk" (mark Lu Fuluo ornaments, Mark Ruffalo), "Black widow" (Scarlett Johnson Scarlett Johansson ornaments) and "Eagle Eye" (Jeremy Reyna, Jeremy the Renner ornaments) Avenger Union came into being.They have done their best to unite as one, and finally defeated the forces of evil, to ensure the safety of the Earth.

Role: Steve Rogers / Captain America (Steve Rogers, / Captain America)

Description: thin during World War II, he participated in the "super-soldier program," he became the first, and only after a winner has become the "Captain America" to participate in World War II. However, an accident was ice, about seventy years after the re-opened. He later joined the Avengers. Not immediate facts, it becomes very lonely. The first actor of the film.

Little Robert Downey Jr.

Role: Tony Stark / Iron Man (Tony Stark, / Iron Man)

Description: arrogant genius inventor and billionaire, because the trip to Afghanistan, kidnapped by thugs, Tony's heart sustained serious injuries and a special device alone survive. Was kidnapped during which the mob forced Tony to make his company production of "Jericho missile, which also met another one tied to the scientists: Bank of Tucson. Tony actually use in order to get out of

humble materials to make a battle armor made good armor silver Sen in order to gain time for Tony

and unfortunate death, it also changed the Tony, he is relying on powerful armor combat power to kill terrorists escape out, while Hou Tuoni through several experiments to improve the armor and become the superhero Iron Man, and subsequently he joined the Avengers and become a captain. And Raytheon. The second male lead of the film.

Chris Heim Cosworth

Role: Thor / Thor (Thor)

Description: Nordic mythology, Odin's eldest son, because of the ego to be Odin banished under the mortal world to learn compassion, was later found after the conspiracy of his brother Loki back to the domain of God to join the Avengers to stop him, things are. Due to not want to and his team hurt his brother Rocky, so I often do have differences of opinion and crew, is Iron Man. The third actor of the film.

Mark ? Lufu Luo,

Role: Bruce Banner / Hulk (Bruce of Banner / the Hulk)

Description: Scientist and gamma-ray researcher, an experiment radiation (gamma rays) injury, then their anger or fear will become tall and mighty Hulk (Hulk). After have been living under the clouds to escape the government hunt I did not forget to find the antidote. Later, he joined the Avengers. The film actor.

Scarlett Johnson

Role: Natasha Romanov / Black Widow (Natasha the Romanoff / Black Widow)

Description: secret organization "SHIELD" previous arrangements in Stark Industrial's secret

undercover officers to monitor the movements of Stark. Agile skill, and an Avenger. With the Eagle Eye is the relationship between the lovers. The film's heroine.

Jeremy ? Reina

Role: Clinton Barton / Hawkeye (, Clint Barton, / Hawkeye,)

Description: He was an orphan who grew up in the circus, on television, be dressed as a superhero Iron Man inspired to join the Avengers. Good at to make bows and arrows, crack shot, and the black widow is the relationship between the lovers. (Though the black widow does not recognize) Tom ? 希德勒斯顿,

Role: Loki (Loki)

Description: adopted son of Odin Nordic God-king, the strength of powerful, not only hunger for power, the ambition to conquer is also quite strong. Raytheon credits hidden fragments, we can see that his control, Dr. Eric, cheated the universe cube. Universe cubic force after a comeback, the intent to enslave all of humanity.

Samuel Jackson

Role: Nick Ferrer, Nick Fury.

Description: secret organization the SHIELD "(Aegis Board) The Secretary, one-eyed. In private, the full support of Tony's "Avenger".

